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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 262x342, z19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1979629 No.1979629 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/.
I was reading a bit about evolutionary biology and animal behaviour today, and On the part about sexual selection i noticed it always seems to be the females doing the choosing, and the males competing, in each species. I was just wondering why that is, and i have some ideas about it myself, but i want to see what you come up with.
for example, with peacocks, it is the plain looking peahens that are choosing mates with very bright attractive plumage, and the males are competing for female attention.
even with humans, ive noticed men seem to be fairly slaggy and not too picky about which women they get, they seem to make do with anyone (or maybe thats just the men i know) and its the women being choosey. although that could be partly because of pressures from society, where for a man to sleep with lots of women, he seems to get a lot of respect for it from some people, but for a women to sleep with a lot of men she loses respect, and is a 'whore'/'slut' etc.
the whole 'master key' vs 'shitty lock' scenario.
anyway, i'm rambing as usual.
tl;dr: thoughts on sexual selection, /sci/?

>> No.1979651

Because the investment for the female is usually much higher than for the male (semen).

>> No.1979668

How do you find out which are male and which are female in a really exotic species?

The female produces the egg (big cell) and (most of the time) carries the offspring.
The male produces the seed (lots of small cells).

Therefore, a male can (and to be evolutionary succesful, must) spread his semen as much as possible, without caring too much for where it goes.
A female must choose the sperm donor very carefully, for she only has a limited amount of eggs/she only occasionally produces a fertile egg.

>> No.1979677

There are species of birds in which the male takes care of the eggs. In these species it's the females that are colorful to attract a mate and the males that are well camouflaged.

If the cost of mating is higher for one sex then the other sex will be the one trying to attract mates.

>> No.1979672

I hate your Godforsaken picture.
I hate you.

Stop browsing /sci/, EK. You're a good namefag, but jesus fucking christ dude, get out of the house. I fucking see you here all the time. Get a girlfriend, dude.


>> No.1979686

One male can impregnate as many females as he likes, so he's not very valuable. You only need one male to produce all the sperm you'll need, if you're a farmer, for example.

But there are only so many ovaries. The strongest, best males must fight for the females, so the limited supply of ovaries are being used to breed the strongest new creatures.

>> No.1979694

I thought the person in that picture IS EK.

>> No.1979707

I would hope so. I guess I'm gay if not.

>> No.1979736


Someone asked him the same question, and he said no.

The guy is genuinely fucking smart. I don't want my post(s) to discredit his intellect at all. I just want to see him go outside on occasion. Do something.

He's on /sci/ a lot, man. Asshole, stop being on /sci/. And do something, like ..

Not be on /sci/.

>> No.1979796
File: 16 KB, 463x311, z24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a girlfriend
no thanks, im not a lesbian.

>> No.1979803


Boyfriend, then.

>> No.1979812

Are the pictures you, or not? If so, how about a timestamp?

>> No.1979818
File: 9 KB, 213x326, z7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, i might be a bit slow to respond to this thread, im currently busy on the 4 colour drawing thread (you must have seen it, its been alive for about 30 hours...or would have been, but for the 150 picture limit, so it has been reborn...)
yeh, i think i read somewhere that origionally, sex cells were about the same size, and then 1 started to enlarge, and 1 started to decrease in size but increase in number...and there was a good reasonm for it...and it evolutionarily accelerated...erm, i can't quite remember how it goes...it had a diagram and everything.

>> No.1979819


Shut the fuck up. This isn't /b/. If it's her, then it's her. If it isn't, then it isn't.

Asking for a timestamp is useless. You will not start a camwhore thread on /sci/.

(That's a bit ironic, considering EK is theoretically camwhoring if it is her. Still, I don't want a NUDE camwhore thread on /sci/.)

>> No.1979844
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 1208463412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1979848

Better than a non-nude camwhoring thread. Timestamp with sharpie in pooper.

>> No.1979854

Because the energy investment for males is negligible compared to the energy investment for females. A male just has to produce a bunch of small cells (sperm) that are cheap to make. He can produce a vast number of off spring in very little time if he has no competition. A female, on the other hand, has to produce egg cells (expensive to make and are limited to a relatively tiny number for the entire lifespan). Then after being fertilized she must expend a tremendous amount of energy and resources growing the fetus. This investment becomes even more ridiculously huge when you consider species in which the offspring must then be raised by the female after birth, especially species in which the female is left to do this by herself.

As a result, females are very picky because they only get a few windows of opportunity in their lifespans to create offspring, and every time they do it they undergo a huge risk. A male takes no risk beyond STDs and has an infinite window of opportunity over his lifespan, so he just fucks everything that moves.

>> No.1979864

I don't like you, Rebirth.

I wouldn't want to see her nude; I just want to know if it's her.

>> No.1979896

Also, if you're wondering why, considering all of this, most species aren't just 99% female and 1% male (since you only theoretically need one male to impregnate the entire population of females), the answer is somewhat obvious if you think about it for awhile. Natural selection is all about who has the highest reproductive success (ie can create the most offspring before they die). Females are the "safe" bet since they'll almost always create offspring no matter how many males there are. However, they're limited to a small number of offspring compared to what a male can pull off. Of course, if a species is disproportionately male then most males will have a low reproductive rate, meaning that if you've got the genes that skew the probability of your offspring in favor of being female then your offspring will have higher evolutionary success than someone else's who have genes that skew the probability of offspring gender in favor of being male.

