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File: 92 KB, 815x1000, 0936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2004398 No.2004398 [Reply] [Original]

ask an experimental particle physicist working at the LHC anything

>> No.2004405

is it true that

if you punch someone hard enough

they are capable of becoming a door, and that the harder you punch them

the more sturdy/ornate/special door they become?

like if i super-punched someone, they'd turn into like

a venetian door?

>> No.2004415
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>> No.2004427
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fucking lol.

did you ever fear the bullshit about creating something that will swallow the solar system? Seen anything weird happen? Maybe something that could lead to unforeseen consequences?

>> No.2004478

what do you think about john titor?
did you ever bother to read all the way through his posts?
what about the posibility that he both is what he said he was and at the same time is a complete hoax in our timeline?

>> No.2004484
File: 218 KB, 466x462, LEGALIZE-EVERYTHING-FUCK-THE-WEAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fear you may not find the higgs boson?

>> No.2004490
File: 849 KB, 936x1318, 8936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you ever fear the bullshit about creating something that will swallow the solar system?

Nope, We usually just laugh about that shit

>Seen anything weird happen? Maybe something that could lead to unforeseen consequences?

Sadly, no.

>> No.2004493

Is it true that the LHC is actually Chuck Norris's first and the particles charging up are actually tiny little men that relax his the tendons, muscles in his hand so that he's ready to punch the universe again?

>> No.2004499
File: 85 KB, 545x750, b736b22624297f4e559fe7bdec20106d..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever fuck while the LHC is about to run a test?

>> No.2004501


>> No.2004503
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>unforeseen consequences

I see what you did there.

>> No.2004504

>experimental particle physicist
>works at LHC


>> No.2004507
File: 3 KB, 409x288, KT-0159B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some mighty fine mammery glands.
you got sorce?

>> No.2004515
File: 866 KB, 936x1492, 9936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had heard of him
Just looked him op
Its funny shit, of course its all bullshit though

>> No.2004518

Do you use Macs?

>> No.2004522

does a black hole have mass and does it travel? (eg I hear alot of conflicting information, one idea says black holes are like worm holes u can travel through, others say they are huge condensed suns the size of anything from peas to a few miles wide that just pull everything towards them due to their gravitational pull so tearing them to shreds)

any definitive thoughts?

derp... this shit consumes my mind, especially when hungover...

>> No.2004523

>does a black hole have mass

>> No.2004530
File: 76 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not Jordan, however I do no a guy named Jordan there....he is tall, kinda has alot of acne, is married, last name starts with T.

Sound like the guy you know?

>> No.2004551
File: 81 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We run scientfic Linux. https://www.scientificlinux.org/

It is pretty much built for Labs

>> No.2004556

Brb, telling /g/.

>> No.2004559

That's probably him if he went to Cornell.

>> No.2004568
File: 71 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seem some people with mac labtops, but not a whole lot. The computer in the control rooms and shit are PC's running scientifc linux connecte to mainframes..etc.

Jana Defi

>> No.2004569


think you find black holes are meant to be the densest things in the universe (how they are created... implies mass... derp

>> No.2004613

if I get scientific linux, can I do science like a scientist?

>> No.2004623

If you mention science in a sentence whilst having a hand on your chin with an inquisitive look on your face, then it automatically qualifies you as a scientist. Fact.

>> No.2004625

What percentage of people working at the LHC do not believe they will find the Higgs? Also if you say it's less than 10% you do not work at the LHC.

>> No.2004633
File: 795 KB, 936x1576, 936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>does a black hole have mass and does it travel?

Yes is has mass, Yes it can "travel"

A black hole and a worm hole are two seperate things. So far, we have evidence of black holes, not worm holes.

The idea is that a black hole could become a worm hole. There is tons of work has been done regarding the condItions needed to make a blackhole become a worm hole as well as just the conditions to deform space time into a wormhole.

>> No.2004642
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How can you believe that alpha particles bounce off gold foil if it's just a theory (a guesS)?

But more seriously, what if suddenly there is irrefutable evidence that there is no such thing as the atom? or something similar to that, that would require a complete overhaul of how we look at things. Would humanity embrace the change or destroy it?

>> No.2004654
File: 18 KB, 386x384, wat-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrefutable evidence that there is no such thing as the atom

>> No.2004657
File: 65 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol....Its not like we took a poll. Most of the people I know, think we wont find it. Most people hope we wont find it as well. The standard model is kinda shit!!

