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File: 17 KB, 400x309, hands_of_god_and_adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1942666 No.1942666 [Reply] [Original]

What makes you so sure there isn't a God /sci/?

At what point do you abandon intuition and decide that life formed by chance on a planet just far enough from its star to maintain liquid water which is found in such a mysteriously abundant proportion on its surface, and whose tides are regulated by the only known moon in the universe capable of forming a perfect solar eclipse with its planet, and with which the Theory of Relativity is then confirmed after being formed by the mind of a highly intelligent creature who would beget the first steps to the nuclear sciences that gave birth to that star. All of which were formed by the clumped debris of stars who themselves were formed by the debris of an incomprehensible explosion caused by unknown means billions of years ago as best we can compare it to the measurement of the revolution of our lowly little planet around its star held in place by the convenient forces of gravity without which none of the former would be possible.

>> No.1942673

I'm not. I'm not quite sure of anything other tautologies.


>> No.1942674

so Einstein is God?

>> No.1942676

>other than tautologies

>> No.1942683

Maybe not, but he could be seen as a step towards reaching Him.

>> No.1942687

I'm not a child.

>> No.1942694

Seeing as how complex the world is, saying "god made it" sound a bit too simple of a conclusion

>> No.1942704

rare events happen all the time in our universe, because that is how big this universe is. You'll eventually learn the hard way, religion is a crutch for the stupid who cannot think for themselves thus submit themselves to an institution that only serves to benefit women, whom by the religious passage of 'Adam and Eve', was the one who brought down humanity with her stupidity.

There's no god because we cannot prove he exists, the same way any fantasy story goes. Religion is just a book of lessons, if you choose to ignore physical phenomena and believe it is the work of some man that lives in the sky then I dont know what to say really. Science makes it possible for you to even read this message through technological innovation and industry.

You cannot comprehend you're definitions of 'theory of relativity' or beginnings of the universe because no human alive or dead can. You have no idea the scale of which the galaxies operate, in comparison, we dont even exist. Religion is truly for the weak minded

>> No.1942707

You sound like people from /v/.

"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

-C.S. Lewis

>> No.1942715


At least some of that stuff that you suggest makes Earth so rare is either not yet known to be rare at all (though it may be), and not yet known to be necessary for life (though it may be).

Even if Earth-like conditions are both rare and necessary for the development of intelligent life, they still had to happen by chance somewhere in a universe as vast as this. I suppose you could argue that the starting conditions which allowed the eventual development of life were intelligently engineered for that very end, but that remains an untestable hypothesis at this point (though otherwise not an unreasonable one).

So to answer your starting question, I'm not sure that there isn't a god, or pantheon of gods, or race of hyper-intelligent, ultra-powerful aliens behind it all. But since I don't currently believe it to be so, it's convenient short-hand to call myself an atheist.

>> No.1942723

If conditions weren't suitable for our existence, we wouldn't be here to think about it.

>> No.1942739

>rare events happen all the time in our universe, because that is how big this universe is.
How does that negate the idea of a God being the cause of it?

>You'll eventually learn the hard way, religion is a crutch for the stupid who cannot think for themselves thus submit themselves to an institution
Like you're doing with science?

> that only serves to benefit women, whom by the religious passage of 'Adam and Eve', was the one who brought down humanity with her stupidity.
Incorrect. Eve was only the one who was tempted first. The fall of man was equally hers and Adam's.

>There's no god because we cannot prove he exists, the same way any fantasy story goes.
There are several things in the universe no one can prove.

>Religion is just a book of lessons, if you choose to ignore physical phenomena and believe it is the work of some man that lives in the sky then I dont know what to say really. Science makes it possible for you to even read this message through technological innovation and industry.
That's funny, because the Book of Numbers in the Bible and similar religious texts say the same thing about numbers being the source through which the workings of the universe are revealed to us.

>You cannot comprehend you're definitions of 'theory of relativity' or beginnings of the universe because no human alive or dead can. You have no idea the scale of which the galaxies operate, in comparison, we dont even exist. Religion is truly for the weak minded
No, my friend. Condescension, that is the only refuge of the weak-minded.

>> No.1942808

>How does that negate the idea of a God being the cause of it?

Because we already know what the cause of it is.

