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File: 38 KB, 560x251, i-am-linux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2004466 No.2004466 [Reply] [Original]

windows, mac or linux?

i think linux is best.

>> No.2004477

install gentoo

>> No.2004495

Let me know when MS Office has a Linux version. And no, OO.o is NOT a decent alternative.

Don't get me wrong, I've used Linux for over a dozen years now, 8 of those more or less exclusively during school, 6 on Gentoo. But now that I have a real job, my Linux use is limited to booting Slax for a couple of nifty utilities. It simply isn't worth the hassle anymore.

Linux just isn't really ready for the desktop yet. Sorry.

>> No.2004500

I use newbie linux (ubuntu)

>> No.2004502
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> Let me know when MS Office has a Linux version.
> MS Office has a Linux version
> MS Office
> Linux

>> No.2004505

why don't you like oo? i've never had problems with it.

>> No.2004519

so i hate windows but im a noob to linux.
what do?
im prepared to grab whatever you suggest by torrent and make it happen

>> No.2004521

I have windows 7 for games, Ubuntu 10.04 for research and media.

>> No.2004528

ubuntu is a nice, easy way to pop your cherry

>> No.2004534


I'm a gamer and CG artist, Linux doesn't make for a good desktop computer (mobile phones and servers on the other hand), and I hate Apple with a passion nor does has the Mac ever satisfied me enough.

>> No.2004536

Start off with something easy like Gentoo or LFS.

>> No.2004543

I use Linux for everything except games, in which case I use Windows.

>> No.2004565

Exactly. That reaction is the point. It ain't happening and thus Linux will never have a serious impact on business desktops.

Then you've clearly never had to do anything more complicated than simple text editing. There's more to MSO than the Word 97 feature set. Basic forms and spreadsheets *still* make it choke.

Probably the biggest hurdle, though, is that there is no free alternative to Outlook, which is more than just email.

>> No.2004566

1. Your opinion doesn't matter unless you're a computerfag.

2. If you're a computerfag then you know that different OS work better for different things. For example, running a webserver = linux

Whenever someone says "____ IS THE BEST" it's pretty obvious that their opinion is based on shit that doesn't matter "i liek the way the desktop looks while i browse the internet".

>> No.2004578

>there is no free alternative to Outlook, which is more than just email.
Uh. Ok. What's some of this functionality that isn't found in other clients? I've always thought Outlook was complete shit.

>> No.2004582


That's literally what someone said to me once. It saddens me, but hey, it makes money.

>> No.2004601

>Let me know when MS Office has a Linux version
I see that people still use native MS Office. Usually when doing doc, ppt, spreadsheet files, I use google docs. Saves me the diskspace and makes it available for me anywhere I go.

wow i sound like a fucking salesman right there

>> No.2004610

are you really butthurt over a OS comparison? you sound like you're trying to prove how computer awesome you are.

>> No.2004612

There's also Lotus Symphony. I've heard it's good, haven't tested it.

>> No.2004619

>Although often used mainly as an e-mail application, it also includes a calendar, task manager, contact manager, note taking, a journal and web browsing.

>It can be used as a stand-alone application, or can work with Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SharePoint Server for multiple users in an organization, such as shared mailboxes and calendars, Exchange public folders, SharePoint lists and meeting schedules.


>> No.2004627

>e-mail application
>task manager
>contact manager
>note taking
>web browsing
All available on Linux. No reason to use that bloated piece of shit unless you need the MS sharing features. I don't.

>> No.2004635
File: 50 KB, 334x500, hungover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw google does all those things better, for free.

>> No.2004655

Come back when you get real jobs, kids.

>> No.2004667

engineer? real scientists use linux.

>> No.2004671
File: 23 KB, 450x338, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2004688

Curiously, my Linux machine crashes way more often than either of my Windows machines, and it was a bitch to get the sound working. So I guess Windows, because the hardware support is better. Also, games. (Down side to Windows: no bash prompt. Solution: Cygwin.)

Also, I remember going through a Linux kernel about 10 years ago, and there was a section of code that went something like
#if condition_A
#if not condition_A
... do something
#end if
#end if
Basically, someone had written a section of code, then made sure that it would never be run. I have to assume that that particular issue has been fixed by now, but it was a lesson that open source does not imply that it's any good.

>> No.2004705

>it was a lesson that open source does not imply that it's any good.
Neither does closed source, however. You just usually don't see it.

>> No.2004719

> running a webserver = linux
Well, not necessarily. IIS is pretty sweet. Easy config, lots of support documentation, tons of great admin tools. Not saying you can't get those on Linux, but I've installed and administered both, and the Windows stuff was way easier. I was initially a little upset with how IIS 7 worked, but have decided that the changes from 6 are for the better. (No native smtp server, for instance... but it was a security hazard anyway, so good riddance. The solution I ended up with is better in the long run and was worth the extra effort.)

>> No.2004725

Well, I think most engineers are proficient with Linux due to wandering into it in this way: C-programming -> Unix -> Linux

The most stable large-scale Linux distro is RHEL.
I prefer Centos myself, which is just RHEL compiled independently from the company Redhat.

>> No.2004729

With Open Source you at least see and know there is a problem.

Had that piece of preprocessor dickery been in closed source software, you'd have no clue.

>> No.2004734

No, I realize that. It's just that open source is not something that should necessarily be bragged about in and of itself. All that matters is what the user can do with the OS, and how easily. (Note that that is distinct from "what the OS is capable of.")

>> No.2004743

For the most part I agree with you. Some users want to modify their own operating system, however. Easier to do when it's open source.

>> No.2004746

The only reason linux is popular for servers is because it's free and windows server os's are expensive. Either way, most people will end up running apache or tomcat for their web server, unless they're a pure microsoft shop (a big corp with the MS support contracts).

>> No.2004753

>The only reason linux is popular for servers is because it's free and windows server os's are expensive.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Servers are the kind of situation where OS cost is a very small part of the total budget. RHEL costs more than Windows Server, I think. Linux is more secure and stable than Windows. Being free isn't its only advantage.

>> No.2004774

Pinguy OS is a super newb's Linux. Its great. I run Ubuntu because I like to program, network, and watch porn.

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