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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1944847 No.1944847 [Reply] [Original]

i tried to unite /b/ under the common cause of ridding the western world of religion but i forgot they were all fat unmotivated virgin wowfags. i believe that one person can rid the western world of religion in 20 yrs. what do u think of /sci/ uniting up and dividing that number by 2? are u guys motivated enough?

>> No.1944858

I'm sorry, you are confused. This is /sci/ - for science and math.

For fairy tales and fantasies, see >>>/x/
For pretend-games, see >>>/tg/
For organized witch hunts, see >>>/new/
For disorganized witch hunts, see >>>/i/

>> No.1944856

So should see someone about that memory of yours. You forgot that /sci/ is not /religion/.


>> No.1944879

/sci/ is the smartest board there is. i thought u guys would gladly help the world and become the greatest force in humanity since the scientific method but from what your showing me your no better than /b/. Is anyone willing to help the world and reveal truth to others instead of selfishly hoarding it for yourselves?

>> No.1944884

/sci/ - Beginners' Rhetoric Practice

Fuck off, imbecile. We have better things to do.

>> No.1944892

what can be better than what i am proposing? i know we can do it.

>> No.1944895

Try not proposing it.

>> No.1944901

Here's an idea.

Lets not be complete idiots and use sage when we post in a religion thread.

>> No.1944912

u dont wanna cure the world of religion? u dont wanna help the world?

>> No.1944920

I'd rather do science instead.

>> No.1944931

im talking about by methods of popularizing science. imagine the long term result, 70% population advancing science and in turn, our species.

>> No.1945020
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>popularize science

>> No.1945492


>> No.1945518

If you want to help the world, eradicate atheism.

>> No.1945525

/sci/ can become HUGE if they can accomplish this. the best thing since the scientific method!!1! i no u want this. if we can unite we can accomplish this.

>> No.1945539

erm no. i dont want a force for atheism. just a force for truth. ive found that a force for truth leads to atheism so thats what i predict. if your a religiousfag, then i have nothing to say except you already know your wrong but you cant handle it.

>> No.1945540

I would help if you deleted the OP and moved this thread to /r9k/.

>> No.1945553

plz dont tell me the /sci/ is full of unmotivated sad fucks as well

>> No.1945569

>rid the western world of religion
>i believe

>> No.1945585

NYPA faggot
yeh religion is wrong but so what? i don't care what the rest of the world believes, i am an atheist, and i know i am right, if anyone disagrees they are wrong, end of story. I don't need to rid the world of religion.

>> No.1945631

>On internet imageboard
>Round up army of armchair scientists
>Try to destroy religion

>> No.1945635

religion is not just a false belief. it inhibits our progress. its held back science for thousands of years and its killed our men as well as held back human rights. it is a dangerous idea that can only be destroyed through education. we need to educate the uneducated, starting with the creationists.

>> No.1945639

u saying we cant do it? religion is a fragile thing killed by a wiff of science or a dose of reason. forgot who that quote was :P

>> No.1945646


>> No.1945664

I wish it were possible, OP, but it isn't going to work. As a race we are not evolved enough to give up childish religious and spiritual beliefs, even when presented with incontrovertible evidence. That, coupled with the religious-industrial complexes' 2000-plus years worth of experience in manipulating and managing the masses, backed by their greed and lust for power, will make it virtually impossible until the human brain evolves further. Remember that this whole "sentience" and "self-awareness" trick is relatively new to us on a geologic timescale; we're still mainly controlled by our instincts, emotions, and hormones, not by our higher brain functions. Maybe in another 10000 years we might move away from relgion and mysticism, assuming the race survives that long.

>> No.1945670
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...good point. pic related

>> No.1945682

But religion is useful for controlling the retards.

Many people are incapable of comprehending the logic behind morality beyond rules and pseudo absolutes. In short, they think without belief in an invisible sky wizard you could just do whatever you want.

If believing in fairy tales is all that is keeping the ignorant masses from killing you, do you really want to take those fairy tales away?

Religion is a necessary evil in order to make sure the masses behave. If you are smart enough to figure out that it's bullocks then good for you now keep it to yourself.

>> No.1945695

people have their reasons to "believe"... it really doesn't matter the content of the faith... it's what motivates them to believe that you should be focusing on...

tl,dr: give up, child...

>> No.1945699
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heh, you have a point. i bet a lot of religo's are only acting good to try and please god, so they get into heaven when they die. if we dispell their bullshit they could well be like "well then nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to meeeeeeeee" and start fucking raping and killing shit untill cops bring em down.

>> No.1945706

You're pretty redarded, aren't you? Christian ethics replaced Roman ethics to create what we now know of as rights for women and children. It also layed the foundations of modern science with the ideology that the universe was ordered and understandable. The preservation of knowledge by the monasteries after the fall of rome and the scientific and philosophical work my several notable monks, is what lead directly to modern science.

