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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 470x668, jesus_with_dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1958888 No.1958888 [Reply] [Original]

Prove that fossils aren't fake. That's right, you can't.

Prove that evolution exists. That's right, you can't. It's still just a theory, retards.

Your voodoo "science" are satanic lies inspired by the devil. That is all and you're too ignorant to see it.

>> No.1958896

back to /b/.

>> No.1958897


>> No.1958894

nice quads, jesus
also, fuck you

>> No.1958900

>implying Jesus rides side-saddle.

>> No.1958901

Protip: OP, no creationist would use a pic like yours [a sandnigger riding a dino]. This is plain offensive for them.

>> No.1958915

Explain to me why you don't believe in evolution, even after the last 2 popes publicly admit they believe it to be correct and condone its teaching.

Science has already won this war, dumbass.

>> No.1958917

You're the dumbass for responding seriously, dumbass.

>> No.1958921

the pope is the anti-christ you stupid fuck. but you're an atheist so I should've exptected that

>> No.1958933

>Prove that fossils aren't fake.

Come with me out in the field and we'll collect thousands of fossils troll. We can break them out of fresh rock and you can tell me whether I planted them there for you to find.

Examine one under a microscope, observe the cellular details, tell me how we could fake such microscopic structures.

Yep, we can't. Fossils are real bitch.

>> No.1958937

That apatosaurus is shockingly out of scale

Also, it was a herbivore, big fucking deal, lets see jesus tame a t rex

>> No.1958942


>this is what creationists actually believe

>> No.1958943

Hey christfags, if dinosaurs lived among us, where did they all go?

That's right, TOLD

>> No.1958944

More then 1 anti-christ? Lulz

>> No.1958945

I almost didn't even post this

>> No.1958962

prove that isn't a shitty troll thread that I'm reporting

>> No.1958992

If all of the observable universe is just a trick to lead us to false conclusions, and God is responsible for making the observable universe, than I submit that God is a manipulative asshole unworthy of respect, let alone worship.

I mean, really... who respects someone that is knowingly and purposefully trying to trick you? Under nearly all moral standards I can think of, that's considered dishonest.

>> No.1959607

Prove that fossils are fake. That's right, you can't.

Prove that evolution doesn't exist. That's right, you can't. It's still just a dream.

>> No.1959611

Prove that the devil, the master deceiver, didn't write the bible. That's right, you can't.

>> No.1959634

it's a Vulcanodon

check its limb proportions