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1962014 No.1962014 [Reply] [Original]

I overheard some people talking about how they were all against the use of Nuclear technologies.

Is this a legitimate cause to be a part of? I thought they were just being ignorant.

>> No.1962021

Reason why most people are against nuclear technologies is because they hear nuclear and think "LOLOLOL BOMBS LOLOLO HERP DERP THEY WILL BLOW US ALL UP"

Makes me feel ashamed to live in this country, but I'm sure its the same everywhere in the world.

>> No.1962039


My sister is like that. I want to convince her otherwise because she's always bitching about nuclear tests during the cold war killing all these natives around the world. And now she's just against all nuclear technologies.

It's funny because I was casually talking to her about the cold war and she was implying that we used nukes several times in wars to defeat our enemies. I was like wat

>> No.1962042

We need proper waste disposal, but besides that, our current nuclear plant safety technologies are more than adequate.

>> No.1962052

In the US there is a huge resurgence in Nuclear Power and a source of semi renewable and clean energy. The general public as a majority is ignorant and scared of everything they don't understand. There are ~140 online nuclear facilities in the US currently.

>> No.1962064

You were right, they were just being ignorant.

>> No.1962085

>nuclear energy is the cleanest and most efficient source of energy
>enviornmentalists still wont accept it
>enviornmentalists are ignorant fucks

>> No.1962088

one more question

were all the tests done in WW2 and the cold war necessary? my sister bitches about how the natives are dying and stuff.

>> No.1962097

>implying there isn't hella hazmat waste
>implying there isn't tons of green house gases created from mining to get fuel
you're actually right though

>> No.1962092

I cant stand when people are so damn ignorant and thats hilaious

>> No.1962100

There are some 'evidences' of some nuclear bombs being used in the cold war, but it's mostly conspiracies and crazy theories that probably won't ever come to life.

I don't think it's the environmentalists. An educated environmentalist would like it; and anyone who cares about the environment truly generally is educated. It's mostly right-wing douchebags or people who want oil as a major source that speak out against it.

>> No.1962105

They did over test a little, but i dont think the natives thing is true. Ive never heard that, as we tested in deserts, we evacuate the whole place before testing

>> No.1962108

So... found any way to get rid of that burnt out radioactive material? I've opted for launching it in the sun but apparently, that's not "eco" friendly

>> No.1962110

Basically environmentalists want something super powerful and awesome like nuclear energy, but also it cannot be used as a weapon or have any downside whatsoever.

Basically want to run the world on fairy dust. Their not living in reality.

Or they want us to live in drum circles in the forests. whichever.

>> No.1962117

Lol no im conservative. But i think its not even like political parties or anything, its just ignorant people on both sides of the spectrum

>> No.1962126

Ive been saying that for a while. Its super effectice at getting rid of shit
Yep, unless they're serious envoornmentalists, but most of them are derp

>> No.1962178

>I've opted for launching it in the sun but apparently, that's not "eco" friendly
Uh... actually, even if we wanted to, it would be very difficult to do so. The amount of delta-v required to essentially de-orbit something into the sun is very, very large. If we used a gravitational slingshot, the risk of it coming close to earth is greatly increased, and since some close passes to the sun would ablate the container, the chances of radioactive material coming back to earth could actually be fairly high (since it will leave out a comet-style tail that crosses our orbit).

There are ways to transmute some longer lived wastes into useful things or things with a short life span, usually involving particle accelerator burnup (think subcritical reactors), not that it matters. The chief problems are social and political, not technical.

>> No.1962187


Well i know for sure that castle bravo has dangerous radiation levels that went to inhabited islands.

Is this an actual problem for the people though?