>> No.1945720

You appear to have left off the units "scientific advance" is in, you surely wouldn't mind enlightening us as to what it is?

>> No.1945737
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arbitrary scale, scientific advancement going upwards on the Y axis, theres no units, yeh, but the graph still makes a valid point.
yeh, fuck you.
>Christian ethics replaced Roman ethics to create what we now know of as rights for women and children
aha..ahahahaHAHAA! no! you fucking idiot, so called 'christian ethics' did not help womens rights and were actually detrimental to them.
and no, it held back science, threatening real scientists who might release true and proper scientific books, that do not agree with the churches teachings, book burnings, etc. all done in the name of christianity.

>> No.1945770

Except that the Islamic Middle East flourished and had many advancements during the same time period. Nevermind that for the majority of that time period, Europe was struggling with barbarian attacks and lack of central power.

Christianity actually re-emphasized literature and writing, and the monastic lifestyle gave us our modern calender.

>> No.1945775

Oh my lawd, this topic is at once hilarious and brain-killing. Fuck religion, upstart progressiveness like this is the real cancer to science.

OP is, has been, and always will be a faggot.


>> No.1945791

>so called 'christian ethics' did not help womens rights and were actually detrimental to them.
Implying it was more beneficial for women to be property. You're too retarded to speak to.

>> No.1945827
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christians did treat woment like property! the age of enlightenment happened in spite of christianity, not because of it.
"22 While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.”

23 The owner of the house went outside and said to them, “No, my friends, don’t be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don’t do this disgraceful thing. 24 Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don’t do such a disgraceful thing.”

25 But the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. 26 At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. " - judges 19, verses 22 - 25.
you see? cruelty and mistreatment of women is even condoned in the fucking bible, dont talk to me about that which you have no knowledge of you ignorant christian fuckhead.

>> No.1945841

Reported for laziness and general asshattery. Also, no religion vs.science threads, thank you.

I advise anyone scrolling by to stop and report the OP.

>> No.1945851

Take a good close look at that graph. A *critical* look.

Because though you may wish it to be true, it is not.

>> No.1945857
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oh yeh, and theres shitloads more sexism as a direct result of christian dogma, like that whole thing about women not being allowed to be priests (until recently, i think)
wtf? because a penis is really a vital tool you need to be preaching to people!?
...well i guess it is for catholic priests because they are all rapists and child molesters.

>> No.1945865

You're an absolute fucktard. You just quoted something from the story of Lot, in Abraham's time. That was over 1,000 years before christianity, you fucking idiot.

>> No.1945871
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its still in the bible you cunt! christians believe in the old testament as well.

>> No.1945878

what's wrong with sexism? it atleast held women back from ruining science and engineering schools like they are doing now.

>> No.1945888

You are too stupid to breathe.

>> No.1945892
File: 12 KB, 480x360, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women, as a group don't ruin anything, in fact some of the women in the past might have been fantastic scientists and engineers if only they were given the opportunity.

>> No.1945903
File: 14 KB, 445x359, z12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, lol watsup FAGGOT!? to fucktarded and wrong to provide counter argument? well i am breathing and i am correct. fuck you, GTFO my /sci/ ya moron.

>> No.1945912

EK I would fuck you until we died from old age.

>> No.1945919
File: 15 KB, 415x347, z22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story bro.

>> No.1945925

So... You wanna go grab a coffee somewhere?

>> No.1945953

"If you could reason with religious people, they wouldn't exist in the first place".

-Dr. Mother Fucking House.

>> No.1945960
File: 13 KB, 475x347, z14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, u wanna hookup over /sci/ ?
for all you know im thousands of miles away, and i don't know anything about you. for all i know you could even be one of the fucktarded anons ive been arguing with the past few weeks, when they are all called 'anonymous' i cant tell the good ones from the bad ones at first sight/first post. ;)

>> No.1945965

So... Is that a yes?

>> No.1945968

where are you getting all these photos of this ugly chick?

>> No.1945973

I have more than enough money for travel. I need a vacation anyway, I work for Initech. Where do you live?

>> No.1945975


At least you didn't use the verse about 'women being quiet in the churches' that so many people misinterpret...

>> No.1945980
File: 18 KB, 540x356, zomgitzFKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you! its me, asshole!

>> No.1945982

Tits and time stamp, you know the drill.

>> No.1945986
File: 16 KB, 459x344, zdnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so...Is that a yes?

...nah... 'do not want'
i prefer to meet people face to face, and definitely not over the internet. and i don't do hookups. how do you know if i'm even single?

>> No.1945987

I do apologise.
Now be the gentlewoman and apologise for inflicting that face upon our board.
Proceed to the kitchen where you shall make me a sandwich.
If you wish to return then mammaries or vacate the area.