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1998736 No.1998736 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really any SCIENTIFIC proof against evolution?
My biology teacher says that there is, but the only sites that I find "proof" against evolution are religious.

>> No.1998741


>> No.1998742

Then tell your teacher that it is not fit to teach....

>> No.1998751


There's only not enough evidence to claim evolution. Or rather, it's impossible to prove evolution to those who are completely against it.

That being said, we have to use this "unproven" theory because we have a fairly high expectation that it is fact. Just like you use the Pythagorean theorem even though it's impossible to prove for all cases.

Hell, that idiot ex-professor at UCBerkeley said that AIDs was not proven to be caused by HIV because there has not been a Koch experiment to prove so...
The koch experiment requires you to infect a healthy human with AIDS. It'll be proven in the next Nazi revolution.

>> No.1998755

No, there is presently no evidence which disproves the modern theory of evolution. There are a few improvements we've made to Darwin's original work, so if by "evolution" your teacher means "the origin of species", then sortof.

If by "proof" your teacher means falsifiable criteria then those exist. Something like a human fossil within the stomach of a dinosaur fossil would be proof against evolution if it were found, which it hasn't.

>> No.1998765

I find it interesting how Christian scientists always come to the conclusion that evolution is not real - almost as if they had decided the outcome of the research before they even began. Are there any Christian scientists who began debunking evolution but instead found more proof of it and finally admitted they were wrong?

>> No.1998772

Ask your teacher what "proof" she means. Quote her idiocy here, let us trash it and have a good laugh at the same time.

No such proof exists.

>> No.1998787

>>1998736 My biology teacher says ...

You're not in one of USA's southern states are you? Christians organisation down there force themselves onto school boards then make laws forcing teachers to say shit like this.

>> No.1998790

The "evidence" against evolution is just artificial controversy.
If I claim 1+1=2 and someone else claims 1+1=3, how do I go about proving I am right and he is wrong? I can show him that when you add one and one together you get two, but he can insist that it makes three. He can say that I don't have enough evidence. He can keep denying and denying and denying. When you have enough people doing this, 1+1=2 is not treated as a fact but as an opinion which might be as valid as another point of view, 1+1=3.
1+1=2 is "just a theory."

>> No.1998796
File: 15 KB, 378x230, Theistic-Evolution11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"theistic evolution" have you ever heard of it ?

>> No.1998802

That's essentially how I shed my christianity. I wasn't a scientist at the time, but I tried to disprove evolution and things didn't go according to plan.

>> No.1998804

Evolution is simply defined as a change in allele frequencies in a population.

This happens on a regular basis and can be demonstrated with a simple hardy-weinburg equilibrium calculation.

It is TRIVIAL to demonstrate that evolution takes place.

The only major aspect of evolutionary theory which is under serious doubt is how microevolutionary processes - selection, genetic drift, and gene flow, which cause populations to adapt to their local environment - can result in macroevolution (speciation).

If you teacher has "proof" against evolution, tell him to show you a peer-reviewed reference supporting the claim.

>> No.1998813

>The only major aspect of evolutionary theory which is under serious doubt is how microevolutionary processes - selection, genetic drift, and gene flow, which cause populations to adapt to their local environment - can result in macroevolution (speciation).

I'll call bullshit...

>> No.1998830

Agreed for bullshit.

This is just Christians holding onto their god-of-the-gaps arguments with shitty logic.

Macro-evolution is a genetic change which changes the species, and organisms are classified as different species by their inability to mate and create fertile offspring.

I've seen a great dane try to mount a chihuahua. It doesn't work.

>> No.1998851

Yes, the breeding test doesn't even work on established species, I can think of a fair number of fish and birds that can breed with other similar species and produce viable hybrid offspring.

>> No.1998860

Name one then.

>> No.1998874

>I've seen a great dane try to mount a chihuahua
I have to call bullshit on that one.

>> No.1998882

Holacanthus bermudensis x H. ciliaris= H. townsendi

>> No.1998889


>Just like you use the Pythagorean theorem even though it's impossible to prove for all cases.


