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File: 48 KB, 419x919, 1288351923256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1971017 No.1971017 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this lol. Its funny because they have the exact same stories as jesus XD

>> No.1971021

newfag detected

>> No.1971029

Fuck you. i've been here since august 2009 BITCH!

>> No.1971031

ps its from a documental called zietgeist

>> No.1971030

The obvious conclusion: Jesus is a time traveler.

>> No.1971052

asuming that your comment was annulled by "xD"

>> No.1971064

Christfags are retarded.

The SON of God.
The SUN of God.

Wow, idiots worship a sun.

Zeitgeist is exposing the hate religion for what it really is.

Spread the truth brother.

>> No.1971068
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>> No.1971081

The LORD will kill you for your insolence! Literally, the LORD forgives but the LORD NEVER FORGETS

>> No.1971094


Exactly what I would expect from a christfag.

Christianity is an based on the zodiac, the bible alludes to the changing of times to the time of Aquarius. 3 Wise men? Easy, orions belt. Star in the east? Sirius. You worship the sky. The sun, the zodiac. You seriously need to do some real research about your religion. Some people have no critical thinking skills and base their world view on ONE book. ROFL, wow, sad really.

>> No.1971097


Anyways gtfo seriously. We are so fucking tired of your stupidity.

>> No.1971098

>Born on Dec. 25th
That's bullshit, none of these gods were born on Dec. 25th. Hell, not even Jesus was born on Dec. 25th. We didn't start celebrating his birthday on that date until hundreds of years after he died.

Saging for religious discussion in /sci/

>> No.1971107

>Zeitgeist is exposing the hate religion for what it really is.

You, it would be really awesome if
Horus, Attis, or Mithra were born of a virgin and dec 25th, had 12 disciples, and was crucified and resurrected after three days.

Unfortunately none of them were -- or anything remotely close. Zeitgeist made all that shit up to troll sad sacks like you. Look up any of those myths, and you'll see that it's not even close.

>> No.1971111

Kid. You're talking to someone who is:


Who's deciphered the bible, time and time again. Understands timecube. Has the profound ability to get inside peoples minds and is MUCH MUCH MUCH wiser than you are, you stupid, education and media following, faggot.

I hate people like this kid.
To me,
To you,

Shit. I'm getting trolled. I'ma leave quickly.

>> No.1971113

>Some people have no critical thinking skills and base their world view on ONE book
As opposed to people who base their world view on one troll youtube video lolololololololol

>> No.1971127
File: 63 KB, 334x481, OsirisIsisHorus[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horus born of a virgin
>implying Isis is a virgin
>implying she didn't pork Osiris to make Horus

>> No.1971138

>Unfortunately none of them were

Clearly you haven't done your research then. I have. If you actually got off your deluded arse and did some academic research then you would realise what I am saying is true.

You have just proved my point that christfags are non-critical and base their world-view on one book.

It's sad that so many people are deluded by Christianity, a rip off of every other religion. We need to teach some people how to think for themselves instead of relying on their "holy book".

I honestly feel sorry for you.

>> No.1971144
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>mfw fucking zeitgeist

>> No.1971154
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>impying time cube is not as retarded as any given tin-foil conspiracy.

Also, OP the date doesnt make any fucking sense.. they didnt use the fucking gregorian calendar, so that is wrong, Also all the data that relates Horus with Jesus, its supposed to come from a book called "the book of the dead" the book exist but the chapters where they talk about the history of Horus dont.

Also the rest are so vague.. there is not a single correlation

Perform miracles?.. NO SHIT

>> No.1971156

LOL, look kid, I'm not a christian. I did however minor in comparative religion, and have studied mythology. None of the stuff you are saying is true. It was all made up by Zeitgeist for gullible suckers and pucks exactly like you. Deal with it. Develop some critical thinking or else continue to be a retard the rest of your life.

>> No.1971157

Also, Attis wasn't really "born" of a virgin since he was already alive in the form of a demonspawned nut before he went into the stomach of the virgin to start growing. He did come out of here vagina though

>> No.1971162
File: 6 KB, 363x360, n22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm even going to read your troll attempt when you have a top bottom, front back, left right and consider that 'one' thing.

>> No.1971163

>implying there's still anyone alive who doesn't realize zeitgeist is bullshit.