>> No.2004659

People didn't want to hear that there WAS an atom. Hence they would double-not want to hear that there actually wasn't one afterall.

>> No.2004662

What kind of evidence would disprove atoms, though?

>> No.2004674

Enh, if it's really the Jordan I'm thinking of then say "Gaziza" to him when you see him next and ask him about "toil".

>> No.2004681

Op with the money spent on that big merry go round you had better find it, as well as my car keys while you are at

>> No.2004694
File: 61 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We believe that alpha particles bounce off gold foil becuase it is a fucking fact! We can even actually "see" that shit with modern micorscopes. Wtf are you smoking?

>what if suddenly there is irrefutable evidence that there is no such thing as the atom?

But we can physically "see" that atom! It is fucking there, plain as day. You cant refute that shit! You cannot refute facts...LMAO

If any "change" in our understaing of the universe occurs it wil be in the standard model. And that has been changed alot already. Scientists do not fear change, we embrace it.

>> No.2005431
File: 243 KB, 1024x768, 1276116836068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of the Large Hadron Rap?


more importantly, who is Arctic Cat, and why does she think it's cold in switzerland? it's not like their's mountains...

>> No.2005494

What if your calculations and wrong and you can't create a Graviton or Higgs Boson within 1 TeV?

>> No.2005497

reported for NSFW

>> No.2006138
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non engineer detected

>> No.2006171
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Your point is valid, but I would like to point out that scientists fear change as much as anyone. After the nucleus was discovered, we spent decades trying to construct the nucleus out of protons and electrons without it flying apart, because nobody had the balls to invent a new particle. Even in the first paper talking about them, we were very careful to say "this is just a tool" and "nobody really thinks neutrons are in there".

Repeat ad nauseum for statistical quantum, de broglie wavelength, dirac sea, and almost any other revolutionary idea in physics. Change comes slowly, and we don't like being made fun of.

>> No.2007267

What kind of energy is the LHC running at these days? What experiment are you working at? CMS, ATLAS, or what? I know a decent amount about the silicon pixel detectors. What kind of energy range do you think the Higgs will be found at? How do I get the Monte Carlo simulation software?

>> No.2007322

Cool biscuits. So, how does Scientific linux compare with the other versions? I was thinking of trying Ubuntu or openSUSE....

>> No.2007421

Dammit, is OP gone?

>> No.2007444
File: 83 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im back....
I can only say I like it much better then Ubuntu or SUSE. I actually perfer windows, and run linux virtual machines off windows most of the time. I do all my coding from a terminal anyway.

>> No.2007457
File: 85 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I check it was around 7Tev (two beams of 3.5 Tev).

For the current status of the LHC check:


>> No.2007472

The Higgs Boson gets all the press, but what experiment has the most people working on it, and which experiments are considered the coolest by all the physicists working there?

>> No.2007483


>> No.2007486
File: 72 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What experiment are you working at? CMS, ATLAS, or what?


>What kind of energy range do you think the Higgs will be found at?

I dont think the Higgs will be found

>How do I get the Monte Carlo simulation software

Some of it is privaleged, some not. It depends on what kinda software you want. If you want to just model high enegy physics collsions procesees, you can alwayas use "Pythia", that is what I use. I think it is free.


>> No.2007492

Hey man, it's a SFW board. Leave the tits out.

>> No.2007495
File: 7 KB, 220x267, astonished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont think the Higgs will be found
What the flying fuck?!
Wasn't the whole purpose of the LHC to find it?!

>> No.2007498

One experiment of many. And a negative result is as interesting as a positive result.

>> No.2007504


Thank you someone that thinks that the Higgs boson won't be found, I'm even scottish and I think that the chance of us finding it is incredibly slim.

>> No.2007505

>Leave the tits out.

>> No.2007520
File: 46 KB, 374x479, 1269751552980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ATLAS has the most people working on it. Different physicist have differnt ideas of what is the coolest. I think in general the CMS and ATLAS are considered to be the most important becuase they are general purpose.

Only because you asked nicely

>> No.2007527
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>> No.2007528

If no Higgs boson, does this shit on String Theory as much as it does on the standard model?

>> No.2007531

Please keep posting tits?

>> No.2007535
File: 266 KB, 590x775, 1269751694145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wasn't the whole purpose of the LHC to find it?!

No, "a" purpose was to find it, or prove it doenst exist. That is not the sole purpose though.

