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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1961287 No.1961287 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/fags

You see, I've been reading lot about sci-fi, futurology, space stuff etc. and this fascination about the Universe and it's destiny has been a curse for me, because it has turned me really paranoid.
Like, at nights, even right now, I am somehow able to feel earth moving beneath me, and it's a bit scary, since the more you learn about futurology, astronomy and sci-fi stuff, the more you begin to realize that your life on Earth is a fucking coincidence that could end very easily in blink of an eye.
All the fucking accidents that might happen (gamma rays/giant asteroids/black holes could head in our way, sudden geomagnetic reversal/galatical or supercluster implact/abnormal universal-scaled accident could happen, earth's core could stop generating magnet field, moon could collide with earth because Jupiter could send out gravitational anomalies, sun could suddenly not rise one day due some accident etc)
Anyone out here also paranoid about that? How could I stop worring about that?

tl;dr paranoid about sudden large-scale space-related catastrophies

>> No.1961294
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Are you stupid? Getting killed by a freaing supernova would be the coolest death achievable, right up there with spaghettification. You can either die a pathetic death from aging or you can die the most amazing death in human history getting killed by something unimaginably gigantic FOMAEGINBEIN"

>> No.1961304


>> No.1961319
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OP here

cool part, among with amazing light show, would be that all of us die in the same moment, turning into one with universe again, being connected alltogether, entering and grapsing new dimensions and multiverses in a new shape and form.

the shitty part is, I haven't experienced a shit in this life yet and I AM 2YOUNG2DIE!!!1!

>> No.1961327
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>the more you learn about futurology, astronomy and sci-fi stuff
Do you know what the fi stands for in sci-fi?

>sun could suddenly not rise one day due some accident

>> No.1961352
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>implying technical singularity and futurology doesn't add up to sci-fi
>implying sun couldn't end up on hydrogen one day

>> No.1961364

Yeah its true.

I really don't care because the human race will die out at some point. As long as my death is freaking epic and it is painless it would be pretty cool. It would suck to die of radiation gradually.

>> No.1961375

Oh shit, OP, you shouldn't go there. In the grand scale of things we're nothing. And that is a fucking depressing thought.

Stay away from philosophy now, or you might go insane.

>> No.1961675


Sci-fi doesnt mean everything in the book cant be true idiots. Some of the first sci-fi books came true, this doesnt mean its not still science fiction.

>> No.1961757

Gamma rays: happen all the fucking time, might give you cancer, but you'd never know it was the gamma.

Giant asteroids: concievable, but very low odds of a significant event.

Black holes: Micro black holes are no threat whatsoever (might give you cancer, maybe, from the Hawking radiation. Huge black holes we'd detect from stars moving. Medium black holes - see giant asteroids.

Geomagnetic reversal: Might fuck with navigation a bit. People might get lost. Cancer rates might increase a little.

Galatical or supercluster implact: Not happening within the lifetime of the sun

Abnormal universal-scaled accident - We'd have to have fundamentally misunderstood physics to have this. We almost certainly haven't.

Earth's core could stop generating magnet field -
Never happened, probably never will. Cancer rates will be sky high. People will have to live in bunkers and never go outside.

Moon could collide with Earth because Jupiter could send out gravitational anomalies: Not any time soon.

Sun could suddenly not rise one day: Only if the earth stops rotating. Conservation of momentum sees to that one. Not happening.

How could I stop worring about that?
Either you can look at the actual science, or you can pop some pills. See what works for you.

>> No.1961767
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>> No.1961829

OP, if any of this cosmic phenomena happens you won't even know you are dead. It will be like nothing ever even happened, I cannot think of a less painless death.