>Like you're doing with science?
Science is progressive, it creates solutions to our problems. The church bases itself on a book written long ago and praying to god does nothing for it is 'his will' that matters anyway thus praying is obsolete.

>Incorrect. Eve was only the one who was tempted first. The fall of man was equally hers and Adam's.

Wrong, she disobeyed 'god's' orders in order to tempt Adam to take sin together, in the name of her 'feelings'

>There are several things in the universe no one can prove.

Such as God. Anything else?

>That's funny, because the Book of Numbers in the Bible and similar religious texts say the same thing about numbers being the source through which the workings of the universe are revealed to us.

Thus you are telling me that it is science that will reveal the answers to us, not religion. This does not exempt you from argument because you are using science as a subset of religion, which it is not.

>No, my friend. Condescension, that is the only refuge of the weak-minded.

And yet you so willingly use it amongst the people who have theoretically proven concepts that fundamentally deny the existence of spontaneous creation aka God. Religion is the refuge for it cannot prove anything and it cannot be disproven for the same reason. Thus it is invalid.

>> No.1942814
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>At what point do you abandon intuition

>> No.1942842

Just because you think something is complex and unlikely only proves that you think it's complex and unlikely. It does not imply a creator.

>> No.1942848

It's not that I'm confident there is no god

It's just that I'm confident that the bible is a crock of shit

>> No.1942877

The burden of proof lies upon those making statements that something exists. Claiming that a God exists simply because we can't disprove him is the same as saying that there are invisible pink unicorns which don't interact with anything are flying around our atmosphere, or that there is a teapot floating through space in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. You can't prove either doesn't exist, so by your logic they must. Same with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Loch Ness monster, or any of the hundreds of other Gods that are believed in across the world.

There are a set of standards in science. One of which is the burden of proof. Ball is in your court. Prove a God exists through scientific means, or else he doesn't.

>> No.1942878

>And yet you so willingly use it amongst the people who have theoretically proven concepts
not the guy you are responding to but actual scientists are nothing like anti-religion wankers like you.

>> No.1942882

>The burden of proof lies upon those making statements that something exists.
Or upon the person saying that something does not exist.

>> No.1942886

That's not how it works.

>> No.1942888

>Prove a God exists through scientific means, or else he doesn't.
You fail at science. Return to grade school immediately.

>> No.1942890

lol, that's exactly how it works, moron.

>> No.1942895

Care to explain that statement, or are you just another religious nutjob attempting to pick at statements and make ad hominem attacks?

>> No.1942896
File: 77 KB, 388x296, troll1286440306857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got them goin', bro!

>> No.1942898

Well then, prove to me that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Wait, you can't. Therefor he does.

>> No.1942902

Personally, I arrived at my disbelief of a god because MY religion's god was clearly nonexistent, and I had no particular reason to pick any other particular deity.

However, what makes God so necessary? If you say that the universe cannot have created itself and so a god must have created it, well, then I ask you who created god. If you then reply that god always existed, as many do, then I ask you why you feel it is impossible to attribute the quality of "always existing" to a god but not the universe.

>> No.1942903

Yes, I'll explain. You have no knowledge of the fundamental concepts of science. Therefore you need to return to a competent grade school where you may be instructed. In science we don't assume something doesn't exist just because we can't prove it does exist. We don't assume the big bang doesn't exist. We don't assume gravitons don't exist. We don't assume string theory is false. We don't assume Hawking Radiation doesn't exist. Many of those things we have a very good idea do actually exist.

>> No.1942906

>Well then, prove to me that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Wait, you can't. Therefor he does.
I didn't claim the Easter Bunny didn't exist. You just claimed he does. The burden of proof is on you, because you made the claim.

>> No.1942907

Gravitons, Higgs, etc all have good evidence to support them, unlike God. Dummy.

>> No.1942910

>not the guy you are responding to but actual scientists are nothing like anti-religion wankers like you.
Then tell us how you think actual scientists are? This is a discussion against religion yet you still resort to 'condescending' comments. There is no anti religion here if you actually understand what you are reading

>> No.1942911

Because the "always existed" quality has to belong to something infinite and unchanging. The universe is obviously not unchanging.

>> No.1942912

You are claiming he does not. By your argument, you have to prove he doesn't exist, or else he does. I'm waiting for your proof against the Easter Bunny.

>> No.1942913

All the actual scientists I know are intellectually humble.

