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File: 92 KB, 1024x638, Vasimr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1958141 No.1958141 [Reply] [Original]

So, the big question. Do you think that humans will set foot on Mars within our lifetime? I have been reading up on the VASIMR project but it look's like NASA doesn't wish to really fund the thing. Please /sci/ reasure me.

>> No.1958150

I think it'll happen within 70 years.

>> No.1958151

I don't care. Fuck mars. I just want to see a moon base started before I die.

>> No.1958173

Probably. People will probably get sick of the live updates fucking with sports schedules though. By the time the crew gets to mars, everyone on earth will be watching something else.

It's not like landing on mars will change anything. What good did landing on the moon do?

>> No.1958172

You have to be kidding me. I'm 34 now so unless we have major advances in medical technology, (that debate is for another day), I will not live to see a Mars landing. Too young for to have witnessed the Lunar landing and too old to see the Mars landing, that suck's.

>> No.1958181


You lived longer than jesus.

Quit yer bitchin.

>> No.1958194

I hear ya, what wee need is good old fashioned cold war to get thing's moving again.

>> No.1958205 [DELETED] 


>> that suck's.

How can you be 34 and not understand proper apostrophe use? do you have a live-in helper who ties your shoes and wipes your ass?

>> No.1958207

When I said 70 years I meant at the most. A more optimistic view might put it around 50 years.

>> No.1958210


>> that suck's.

How can you be 34 and not understand proper apostrophe use? Do you have a live-in helper who ties your shoes and wipes your ass?

>> No.1958224
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, VASIMR_ScrSh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vasimr from Earth to Mars in 39 day's. Once we get a president actually interested in science and the advancement of our country, we can do it. Give it 30-50 year's. Cut out the junk food and you never know.

>> No.1958225

Maybe we need Al Qaeda to start a space program.

>> No.1958227


>Once we get a president actually interested in science and the advancement of our country, we can do it


>> No.1958230

A president interested in science would put a permanent scientific research base on the moon instead.

>> No.1958233

No I am not American so that form of slang is not very common here. Seeing as this board is mainly populated by Colonial's and because I want a real answer I attempted to modify my speech. It was an attempt at friendship.

>> No.1958239
File: 288 KB, 1200x1600, GFMKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1958258


>> It was an attempt at friendship.

Well shit, now I feel like a bastard. My apologies. I accept your olive branch and offer one of my own. :3

>> No.1958307
File: 17 KB, 450x338, b5_starfury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To hell with your fancy dreams of Mars. What I want to know is how long before VASIMR is weaponised? We need something to stop those pesky Minbari.

>> No.1958316

No problem's, for science!

>> No.1958326


Nah. Just send a memo to all ships that "In first contact situations, open gunports may be a sign of friendship"

Problem solved.

>> No.1958335


Just up the thrust. Any good torchship can double as a weapon.

>> No.1959772

Any manned mars mission will depend upon China. If they get to the point that they're capable of a manned mars mission and they /still/ haven't overcome their massive inferiority complex, they'll attempt it. At which point, the US (which will /never/ get over its inferiority complex) will want to beat them to it.

I can't think of any other country which would waste a decade's entire science budget on a pissing contest.

>> No.1959779

>I can't think of any other country which would waste a decade's entire science budget on a pissing contest.
Our current science budget is ridiculously small compared to GDP. We NEED another space-race.

>> No.1959784

A president interested in science would scrap manned spaceflight and divert the funds to robotics.

But that's a pipe dream. The space program isn't about science, it's about PR.

>> No.1960820

Like Japan?

>> No.1962303

Well damn, Y'all are depressin. I wanna fly a god damned Plasma rocket.

>> No.1962373

Just you watch. I'll have my own battlestar one day!

>> No.1962381

Mars? certainly.

The planet surrounding Alpha centuari /b/? Not so certain

>> No.1962706

By 2030 there will be colonies on the moons of Mars, Phobos or Deimos.

>> No.1962734
File: 349 KB, 461x422, haaahaawolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


20 years?

>> No.1962763

what we need is some hostile alien contact,
to get things goin

>> No.1962877

>implying President Obama didn't pass the best space bill in 50 years.

>> No.1963950

The best of the worst. I mean a real science orientated president, preferably an atheist but we all know that the sheeple will only elect a god botherer.

>> No.1963955

> orientated

>> No.1963959

> Do you think that humans will set foot on Mars within our lifetime?
The only way the US is going to Mars is if they're attacked by Venus.

>> No.1963975

I like that.

>> No.1963985

I see what you did thar

>> No.1964186

> 100-year-starship
I can't really see that $1.1 million is anywhere close to sufficient for such a project. That kind of money would barely fund a report which says "if we're going to colonise mars, we need to develop X, Y and Z", let alone actually doing any of those things.

>> No.1964229

> I have been reading up on the VASIMR project but it look's like NASA doesn't wish to really fund the thing.

Funding VASIMIR would piss of Boeing and Lockheed. Given that NASA's primary mission is to funnel public funds to Boeing and Lockheed, they're unlikely to want to do that.

>> No.1964257

Have you SEEN the reports generated by NASA? Some poor bastard gathered a sample of used tampons (from astronauts), weighed them, measured their volume; then dried them and weighed them again. That's in a report (131 g/crew-woman day while menstruating). And 0.1 g/crewman-day (CM-d) for toenails and fingernails. Dammit NASA, big picture. BIG PICTURE.

>> No.1964287

i think we may live longer than our parents did. so its not entirely out of the question to say it might happen in 150 years, or more.

>> No.1965798

Isn't that a bit of wishful thinking though. For the sake of conversation let's just say that everyone here will live to the age of 80. Do you think that VASIMR will put a man on Mars within our lifetimes? Additionally this thread seems to be foccusing heavily on VASIMR, from what I can tell it is nothing more than a pipe dream from a single professor not NASA's plan. Does anyone know of any other project's that could get a man to Mars?

>> No.1965808

They also measure any tampons they use in space. This is important for establishing space based infrastructure, proper hygiene facilities.

>> No.1965847

getting to mars is an issue of politics rather than technology. we could do it within 10 years with some effort and current technology. obviously this isn't going to happen because the world is retarded, but the point is that technically we are more than equal to the challenge.