>> No.1971167

lol pwned much?? you are claiming to have open mentality.. and yet you are so closed minded and retarded that you immediately thought that anyone that questions zeitgeist is christian

>> No.1971173
File: 94 KB, 500x489, 1286692422489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad, so mad

>> No.1971176

> I did however minor in comparative religion

Rofl, yeah, sure. And I have a Ph.D in Truthology from Christian Tech.

>None of the stuff you are saying is true.

I love all this unsubstantiated BS that truly exposes Christianity for what it really is. It's madness, the truth is right in front of you, but you have to repeat "no no, it's not true" without demonstrating why it isn't. EPIC FAIL.

>Develop some critical thinking

Oh the irony.

I honestly feel sorry for people like you. You're so dogmatic you're unable to accept the truth if it conflicts with your preconceptions. You're willing to believe a lie to justify your beliefs.

You seriously need to actual read up on some history, go to your local university and learn something.

Again, I feel sorry for you. I really do.

>> No.1971184


I like how you're unable to respond to my argument.

Really telling.

Thanks for exposing Christianity for what it really is though.

>> No.1971185

Mithra hatched out of a stone.
It wasn't on Dec 25th
Mithra didn't have 12 disciples.
He wasn't crucified or resurrected.

>> No.1971187


Exactly, when Christians are backed into a corner by cold hard facts, they have to resort to ad hominems.

Sad really.

>> No.1971188

Please don't call Aether a Christian

>> No.1971195

Lol moron. Go to the fucking library. Ask the librarian to help you find a book on the mithrian mysteries or egyptian religion. Don't believe everything you see on youtube, fucking moron.

>> No.1971201


I've done my research, this comment clearly demonstrates that you haven't done yours.

Sad really. No critical thought what-so-ever.

>> No.1971200


>> No.1971208

It's funny really how the Christians are getting so worked up over the cold hard facts which demonstrate their religion to be false.

Shows how powerful the truth can really be.

>> No.1971210

Watching zeitgeist doesn't count as research. I've actually studied mythology, so trolls like you piss me off. Yes, I've been trolled. Go troll another board now.

>> No.1971216

[ ]p This is my care cup.

Oh look! It's empty!

Christianity is science and fatherhood.
Buddhism is training to become a buddha/preacher.
Taoism is training to become a sage and to act off of impulse, freeing the mind.
Muslim is explaining the origins of life and way in which life works, to an extent, also 'scientific'.

I can't be assed to explain to a bunch of retards the meaning of life. How we came from bubbles taking a metabolism from hot/cold sweet/salt water getting shocked by an electrical surge from a lightning storm. How God is eternal love and part of everything. How you all are educated dumb out of harmony with your human impulses enslaved by word and literally fucking imprisoned in a reality that everyone creates for each other, through word. How you are not you but are 'we' or How you end up eating your Children in the years to come. I would love to, I just can't. I've been doing it all day on /b/.

>> No.1971219


It's funny, Christians make up stuff when reality conflicts with their dogma.

Apparently every Christian has a degree in ancient history these days. LOL.

Wow, it's sad really how Christians have to make up stuff to justify their beliefs. If you can't substantiate your beliefs with facts, then why believe in it?

>> No.1971228
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>> No.1971232

Rama: Hit a guy so hard he flew into the Indian Ocean, shot an arrow into the air with such force that it's still in space and when it hits the ground the world will be destroyed, used shadow clone jutsu so he could pleasure all of his concubines simulateously, was so awesome his predecessor was named "Rama with Battle Axe", told an enemy spy his battle plans and the size of his army so that when he returned to camp the enemy soldiers would be terrified at their certain destruction, had one disciple but he was a shape-shifting monkey king so strong he could carry Everest around like it was nothing.

Man, why do Hindus get the best gods?

>> No.1971235
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>> No.1971246
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Good night /sci/.

>> No.1971247

You could study history too. All it takes is to sign up for a class in comparitive religions or mythology, and you would instantly be less of a moron. Right now you're just about scraping the bottom of the intelligence barrel though.

>> No.1971252
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>> No.1971253
File: 41 KB, 361x450, B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1971260

Best scripture too. Vedas for the win.

>> No.1971263

Oh, and that apocalypse arrow? He didn't need to do that, he was just showing off to Rama-With-A-Battle-Axe and all his buddies. That's right, Hindus believe the world will be destroyed because their god was dicking around with his superhuman strength.

>> No.1971276

Read it all and take your first step to wisdom, /sci/.