>> No.1998891

You clearly don't spend much time around dogs.

>> No.1998920

"Holacanthus Townsendi" is a naturally occurring and infertile hybrid, not a species. It is incorrect to even use this term for Holacanthus bermudensis x Holacanthus ciliaris, but pet shop owners tend not to be strict phylogenists.

>> No.1998939
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Evolution is a fact (a truth)


>> No.1998941

Wait, are you assuming I'm an anti-evolutionist bible-thumper?
Pull your head out your ass.
There are lots of questions in evolutionary biology, but the big mystery is how exactly microevolutionary processes result in speciation.

Allopatric (geographic) speciation is easy to explain, but the literature accepts that there is far too much biodiversity on the planet to be explained purely by geographic speciation alone.

So the next logical question is how speciation can occur within a freely intermingling population. There's currently a lot of controversy whether or not assortative mating alone is enough to facillitate this. Sympatric speciation DOES occur, it's just not known exactly how. And it's not enough to just hybridize in the first place, there must also be some mechanism which maintains a new hybrid species. Look into some of the work done on cichlid fish in Lakes Victoria and Malawi.

>implying a great dane and chihuahua are different "species"
>totally minsunderstand the concept of "species"

Off the top of my head, onychophorans exist in extremely isolated inbreeding populations. So far as geneticists are concerned they are all different species, and yet separate populations can interbreed freely and produce viable offspring.

About 9% of all birds are known to have produced at least one hybrid with another recognized species (see Grant and Grant 1992, Hybridization of bird species).

Not to mention it's outrageously common in plants.

>> No.1998960


>"Holacanthus Townsendi" is a naturally occurring and infertile hybrid

Naturally occurring yes, infertile no.

>There seems to be no difference among the ovaries, nor among the testes, of blue angelfishes, intermediates, and queen angelfishes. No excessive amounts of connective tissue, nor aberrant cells, were seen
in the gonads of intermediates. Size and shape of the gonads were the same as those of gonads in the blue and the queen angelfishes.


>> No.1998989

I'm not that anon, but I don't think anyone took you for a bible-thumper, and the point of the anon's post regarding the dogs is that they ARE the same species but cannot physically mate...

It was a decent point, and you missed it.

>> No.1999011

Then eludicate to me? Yes, they can't mate. How and to what exactly was that relevant??

>> No.1999019

Species by strict definition, means 2 animals that can create a VIABLE (capable of reproducing) offspring. A nice example of species on the path of divergence is horses and donkeys.

A horse and a donkey can generate offspring, but that offspring is sterile and therefore not VIABLE, therefore horses and donkeys = seperate species. This is a great example of a species diverging.

I think a great dane and chihuahua could produce viable offspring with human intervention (artificial insemination), but given enough time they would ultimately diverge because their breeding incompatibility seperates the population genomes.

>> No.1999023

OP, it absolutely depends on what your definition of "science" is. If you consider science to be a philosophical argument made in the 1600's or a strong conviction that Ray Comfort is right, then there's plenty of scientific evidence to support your teacher's claims. If, however, you mean some kind of empirical evidence or a mathematical principle that has been violated, then no--there isn't any scientific proof that evolution is BS.

>> No.1999027


Mules can be fertile.

Species classification is a bitch.

>> No.1999030

It was relevant to demonstrating that the breeding test for speciation doesn't always apply.

Some animals such as the dogs mentioned are the same species but can't breed, and some animals are different species but can breed.

Therefore the question of "macroevolution" or speciation is one that is only doubted depending on our definition of "species," and our definition already allows for exceptions.

Speciation has been observed in birds, and perhaps fish. The novel species were able to back-breed with their parent species, so some would argue that they aren't distinct species. Their argument lacks merit because we don't apply the breeding test for speciation uniformly.

>> No.1999036


If some mules are fertile and some aren't it just supports my point that this is 2 species diverging from a common ancestor even more...

>> No.1999053


But it throws a cog in the works of:

>A horse and a donkey can generate offspring, but that offspring is sterile and therefore not VIABLE, therefore horses and donkeys = seperate species

If the Mule can be fertile.

