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1992262 No.1992262 [Reply] [Original]

So... with the Republicans winning a big majority in the House and splitting the Senate, is it safe to say NASA won't be getting those appropriations?

>> No.1992273

If they do they will blow it on some derp fuck like consolation or extended shuttle missions

>> No.1992270

>he still thinks the government can into space

>> No.1992278
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I believe so.

>> No.1992279

And this is why we can't have good things.

>> No.1992286
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; _ ;
>he thinks corporations give a shit about space exploration

>> No.1992291

who cares?

when one of the PRIMARY goals of nasa is to "make islamic nations feel better about their past scientific accomplishments"

that's not science.

>> No.1992302


>>when one of the PRIMARY goals of nasa is to "make islamic nations feel better about their past scientific accomplishments"

Link? I was under the impression their primary goal was a manned asteroid mission in 2015 and a Mars mission by 2030.

>> No.1992317
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>>implying the difference between American Rep/Dem is significant
>>Implying special interests wont continue to dictate what happens due to legalized bribery under the labels "Lobbying" and "campaign donations"
>>Implying the Status Quo in Murika will ever change until the people there realize they are being played.

derppity herppity derp.

>> No.1992329
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Seriously... still with that bullshit? Did anyone but the dumbest of the dumb ever honestly fucking believe that PR goals were higher up on the list than science and space exploration?

Get out dude... just get the fuck out.

>> No.1992339

Didn't some guy say that a revolution happens when there are is no food for a day or something?

>> No.1992338



2010 election changes nothing.

>> No.1992364

Well a revolution does often happen when a country or community is not giving its people enough resources, but as quickly as "a day" is just exaggerating it.

>> No.1992366


excerpt here: http://michellemalkin.com/2010/07/06/the-left-stuff-nasas-muslim-outreach/

warning the blog is pretty rightwinged

>> No.1992465



check out time: 1:12-1:42

then you GTFO for being so WRONG

>> No.1992472

>Link? I was under the impression their primary goal was a manned asteroid mission in 2015 and a Mars mission by 2030.

>> No.1992477

Why do you think that? Conservatives have always been better to the space program than liberals.

>> No.1992479
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>mfw you fucking idiots don't understand the difference between a public relations goal and a REAL goal

NASA has always had a lot of low-priority pr goals - encouraging more international cooperation, getting kids excited about science and math, etc... none of these goals have ever had anywhere near the level of priority as... say... building a fucking space station, launching fucking rovers to fucking Mars, or designing new fucking LVs. This whole business about 'improving relations with the Muslim world' was no different, nothing but fucking pr.

Meanwhile, NASA is in danger of not having a fucking budget next year, despite one of the best pieces of space legislature in decades receiving a 75% vote in the House and a unanimous vote in the Senate because you dumb cunts are too busy freaking out over non-issues.

Get a grip on reality you fucking morons.

>> No.1992493


this >>1992465
do you hear him say PR or any such? no.

do you hear him talk about canceling constellation? yes.

>> No.1992498

>one of the best pieces of space legislature in decades
Are you talking about the vote that took away all of NASA's money and gave it to private space corporations? Are you high?

>> No.1992516

Do you hear him specifically say that 'relations with the Muslim world' are more important than science, engineering, and exploration? - No

And canceling Constellation was the best decision that could have been made in this situation. Constellation was a decade behind if not more and was forcing massive cuts to actual science and research. The new approach will ensure a cheaper NASA LV sooner along with multiple commercial LVs.

>> No.1992542

For starters, it didn't take away any of NASA's money.

NASA still has all the cash they need to build a lift-vehicle, and now they've got the cash to buy commercial lift-vehicles and spacecraft as well.

Then there's the cancellation of the Constellation program, which was something like 5 years behind schedule after 4 years of development. [How that is even possible is one of the great mysteries of bureaucracies.]

>> No.1992889
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republicans fund NASA more than democrats


>> No.1993458
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>republicans fund NASA more than democrats
>implying NASA funding didn't receive one of its biggest funding cuts during the Nixon administration, and implying the second Bush administration didn't completely fucking fail to fund its own Constellation program to the point that we had to abandon it.

>> No.1993481
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>anecdotal argument
>mfw google works

>> No.1994996


>> No.1995155


Rep Sci Budget > Dem Sci Budget

>> No.1995187
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>implying Republicans won't just try to revive the should-have-been-killed-long-ago Constellation program for all eternity while claiming SpaceX is all part of the "social-communist Obamacare Illuminati conspiracy"

>> No.1995202

>implying we actually have anything to gain from space exploration and that it isn't a huge fucking waste of money and time

Maybe instead of wasting our money on giving a few astronomers jobs, we can actually use it to create more jobs for engineers and such at home

>> No.1995212

How are there still people in the world who are this fucking retarded?

>> No.1995218

The liberal hate is strong in this one.

>> No.1995220

One can only hope the democratic congress approves the appropriations for the new NASA bill before the turnover

>> No.1995224

Progressive ideologies are literally the only non retarded political concepts on the planet, stop being a moron.

>> No.1995227

Who, people who want to waste money on a worthless space exploration program that will provide us with literally nothing? I know man, I can't believe there are still people like that

>> No.1995236

> is it safe to say NASA won't be getting those appropriations?

Yeah you could say that. But only if you are a fucking retard who knows nothing about how laws/budgets are passed and modified in the US government.

Its already done you faggot.

is /sci/ really this dumb?

Am I being trolled here?

>> No.1995347

Space exploration practically lead directly to almost all of the technology you're using right now, you stupid, stupid fuck.

>> No.1995514

That and wars.

>> No.1995683

An authorization bill was passed... an outline, nothing more. There's no guarantee appropriations will give them the funding