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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 400x398, Therizinosaurus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2004187 No.2004187 [Reply] [Original]

I am breaking the global silence that exists in the field of Paleontology concerning fossils and dinosaurs. I can no longer continue this heinous deception of the public nor allow the gross manipulation of scientific data for the better part of a century.

The truth is there is no science of Paleontology. All Paleontologists, across the world, are no more than professionally-trained sculptors paid by museums to carve "dinosaur bones" out of everyday rocks.

Dinosaurs were originally a marketing gimmick invented by PT Barnum in the mid 1800s to get people to visit museums, which up to that point had just housed old suits of armor, bugs in glass cases, tribal artifacts and semi-precious rocks - none of which anyone wanted to see, much less pay for. Because all museums were privately owned in the 1800s and there was no federal funding yet, the museums across the United States were at a financial breaking point. Something had to change or else they would go bankrupt, and would be forced to sell their collections off to the highest bidder.

So they hired the greatest showman on earth to create the biggest hoax the world had ever known. PT Barnum dreamed up "DINOSAURS!!!! " and then sold the public on the idea that long, long ago giant monsters ruled the earth and all that remains are their bones. Bones so very old, they've turned to rock with age. And the people bought it, they believe the lie and swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Suddenly everyone across the nation wanted to see the dinosaurs and practically overnight the museums were making money hand over fist. But not only through admission ticked, through merchandising as well. They sold books, mugs, paintings, sculptures and more to the enamored public who ate it up without question - because only the ignorant would doubt the scientists - right?

>> No.2004192

But to draw more crowds, they always needed newer and bigger dinosaurs - a ploy which continues even to this day. Ultrasaurus, Spinosaurus, ...Argentinosaurus anyone? Sometimes, just like any product, they rework the original design slightly to give the public something new. For instance, in the 80s the bronotsaurs was revamped into the Apatosaurus. Dinosaurs were no longer slow reptiles, but fast, intelligent, warm-blooded animals! ..and now.. they aren't covered in scales anymore, oh no, now they are covered in pretty feathers! I'm sure the girls will like that! A new demographic to market to overnight!

I've been torn for decades whether or not to break the worldwide silence. After all, the money from dinosaur merchandising goes towards all manner of legitimate scientific research. Every field of study from astronomy to the genome project has benefitted from our great deception. It's done so much good, and we've cured so many diseases. The fact that dinosaurs never existed doesn't really change anything scientifically. Evolution is indeed how all the life forms on earth developed, the world is still 4 billion years old, and during the last Ice Age, there were giant Mammoths that walked the earth. The only difference is that there never was an age of dinosaurs. They never existed.

But for good or ill, my conscience will no longer allow me to maintain this charade. So I say this to you now for my sake: I am deeply sorry that I have helped mislead the world for all these past decades. My greatest regret is I lack the courage to formally reveal this deception to the world, and instead post it here as a coward, anonymously. But I am unwilling to forever cast doubt upon field of science and to destroy the livelihoods of thousands of hard working, legitimate scientists. Beyond that, I suspect that if the world ever learned the truth, that such knowledge would throw our civilization back into another dark age of ignorance and superstition.

>> No.2004196

Atheists - 0
Christfags - 1

>> No.2004207

Yeah, like I'll believe a person posting as anonymous on 4chan.

>> No.2004205

I fucking knew it!!!!!

>> No.2004209

More cool fake dinosaurs please

>> No.2004216

Points for creativity.

>> No.2004219
File: 65 KB, 601x608, 1284872503035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knew it

>> No.2004220
File: 158 KB, 816x880, sharovipteryx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But to draw more crowds, they always needed newer and bigger dinosaurs - a ploy which continues even to this day. Ultrasaurus, Spinosaurus, ...Argentinosaurus anyone? Sometimes, just like any product, they rework the original design slightly to give the public something new. For instance, in the 80s the bronotsaurs was revamped into the Apatosaurus. Dinosaurs were no longer slow reptiles, but fast, intelligent, warm-blooded animals! ..and now.. they aren't covered in scales anymore, oh no, now they are covered in pretty feathers! I'm sure the girls will like that! A new demographic to market to overnight!