Nicely put

>> No.2007540

Has anyone in your office heard of Twistor theory?

It's a 4 dimensional+complex that will probably replace M theory, as M theory is "too" theoretical, and still assumes shitloads of symmetry that's not observed.

>> No.2007544
File: 74 KB, 608x527, Manly_Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So string theory is bullshit...
No inter dimensional travel
no m theory
no multiple universes
no graviton propelled devices
no multiple dimensions
matter is not made of strings
no Unified field theory
back to the drawing board ;(

>> No.2007551
File: 123 KB, 650x971, JanaDefiNetPF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you someone that thinks that the Higgs boson won't be found

Alot of physicist think it wont be find.

>> No.2007565


>> No.2007560 [DELETED] 

Just to know... What's her name ? :)

>> No.2007569


Yeah I noticed but sadly in my circles of physicists they all loathe the idea that the boson may not exist. I feel like a revolutionary.

>> No.2007568 [DELETED] 


>> No.2007572
File: 719 KB, 936x1397, 7936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has anyone in your office heard of Twistor theory?

Actually, yeah I heard of it before. Dont know much about it, or M theory though. Generally speaking, that shit is not physics. It is not really part of any standard physics traning, even at the PHd level. Since it has no "tests" it is not science, it is just mathematics.

The only other person in my office is a large breasted blonde, I dont think she is too theroy inclinded, I doubt she has heard of it...lol.

>> No.2007573 [DELETED] 


That was stupid of me. Thanks anyway...

>> No.2007579

Does that mean that the exceptional theory of everything is wrong too?
Since it predicted the higgd boson

>> No.2007599
File: 72 KB, 894x700, 1270783434222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to set the record straight:

String theory as well as M thoery is not typically thought of as "physics". They are not part of the standard physics cirriculum, even at Phd level. Very few places even offer courses in that shit, and usually when they do, it is taught in the math department.

Since String/M theory has no way to verify itself (yet), it cannot be be considered science. It is just a nice philosophy or consistant set of mathematics, nothing more.

A scientifc theory needs to be testable, else it might as well be religion (I am right, becuase I say so, and you cant dispove it....lol) ..pic related

>> No.2007602


I think that there may be a problem with trying to find some sort of meta theory, personally I think that the degrees of complexity are too great for perception. Recent changes in the belief that the fine structure constant is not necessarily a constant may bring round some new thinkers, I personally think that our physics thought lines are becoming to stale and we need a little bit of outside view to bring some new, more applied theories into the mix. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.2007604

The LHC was supposed to test string theory though...

>> No.2007605

OP, if you are truly what you say you are then you must know to answer this:
What is the level of perpetual decoherence of simulated random boson equalizer in 4/tr?

>> No.2007607


>> No.2007608

I thought part of what you're doing was looking for extra dimensions. How is that not a test for M-theory?

>> No.2007610


>> No.2007617

PhysicsGuy, is it you?

If not, what is your research?

>> No.2007619

That's a meaningless statement. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2007622
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>> No.2007623

>string theory and M-theory taught in math departments and not physics departments. Not considered physics.
OP is full of shit.
You've all been trolled.
All universities with a decent physics program teach it in the physics department.

>> No.2007628

obviously it is to you.
Its extremely high level of applied particle physics.
Still in college?

>> No.2007631

Didn't go into physics, so I wouldn't know. I still think you just pulled that out of your ass though.

>> No.2007637

If you can't answer that you have no idea of what LHC is doing currently.

>> No.2007639

OP is my favorite poster on /sci/

>> No.2007641

OP here. No it actually makes sense.
Then answer to his questions is that we have a steady 3.5 in /t but never tried at that high energies he describes.

>> No.2007646

Oh i see.
Tbh its not my question but a question i heard in another physics forum so i knew its legit.

>> No.2007655
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It may be able to, that would cool, but it probably wont be. We are not in a high enough energy range.

In the correct sense of the term
"string theory" is not yet a "theory", as none of its tenents have been experimentally verified. "String theory" is really "string hyothesis"...lol. Another reason they dont teach it as "standard shit" .

FYI: The standard Grad physics Cirr is usually

Classical Mech
Quantum Mech
Stat Mech

(each of those with special relativity incorperated in) Those are pretty much the pillars of physics that every Physicst has to know (to be considered a physicsiT)

>> No.2007657

Yes, Josef, I am physics guy
Nice to see you again

>> No.2007666
File: 51 KB, 600x903, JanaDefiBlueNudes8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea wtf you are talking about.
That kinda sounds like you just threw random words togther. In anycase, I am not a theortist, I am an experimentalist....learn the difference dumb shit!

