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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 640x425, dry-ice-make-a-wish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1944586 No.1944586 [Reply] [Original]

What myth haven't they tested, or retested, that you want to see more than anything?

>> No.1944592

I could care less. I just watch it to see Kari.

>> No.1944588

The myth that there is no porn of Kari.

Should be easy to bust ey.

>> No.1944596

I would love to see them test 9/11

They can test the melting point of the same steel used in the WTC and test whether it could withstand the blast of a jet fuel bomb explosion. They could also build a smaller version of the buildings and leave them burning with jet fuel to see if the support finally gives and they collapse.

theres a lot of ways they can go with this

>> No.1944598

"Blonds have more fun."

Kari wears different wigs and outfits. VERY slutty outfits.

Might even be good enough for it's own spin-off.

>> No.1944602

They've flat out said they'll never do that because the only way to test it that would satisfy everyone would be to actually rebuild both buildings.

>> No.1944603

>implying that discovery would air that

and I'm not even talking about consipracy

>> No.1944610

I second this. People have been debating what her real hair color is for years. This would put a new spin on it.

>> No.1944621

>implying Discovery didn't give her and that other chick a job on Mythbusters only because they are slutty and hot
>implying either of them know anything about engineering or science
>implying they do anything but look hot while making the explosives go off
>implying that Discovery doesn't collect the semen of all the asspies that fap to Kari and use it to contruct a massive Goo-robot

>> No.1944622


Your saying they couldn't satisfy a few conspiracy theorists by testing the durability and Heat resistance of a few beams?

It wouldn't give people peace of mind but it would sure as shit shut some people up if they could replicate the steal damage.

>> No.1944630

I'm not saying anything. Just relaying what they said.

>> No.1944647

wtf dude I was not talking about Kari at all

read the fucking post I was referring to

>> No.1944660
File: 12 KB, 166x264, what are you implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that Discovery doesn't collect the semen of all the asspies that fap to Kari and use it to contruct a massive Goo-robot

>> No.1944669

She has a Ph.D in Astrophysics
That's Dr. Byron to you...

>> No.1944674

I was implying, actually I was stating, that Discovery Channel put Kari n Mythbusters, even though she knows nothing of science, so that she would dress slutty and make nerds fap to her. Then, Discovery tracks down all the TVs that are watching Mythbusters, and sends in special robot special forces teams to the sewers near that place to collect the nerd semen. Then, they use this nerd semen and implant it into nerd women, and make nerd babies that are implanted with bionics to make cyborg warriors. Then they use these cyborgs to invade shit tier countries and collect more semen to make a giant robot.

>> No.1944677

>Byron graduated from Los Gatos High School in Los Gatos, California and studied film and sculpture at San Francisco State University, graduating magna cum laude in May 1998 with a B.A. degree.[6] Byron spent the following year backpacking, primarily in South Asia, including the Himalayas, and was also involved in a number of art projects.[9]

>B.A. in art
>Ph.D in astrophysics

I don't think so Tim.

>> No.1944678

Bullshit. Link or it didn't happen.

>> No.1944680

bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger bullshit you're a nigger

>> No.1944684

> wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia

>> No.1944690

this is bullshit if she had a ph d in astrophysics she'd be doing real research instead of fucking mythbusters
> wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia > wikipedia

>> No.1944691

To be honest 9/11-fake-believers are retards.

The Moon landing was fake though and Mythbusters is retarded shit.

>> No.1944695

>The Moon landing was fake though
Also, kill yourself, fag enabler.
you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger you're a nigger

>> No.1944699
File: 118 KB, 1440x900, index disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Moon landing was fake though

>> No.1944704

kari just got her own show on the science channel called head rush

they take myth busters clips and then have her act slutty for the commercials while doing SCIENCE

and they actually did hire her for her ass. when they were first doing the pilot they needed to make a model of someones ass for the air plane vacuum toilet myth, she had been nagging at jamie to get a job and they hired her to make a mold of her ass

>> No.1944702
File: 5 KB, 216x218, 1284087956682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more, you know nothing about physics

>> No.1944731


Trolled so hard.

>> No.1944775
File: 82 KB, 828x714, cruising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I trolled

>> No.1945215
File: 59 KB, 1006x440, ldrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have a torrent or stream of "Head Rush" or "Large Dangerous Rocket Ships"?
Can't find one anywhere.

>> No.1945388

incredibly relevant to my interests

>> No.1945405

You can look up the weakening of steal as a function of temperature in any materials book. Do you really need a tv show to do it for you?

>> No.1945425

But he won't get the pressure induced by the weight of the upper part of the tower nor the movement of the towers after the impact.

Either he really thinks there was only heat at work or he is just trolling.

>> No.1945445
File: 37 KB, 545x677, 1281244868635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakening of steal as a
>of steal
You can look up how to spell that in a dictionary. Jesus. That's the second time you've misspelled it in this thread, I know it was you too because there can't be more than one person on /sci/ that is that retarded.

>> No.1945453


>Implying the government doesn't control what goes in textbooks.

>> No.1945456

You can model the collapse on computer, but it would be incredibly difficult to do so with a scale model. Mythbusters do not have the expertise to adjust everything correctly for the scaledown. And you couldn't just randomly shoot a chunck of aluminum into the structure -- you'd have to sever the exact beams that were broken, and damage the specific beams that were broken, as shown in the NIST report and others.

>> No.1945459

That was my 1st post itt. Fuck off spellingfag. Spellingfags don't belong in /sci/.

>> No.1945460
File: 12 KB, 360x245, 1282617353265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mt face when conspiracy theorists still exist nearly 10 years after the event in question happened
>and thousands of pages of independent research and reports have been released
>and also arguing with basic physics, heat transfer, melting points, inertia, momentum, stress, torsion, etc.

>> No.1945465

>completely ignores the fact that he's replying to himself as though he's two different people
>forever alone

>> No.1945470

You're trying to educate people on steel and you can't even spell it.

>> No.1945471



>> No.1945475

I can spell it. I choose not to. Can you choose not to be a fag?

>> No.1945485
File: 58 KB, 250x250, oh-boy-here-we-go-again[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nature vs. nurture

>> No.1945546

Seriously, stop saying fag enabler, it's really pathetic and you got it from Westboro Baptist Church. I've seen it in three threads now.

>> No.1945549
File: 71 KB, 429x410, 1254252738158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can spell it. I choose not to