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1995043 No.1995043 [Reply] [Original]

Excuse me /sci/ but I have a sensitive question

what do u think makes someone gay?

>> No.1995044

he wants teh cawk

>> No.1995046

two things

1. being attracted to their own gender
2. being OP

>> No.1995055


let me rephrase that...

what makes someone attracted to their own sex?

>> No.1995060


>> No.1995061

Well, when you see a guy, and you want to fuck him in the ass, you might be gay.

>> No.1995080

Being the OP.

>> No.1995084

I think it's an... anomaly (for lack of better word srry)
non unlike a genetic mutation
it happens during prenatal development

>> No.1995088

Not a single engineer comment yet huh.
Good job /sci/, good job.

>> No.1995089

I have a similar question, op

What do u think makes someone christian?

>> No.1995095

they were raised as such or converted to such

I don't get where you're going

>> No.1995114

to that you were raised as gay or converted to gay. I see no difference between being attracted to their own sex or children/animals/shit/whatever.

>> No.1995117

Sexual/romantic/emotional attraction to the same sex

Probably due to genetics, womb hormone changes due to overpopulation as some studies show, perhaps some nurture

>> No.1995121

Androgen insensitivity works like 99% of the time.

>> No.1995136

They have lost Jesus Christ.

>> No.1995201

Lol, for once, OP actually is a faggot.

I think mostly it's genetics. There are certain genes that make you more attracted to men. These genes survive because they are evolutionary beneficial to women.

There is some environmental influence as well. If someone is genetically half straight and half gay, the family & society he grows up in can tip him one way or the other. Or, he could just be bi.

But I think mostly it's genetic, because I am completely disgusted by the thought of gay sex. I didn't choose to be straight, I was born this way. It's not like one day around the age of 13 I decided to cultivate an interest in vagina, it's part of my genetics.

I believe a lot of the people who claim "gay is a choice" are actually gay, and have chosen to act straight for religious reasons, or because they are in denial. For them, gayness would be a choice, because it would be a conscious decision to stop living their life as a lie. But they did not choose to be gay. They merely choose not to act on it, or at least, not to get caught acting on it.

>> No.1995216

Clearly because of reincarnation issues.

Having a whore for a mother etc.

>> No.1995225

Gay is a genetically engineered disease brought upon America by the joint efforts of russian and chinese scientists

>> No.1995228

Being gay was benificial to families that had too many children. In small families gays will funnel their energies into working and creat a surplus of resources that they can give to their parents (hence homosexuals are naturally close to their mothers).

Unfortunately modern life is not suited for gays as society does not keep them in their place but instead gives them parades and a sub-culture, while they give theirselves aids.

The kindest thing you can do to a gay is oppress his sexuality as they never evolved to cope with it. It is an unfortunate side effect of otherwise useful characteristics.

>> No.1995232

They have strayed away from the path of salvation.