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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1997078 No.1997078 [Reply] [Original]

I have a research paper due tommorow, only 250 words, about global warming, and i do not feel like doing it because it is late and i am sick. if anyone has a paper written already that they would let me use that would be awesome. pic unrelated. thanks

>> No.1997101

250 words my ass you god damn fuck

I shit 250 words for breakfeast every morning

>> No.1997122

250 words? I will write that right now.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Or so they say. But what if that kitchen was earth? That's what nature enthusiast Al Gore is getting his panties all bunched up about. He thinks the earth is getting hot because of a build up of CO2, but here's the truth: it's a actually a build up of Satan.

Revelations warns us of a time when Lucifer will come to the surface and subjugate the remnants of humanity under his cruel fist. I say remnants because good Christians will be taken by the rapture, but all the Muhammads, Goldsteins, and Perez Hiltons of the world will still be sinning around aimlessly.

It takes Lucifer a very long time to reach the surface from the fiery hell blistering at the Earth's core. As he rises through the mantle, it heats up the rock and leads to an increase in natural disasters like Katrina and Haiti. Skeptics can bury research data all they want, but can they bury Yellowstone National Park?

Not in this America.

>> No.1997138
File: 263 KB, 661x820, GeoColumn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write about this.

>> No.1997145

damn bro, you make it look so easy

>> No.1997147

thanks man!

>> No.1997153

>>250 words

also /lit/ is <that way

>> No.1997154
File: 20 KB, 1018x647, badenoughdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1997159
File: 56 KB, 351x336, 1287923226034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw he copies that and turns it in without reading it

>> No.1997163

file to big, god dammit

>> No.1997165

Global warming is awesome. I can't wait for the world to get warmer, it is too cold here. Can you imagine how great it would be if it was summer all year? Then I wouldn't have to go to school because it would be summer break all the time.

To help global warming, I leave my car running all the time. Sure I get worse gas mileage, but its worth it to help the cause. I also make sure my electricity is produced by a coal plant..And to use as much electricity as possible, I leave all my lights and appliances on all the time.

People get mad at the oil companies for not helping global warming and I agree. They have the most oil so they should be burning the most of anyone. But they selfishly just sell a little of it and hold on to the rest.

The government needs to write more laws to help global warming. They need to make people burn more fuel so we can have longer summers as soon as possible. But they get paid off by the tropical vacation lobby, because they would lose all their business if the whole world was a tropical vacation spot.

Some people claim global warming doesn't exist. Well they are wrong. it was the hottest summer ever recoded this year so it is obvious global warming is true. They say we need to be "green". But I like being tan and don't want to look like some alien.

There, I wrote your paper for you, OP. Just turn this in and I'm sure you'll get an A!

>> No.1997222


>> No.1997283

OP HERE, more specifically, it needs to be about sea level rise and global warming :d

>> No.1997363

Global Warming is bad. Global Warming is true also, and it can make the water rise in the Arctic because that's where ice is and when ice melts, it makes water, and that goes into the ocean and the ocean levels rise because of global warming melting ice in the Arctic and when ice melts, it makes water, and that goes into the ocean and the ocean levels rise because of global warming melting ice in the Arctic and when ice melts, it makes water, and that goes into the ocean and the ocean levels rise because of global warming melting ice in the Arctic and when ice melts, it makes water, and that goes into the ocean and the ocean levels rise because of global warming melting ice in the Arctic and when ice melts, it makes water, and that goes into the ocean and the ocean levels rise. That's why Global Warming is not good.