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1945170 No.1945170 [Reply] [Original]

What if thread

What if Alan Turing lived in a world where the crucifixion of Jesus had never happened?

>> No.1945188

who is Alan Turing and why is this jesus guy so famous?

>> No.1945195

Jesus didn't exist, so it would be the exact same.

>> No.1945203
File: 170 KB, 484x317, GunshowDense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to be a Christian for it to be obvious that Jesus, at the very least, EXISTED. Saying Jesus didn't exist would be like saying Newton didn't exist.

>> No.1945204
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Why does that porn mag have so many fucking words in it?

>> No.1945216

The story is so vague and contradictory that at the very least not all of it is about the same guy.

>> No.1945227

ohh ohh, I have one

What if mendellian genetics had been invented a thousand years earlier?

>> No.1945229
File: 120 KB, 1500x896, 29_Sleeping_Elf_2_colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a porn mag for girls

>> No.1945238

Newton didn't exist.

>> No.1945244


>> No.1945245
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Jesus, despite being supposed to have done things that would've been monumental and well worth recording by both the Jews and the Romans (not to mention his followers, some of which were mentioned as literate), is not mentioned by _anyone_ in _any_ literature in his own lifetime, or in the next two generations. 60 years after he was supposed to have died, the first historian mentions him in the oldest text known to have made reference to him, and it doesn't even say much about him. No mention is made again in any historical literature we have until the gospels started being written down ~100 years after he was supposed to have been dead, and then in the parts of the new testament that began being written down when Christianity started to become popular.
No Roman records, despite everything in the bible. No Jewish records contemporary with his life, despite everything that happened in the bible. Big miraculous guy, but no noticeable following until a century after he was supposed to have died.

Yeah, he definitely existed. You don't need to be a Christian for it to be obvious. I mean, there are non-Christian uneducated idiots too, right?

>> No.1945259


you're an idiot. if he didn't exist, why do we have so much documentation about his life and teachings?

i mean, that would be like saying zeus never existed. we have the details of his life, recordings of his interactions with humans, hell we have his fuckin' geneology! just like jesus.

>> No.1945267

oooooh shit
bitch just got TOLD.

>> No.1945281

Ask any historian; the nativity story, crucifixion, etc. may not be historically accurate, but very few deny that he existed and preached. But this is 4chan, so I guess talking out of your ass and posting comical images makes your argument valid.

Can we please get back on topic?

>> No.1945283

>implying people don't choose to follow the religious laws that best suit their ideology

>> No.1945293

Ask any historian and they'll tell you the same thing this guy >>1945245 did.

Jesus has very very few [almost zero, what does exist probably doesn't even refer to the biblical Jesus] sources detailing his life outside the bible.

The entire Christian faith is built upon a deep web of lies and deceit.

>> No.1945300
File: 27 KB, 311x311, that'sjustgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You want to talk historian?
Ask any historian for any mention of his existence before Jocephus, 60 years after Jesus' supposed death. Ask any historian for any evidence of his having preached by anyone with direct observation of this preaching.
Ask any historian how likely it was that his life, even if he was just a major preacher and not a miracle worker, is to be completely lacking from Jewish and Roman records of the time.
Or, since that's just me talking out of my ass, I suppose you have an answer for it.

This is on topic; Jesus never existed, thus the world would be the same.

>> No.1945312
File: 80 KB, 728x491, 1274046476732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're an idiot. if he didn't exist, why do we have so much documentation about his life and teachings?
>thinks the gospels = valid historical source

>> No.1945315

Read the rest of the post.

>> No.1945316
File: 627 KB, 1680x1050, 1271703700305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe, I retract my criticism of the baseless belief that Jesus existed. I would never claim that Zeus was false, and they both have the same evidence supporting their existence.

Hail Zeus!

>> No.1945325

oh i see...

>> No.1945341

Jesus vs Zeus

who would win

inb4: see respective cult's prevailance

>> No.1945354

I don't know if the OP intended to do this, but this became totally off-topic now. Honestly, guys, does it makes a difference if Jesus existed or not? If he did, fucking great, if he didn't, fucking great as well. Nobody is changing anyone's opinion here

>> No.1945363

Zeus throws lightning bolts. Jesus got nailed to a cross by a bunch of humans. I think Jesus would have a hard time fighting Zeus.
However, even though Jesus doesn't have much for attack, he's got a killer defense. I mean, he died and that didn't even stop him from living. He's gonna be hard to kill.
But, with they whole "turn the other cheek" thing, Jesus probably is going to let Zeus have as much time as is needed to figure out how to defeat Jesus.

I'm gonna give this one to Zeus, but only after an extremely long battle where they're gonna seem evenly matched.

>> No.1945368

Zeus would totally win. He's got thunders. Jesus' got the powel to heal leprosy

>> No.1945488

Alan Turing did live in a world where the crucifixion of Jesus never happened.