>> No.1999055

Christfag here:

Just because you can 'see how that might work' it doesn't make it fact.

>>1998751 Pythagoras' theorm is a THEOREM, it is proved, evolution is a 'THEORY' because it isn't proved.

I can see how your concept of evolution might work but to be honest, the complexity of both life and he universe is so minute, so infintessimal, that you can't seriously posit that 'a load of tiny changes that mean a mule can't have offspring from a donkey' can create sentient life, fine art, advanced mathematics, the processes required for this are so finely tuned that they can't have been 'random chance.'

Also, you say things evolve of biiiiiiillions of years, miiiiilllions of years. Then how did the most complex and distinctive organism (man) "evolve" in the last 100,000? Wouldn't some sort of sentience have evolved before in those biiiiiiillions of years? It's retarded.

>> No.1999060

I wasn't talking about hybridization. I was talking about sympatric speciation - divergence of a freely inter-mingling population into two different species over time.

The dogs were irrelevant. They've already been artificially bred to physical extremes to the point that they can't cross. That's not the scenario in a natural population.

The "species" definition problem isn't new to me.

>> No.1999061

Atheistfag here.

I read and considered your arguments and judged them to be subjective and stale.

I choose not to respond with the standard, equally stale and subjective counterarguments.

Have a great day.

>> No.1999066

Did you read that recent paper on naturally occuring speciation in finches?

I don't feel like hunting it down, just curious if you read it and if so if you agreed with the authors' findings.

>> No.1999069


At least explain how man suddenly seemed to 'evolve' out of nowhere in the past '100,000 years'

>> No.1999076

I would need days to do that properly, I don't have time or motivation to teach biology 101.

>> No.1999079

We didn't "evolve out of nowhere". We evolved out of Cro-Magnon, who evolved out of Homo sapiens idaltu, who evolved out of Homo heidelbergensis, who evolved out of Homo antecessor....

>> No.1999085

I think I might have glanced over it. How recent? I have a funny feeling that I actually saw it earlier today, but I'm just about to go to bed and I'm that tired that I can barely remember.

At a guess that it's about them exhibiting sympatric speciation, I don't deny that it occurs. I'm pretty sure that it's widely accepted that it occurs, and that in numerous individual cases particular mechanisms for particular genera have been found (like the cichlids I mentioned earlier).

What I think is missing is a solid GENERAL mechanism which is agreed upon. There are all sorts of theories, and sexual selection is a good contender, but I think more solid emperical evidence is really needed.

>> No.1999094

Oh and I nearly forgot to add.
I also only read this earlier:
Which I thought was really cool piece of research which is helping move towards a firm resolution to the speciation problem.

>> No.1999103

I saw it a couple months back, I can't remember where or by who though. It's still floating around online some.

>What I think is missing is a solid GENERAL mechanism which is agreed upon.

I agree with that of course, I just didn't agree with the previous wording indicating doubt that the process occurs. We can point out that there's also no mechanism know to prevent microevolution from becoming macro. I haven't met many people that actually doubt speciation happens though.

>> No.1999108


But i thought that took 'biiiiillions of years' not 100,000. So basically we see a new species every 30,000 years? And if so, why do we only have evidence of human activity for the past 6,000?

>> No.1999114

Thanks! That's awesome! Just skimmed it and bookmarked it to read more later, but that looks like some great information.

I found an article that references the paper I was talking about, looks like two papers on similar events listed:


>> No.1999117

Yeah, I guess I worded that badly.
I think I found the article you were talking about, too.

I'm glad I responded to this thread :). It's made me realize that I can remember that there are some big arguments that have been made against sexual selection as the driving mechanism for sympatric speciasion, but I can't for the life of me remember what they are. That's a hole I need to fill.

Anyway, gnite.

>> No.1999126

Thanks, and gnight!

>> No.1999129

Cro-Magnon was 40,000 years ago
Homo sapiens idaltu was 160,000 years ago
Homo heidelbergensis was 195,000 years ago

This is all stuff you'll learn in the first chapter of any evolutionary biology book. If you don't even know human evolutionary history how is it that you can disagree with it?