>> No.1971280

>They take the words as literal. What they were educated to interpret words like. The proper educated definition for each and every word in every holy book. They think it's a bunch of Gods in a out of this dimension kingdom rather than actual beings in reality like lightning, ice or fire. They think that Heaven and Earth are THE PLANET and THE PLACE YOU GO WHEN YOU DIE. They will continue through education and leave uni/college with this in their heads. They will always be dumb as fuck and unenlightened, unknowing and slaves to your shitty atheist game.

I fucking hate you /sci/, I really do. Why can't you just be nice to people. YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS

>> No.1971289

I'm a Christian, so I wish OP's picture was true, as it would prove that Christianity is the one true religion, as all the ancient myths foretold it. Of course, I learned about egyptian religion in high school, and I had a comparative religion course in college, so by the time I saw zeitgeist I knew it was bullshit already. But if it were true, everyone would HAVE to believe Christianity, with all the ancient myths reflecting everything that happened to Jesus.

>> No.1971327

Uh, I'm well aware that "new heaven and new earth" can be taken both literally and figuratively (as the Jehova's Witnesses do). Why, what's your opinion on the afterlife and eschatology?

And just because we're aware that literature can have allegorical meaning doesn't mean we can't appreciate the literal story on its own methods. I mean sure Gilgamesh just represents the efforts of the Sumerian rulers in particular and the accomplishments and potential of humanity in general as well as our impotence before the inevitability of death, but that doesn't mean it's not also a ripping good yarn.

>> No.1971341

Not really, in fact it would suggest instead that the story of Jesus just contains really popular tropes, whether due to human psychology or semetic culture, and is likely to just be made up. I mean until recently everyone believed magic worked, but that doesn't prove it does.

>> No.1971342

>OP is now looking up Mithra on wikipedia and realizing he was duped.

>> No.1971351

Made up stories don't tend to be set in the present... at least they didn't. And textural analysis alone is enough to show that the gospel writers were describing literal events. For example Luke's story, which he actually researched for his report to Theophilus, and filled with what was at the time used for dates (references to year number of the rule of multiple rulers), as well as the way in which one gospel writer may tell one part of an event, and another gospel writer tells, another, or the fact that the gospels include information considered embarrassing to the writers and to the subject of the stories, and other criteria that is looked at by textual analysts.

>> No.1971362


>> No.1971385

why is that funny?

>> No.1971396

I don't think that people did believe in magic until recently.

People were superstitious, and there were lingering ideas that were magical... But if someone believes that a blood sacrifice can bring good weather, then its not magic to them.

>> No.1971399

>Christianity is an based on the zodiac, the bible alludes to the changing of times to the time of Aquarius.
You didn't even that right. Christianity is the manifestation of Pisces. Aquarius is the second coming.

>> No.1971453

You sound like a truther

>> No.1971458

Uh, it pretty clearly would be magic, and likely could have been thought of as magical by the people performing the ritual (especially if the sacrifice was to directly cause the rain rather than simple appease or attract gods and spirits). It's not like magic is by definition something that doesn't work, it's just that it happens not to. The person wouldn't think that it works because it's not magic, they would think that it works because it's magic, and magic does work. Also, part of the reason why the term magic is so unpopular now (apart from superstition being disproven of course) is that it's used by illusionists and other stage performers for their acts and so has different connotations to us than it did to our ancestors.

Seriously, how can you say that people didn't believe in magic when they're still killing "witches" in Africa?

>> No.1971505

Seem to be a number of definitions of magic being thrown around. To someone who believes in magic, it's just simple cause and effect. To someone who thinks magic is bullshit, the cause and effect doesn't work. And then "magical thinking" just means that you haven't given enough thought to the mechanism through which you believe a cause and effect happens. But that's a pretty subjective thing, because someone could call it magical thinking that some neurologist might think that consciousness emerges from neurons talking to each other. There is definitely a mechanism missing, so they'd have a point. A detailed magical system, would be able to give you enough explanation that it seems like a mechanism. Maybe it just comes down to what works and what doesn't work. I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to test various tribal magics empirically, or if they just assume it doesn't work and don't want to be laughed at for testing it.

>> No.1971507

Oh I see your point

>> No.1971549

The story of Jesus was taught prior to his birth, the Jews were waiting for him for over a thousand years, God obviously loves ALL his children and taught them of Christ who would save them from their sins from the beginning of the world. People rebelled against God on multiple occasions BUT the story of Christ survived many different general apostasies becoming the UR story of other civilizations.

Face it, you cannot argue against a Christian and win. The best you can do is stalemate.

>> No.1971579
