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File: 72 KB, 640x541, usaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1950382 No.1950382 [Reply] [Original]

why u not mad, Amerifriends?

>> No.1950391

troll post, i know. but 4 billion of that 9 billion for the EU was donated from America.

>> No.1950401

this is not true

more like less than 10%, which is practically nothing


>> No.1950410

>Europe Pulls Ahead of U.S. in Physics


>> No.1950412

>receive benefits from LHC without contributing any money
>use that money saved on the jews
>turn jews into a powerful military force
>spend the same amount of money on the jews as the europeans did on the LHC, still receive the benefits of LHC, but also receive the benefits of having another strong military ally to do all of the US' dirty work

>> No.1950414

>strong military ally to do all of the US' dirty work

it's the other way around, idiot

also, could have built an even bigger collier and much sooner

>> No.1950416


European here.

US can do the military and we take the science.


>> No.1950426

Well, the jews are now basically the slave of the United States, so the United States can use the jews to help them if the United States ever gets in a war, but the United States doesn't have to sacrifice any lives if the jews ever get in a war with someone.

>> No.1950427


What about all the Americans that want to do science? :(

>> No.1950429
File: 20 KB, 542x533, 800px-Flag_of_Europe_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CERN, has spent roughly $8 billion digging a 27-kilometer tunnel on the outskirts of the city and filling it with equipment that pushes the limits of technology

Europe has its priorities straight.

>Are they starving in the 3rd world?


>> No.1950435
File: 24 KB, 396x300, 1286746113001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having another strong military ally to do all of the US' dirty work

>your face

>> No.1950440

>but the United States doesn't have to sacrifice any lives if the jews ever get in a war with someone.

This is the most ignorant statement ever.

All terror acts and threats starting with 9/11 happened because of Israel. First thing Iran's gonna attack as retaliation will be US bases allover the Middle East.

>> No.1950443


>implying technological development won't help people

>> No.1950445

The terrorists aren't very fond with the european countries either, it's not just America they hate.

>> No.1950448

you can't feed the third world with magnets ...

and people who make magnets won't make food for them in any case

>> No.1950452

Some hate Britain too, but only for blindly following America.

>> No.1950456

>but also receive the benefits of having another strong military ally to do all of the US' dirty work


Jokes on you bud. Israel's got the US doing all their military dirty work, AND you're paying them for the privilege.

I think it's just icing on the cake that despite this they've still managed to convince you it's the other way around.

>> No.1950468

i irrationaly hate america so much for no reason that im going to scream about them on the internet

>> No.1950472
File: 145 KB, 1025x800, American_Military_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure they're doing the dirty work?

>> No.1950481

first of all, learn to spell, ignoramus

second of all, try to learn to think ...

>> No.1950489
File: 9 KB, 228x221, magnet..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1950506

Who cares about the third world, CERN's too busy makin' history here. Ah, does it ever feel good to know Europe is being the scientific capital again.

We'll relish while we can before the Asians get their space programs really started and become the center of attention.

>> No.1950513

>All terror acts and threats starting with 9/11 happened because of Israel

Yeah right, and all of the islamic jihads and wars for the 1600 of Islam before Israel was created were also because of Israel.
And the terrorism in Algeria is also because of Israel.
And the massacres of kurds and armenians was also because of Israel. And the continued massacres and reduction in slavery of southern sudanese from arabs is also because of Israel. The shit in somalia is also because of Israel. The was between Saudi arabia and Yemen is also because of Israel, the conflicts between hindus and muslims in India is also because of israel.
I may continue. PIck any country with a significant muslim population and you'll find widespread violence.
All because of Israel right. Not because Islam is a fucktarded violent religion.

>> No.1950526

thank you for proving my point

>> No.1950540

expensive slaves

jews just got lobbying shit together

america could be best friends with sandniggers if not for israel. i dunno if you want to be. maybe cost less american lives

>> No.1950545

Yeah, because the sandniggers are totally best friends with the rest of the western world

>> No.1950555
File: 61 KB, 500x375, bushhhh_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america could be best friends with sandniggers if not for israel

I know rite.

>> No.1950564


Wars happen everywhere, I was talking specifically about recent, modern era terrorists.

>> No.1950569


That's a pretty badass ninja sword Bush has.

>> No.1950580
File: 53 KB, 520x413, Obama bowing to Saudi King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama with the same crowd ...

>> No.1950597

>I was talking specifically about recent, modern era terrorists.
The GIA in algeria is modern day terrorism. Somalia, Sudan Yemen and Saudi Arabia, India China, Russia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, it's all happening now.