>> No.1999142

It's either a troll or hopelessly unacquainted with even basic biology.

Don't bother.

>> No.1999146

>Homo heidelbergensis was 195,000 years ago
try 600,000 to 400,000

>> No.1999166

I guess I fucked that up. 195,000 years ago was the dating of those earliest fossils of archaic humans found at Omo river, so I just assumed that was where heidelbergensis ended.

>> No.1999174


These timescales seem somewhat different to what people usually talk about. So given that they were around 7,000 years ago we are more evolved than Egyptians and Assyrians?


And no i'm not a troll, i am making valid questions. I can see how the argument works, I just don't think it adds up. You say i take 1+1 and make 3, but to me it seems that so do you.

>> No.1999181

That's why I love reading and posting on this board, where else can we find a collection of anons like youz guyz that know this kind of stuff and discuss it :)

>> No.1999190
File: 15 KB, 400x320, facepalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF /sci/?


Number of scientific papers in suporrt of evolution = thousands

Number of scientific papers against evolution = none


>> No.1999193

>>1999174 they were around 7,000 years ago we are more evolved than Egyptians and Assyrians?

What the fuck am I reading?
Egyptians and Assyrians are around today. Are you talking about anciant Egyptian and Assyrian you're talking about cultures no older than 3000 years.

Seriously kid, learn history before arguing with it.

>> No.1999210

>impossible to prove for all cases
>mfw there are over 300 proofs for the Pythagorean theorem
>mfw when most of them work in any number of dimensions, including infinity

>> No.1999217


Scientists debate, it's in the job description.

>> No.1999219


Yes i mean ancient and those civilisations are, according to wikipedia over 5000 years old, learn to dfference between AD and BC and add that into sum of age.

So according to this and evolution is truee >>1999129
if they are over 5,000 years old we are at least 1/8 along to our next distinct evolution, so are we more evolved than those people?

>> No.1999236

We are slightly more biologically evolved than ancient Egyptians. For example you have immunity to the bubonic plague, they do not. There may be a slight change in average intelligence, but you could still put any ancient Egyptian child in a present day school and they'd do fine.

What you're doing is confusing technological advancement with biological evolution.

>> No.1999240
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Yes, they debate if there is scientific evidence to debate. However all the scientifc evidence is in support of evolution! There is no longer scientifc debate about evolution, it ended long long ago.

Nowadays only religious nut jobs debate evolution, and they dont use science, they use FAIRYTALES! GTFO! TROLL!

>> No.1999255

Didn't read the thread, did ya?

It's ok, feel free to stop in, call people trolls, and get mad without understanding what's up. We don't mind.

>> No.1999260

You're confusing real life with x-men. you don't get 'move evolved'. You can't measure evolution as if its a level.

That aside modern society has largely eliminated natural selection. Beneficial mutations don't have a significant effect on the likely hood of passing on your genes and the low number of children we have means it takes even longer for beneficial mutations to pass through the population.

>> No.1999263

the reason it doesn't add up for you, is because you don't understand
every single comment you've made contains huge misconceptions about evolution and timescales

>> No.1999266


no, i know in some ways we are more technologically advanced (although i was reading how we coulnd't rebuild a pyramid in the same time as them), what i'm arguing is that if evolution is true we would be different from them, but there is no evidence of that, even given the vast time scale difference.

If humans evolved from Cro-magnon in the last 40,000 years, 5-7,000 years is a significant time frame for us to be evolving. What i am saying is to me that doesn't seem right and i don't think we did evolve. In school they told us a species makes evolutionary jumps over millions of years and yet they then say man evolved in the last 100,000 (or 40,000 according to people here)

That doesn't add up, so i can accept criticism if you can't see my way of thinking and tell me i say 1+1 = 3, but i can see your way of thinking, i considered it seriously and concluded that you also say 1 + 1 = 3.

>> No.1999272
File: 20 KB, 300x341, thestupiditburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1999266 although i was reading how we coulnd't rebuild a pyramid in the same time as them

The stupid it burns.

