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File: 74 KB, 342x427, 6a00d8341ce42b53ef00e54f39a4a08833-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1990248 No.1990248 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody know of a fairly active neuroscience forum of decent quality?

Also, I have a question about EEG, if any neuroscientists or neurologists are present.

>> No.1990308

Self bumping

>> No.1990320

Question about the EEG?

'fraid I don't know any forums though...

>> No.1990361


Can EEG readings be used to accurately assess cognitive function?

Referring specifically to intelligence and achievement test ability.

I've seen a somewhat dubious abstract in regards to this that showed moderate correlations, but I'm wanting further information from a more "up to date" source. Also, there is obvious advantages of human discourse in understanding information.

>> No.1990392
File: 101 KB, 301x322, 364796 - Kimiko_Ross dresden_codak webcomic.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping once again, hoping for input.

>> No.1990418


Not to be finicky, but could you hurry with your response?

I'm bordering a non-functional state of sleep deprivation.

>> No.1990439

I only have a clinical knowledge of them, nothing greatly in depth. But I would say no. The image is far too noisy with the little ones.

Even with the big thousand odd electrode ones get little beyond which areas of the brain are activating allowing you to access damage.

Intelligence? We're a long way from that, if you're referring to some kind of marker in the waves to show higher thinking. Though you could make certain assumptions, creativity, and auditory processing for instance with a decent enough EEG.

Hope that was at least slightly helpful.

>> No.1990496


Sauce? It looks exactly like a DC comic and as far as I know, no DC comic has nudity.

>> No.1990500

Dresden Codak fan art by the looks of things

>> No.1990516


Thank you.

I've been distraught over my poor EEG readings for awhile.

I've always frowned upon how fluid intelligence is assessed in psychometric tests, as it assumes intelligence is a single function that expands into areas of elarned cognition (mathematics, linguistics, etc).

I got my EEG, as I was having severe memory issues and to extract data as to whether or not I had ADHD. It gave me near-definite results of traumatic brain injury and a 70% of having a learning disability.

This was strange to me, as I've always done well on achievement tests and in academia with very minimal effort. generally aced tests whilst doing almost no homework.

The official administering the EEG seemed to believe I was severely impaired and generally had poor cognitive ability.

There's a 65% correlation with EEG predicting achievement tests and 68% with IQ.

>> No.1990521


Err, sorry.

I had thought that EEG would be a better predictor of fluid intelligence.

>> No.1990535


Also, I'm involved with a gifted program that selects based off achievement tests and loosely through teacher recommendation.

>> No.1990548

And despite all this, you really thought a test was going to prove you're borderline retarded?

>> No.1990574


I've always had esteem issues I guess.

Sort of a self-defeating attitude.

But I am wondering, what do you think could be a possibility for such strange results? There is obviously an abnormality in my cognition.

EEG is very accurate in diagnosing brain damage and LD.

>> No.1990596


>> No.1990605

Brain damage? Seems like you likely have an unusually wired brain. Worth bearing in mind if you do have any other neurological exams.

You don't happen to be epileptic do you?

>> No.1990610



you're : you are

>you're borderline retarded

>> No.1990615


No. I've never had any symptoms in my life.

>> No.1990622


I was born prematurely, if this would be relevant.

>> No.1990625

I hope your pic isn't Rlyeh-vant.
Don't kill me.

>> No.1990633

Huh, another quirk of anatomy I guess

>> No.1990663


Also, schizophrenia and ADHD runs in my family.

Inb4 someone makes a comment about the H.P. Lovecraft image.

I probably have latent schizophrenia

>> No.1990679

see >>1990625

>> No.1990686

Wouldn't pick that up on an EEG, that's neurochemical imbalances. you're just being paranoid, but then again...that's a symptom of schizophenia!

>> No.1990713


Well, latent schizophrenia =/= schizophrenia.

It merely means I should probably avoid LSD. Unless I want to become an incredible artist or something.

Also, ADHD is signified by poor low beta activity and increased theta wave activity. Theta wave activity usually normalizes in those with adult ADHD, but the poor beta wave activity persists.

>> No.1990748

I know, was just joking pal.

Why avoid LSD? It works on a totally separate pathway to dopamine.

Interesting about the ADHD though, makes sense.

>> No.1990759

Just came off the Arkham Horror FFG forums.
See Lovecraft.
>thought I was on /tg/ by accident

>> No.1990773


Psychedelic drugs, particularly LSD, has been shown to alter the chemical systems of the brain, at least temporarily. This can often incite psychological breakdowns, insanity, and schizophrenia. This generally only occurs in those who are already at risk.

>> No.1991484

it's an edit of a panel from one of the comics

>> No.1991935
File: 135 KB, 800x668, Fursuit_Cthulhu_by_ursulav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Lovecraft? I fear you have been driven mad, sir. All I see is a fox.

>> No.1991969

>Can EEG readings be used to accurately assess cognitive function?
>Referring specifically to intelligence and achievement test ability.
Not a neurologist in any respect, but doesn't this sound like a very simplistic way of looking at the brain and intelligence as a whole, which are both incredibly complex.