>Wars happen everywhere

>> No.1950637
File: 463 KB, 953x458, Palestine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your point?

Different conflicts have different motives.
If you think you're better, just look at 20th century Europe and what we did to ourselves there, or Vietnam, Iraq, etc.

>> No.1950654

We don't aid the jews because they own us
We help the jews because the military is a multi billion dollar business.
The United States had way to much infrastructure for the development of weapons after world war II and they didn't want to get rid of it. So we have been waging wars ever since.
First Korea, then Vietnam, then Russia, then Iraq, then Iraq and Afghanistan...
It'll never end

>> No.1950669
File: 58 KB, 512x384, 1254565185167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they need an entire continent to compete with one country

>> No.1950685

>united states of america
>united states

>> No.1950700

>one country

ironically, it's full of the same fucking peoples from all those other countries ...

>> No.1950702

so what exactly is your point?
That since war and conflicts have always existed, everywhere and at every time, and only a group of european nations in the last 60 years have managed to break the cycle, then war is the fault of a nation of 6 millions inhabitants?

My point? My point was that muslims are at war with everyone until Islam dominates all, as their religion commands.

>> No.1950729
File: 22 KB, 450x322, Palestinea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then war is the fault of a nation of 6 millions inhabitants?
War? Nice strawman. Did I mention specifics? Oh I did.

>My point was that muslims are at war with everyone until Islam dominates all, as their religion commands.
Sounds like Globalist Corporate Capitalism rather, but anyway, Iran has never started a war. There's your rebuttal.

>> No.1950786

do you even know what is a strawman?

Specifics?And what is Iran not starting a war supposed to imply?

Form a coherent sentence, instead of throwing random sentences.

>> No.1950793

>Implying the terrorists don't directly say that they are fighting due to US interference(Israel, Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc)

>Implying Arabic muslims have actually done any conquests after the crusades rather then getting owned by the Turks and Persian non-Islamist states.

>Implying those six million didn't displace an entire group of people and now settling the rest of their lands

>> No.1950820

>do you even know what is a strawman?
I do and you obviously don't speak English very well.

>> No.1950842

this 100x.

>> No.1950866

the tunnel was already there from the LEP try fact checking

>> No.1950864

>Implying the terrorists don't directly say that they are fighting due to US interference(Israel, Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc)
>Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc
>Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc
>It's all because of Israel.
lol, you people are hilarious.
>Implying Arabic muslims have actually done any conquests after the crusades rather then getting owned by the Turks and Persian non-Islamist states.
>Implying turks weren't muslim
So the world became too strong militarily for muslim countries to conquer...and it's supposed to prove what?

>Implying those six million didn't displace an entire group of people and now settling the rest of their lands

Albanian muslims displaced a whole people for kosovo. I guess it's their fault for all the wars that christians have made in islamic lands in the last 20 years, and for all the hate .

>> No.1950880

can we please not confuse arming Israel with feeding the thrid world very different

>> No.1950913

>Albanian muslims displaced a whole people for kosovo.

Albanians formed over 95% of the population in Kosovo around 1999 due to completely natural growth. Serbs were less then 5% of the population.

For example, that's much less Serbs than whites in South Africa. Did you also support the South African apartheid regime?

>> No.1950932

>around 1999

Nice try.

>> No.1950942

you can go back to 1990, the ratios will be similar

BTW, in 1999 Albanians were fleeing, not Serbs.

>> No.1950979

what country the 911 guys has came from
☐ iraq
☐ saudi arabia

>> No.1950994

still missing the point aren't you?

>> No.1951009

I never mentioned it was just Israel, but Israel plays a major role for attacks.

We can live fine just leaving the entire region and develop green tech. No more mid-eastern bullshit.

Turks weren't islamic states, they allowed for people to live under their religions Its like saying the British Empire was a product of Christian bloodlust.

The differences is that Palestinians were expelled, Kosovars were allowed in and grew.

>> No.1951019

the correct answer is the united states

>> No.1951032

still supporting apartheid against muslims aren't you?

>> No.1951069

>herp derp
>but Israel plays a major role for attacks.
>remove israel
>USA still gets oil from saudi arabia
>USA would still have bases on saudi arabia
>usa would still overthrow governments, pay favorable factions and support one group against each other, because of oil
>Arabs would still use oil money to spread their extremist verson of islam
>URSS would still attack afghanistan, leading USA and Saudi Arabia to finance mujahedding and talibans.
>Arabs would still hate the USA.

Yeah, I'm sure without israel the middle east would be such a peaceful place.
the rest is pretty irrelevant and beside the point.