>> No.1999277

You do realise that the cro-magnon people are of the same species as us?
They are almost identical to us.
Besides, evolution is not linear, it is not dragonball z, and it has no direction.

>> No.1999278
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Your bio teacher is a dumshit or is trolling you


>> No.1999280

Evolution is caused by a need. The rabbit who has longer ears can hear the predator coming and goes on to have more children who also posses the trait and do a better job of avoiding being killed.

There has been evolution since mans inception. All the different races. White skin is evolution as it's a reaction to the lower sun levels outside of equatorial regions.

>> No.1999281

>if evolution is true we would be different from them, but there is no evidence of that

So you're saying you're current with ongoing research in morphometrics? Or are you guessing and in fact haven't checked to see if we're different?

>> No.1999284
File: 18 KB, 249x250, Cro-Magnon-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Cro-Magnon. Its just a specimen of archaic human. Its not a gorilla.

>> No.1999285


also according to evolution, genetic drift just happens, it is not a natural selection thingm and then people say that it is natural selection and survival of the fittest, it is a very contradictory theory in its own rite given the arguments you are submitting. But i think it is interesting and i am glad you are for once putting real scrutiny on evolution.

>> No.1999288
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Biology teachers will often "challenge" there stuents to find scientific evidence againt evolution (of which non exists), only to teach the students a fucking lessson.


way to learn your lesson bro


>> No.1999293

I'm not OP, I think OP posted and then went straight to bed.

are you stoned?

Keep /thread'ing and see if it sticks.

>> No.1999295
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>> No.1999298
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troll \thread

>> No.1999299

You're the only troll here, ass.

>> No.1999304
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ITT: Trolls

>> No.1999305
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>>1999266 evolutionary jumps

Evolution doesn't work in "jumps". It is a gradual process. When you look at these evolution charts you need to realise there are a few thousand humans between each of them each slightly less like the ancestor behind them and slightly more like the descendant in front of them.

>>inb4 evolution is not linear

>> No.1999307

Yes evolution is complex, but that doesn't mean it's not true. Evolution is the most credible model for how the world works. Your arguments make it clear that you don't know a huge amount about it. Read up on it using real books and see how you feel.

>> No.1999316
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>thinks there is scientifc evidence against evolution

anymore jokes bro?

>> No.1999352


Ok, so where does new information in a genome come from if it is all what was already there but ever so slightly changed? If we are 99% the same as an ancestor, we can simply reconfigure the cell and 'resurrect' an extinct species. Maybe i don't know as much about evolution as you do because i am not a biology major. But i do understand what they say the theory says (HERP DERP why are there still monkies if humans evolved from them HERP DERP is bullshit) and i hope you recognise my line of inquiry is more sophisticated than that.

But if we have genetic drift which i understand to be the main cause of evolution, random mutation, which confers some kind of advantage if we supply a selection pressure, how do i have so many distinnct genes that seperate me from other mammals? And i will post a counter argument i made for 'if the bible is right there is no free will HERP DERP' in a minute but it's a bit off topic. It just seems to me there are a lot of holes in the theory and i don't argue the God of gaps, all i am saying is you confuse coincindence for fact.

>> No.1999358

Arguments against evolution:

1. How did life form in the first place?
2. How does new genetical information appear? Mutations don't create new genes, they just rearrange or damage old ones.

But in the end, who the fuck cares.

>> No.1999366
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>Doenst understand basic biology or evolution
>writes incoherent nonsense

religion much?

>> No.1999370


>How does new genetical information appear? Mutations don't create new genes, they just rearrange or damage old ones.

This makes me twitch...


Now let me qualify that. Every evolutionary feature you see is the result of modification of existing features over EXTREME lengths of time. You do not get "new features", you get copies of existing ones or slight modifications of them that, over time, become features that appear novel but are merely extensive modifications.

>> No.1999376


Should mention that, with enough mutations, the comparison between ancestor and modern form is diverse enough a change that you might as well call it novel, but everything you see is just a modification of an existing feature given enough time to develop complexity.