>> No.1942914
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you so sure there isn't a Santa Claus /sci/?

At what point do you abandon intuition and decide that presents are created by chance in a factory just far enough from developed countries to maintain cheap labor which is found in such a mysteriously abundant proportion in third-world countries, and whose factories are regulated by the only known corporation in the universe capable of patenting the product, which the distributor then ships to commercial stores around the world by the use of a transportation vehicle who would beget the first steps to the massive selling of that particular product. All of which are bought by your parents who themselves went to the commercial store to acquire the item by trading it for a previously manufactured piece of paper and puts it under a tree once a year.

>> No.1942918

I never claimed the Easter Bunny didn't exist, retard.

>> No.1942921

No, it was YOUR argument that if you can't prove something one way it's automatically proven the other way. That's retarded. The burden of proof is on whoever makes any claim. That's basic science and/or philosophy and/or logic.

>> No.1942926

>We don't assume the big bang doesn't exist. We don't assume gravitons don't exist. We don't assume string theory is false. We don't assume Hawking Radiation doesn't exist.

Due to the fact that all of them have some sort of evidence in their favor. Which then links back to the burden of proof.

>> No.1942932

Which is to mean what? How does one react humbly to one that neither listens to reason nor is willing to comply to the rules set by they themselves?

Humbleness has no place in a debate.

>> No.1942936

There's as much evidence for string theory as there is for God. For both there is nothing that qualifies for scientific standard, but for both there are intuitive reasons to believe in the premise.

>> No.1942943

Humility of intellect means they don't make brazen claims. They know where the limits of their knowledge lie... which are very close. They don't assume things outside what they have good reason to believe. All these things prevent them from being ardently anti-theistic.

>> No.1942948

>has to belong to something infinite and unchanging

Why's that?

>> No.1942949
File: 62 KB, 515x475, paluzzisistine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use that painting unless you know what it means.

>> No.1942950

>>At what point do you abandon intuition and decide that life formed by chance... blah blah blah...

You're right! For that to occur it would take a miracle?
Ever notice how these days it is the faithful who must constantly defend themselves against the attacks of the rational, and not other way around? That's cause no one was ever burned alive for disagreeing with a scientist. You're allowed to believe stupid things, but you're not allowed to fuck with other people because you believe stupid things.

>> No.1942951

Nobody reasonable argues that string theory is definitely real either. A passionate string theorist may feel it is real, but when asked if he knows it like he knows the sky is blue or that gravity on earth accelerates objects at 9.8 m/s^2, he will not say yes. String theorists are waiting on experimentation as much as we are.

>> No.1942952

>At what point do you abandon intuition and decide that

At what point do you abandon intuition and decide that everything happened the way semi-literate but moronic goat herders wrote it in a work of fiction several thousand years ago in a culture that didn't even know the concept of the scientific method?

>> No.1942954

Because something that doesn't change doesn't need a cause. Something that is changing, if you suppose all causes are internal, you have the paradox of infinite regress. Thus the logic is that everything temporal must have some ultimate cause in something that is not temporal.

Philosophically there is also the notion from the Greeks that only the eternal and immutable is truly real. The temporal, since it is transient, isn't really real, but only takes on a lessor form of reality from the eternal and immutable.

>> No.1942958

That's hilarious. Is that from Dan Brown?

>> No.1942960


A brazen claim would be of that an unprovable, omnipotent being that controls everything and listens to no one and has been here forever and watches your every move to decide whether you get to stay with him or burn in a fire in some altered eternal universe.

How can one assume something so outrageous without a shred of substance? If anything that is being anti-reality, or mere ignorance.

>> No.1942962

I don't agree that the universe itself changes, just what is "inside" the universe, so to speak.

>> No.1942963

But nothing is immutable. Therefore, nothing is real ?

>> No.1942964

I've heard them say it's so beautiful that it MUST be real.

>> No.1942965

I don't know where he got it from, but I saw it on Cracked.com

>> No.1942966

I dont abandon intuition.

There is no proof of a god, and until there is i have no reason to believe in one

The bible is not proof
The existence of the universe is not proof/

>> No.1942967

Math is immutable. That's why the Greeks worshiped Math/Geometry as the nearest manifestation of God. Aside from God, and logic, it is the only thing that is eternal and immutable.