>> No.1951077

And let's not forget the role played by religion

>> No.1951081

>$ 9 billion a year.

Bullshit. It's surely far more than that.

>> No.1951097

>Arabs would still hate the USA
Definitely not to the extent they hate it now, which is the whole point.

>> No.1951098

The muslim world rages at the Palestinian refugee and land conflict, on top of US interference.

I never at all implied Israel was responsible for gulf state and other regional issues outside of its neighborhood(well, beside Iran)

They are however, a major reason for middle-eastern interference.

Arabs actually at one point wanted secularism. They wanted to model it on Ataturk, with Nasser and pan-Arabism as its ideology. Most states espoused secular nationalism, but its mostly dead or weakened in part due to America.

>> No.1951146

baseless statement is baseless.

>The muslim world rages at the Palestinian refugee and land conflict
The muslim world rages at people drawing images of a dead man, and at people leaving their religion. The muslim world is insane.

And here I thought that the reason for interference was oil, and Israel was just one of the means.

>Arabs actually at one point wanted secularism

Oh come on, now you're back to saying that israel is the reason for all the illnesses in the middle east.
There were arabs who wanted secularization, there are still, but they were never powerful enough, and when Oil was discovered in arab lands, the fundamentalists there gained huge wealth and used it to spread and impose their fundamentalism.
And iran happened because the USA wanted a government who'd be friendly with them(because of oil) and ended up favoring the islamists.

You know what would change if Israel wasn't there? That the muslim world would focus all of their hate on the USA, instead of dividing it between israel and the USA.

>> No.1951200

>baseless statement is baseless.

Read the 9/11 hearings report and what the terrorist actually said their motivation was. Then come back.

>> No.1951227

see this post
>Implying the terrorists don't directly say that they are fighting due to US interference(Israel, Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc)

is that it?
Israel, Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc

Saudi Bases, controlling oil, Egypt, Turkey, etc

oh yeah, it was only because of Israel.
Curiously, most of the terrorists were Saudis, and their leader was Saudi.
But I'm sure that Saudi Bases, controlling oil, had nothing to do with it.

>> No.1951280

>oh yeah, it was only because of Israel.

Strawman argument.

You can't help yourself, can you?

>> No.1951312

>implying you know more about the motivation of the terrorists than the 9/11 commission and the terrorists themselves

It's not even logical, if they had the biggest problem with the Saudi government and the bases there, they would have attacked those first.

>> No.1951321

alright, but please at least go to Wikipedia to read what a strawman argument is.

>> No.1951325

>Make post about how israel is a good investment
>more than 3 hours later europeans are still mad

>> No.1951331

but it was the terrorists who said they had a problem with americans having their bases in saudi arabia. I don't get you. First you say to read what the terrorists themselves said, and then you say that it is just my opinion?

>> No.1951353

>but it was the terrorists who said they had a problem with americans having their bases in saudi arabia

This wasn't what they said. Why can't you debate honestly?

>> No.1951358

Strawman argument, again.

>> No.1951376

Investment goes together with responsibility.

Apparently you prefer being responsible for Israel's actions.

>> No.1951390


>> No.1951402


what? Did YOU read their statements? It was for those reasons. It's you who's not debating honestly.
Ok, now you're just a /sci/duck troll.

>> No.1951415

>Ok, now you're just a /sci/duck troll.

You're the troll, stop using strawmans.

>> No.1951419

Also, after a circlejerk of strawmans what else could one expect than a personal attack?

Nice job there, too.

>> No.1951421

ad hominem


>> No.1951440


>> No.1951459
File: 54 KB, 432x288, 1283828109173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A circle jerk of strawmans
I have bad images in my head so I now demand that somebody draw gay strawman porn.

>> No.1951467


Actually no. An Ad Hominem is when you attack the other person instead of refuting their argument. But the other anon had no argument, and instead claimed that I had not read what I was writing about and that what I said was false, and called me dishonest too.
He had not refuse my arguments, which,by the way, were not false, and instead used personal attacks.
I made a legitimate question, asking if he knew the subject we were discussing since that anon had shown ignorance in it.

alright, so which strawman did I use and how is it a strawman.

>> No.1951504

Meta-arguments really need to be the new Godwin's Law. Deserving to be ridiculed is not the same thing as winning an argument.

>> No.1951545

>alright, so which strawman did I use and how is it a strawman.
As if it hasn't been quoted.

Jesus Christ, you're so full of shit.

>> No.1951551

Fuck off Nazi.

>> No.1951612

none of the things you quoted were strawman arguments.