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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 300x258, trig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1960752 No.1960752 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give a fast break down of trig?

>> No.1960754


>> No.1960755

Just consult the great Indian chief Soh-Cah-Toa.

>> No.1960757


>> No.1960760
File: 38 KB, 400x550, N-tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every angle in a triangle is proportional to the ratios between the opposite side of a triangle and some other side.

These different ratios interact, simplify, and integrate with each other in various different, complex, yet simple ways.

Thus is the nature, of nature.
>your face when

>> No.1960764

<span class="math">
sin^2 \theta + cos^2 \theta = 1

>> No.1960766
File: 15 KB, 300x209, 22690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and the following post basically.

You do know what a unit circle is don't you?

>> No.1960770
File: 65 KB, 818x1058, calculus_derivatives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One more...

>> No.1960774
File: 56 KB, 818x1058, calculus_integral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The there's the versin, haversine stuff etc. but nevermind that for now.

>> No.1960780

into how much trig do you want to go into?

relationships of right angle triangles, of scalene triangles?
proving trig identities?
sketching trig functions?

as far as complex identities and Euler's equation?

>> No.1960778

>Every angle in a triangle is proportional to the ratios between the opposite side of a triangle and some other side.
not so, cos is adjacent over hypotenuse and doesn't involve the opposite

>> No.1960777

First you must learn the triangle: the adjacent, opposite, the hypotenuse.
Next you must learn the basic trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tan.
Third, the identities and the formulas: <span class="math">cos^2/theta + sin^2/theta = 1, \fract{1/2} absin/theta = area of a triange[/spoiler]
Then you must learn the art of the radians, and the very graphs of the sines, cosines, and tans themselves.
When you have accomplished this you must continue on to sec, cosec and cot. The inverse of the original triad.
After many identities learned you will advance on to the cosh and sinh etc. This will be your ultimate test.
Once you have grasped this your elementary trigonometry is complete and you are a God amongst mortal men.

>> No.1960781

like a regular circle?

>> No.1960783

>When you have accomplished this you must continue on to sec, cosec and cot. The inverse of the original triad.
these aren't inverses, they are reciprocals

can't believe sci is full of basic errors like this

>> No.1960785
File: 42 KB, 704x388, N-dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever; you're just nitpicking. The same ratio can be expressed in some terms of opp/hyp.
since cosine and sine are complementary.

Learn to see the big picture; you'll see more that way.

>> No.1960799

don't be a retard
no one would just use sin and tan
or use sin(90-x) for cos

good maths is all about nit picking, it is an exact subject

lrn2 rigor

>> No.1960800

>these aren't inverses, they are reciprocals

Dude, fuck you. I just had a giant tumor removed from my head, so what if i mistake the reciprocal for the inverse.
I hope you feel good about yourself now ;_;

>> No.1960804

> the term 'inverse' has only one meaning ever, and I always select it so that YOU are WRONG

>> No.1960805


The true beauty of mathematics comes from its simplicity and elegance. The exactness you describe is merely an illusion.

All problems have an elegant solution; all solutions have an elegant expression.

>> No.1960811
File: 26 KB, 350x372, woman laughing at text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves static images as gifs

>> No.1960813

The Navier-Stokes equations would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1960818

In Northern England where I am from we have an expression for people of such disgusting pretentiousness:

"Up 'is own arse"

>> No.1960823

with trig inverse functions have only one meaning arcsin or sin^-1 etc

if you want to have ambiguities for the same of them, you are a fucktard

>> No.1960825

you're a hippy, i'm a math phd

lrn2 math

>> No.1960828

maths not exact?

lol, missing the whole fucking point. math is the field where truth is as exact as it will ever get

>> No.1960836

Well, i've heard Feynman and Popper describe science/mathematics as being, at best, approximations and over simplications of reality.

>> No.1960840


You're making assumptions. I was only pointing out that you had misused the word.

Math is obviously an exact process. My argument is that the underlying processes are elegant.

Forget it, though. Some minds just don't have the capability of accepting such concepts.

Also you don't need to samefag in order to make your points clear.

>> No.1960842


that's sort of what I was getting at.

>> No.1960847


if you think these two words are interchangeable you are hopeless

feynman and popper were talking about science.

with maths everything is as approximate as 1 + 1 = 2, i e not approximate at all. unless you are studying approximations, then you quantify it rigorously and use absolute exact reasoning to do so.

fucking amateur

>> No.1960851


enjoy learning

>> No.1960853

they are often elegant, sometimes they are hopelessly inelegant, like the proof of the four color theorem

they are occasionally simple, but often incredibly complex.

you are just spouting platitudes without any experience of math beyond a bit of school and some pop science books. then whining when you nonsense is exposed

>> No.1960856


ugh, idiot. No one is saying that math isn't an exact process. My argument was that its elegance comes from the paradox by which complexity becomes simplistic.

I was trying to help you appreciate some of my findings regarding natural law and mathematics.

The fact that you hide behind your degrees tells me you're hiding behind personal experience and viewing the world around you through a biased and subjective lense. Learn to decode and question your assumptions.

I'm out of here.

>> No.1960859

context you wikitard

trig functions, inverse has one meaning. that you or someone used incorrectly for reciprocal

>> No.1960863

>my findings

crank spotted

>> No.1960866

What was the name of that one song that discussed the trig ratios?
All I remember is some pop-like song and the lyrics "SINE COSINE TANGENT"

Granted, it was played during a micspam, so it might not even be a song.

>> No.1960867


The only thing you need to see about trig...is on wikipedia

>> No.1960893

did a pretentious wanker just accuse me of samefagging

>> No.1960935

Here is my breakdown:

Easy as fuck.

Hope this helps.