>> No.1942968

Then they, too, are being unreasonable.

>> No.1942974

Not sure how that makes sense. What is the universe besides space, time, and everything in it (namely matter and energy)? Under string theory the matter and energy isn't a different thing that the space and time, if I understand correctly.

captcha: space-time latictu

>> No.1942976

But math are intangible. So they don't exist.
What don't exist is real, then.
So, when we will have true virtual worlds, we will finally live in a real world.
A world where i could shot lightning !

>> No.1942984

There are over 9000 Gods, yet we cannot prove not one of them is the correct one.

Not only does religion fight against science as a whole, but each religion fights among themselves. Until there is only one religion left should any claim by religion be taken seriously.

>> No.1942988

Intangible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Especially to the pythagoreans or the platonics or the neoplatonics. To them, number is real. The physical is just a shadow. See Plato's Cave.

>> No.1942991

I see all religion as one. The only thing that is out of place with the world's religion are religious claims of exclusivity and atheism.

>> No.1942994

Uh, why when their will only be one religion, we should be taking it seriously ?
(apart from the "we take control of the world" thing.)

>> No.1942995

The spooky similarities between cultural isolated religions is part of what make me take them all seriously. The differences are mostly external.

>> No.1943016
File: 62 KB, 473x745, you best start believin in troll threads v2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...op = 10/10, then?

>> No.1943019

>What makes you so sure there isn't a God /sci/?

The Bible.

Read the Bible, dude. It's a hodge-podge of myths, traditions, superstitions and some historical facts. Many parts of the Bible were copied from nearby civilizations like the Sumerians. The great flood can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Book of Esther is a Jewish adaptation of the story of Ishtar... The early Jews didn't believe in Hell, Satan, Judgement Day, angels and so on. Yahweh alone was the dispenser of good and evil. The Jews took these things from Zoroastrianism. Add some Greek influences, shake well, and you get the current Bible.

>> No.1943023

All religions claims it is correct, and any disbeliever is condemned. Therefore it is impossible to say whether God exists because everyone's opinion of him is different, every religion different, and to everyone not aligned with said religion is wrong anyway. It is unreliable to argue against science because science looks for truth through observation and testable evidence and scientific method.

>Therefore the real battle is not between God and science but rather Religion vs Religion

>> No.1943024

>isolated religions

>> No.1943025

>The great flood can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
So... when you have multiple sources agreeing, that makes the claim LESS reliable. GOT it.

>> No.1943031

>All religions claims it is correct, and any disbeliever is condemned.
Nice generalization you got there. Get out and learn more about religions.

>> No.1943036

when they're all claiming to be the only reputable source there is, it does.

>> No.1943037

Each of the different sources notes a different flood. Different sizes, different times, different survivors, different gods.

There was definitely a flood. Not a global flood, of indeterminate size, in an unknown area, and we can't determine which god saved who.

So there was a normal flood at some point. Right.

>> No.1943038

>The early Jews didn't believe in Hell, Satan, Judgement Day, angels and so on
Check your info, mister. Angels play vital roles throughout the Old Testament stories.

>> No.1943045

>Each of the different sources notes a different flood. Different sizes, different times, different survivors, different gods.
LOL, you claim the Hebrews took the story from the Sumerians... but it was a different flood? I think you need to polish your theory.

>> No.1943054

>So there was a normal flood at some point. Right.

Don't see him say "different flood".

>> No.1943070

>Don't see him say "different flood".
>different flood.

>> No.1943075

That depends on if the Japanese have the same Santa or a different Santa as the western world. The Germans, the Dutch, the British and the Spanish all have a very different Santa so therefore they are not derivative, but must be based on many REAL SANTAs.

On the other hand, because all the santas are similar they all describe the same santa, and they are all accounts that agree therefore strengthening their validity. Therefore Santa exists.

>> No.1943076

Chronology ?

>> No.1943079


Errr... Touché, but the myth of the fallen angel, the complex hierarchy of angels... that came after contact with Zoroastrianism and later evolutions.

Also, the angels in the old testament... It's not always clear what the fuck they were supposed to be. Sometimes, people didn't know they were angels until they told them so.

On the other hand: does the presence of angels in the OT make the Bible true? Oh, I thought so.

