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1955194 No.1955194 [Reply] [Original]

a month or two ago a friendly anon pointed /sci/ in the direction of a private torrent site that specialised in academic books and texts that was opening for new members for a short period. I managed to get an account but since then i have completely forgotten the name of the site and now the new academic year is underway my need for ludicrously big and expensive textbooks has dramatically risen (pic somewhat related). does anyone know what website im talking about because i cant find it anywhere?

tl:dr name of a private torrent site mentioned here recently.

>> No.1955200

Oh man I absolutely hated that book, had to use it in my first undergraduate year.

I'm afraid I don't know the site, so this'll just be a bump I guess.

>> No.1955207


well, that isnt promising but at least i have my feynman lectures to fall back on if this turn out to be useless.

and thanks for the bump.

>> No.1955216

This book is on the shelf above me.
I'd never had a textbook be patronising before this one. Don't know about toorent sorry.

>> No.1955227

Yeah the Feynman lectures are written much better, but for some subjects it's a bit outdated, whereas that book isn't (special relativity). Also it's not as if the book was terrible or anything, it just really sucked in comparison to other books I had in my opinion.

>> No.1955234


>> No.1955247

all the more reason to try and get it for free, thanks anyway

thats true, are there any similar books you would recommend for a first year better than this one?


>> No.1955250


>> No.1955251
File: 43 KB, 500x391, this-is-relevant-to-my-interests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm yes, quite.

>> No.1955253

I don't know the site you're referring to OP, but I want in. I have a shitload of e-books I can share.

>> No.1955257

I'm afraid I don't know any, I never bothered to look after completing the courses with that book. For me it really helped to take notes during lectures and use those as much as possible, hardly had to use the book to look up things.

>> No.1955267

Also, just use gigapedia.org

They usually have what you need and it is DDL so you don't have to worry about ratios and shit

>> No.1955282

Don´t you guys have libraries at your colleges?

I get all the books I need from there, for free!

>> No.1955283

hmm, that wasnt it but it could be an alternative, is it worth getting an account?

you wouldnt happen to have the 12th edition of my original picture would you? or 'universe' by freedman and kaufmann?

yeah i will probably rely mostly on notes but books are always good too.

>> No.1955290

This may be a silly question, but is it legal? I am in a bit of heat with my isp.

>> No.1955296

>you wouldnt happen to have the 12th edition of my original picture would you? or 'universe' by freedman and kaufmann?
No, sorry. I only have a lot of books on neuroscience medicine and statistics.

>> No.1955314

yes, we have a huge library, and i can take out my course textbooks from there on shortloan (24 hours) anytime i want but that isnt really a practical solution when the library is half an hour's walk away.

didnt have the books i need but ive found some other interesting stuff so thanks

fair enough, it was a long shot but it was worth a try

>> No.1955346

gonna give this a couple of bumps before i give up completely.

i could buy food for two weeks with the money i would save not buying this!

>> No.1955349

look through the physics book packs on isohunt,btjunkie and such

at worst you'll find a slightly older edition

how about this. make friends with someone in the class

>> No.1955383

thanks for the suggestions, ive managed to find a torrent for one of the ones i need, there arent and seeders right now but ill hold out hope. and i could afford it if i needed to, it would just mean sinking deeper into my student debt which i would rather not do.

ill make this my last bump too, thanks again everyone.

>> No.1955403

Is this what you're looking for?

>> No.1955527
File: 2.24 MB, 3648x2736, PA260036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even these... ludicrous amounts of money were blown.

+ 2 huge ass calculus books. Feels bad man.

>> No.1955537

>>1955527 Tipler

Also "pssst: Rhizome"

>> No.1955544


Meh, it was a bargain. (20€!!!)