>> No.1999377
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>lists nonsense

None of that shit is an argument againt evolution. They are arugments that show you have no idea what evolution is.

>> No.1999383

same, and now I'm studying biotechnolgy.

>> No.1999391
File: 240 KB, 480x640, 89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet false oneist academia is ~not litter~ in your opinion. Children are able to have amazing imagination, an ability that brings them happiness, makes them see life in a light like no other, everything is beautiful and nothing is abstracted. Within their minds they can travel to anywhere in the galaxy, or forge their own worlds. With your ~not litter~ academia, they can only focus on society and reality, with a suppressed imagination that they cannot allow to control their actions, because to your standards, they're insane or psychotic.

I'll ask you once. Define 'litter' in the context your using it, in your own words.

>> No.1999395


How am i being incoherent? I think you just don't like when people put questions to your precious theory that make you squirm and i am pointing out that i don't make bullshit arguments like 'Why are there still monkeys?' because i understand what the theory says more than that.

>> No.1999398

>>1999358 1. How did life form in the first place?
This is not an argument against evolution. The theory of evolution does not explain abiogenesis in the same way it does not explain gravity; its not a theory of everything, only how life develops after coming into existence.

>>2. How does new genetical information appear? Mutations don't create new genes, they just rearrange or damage old ones.

Mutations do create new genes. Its called an insertion mutation. The gene duplication fucks up and copies something twice, it is very common.

>> No.1999420

I'm always surprised by the inability of people to see through creationist lies.

>> No.1999422

>>1999352 how do i have so many distinnct genes that seperate me from other mammals?

You share 98% of your DNA with a chimpanzee.
You share 60% of your DNA with a fruit fly.
You share 40% of our DNA with a tomotoe.

>> No.1999428


Then why does the human genome have 30,000 genes and drosophila only has 14,000. There must be new information there somewhere.

>> No.1999434

Insertion mutation.

>> No.1999438


But a chimpanzee does not share 98% of its genetical information with me because it has 2 more chromosomes than i do....

>> No.1999439

You can't disprove evolution because it doesn't make any testable claims.

>> No.1999446

Before this confuses you, though, usually this mutation does not result in a change in fenotype. In other words, evolution is not about creating as many genes as possible, because that is somehow better.

>> No.1999447
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How fucking old are you?
You dont even seem to have a grasp of evolution little yet biology!


>> No.1999449


Pythagorean theory can be, and is, proven to be true for all cases.

>> No.1999450

>>1998755 a human fossil within the stomach of a dinosaur fossil would be proof against evolution

>> No.1999454

Premise 1: God exists.
Premise 2: Jesus died for our sins.
Conclusion: Evolution is false.

I don't understand why people believe in such nonsense as evolution. You're free to believe that you came from a monkey, but I base my world view based on critical thought and empiricism.

>> No.1999456

The generalization of pythagoras theorem is the law of cosines

>> No.1999460


Chromosome 2 is the result of a fusion between 2 chromosomes in apes, so yes, we can share 98% of genes with apes.

>> No.1999464
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>> No.1999465


Amen brother. Atheists don't understand that their religion is based on NOTHING. It's madness.

Atheists, what proof and evidence do you have that proves atheism is accurate and correct?

Nothing? Thought so.

LOL. Oh it's madness. It's just faith, faith in nothing.

>> No.1999469

Two sets don't need to be of equal size to have an intersection. This is grade 5 shit.

>> No.1999479
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Yeah, stupid atheists, why dont they relize that SATANISM is undisputed truth!

man can from monKEYS mY ass

>> No.1999482

There is proof against natural selection
I mean if an animal does carry a mutation how does it change the whole gene pool?

>> No.1999491
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>> No.1999494


If evolution is right then everything came from common ancestors. It is in the ANIMAL kingdom, and so is more similar to me than a tomato (PLANT) or a mushroom (FUNGI) so it is not a bad comparison.


I share 60% of my DNA with a fruitfly, so with over twice the number of genes if that is true, every gene in a fruitfly i have (i call bullshit to that).