>> No.1943101

I'm OK with god existing, I'm not OK with christian God

who supposedly made us imperfect because he loved us but punished Adam and Eve for being deceived by a snake which God allowed to exist and then punishing all mankind with the original sin which is transmitted to our children who must repent for being imperfect when God made us so, then you go to hell because you havent the chance to read a bible because you were educated in a country were christians are a very small minority.

Makes perfect sense

>> No.1943110

Neither version of the flood gives it a date or a way of dating it... unless you want to assume that all the characters in early genesis are literal people with literal ages, which is just fundamentally misunderstanding what you're reading.

>> No.1943116
File: 14 KB, 698x780, edgar-cayce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to introduce everyone in this thread to a man named Edgar Cayce.

>> No.1943130
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, k26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisdom is the ability to measure God analytically. Religion suppresses peoples right to measure God by sticking to the image drawn by atheists that God is a being alike humans, as in hands, legs, eyes, tentacles, whatever, 'a fantasy out of this dimension being'. God doesn't have to be alike humans or fantasy like, God can be an element or factor of life: time, love, skin, blood, etc.

You all worship God, 'One', you weren't given the choice or the education on how to measure God. You're not God scientists, you're God believers, and the God you 'believe' in you don't know, you just assume.

Your mission for today is to KNOW God, until you do I give no credit to this thread, it's bollocks, it's about as important and legitimate as unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters.

>> No.1943132


It only appears fantastical to you because you exist to remark upon it.

Statistics says I'm right. So does logic.

Go eat a dick.

>> No.1943134

>without which none of the former would be possible

It is the most rash of assumptions that life cannot (and indeed, does not) exist under circumstances other than these.

>> No.1943137

Long ago I imagine the problem for Atheists proving their beliefs to be correct was much harder, hence the fabrication. They would have been arguing with a multitude of fully enlightened theists; probably on what's more beautiful, Gods creation or Human creation, and other topics. I imagine reasoning played a part there as well, but as theist reasoning would have always gained the hearts of the people, Atheists had to resort to fabrication and force; greed for knowledge, greed for power. Now Atheists have the whole world on their side, and they use 'reasoning' against the dumb-theists, and as they no longer gain the hearts of the people with theirs, atheists seem like the 'Good' ones. All of my hate.

>> No.1943139

It is not incumbent upon a scientist to prove a negative. If that were the case I would have won a Nobel prize at age four for my discovery that there was, indeed, no monster under my bed.

>> No.1943151

But you wouldn't be able to prove my theistic belief negative, as it's not as simple as 'God' did it. I have evidence and proof that suggests God (in most holy books and in actuality) is universal love.

>> No.1943155

You're going to need to quantify this evidence instead of insisting 'Things are so complicated, it REALLY seems like someone had to make them!"

>> No.1943167

>How did you get here?
Love between parents (expressed through sex)
>How do plants grow?
Love between the sun and the planet (expressed through heat + light)
>How do yours eyes attract what they see?
Love between your eyes and the surroundings (expressed through sight)
>How do magnets attract?
Love between opposites (expressed through magnetism)

More evidence:

Allah = Universal Love
God = Universal Love
Tao = Universal Love
The list goes on.

>> No.1943171

> What makes you so sure there isn't a God /sci/?
Every claim of God thus far has been false.
I have basic pattern recognition and a large data set.

>> No.1943172


Whence commeth evil?

>> No.1943183

God is often said to be both conscious and incorporeal.

We know that consciousness is a suite of biological processes used by phyisical organisms to anticipate and manipulate environments to their benefit.

An incorporeal god is not a physical organism and thus has no need for consciousness.

An incorporeal god is not a physical organism and thus has no mechanism for consciousness.

An incorporeal conscious god is neither necessary or possible.

An impossible, unnecessary thing is by definition already proven not to exist.

>> No.1943184

Technology, Money, Atheism, Knowledge,
You worship One. I'm done here.

>> No.1943187

Who says love isn't concious?
Who says the sun isn't concious?

>> No.1943191

Biologists, all of them.

>> No.1943193

You know, broadly ascribing the word 'love' to natural forces as different as photosynthesis, mating, reflection and magnetism isn't science. It's using semantics to imply things that aren't implied.

And why is it not then just as valid to suggest that the world was created by the slicing in half of the chaos-monster Tiamat? My 'proof' is that it gets hot half the year, which is of course her fiery heart beating its last. Why not try disproving that?