And suddenly, stuff like this actually makes sense now.

>> No.2004221

Id be perfectly willing to believe you. IF you had any proof.

>> No.2004302
File: 8 KB, 252x208, 1287877130304s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i supect OP is infected with religion

>> No.2004322

Awesome. Best troll of the week. 10/10.

>> No.2004345

you'd think they'd have to pay paleontologists more if they're keeping something like that a secret.

/haters gonna hate dinosaurs

>> No.2004350

Get Dan Brown on the phone. We just found the sequel to The Da Vinci Code.

>> No.2004428

Hahahaha, where the fuck is this pasta from

>> No.2004462

op guess you have never been to the badlands in alberta canada now have you? you stupid nigger

>> No.2004468

I actually used to think paleontolgists simply recreated known bones out of stone for museum displays.

Then I turned 6.

>> No.2004491

I'm a dinosaur paleontologist, and I'm telling you OP, this is some extremely dangerous information you're publishing. There's so much money in dinosaurs that the major dinosaur corporations will have hit men at your door in minutes if they aren't already there.

I hope you got behind 9000 proxies before you started revealing such dangerous truth!

>> No.2004525

Silly troll obviously you saw that b thread and sci got the 00's tollololol?!

>> No.2004526
File: 11 KB, 227x224, 1250510893470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lol'd at dinosaur corporations

>> No.2004817

I really enjoyed this. I'm passing this on to all of my Paleontologist friends.

>> No.2004823

OP pretending to support his claims.

>> No.2004827

lol'ed at dino name!

>> No.2004832

I'm that anon, and I am a dinosaur paleontologist irl. I'm not OP though. I just found the post amusing :)


>> No.2004846


you're not very bright, are you? He's making fun of OP

>> No.2004854

>there is no saurus
>There are no dinosaurs


>> No.2004927
File: 149 KB, 340x500, yap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10, these guys won't be taking this news very well

>> No.2004938

Seriously though, I can imagine a large amount of dinosaurs being bullshit. You can say you can recreate something's head from a jawbone but that doesn't mean you got it correct. Playing jigsaw puzzles with bones is not science.

hell the whole feather thing still has me laughing. From cold blooded lizards to warm blooded birds, what fucking hacks.

>> No.2004980

Bitches don't know bout my Georges Cuvier.

>> No.2004997

Either could be true. Your claim, or the widely agreed on belief that dinosaurs were real beings, since I have never personally examined a dinosaur bone (Even in a museum).

I'll reserve judgment until I've personally unearthed a dinosaur bone and conducted dating and spectrographic tests on the fossils.

>> No.2004993

Project: look up a professor at your local uni, pick one in a believable field, and just copy his name. Send this copypasta in to your local newspaper as an editorial, use professor's name and address.

>> No.2005018

Oh fuck. I'm going to have to do this now.

>> No.2005020


>> No.2005063


Oh I'm SO going to do this!

>> No.2005078
File: 10 KB, 123x150, mark erickson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't believe dinosaur bones existed, you can dig up their skeletons yourself:


>> No.2005081

Where I live we trip over the damn things any time we walk into the desert.

>> No.2006530

They were just put there by illegal Mexican sculptors to propagate the dinosaur myth

>> No.2006547

ah, a test balloon has been raised so as to explain the problem of finding soft connective tissue on dinosaur bones thought to be millions if not billions of years old.

keep failing, science; it's the only thing you're good at :)

>> No.2006817

The soft tissue was found IN dinosaur bones, not on them. This is important, get it right.

The bones containing soft tissue are ~65.6 million years old, there weren't any dinosaurs billions of years ago.

Finding soft tissue in dinosaur bone isn't a "problem" for paleontologists, most of us have seen that mineralization in bone varies, even within a single bone We have seen relatively unchanged bone that's been buried for millions of years. We have noted that such bone has a funky smell to it. If bone can survive relatively unchanged for that long, it's reasonable to think that soft tissue could as well if properly dessicated and encapsulated, situations that seemed to occur fairly frequently in the Hell Creek sediments and some others.

>> No.2006839

fucking lol'd