It seems you don't understand the theory you are so precious about and i am simply putting a counter-argument. And your response to reasoned criticism is to shout, Sage and decry and attack my credibility. You are not countering my points, you are calling me a retard. That is called an Ad Hominem attack and shows that your argument probably has little credibilty, not that you care to make one because your argument is Ad Hominem.

So you GTFO, other people here are giving constructive and interesting points and counter-points and you start raging like a spoiled child.

>> No.1999500
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so you dont know anything about evolution?
you are just talking out your ass?

>> No.1999505

What satanist think satan does:
He's bad ass with an electric guitar
What satan really does:
-makes people commit suicide
-makes people morbidly obese
-Makes vain people get plastic surgery until they look like frankestein
-Makes greedy people hoard their money while they live in a shithole
-Makes lazy people turn homeless
-Makes dumb whores turn to prostitution
-Makes people addicted to drugs

>> No.1999506


Fuck off trolls we're having a debate and it is actualy interesting. I have not put forth my religious views as they are not the point of debate so GTFO

>> No.1999515

Sounds like an excuse. Satan's such a convenient embodiment of human failure, don't you think?

>> No.1999518

Evolution doesn't conflict with a lot of religions, actually.

>> No.1999524

Christianity! It's faith, faith in nothing! LOL.

>> No.1999535

He's an embodiment of doubt, sadness and all the things that don't allow us to live happy lives

>> No.1999537
File: 116 KB, 1256x1075, GoOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the evolutionary debate.

>> No.1999538
File: 47 KB, 450x450, satan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What satan really does:
-makes people commit suicide
-makes people morbidly obese
-Makes vain people get plastic surgery until they look like frankestein
-Makes greedy people hoard their money while they live in a shithole
-Makes lazy people turn homeless
-Makes dumb whores turn to prostitution
-Makes people addicted to drugs



>> No.1999542

So you're basically worshiping an asshole that gets a kick out of seeing you suffer?

>> No.1999543

the *theory* of evolution does not imply dinosaurs and humans weren't alive at the same time. That's like saying a egg-laying duck-billed venomous beaver with webbed feet and electro reception would disprove evolution (it doesn't)

>> No.1999544
File: 6 KB, 330x370, 1282200297620 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aLLRIGHT! Finally a cool satanism thread! Yeah!

>> No.1999546

lol this is too much
Haven't you heard of carbon dating?

>> No.1999549
File: 249 KB, 787x873, 1272869251564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAW, me and SATAN ARE cool!
He hurts eveyone but me.....DURRR
Its faith, right?

>> No.1999550

would you worship me if I kept you in a dungeon and tortured you?

>> No.1999561

I think my statements implicitly accepted the valdity of dating techniques. Regardless, does carbon dating affect my statements in any particular fashion? I don't see how carbon dating is relevant here.

>> No.1999562
File: 13 KB, 400x275, 1277936838159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You enjoy talking bullshit too?


>> No.1999567
File: 66 KB, 495x700, 1277930836923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get an S!

>> No.1999569


Probably all this faggot ruining the thread because he got mad at recieving criticism.


>> No.1999570

You don't just get to call bullshit because you don't like a piece of science. As someone who's worked with drosophila and used them as disease models I can confirm that you are very wrong.

>> No.1999572
File: 27 KB, 400x513, 1277051370441i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1999577
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1267785156679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get an A!

>> No.1999579

Its relevant because you're suggesting that humans and dinosaurs were alive during the same time period.
According to the carbon dating of the dinosaurs bones that is not the case.

>> No.1999582
File: 73 KB, 640x723, 1277924966626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A! fuck yeah!


>> No.1999584


Please enlighten me as to how i am wrong? I am accepting that you know more than me and i am wrong and not saying i am right here, i am interested as to how i am wrong

>> No.1999586
File: 39 KB, 446x402, crying_girl-2072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a T?
as in the Bloody TITS OF HELL!
sUcK tHAT Puss oUT

>> No.1999589



>> No.1999590

that would invalidate carbon dating, not evolution.