>> No.1943196

Okay, so knowledge is bad. Gotcha.

Turn off your computer and stop reading anything.

>> No.1943206

Aha, so you assume knowledge > wisdom? Then you are not a theist.

The Sun is being, it was here before you, you are of the same blood, other wise you would have not appeared down the line in it's family tree. You deny your own blood? Then you're an idiot, and again you're suppressing peoples rights to measuring God by forcing your beliefs on them.

You spend your whole life worshipping one, but because you're Religious, you wield a curse. The God you worship doesn't exist, it's not real, it's not life and it's pure egotistical fantasy. Unknowingly, you spend your whole live pleasing the END of life, so when the END comes, you will receive ascension into a heaven you believe to exist.

You can't measure God, you don't know God. You assume God, and the God you assume is not God, you're not wise enough to know.

Is a star being? As in, does it live? Or is it a simple factor to be used by you, or seen by you? Was it not here before you? Are you part of it's blood-line. (yes, you are).

Concious, or not concious. Atheist, or theist. You decide.

>> No.1943219

You've obviously read my threads before, so you know exactly where I'm coming from, and you're trying to suppress it.


All the evidence and proof is found here. You're not a scientist, you're a nihilist. You worship 'one' and you worship 'knowledge'. You're not wise enough to understand:

The Word EARTH indicates
One, Entity or Singularity,
but Earth is not an Entity,
for the Half of Earth seen
from Space cannot exist
without the Opposite Half

You think it's a single entity, when clearly it's constructed of antipodes. That requires no evidence, that requires simple perception and wisdom. If you can't compute opposites, you can't compute life, and you cannot claim scientist (and be telling the truth).

Nihilist suppressive scum.

>> No.1943222

I would happily destroy schizotypal thoughts in the human lineage, so you are correct to identify me as your adversary, and the worshipper of that which you despise.

You are ill, I would gladly cure you no matter how much you love your illness, or hallucinate that you are the healthy one and all others are mistaken.

>> No.1943224
File: 232 KB, 1269x745, aquotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russell's teapot demonstrates that claims of existence must be proven, or one must believe every figment of their imagination.

The following is a handy guide to shaking off religion

- Realise magic, alt. medicine, creationism and conspiracy theories are all bullshit

-Realise all religion falls into the same area

-Rationalize that religion is the only thing keeping you from being a depraved psychopath

-Realise religion's morality is superfluous (you had it in you all the time)

-Shed the bullshit and live according to your own ideals, without having to defend homophobia and science denial

>> No.1943242

Your horse is high, sir, I've never read one of your threads before tonight, and your poetry is terrible. If you can't use cogent ideas, presenting them artistically doesn't make them more factual.

>> No.1943246

Way to sidestep the problem of evil again. Why does your fancypants God allow evil to exist if he has the power to stop it?

>> No.1943251

lol, stopped reading right there.

>> No.1943253

It's quite strange, if you think about it:

All the "holy" texts, one way or the other, claims the supremacy of God, and God's thinking is beyond human, barring occasional prophets/apostle/messengers bring it to a human understandable language. In effect, if God exists, then it is a being beyond our comprehension (ie, both believers and non-believers are irrelevant in yielding answer).

>> No.1943262

I'm fine with that view. As long as believers are willing to assume that they cannot understand what god wants ever, and therefore god can have no influence on their behavior ever, I don't mind them believing.

Doesn't work out that way though, because suckers always fall for false prophets, and all prophets are false.

>> No.1943268

You all worship One, I laugh at you. I know you worship One, do you?

>> No.1943271

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? And you explain, don't link me to a crappily-made website.

>> No.1943277

>Time Cube

You are basing your belief on the assumption that you arbitarely divide earth into 4 quadrants, and suddenly we have four days at the same time?

Let me try this:
Let us see the earth.
But actually, the earth is not one zone. It is twelve.
We'll call these zones:
For their corresponding hours.
We can now CLEARLY see that suddenly we have 12 days going on at the same time.

You are not wise enough to understand this.

>> No.1943280

Nope, I worship 7.

>> No.1943288

LOL You are a funny troll.
Your Logic:

I see half of this tree, but I MUST go round to the other side to make sure it does have an opposite half.