Thing is, if a species is disproportionately female then each male now has a much higher reproductive rate due to having less competition. In an extreme case where you have 1% males and 99% females, the males are probably producing hundreds or thousands of times more offspring than the females. As a result, it now becomes very favorable to have more of your offspring be male than female.

These two situations counterbalance each other in the long-run, which is why you find that most species on Earth have an approximately even split ratio of females to males.

>> No.1979903
File: 14 KB, 445x359, z12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that never happened.
and fuck you, i like /sci/ its one of the few decent boards here, and ive learned a lot, and ive helped out some of my fellow anons, if you don't like it, i don't care. you cant stop me, and i don't care if you don't like me.
this shit again? i posted one like 2 days ago, were you not here? im not posting a god damn timestamp every time i come on, believe what you want to believe, its what everyone does anyway.
also, to those people on earlier requesting 'tits' / 'tits or GTFO' i havent posted them, and im not going to, this board is supposed to be about science. im sure if you google 'tits' with google safesearch turned off you will find some far better than mine anyway, and as far as i cant tell, tits look pretty much the same on everyone, except for slight variation on size and shape. theres porn on the internet, if your into that kind of thing, search for it, get your fix, or w/e. im not here for that.

>> No.1979910

You are overgeneralizing species a lot. Not every species behaves this way, certain pack animals such as wolves and lions have Alpha Males which choose amongst competing females (usually just gets them all). Certain tree frogs (straight out of the planet earth documentaries) will actually have the female members of the species climb to reach the stronger males on top of the tree while the weaker males jump on them along the way. Many other species are just promiscuous and won't really do a courtship at all, happens a lot with old world monkeys.
Female favoring courtship is just one amongst the many ways which have been developed by animals through evolution.
Also for humans, I don't know where you live but "whoredom" seems to go pretty much both ways, society just doesn't mind guys doing it as much as girls... maybe because girls have only legal not been property for the past 60 years in western society? Guys don't really like to share... girls don't aether... id be the same if through history women had been dominant, the two sexes are interchangeable on this, it is not the sex itself which gave way to the stigma.

>> No.1979917

yeh i don't really count it as 'camwhoring' as you say... but basically i kinda like talking face to face slightly more than just typing, because 90% of communication is facial expressions and body language, not what you actually say. also, you cant tell when someone is being sarcastic all the time over the internet, as there is no objective emphasis on words, as you read it, you kinda create it in your own mind. anyway, so yeh, i kinda like to use my pictures as like an emotion indicator, so you get a better idea of the tone of the post.

>> No.1979916

Sorry for not being on /sci/ 24/7. And, again, I don't want tits; I just think it would be cool if I could imagine actually typing messages to the person I'm seeing in your pictures, not just some loser hiding BEHIND the pictures.

>> No.1979932
File: 18 KB, 397x355, z22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, that makes sense! thanks, i understand it better now.

>> No.1979950
File: 25 KB, 350x294, rageguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys don't really like to share... ... id be the same...
>girls don't aether

lol jk, i just lol'd, coz i hate that fucking tripfag aether...erm, yeh, interesting post, thanx :)

>> No.1979953


>even with humans, ive noticed men seem to be fairly slaggy and not too picky about which women they get, they seem to make do with anyone (or maybe thats just the men i know) and its the women being choosey.

this is not true
humans are the opposite of peacocks/peahens
its true men are slobish
it also means that they dont try to impress the females, while peacocks do
also, females are generally the ones who focus on their looks to please men

on a side note, ive always wanted to do the use-your-own-face-reactions thing but i guess youve started it before me :/

>> No.1980005

Still no timestamp, I see... And no one who claims they saw the timestamped picture the other day.

I have no choice but to conclude that EK is either a guy, or an ugly fat chick. Dagnabbit.

>> No.1980026

If you care about EK's gender rather than intellect and contribution to the board, feel free to trot on over to one of the boards that features daily camwhores.

If EK merely wanted to camwhore, she'd be on one of those boards.

>> No.1980048

When has she contributed anything of intellectual value?

>> No.1980049

>it also means that they dont try to impress the females

this anon is the one from foreveralone.jpg

>> No.1980089

Who the hell is EK anyways?
Looks like some camwhore to me.

>> No.1980125
File: 3 KB, 126x113, 1288566104495s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have seen this picture about 5 times. get original, guy

>> No.1980133

also, you look like alyson michalka from phil of the future

>> No.1980138


>> No.1980166
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 300-jersey-shore-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1979854 Hits the nail on the head.

Available Sperm:99999999999999999999
Available Eggs: 500

Added to this is the energy investment in creating an egg and rearing it compared to a sperm.

To the peacock thing, we are more like peacocks than you realize. Most males absorb themselves with presenting a facade to women. Hell I've met a great many who were pretty much just a facade (picture as example)

>> No.1980176

EK, is that really you?

>> No.1980198


Here is a 2nd one.


>> No.1980207

Lol, so true.

>> No.1980217

So she/he took screenshots of youtube videos. Laaaaame.

>> No.1980250
File: 9 KB, 200x246, 1288377777942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tripfag telling namefag to get a life

>> No.1980254
File: 798 KB, 269x200, 1188154831317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.1980265

Not sure what you're trying to say, bro. Sounds a like like "THEN WHO WAS PHONE?"

>> No.1980286

Oh, I saw it brah.
It was a clearly photoshopped picture that said /sci/ on it.

Godamn /sci/ is so easy to troll..