>> No.1999592
File: 39 KB, 695x599, 695px-doll_thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'LL give you a T and raise you anothe A

All praise be to our dark lord

>> No.1999593


Carbon dating only goes back a few thousand years, retard.

>> No.1999601
File: 38 KB, 400x572, satan_haagensen22i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hip hip horray, three cheers for SATAN!

>> No.1999620


>> No.1999626


That's radiometric dating, retard.

Carbon-dating is a form of radiometric dating, but it can not be used to date anything as old as dinosaurs, since it only goes back a few thousand years.

Other radiometric dating forms are used for fossils that age.

>> No.1999646

let me restate that.

what would occur would be a conflict between two dating techniques, carbon dating and paleontology. One or both of them being invalidated would not be enough to invalidate evolution.

>> No.1999664
File: 155 KB, 355x599, 355px-Everyone_is_wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


U mad? U jelly?

>> No.1999754

>what i'm arguing is that if evolution is true we would be different from them, but there is no evidence of that, even given the vast time scale difference.

Allow me to answer this, first of all, we ARE in fact different from people 10 thousand years ago, average heights were nearly a foot shorter than they are today, we have evolved greater racial diversity, Lactose tolerance only reached appreciable levels in the last 10K years, and we are notably more docile than in the past (early civilization tended to select for those who were able to use diplomacy) and right up until modern medicine, desiease was also a huge evolutionary factor for humans. >Con't.

>> No.1999757

But here's the reason we're not seeing humans evolve to have wings or tenticles, which I get the feeling is more what you're talking about. Evolution is a reaction, not a force. Evolution happens when a hostile environment allows for a single physical attribute to reign supreme, like my picture. Human evolution has plateued (to an extent) because we, working as a society, are suited to survive in every viable environment on earth. One example of how we're removing natural selection from evolution is child birth. Women with a certain type of hip structure have difficult giving birth, and a large percentage die during delivery because of medical complications or an inability to pass the child. In a natural environment, the genes for those hips would die out, and many human populations would evolve to have wider hips. However, because many commonplace medical technologies allow the delivery to be successful, the woman's genes are passed on and natural selection is stopped in it's tracks.


>> No.1999759

"u jelly" doesn't even make sense there.


>> No.1999761
File: 47 KB, 500x453, 500px-Mutation_and_selection_diagram.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Derp, forgot pic

Humans won't begin to see major physical changes again unless our environment changes drastically in a fashion we can't handle. You see this frequently in the fossil record. Periods of relative stabilty, in which most animals are suited to their environment and there is little evolution, followed by periods of drastic change and consequently rapid evolution (as seen in the Cambrian explosion)

Another example would we the shark, it has very few natural predators, and is well suited to it's environment, thus it's changed virtually nil over the last 100 million years. It reached that stage of evolution long before humans.

>In school they told us a species makes evolutionary jumps over millions of years and yet they then say man evolved in the last 100,000 (or 40,000 according to people here)

When people say evolution happens over billions of years, they mean from the very first abiogenesis to where we are today. When they say hundreds of millions of years, they're talking about grand evolutionary periods, not the time between one hunched over type of man to a slightly less hunched over type of man.


>> No.1999791

>That doesn't add up, so i can accept criticism if you can't see my way of thinking and tell me i say 1+1 = 3, but i can see your way of thinking, i considered it seriously and concluded that you also say 1 + 1 = 3.

I've been in your position before, so please trust me when I say this, Investigate everything very carefully. That includes your own beliefs and evolution if that's what it takes for your to trust it. But remember, thousands of scientists have put in millions of man-hours over neigh 200 hundred years studying evolution. If a flaw in the theory is found, chances are it won't be from an inconsistency found in a high school text, or something you come up with while daydreaming.

>> No.1999832

Information required to describe the positions of a perfectly ordered set of blocks: low

Information required to describe the positions of these blocks after they are knocked down: high

Where did I get this new information?

Oh, creationists are talking about USEFUL information, something that is even more likely to exist only in our minds.

>> No.1999977


>> No.2000176


U jelly you didn't think of it first? I think we already answered that. U jelly, asspie.