My Logic:
I see half a tree, the other side must be the other half.

Who's wiser, nihilist?

>> No.1943289

I'm partial to six. Multiply them and you get...

>> No.1943303

Impartial observer here, the one who checks the other side is certainly wiser.

Blind faith is nihilism, I thought we all knew that after the last couple thousand years.

>> No.1943304

I am not sure how anything I've said relates to what you just said.

I never mentioned a tree. I never mentioned sides.
I simply proved the assumption around how the earth having four days is ridiculous.

On the other hand, you assume that an egg is an omellete.
I know it has to be cooked first.

>> No.1943311

nah, why should we have an opinion about something we can't grasp
why should I consider myself atheist or theist

something which is the first cause, not bound by the laws of something having to precede it, could be considered god
logic suggests there has to be something like god so why is it egotistical to believe in it?

>> No.1943314

Silly ather, knowledge=wisdom because when you talk about knowledge we assume that knowledge is based on truth

>> No.1943318

>logic suggests there has to be something like god

>> No.1943324

oh okay, logic suggests we believe in magic instead I assume
like flying ponies invading our universe from another dimension or gravity pulling nothing into nothing, creating something

>> No.1943325

>logic suggests we believe in magic instead I assume

>> No.1943328


god is not a white bearded man floating in the universe, god can be a intelligible energy or consciousness from which everything is derived

learn2ontology and read the masters

>> No.1943330

Aether my pet, do you feel you have superior wisdom that the brightest of people are blinded to?

Do you feel that your wisdom constitutes a thread of magic flowing through the universe that you and very few others can tap into?

Do you feel you have had personal experiences that demonstrate this magic to you?

Do you wonder why others won't listen to you or accept your superior wisdom?

Do you fear that people are trying to suppress your superior wisdom?

Do you fear that evil people are out to get you because of your special talents and thoughts?

Just curious...

>> No.1943331

Every board is ruined by this fucking bullshit.

Only newfags fall for this ancient troll.

Fuck off and die.

>> No.1943333

oh okay, logic suggests we believe in nothing then I assume

...only the beating of our hearts :')

>> No.1943334

1. All words are lies.
Nature defines what's true and what's lies, what's real and what's not, what's good and what's evil. Everything created by nature, not just in the planet, the nature of the universe as well, is Good, for if it wasn't, we wouldn't be. It's Good cause it worked and no other being was knowing Good/Evil like us, bar God. No other being made a choice to be Evil, but rather followed it's natural instincts, did what it was meant to do. Along the line 'we' as in 'humans' created Word. Now, word is a concept, it's a lie, it's evil, it's not nature it's self-evolution (different to natural evolution); it didn't occur in nature, it occurred in our minds, to evolve our intelligence. It's not true, the word 'tree' is non-existent, it doesn't exist in life, it exists in mind, the 'tree' itself is word-less, it equates 0, it never said it's name, we said it. If we derive Good and Evil, Truth and Lie, down to it's simplest mathematical form, we have 0/1 (binary base 2). This shows us that every word, being unnatural and lies, equates 1.

2. Words are not just sounds.
In reality you have many factors constructed by words, a car for example. If you take a 'car' and derive it, you'll notice it's made from natural things, these things are Good and equate 0, but the car itself equates 1, it's a concept, it's not natural it's unnatural (created by humans, not nature).

This means that our mind is egotistical and unnatural, we rely on words, lies, to evolve and come to conclusions. Ultimately showing that the God you worship, or don't worship, is fabricated, it's not natural and cannot be the real God, for it's constructed through Ego, rather than actuality.

>> No.1943336

>god can be a intelligible energy or consciousness from which everything is derived
No, that is just playing semantics and causing confusion.
Why would you call that god, and not just energy?

>> No.1943342

>oh okay, logic suggests we believe in nothing then I assume
Logic suggests two possible scenarios:

1. The universe is eternal (note: that could be the multiverse which this "bubble" is in for example, since we obviously know this one had a beginning)

2. Causality can be violated.

>> No.1943347

yea just because we can discriminate we must be egotistical to speculate about the beginning

god may just as well be dead, is that egotistical to believe as well?

>> No.1943348

Here's news for ya.
Good and evil are man-made concepts.
And as such, according to your theory, they are both evil.

As such, there is only Evil in the world, and outside the world for that matter.

