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File: 23 KB, 300x400, 133310__dwight_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1992483 No.1992483 [Reply] [Original]

How does one turn a profit in creating a private international space travel corporation.

>> No.1992490

You don't you build a ship to into the ateroid belt and make a new society.

>> No.1992495

Turning a profit is rarely as useful as generating huge cash flow from unsuspecting venture capitalists.

One merely needs to talk a good game, and let other people lend you their profits.

>> No.1992500

So many researchers I know are experts on bullshitting VCs.

>> No.1992508
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Wait until Japan builds their space elevator, and then purchase some time with it. Set up remote-controller droids that can launch off to nearby metallic asteroids and then bring them back near the elevator for dismantling. Enjoy your rare earth metals. Use profits to build another space elevator, for some more mining, while now starting to offer vacations to the moon, Mars, and beyond.

Mind you, if you decide to go ahead with this, can I join you?

>> No.1992512

Step 1. create a private international space travel corporation
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Profit

>> No.1992513

By collecting more in revenues than you spend in expenses.

>> No.1992518
File: 74 KB, 384x405, 1285579451661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw space belongs to the trans-humans

>> No.1992521

the good thing is, there are no taxes in space.

>> No.1992524


>> No.1992531

You joking me every country would tax the shit out of it.

>> No.1992554

What are they gonna do, send tax collectors to space? lol

>> No.1992558

They would build spaceships just to enforce their powers duh.....

>> No.1992570

but spaceships are more expensive than the taxes collected from a spaceship...

>> No.1992572
File: 24 KB, 450x311, dwight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I can manage to successfully mine a nearby asteroid, I can make a shit ton of money, and more importantly vast amount of resources as political leverage.

Do I just need to have shit ton of investors.

>> No.1992579

When has stuff the government done made sense. They would do it out of spite for a perceived enemy.

>> No.1992584

whatever, I'd go way too fast for them to catch me.

>> No.1992590

Oh I know just saying it won't be a piece of cake, the old regime would not be happy with people freely prancing about in space....

>> No.1992613

Ways to make money in space:

- Mine Helium 3 off the moon
- Mine asteroids for metals
- Build space hotels (only viable once space travel gets cheap enough to allow people who aren't billionaires to get into space)

>> No.1992617

Their ride might be like a space police car, but mine would be a space motorcycle, and since there isn't much traffic in space, there'd be no way they could do the pit maneuver on me or pull me over.

>> No.1992627
File: 51 KB, 498x446, 1243864794343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they just blow the shit out of you with a few specks of matter accelerated to near the speed of light, and swarms of anti-matter missiles

>> No.1992634

I think the people on the ground wouldn't be too happy when the government executed me for tax evasion and a traffic violation.

>> No.1992637

I'm just sayin...

>> No.1992642

I'm not tryin' ta hurt nobody, jus' tryin ta live my life free, like a murikan should.

>> No.1992644


>> No.1992666


Okay, okay - space elevators - going to the asteroid belt to bring back asteroids for mining, etc, etc.
They are good plans people - but we are talking 100 years into the future, and billions & billions of dollars to execute.

First thing first - Getting commercial orbital vessels up there cheaply, and down again without dying.
Just the profit you could make if you could maneuver, repair, change out fuel tanks, etc. on sattelites at a competitive price to publically owned organizations would be RE-diculous.

I submit that we need to find some way of getting cheap-as-dirt space-shuttles into space at an equally low price.
Maybe convert ( insulate ) old private planes, launch at the poles where the atmosphere isn't moving as rapidly ( so the heat build due to friction with super-fast moving particles might be negligible ).
Maybe one-shot rocket pods strapped on + the original jet-engines for movement while in-atmo, and possibly one could engineer a way to move slowly and gently with no fuel-expenditure once in orbit, by utilizing the magnetic field of earth ? Just brainstorming...

>> No.1992669
File: 23 KB, 315x332, 1250879358515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone assumes corporations and the state will exist in space

>> No.1992678


space magically makes solidly established powers disappear

>> No.1992683

oh ho

>> No.1992691

>but we are talking 100 years into the future

>> No.1992704


>> No.1992781

>mfw when someone assumes governement officials will magically stop persuing power when some people go into space
>mfw someone assumes entrepeneurs will stop chasing the moneys when some people go into space

>> No.1992804
File: 3 KB, 120x160, 27009743.1Handface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw u have no face