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1948166 No.1948166 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you guys invented teleporters yet? It'd be pretty convenient.

>> No.1948169

Why don't you help then you lazy fuck, instead of complaining.

>> No.1948174

Constructive answers only please. Thank you.

>> No.1948180


'cause we don't need freaks like that gook over here fucking up our women.

>> No.1948186

How is that not constructive, but it requires enormous amount of energy to copy information that make you up and transmit the description and remake you at the other end.

>> No.1948197
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 3697794433_16146fc096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is constructive you dick, its called popularization
By force
You want your shiny future shit? pick up the metaphorical hammer and nails you lazy twat, because we're under payed as fuck unless we're designing rockets to shove up your ass.

>> No.1948198

We didn't invented them yet in order to support the fight against obesity.

>> No.1948202
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1948205


they exist. scientist have teleported a few atoms over short distances (a few hundred meters)

>> No.1948208

That's so (sadly) true.

>> No.1948210


omg, obesity would skyrocket from the current 93% of all Americans to 97%!

>> No.1948232

Given the choice between a teleporter or a waterslide made out of Japanese girls, I'd pick the waterslide every time.

>> No.1948287

The question is, if we design a machine that takes all the atoms of your body apart and then puts them all back together again in some distant location, does the same person who stepped into the teleporter on one end really step out again on the other?

>> No.1948848

NO, it would be a copy, therefor you will die if you get teleported, therefor we could only use teleporters for goods or food etc.

But you could get teleported and keep your original self at home and let the copy run around doing shit then just upload it's memories into your brain when it teleported back home, then you just kill the copy and use it for dog food.

>> No.1948852
File: 12 KB, 310x310, 8-25-09-disappointed-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying identity isn't solely dependent on brain wiring

>> No.1948861

Because in order to do teleportation, you need technology that can convert all the particles in the human body into something that can be sent over the area or over a line (like electrons or radio waves); you would need absurd amount of powers to be able to take every little particle in the human body (and there's countless amounts of them) and transport them through such method, and even if you convert the particles into electrons (which move at 9/10 the speed of light on copper wire) it will still take years to transport from point A to point B, even if they were 3 feet from each other.

>> No.1948865

id say by what we know from quantum mechanics today it is virtually impossible to a) read out all the information a human body consists of and b) to save / store all this info in any computer existing today....and thats just the start..

>> No.1948880

Would you take that risk, not knowing for sure that identity is solely dependent on brain wiring.

There could be a soul, but no way to prove it.

>> No.1948897

Cool story bro

What difference would it make to you if you lost your soul?

>> No.1948911

I .......don't know

>> No.1948916

teleportation (and other nano-scale operations on the human brain) can maintain continuity of experience by mixing the stages up and slowing things down. i can;t find a good picture but basically i am talking about the Gantz (basically a sentai snuff series) 'transfer'. transfer the body, or atleast the brain, slowly and somehow maintain support and connection throughout. so even if they are technically made out of all new atoms on the other side the mind has never been taken out of the process.

>> No.1948946

But how could the brain maintain support and connection throughout if it is seprated into billions of atoms?

>> No.1948952

because a teleporter inherently will kill whoever steps into it and make a copy of them on the other side

to everyone else it's the same, but for the person who steps in, they die. their consciousness ends.

>> No.1948953


>> No.1948963

according to string theory we can enlarge wormholes and use them as shortcuts in spacetime by enlarging them and keeping them open with negative energy
We won't know whether string theory is real or not though until the LHC gives us the results we want.

>> No.1948966

Oh I said enlarge twice
pardon the redundancy

>> No.1948972

That is right, a new you will be alive, and your you will die

Is also right, just make the copy and don't destroy the original, SIMPLE

>> No.1948981
File: 64 KB, 450x294, wormhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem with this.
Is not a wormhole a depression in spacetime that is locally so "deep" that it intersects with another bit of the same spacetime that curves around "underneath" it?
If it is, then how does one reconcile this with the finding that our universe is flat, +/-2%?

>> No.1948983

OT: photo = tsurutsuru Tsurube ftw?

>> No.1948987
File: 84 KB, 692x1000, Gantz_v01c02p072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by teleporting bits at a time. like i said i can;t find a good pic of the specific reference, but here's a crappy one that may help get the point across (bonus: tits).

really all of this is based in the assumption of the continued use of these particular organic shells, rather than a much more logical transfer to a computer host. which admittedly presents its own logical issue of proper syncing (trying to determine and simulate the 'refresh rate'(s?) of the mind), but nothing that can't be overcome with ridiculously high/fast raw computational power.

but it would still be an issue for the original transfer (liberation!) from organic to machine consciousness, which is the avenue i approached it from in coming to this conclusion. you don't get put under and then wake up in a glorious robotic exoskeleton, you stay awake the whole time, and it maybe takes a little longer than is absolutely necessary (although the actual transfer speed will almost surely be adequately slow). simple as that.

>> No.1949002

No transfert, just replace neurons one by one by nanorobot. Tada, no discontinuity in consciousness !

>> No.1949013
File: 39 KB, 660x291, Spacetime_curvature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just represented in two dimensions
In reality a wormhole has more than 3 dimensions

>> No.1949021

Our space-time is flat in more than 3 dimensions. That's why I said "deep" and "underneath" in quotes, because those refer to three-dimensional quantities and this is usefully described only in more.

>> No.1949025

yeah either that or read them into a simulation. same diff, and i honestly don't think the dream of the nanobot brain replacement you describe will ever be feasible, for a lot of technical reasons but also (and most importantly) that it isn't actually ideal (simulation offers more benefits through absolute plasticity of the mind going forward).

>> No.1949051

We just need to perfect quantum entanglement
We're just beginning to understand it, we need to give it a little more time

>> No.1949081

Why don't we just use a hard light hologram of ourselves for travel.
Can go anywhere, can not die, can experience everything the hologram experiences like a full immersion video game.

>> No.1949942

because there is no such thing as a 'hard light hologram'