>> No.2007668

Read the thread after asking who you are, thought "naaah, he wasn't flaming others ever, that's not PhysicsGuy" haha, bad judgement ;)
So where have you been all the time? What has the LHC been up to? Last time I checked they were happy to have a beam up at all ;)

>> No.2007678


when you say Grad physics curriculum....

do you mean required graduate courses in your 1st and 2nd year?

because I KNOW for a fact that most graduate students also have to take advanced applied and computational mathematics courses...

particle and theoretical astrophysics type people have to take topology/differential analysis...

biophysics people take advanced statistical mechanics and probability...

materials/semiconductor/solid state physics people take advanced solid state and spectroscopy classes...
I only know this because

1) you dont learn that shit as an undergraduate

2) the classes exist in my course catalog and are full every quarter...

3) your PI doesnt have time to teach you that shit him/herself

4) the Post-docs and more senior grad students dont have time to teach it...
so where does someone in a condensed matter lab learn about modern computational agorithms and numerical approximation methods?

they learn it from an applied math class...

>> No.2007698

I'll never learn what americans want to say when they're talking about grad undergrad semihalf postdoc submarine students.
That terminology is like the imperial system: retarded.

>> No.2007704


Yeah but dude, I'm from the UK and we use those terms...

>> No.2007708

Na und? Ich komm aus Deutschland und tipp trotzdem in ner anderen Sprache hier, einfach weil's sonst keine Sau verstehen würde

>> No.2007709
File: 46 KB, 600x903, JanaDefiBlueNudes7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you mean required graduate courses in your 1st and 2nd year?

Yes, before specialization occurs.
I was talking about the "common" shit a physicst is expected to know, regardless of specialization.

Yeah, there is usually some sort of "math methods course" as well. Although, suprpsingly not all places list that as a core course.

>> No.2007711


Well if you dont understand them, tell me what the german equivelants are dude :D

>> No.2007715

We have our own un-understandable terminology. Counting semesters should work internationally.

>> No.2007724


Glad to hear it, for some reason universities wouldnt be the same if the course structures were clearly worded..

>> No.2007741
File: 114 KB, 650x1025, JanaDefiNetPF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So where have you been all the time?

Busy with work, doing alot of programming.

>What has the LHC been up to? Last time I checked they were happy to have a beam up at all ;)

Alwasy happy to have beem, its actually getting better. I imagine in a couple of years we will be running almost non-stop (on schedule). I hear fermilab had the same problems when they first opened. I guess it just takes a couple years (~5) to get all the kinks out of the system. I am pretty excited about the "ion collsions", I think they are supposed to start in a couple of days.
This should be very very intersting in terms of QCD.

Whats new with you?

>> No.2007770

Got a huge particle physics semester ahead of me, just finished my presentation about curvature in a few hours (had to pay out at some point that I was reading books about it for almost a year now haha).
I also got an average of 4.0 calculated from one 1.3. Now try telling those guys at the office that you would like that to change, because I really don't need a 4 on some ... well on nothing.
I sneaked my way into the physics 1 lesson, had to nostalgia a bit. Also felt bad for all the people that think physics is awesome before realizing physics sucks ass (before realizing that it doesn't).
Had 2 weeks of vacation. Since about february.
Got in touch with Oskar (ICQ).
Bought a new pen today. ;)

>> No.2007779

Oh, and missed the tour to CERN. :C
There will be another one next summer I guess, they're doing it on a yearly basis.

>> No.2007814
File: 715 KB, 936x1409, 4936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also felt bad for all the people that think physics is awesome before realizing physics sucks ass (before realizing that it doesn't).

Know exacly what you mean..

>Oh, and missed the tour to CERN

lol....well when you go, the most intersting thing is actually the street signs (All named after very importnat physicists). The rest of it is blah...lol

>> No.2007822

My lab became boring after a week as well, but the first time entering it was awesome. And the LHC is double awesome!

>> No.2008606
File: 2.64 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do you like the food at CERN? I was there over the summer and went to the cafeteria. I really liked their jelly doughnuts. Their pasta was quite nice too. I went to point 5 to visit CMS Do you work only at CERN, or do you work also, at say Paul Scherer Institut?