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File: 180 KB, 370x359, Brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1953356 No.1953356 [Reply] [Original]

Why not invest in Robot Doctors?

By Doctors I mean we make a Machine that is given samples of blood, Urine, and feces and it analyzes it then gives you a medical rundown.

One of the bigger problems is there arent enough Doctors so why not have these Robots to take a look at people who just want a check up or are feeling sick. If the Machine finds anything wrong it withdraws a slip that has your medical rundown and has a scanner code you take to a pharmacy for medication.

Everyone gets healthcare and theres no complaints about a lack of Doctors.

>> No.1953377
File: 98 KB, 540x700, Sexy Transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not invest in Robot Prostitutes?

By prostitues I mean we make a Machine that is Able to perform many kinds of intercourse, oral anal genital and it intercourse you it then gives you a Massive orgasm.

One of the bigger problems is there arent enough Whores so why not have these Robots to take a look at people who just want a Fuck or are feeling lonely. If the Machine finds anything wrong it withdraws a slip that has your Sexual preferences and has a scanner code you take to a pharmacy for lubrication.

Everyone gets sex and theres no complaints about a lack of Prostitutes.

I fix'd your post OP.

>> No.1953381

because we don't know how to graphene yet

>> No.1953585

The same reasons there aren't robot 'anything else'.

1. Technical reasons:
Take a blood sample for example. You would have to design a machine that could accurately count the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and 'what the fuck is that, that shouldn't be in this patient's blood, oh my god why is that there' cells. That includes developing a method of differentiating betwixt red and white blood cells visually and having some method of the machine 'knowing' when something's in the blood that's not supposed to be.

2. Legal reasons.
Let's stick with our blood sample example. You've got this biood sample but there are these unidentified thingamadoodles that look remarkably like white blood cells, or let's say you've got consistently disfigured red blood cells. What happens when the machine screws up and can't tell? Would you hold the machine legally responsible? No, you would hold the manufacturer or the hospital legally responsible. Now who in their right mind would take on that kind of legal responsibility when empirically, a lab-tech works just fine and can take the credit when s/he fucks up? If not from a legal perspective (I believe the hospital is still legally responsible in the case of the lab-tech) at least from a management perspective.