Heck, your precious one is evil too.

>> No.1943350

To fit in with what we know about the universe, theists have to either redefine god so much that the concept becomes ridiculous (unable to intervene, 'outside the universe', 'the ground state of all being'), or join the creatards, stick their fingers in their ears and go BLAHBLAHBLAH!

>> No.1943354

can causality be violated in our universe or is it more likely to be the influence of another dimension?
both answers don't sway me into being anti-theistic at least

>> No.1943359

yea it has to become rediculous because we know for certain what gods attributes are

>> No.1943362

3. You worship One.
You believe in the fabricated God, the God that is not natural, the God that we constructed through evolution. This God is non-existent, and by preaching from texts you know nothing about, you help suppress the natural human intelligence of measuring God.

4. Worship does not mean Pray or Believe.
To worship God, you would do by God. Worshipping can be done through living, or being, or perceiving, not simply praying like a cursed-fool.

5. Measuring God
How would you perceive life without education? Would you always take the scientific route of checking if the tree really does have an opposite halve, or would you be wise enough to know that it does. I'm wise, I know that if I'm below the tree, the top will be above me, I don't have to check, because I'm wise. With my cubic mathematics, I can understand the whole universe, and learn all about it within a much shorter time period, without using technology to check. I know that the earth is cubic, it has a north and south pole, existing as opposites, only with different given names, alike X + Y. From that I understand that there must be 4 equators, as we have the TOP and BOTTOM, we must have a FRONT BACK, LEFT RIGHT; which we do. Through scientific method you don't have these cubic features, you have a north and south pole and 1 equator.

6. 1 doesn't exist.
You're not one thing. You have two eyes, two arms, a whole body constructed as opposites. Claiming you're "1" thing is lying, what part of you is "1"? You have no "1" if you we're "1" you would be dead. Even your penis, connects at two halves, it's not one thing, it's cubic.

>> No.1943365
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Sure is timecube in here.

Pic related.

>> No.1943367

Do we really need to know how we came into being to enjoy life?

Do we need to follow the advice in books written thousands of years ago by unknown sources corrupted by many Kings and Emperors to mean what they mean today?

Do we need to waste our pitifully small lives doing whatever these books instruct us to do?

Do we need to waste vast scientific resources trying to find proof of how we came into being when global warming and increasing populations threaten to destroy us?


LIVE LIFE AND ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1943370

>Even your penis, connects at two halves, it's not one thing, it's cubic.

Do you even KNOW what cubic MEANS?

>> No.1943378

So, now we've established "1" doesn't exist, only in concept, a lie, we can move on to elaborating your God belief.

- You believe God is male only = 1 (not opposites)
- You believe God is --->A<--- being = 1 (not universal)
- You believe God is ONE thing = 1 (not cubic)

Where as I believe God is:

- Universal
- Cubic
- Being

What now Atheists and Faketheists?

>> No.1943379


Actually population will stabilize as soon as the third world gets their standard of living up. The western world has already stabilized, in fact, due to the widespread use of birth control.

Global warming and tearing ourselves away from oil is more worrying. The oil companies are very tenacious.

>> No.1943381

>what part of you is "1"?

Frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, vomer, hyoid...

>> No.1943382

>6. 1 doesn't exist.
If 1 doesn't exists, 2 can't exist either because its composed of ones.

>> No.1943384

I think you can gain knowledge from the supernatural as long as you respect the human logic, clearly christianism does not respect it. Rationalism has failed hard, humans use rationality but they clearly dont act rational at all times

>> No.1943388

You're absolutely correct.

>> No.1943391

Sure I'm one.
I'm just not this body you see.
vibrations shape my understanding, and I know how to affect it.
All I am is the movement I create.
I am everything I affect, but I doubt I am God. Could be true though. What the bleeb do I know?

>> No.1943393

Yes, clearly you have shown us all the truth by stating the things you obviously KNOW to be true and ignoring all the criticism.

Way to go cuboy. You sure showed us.

>> No.1943396

Universal = 1 (is obvious, there's only 1 universal thing)
Cubic = 1 cube
Being = 1 being

So by your own logic, god doesn't exist.

>> No.1943397

>Good and evil are man-made concepts.
Absolutely correct.
Nature Only Made Good,
Where as, we made Good and Evil.
Funny that isn't it, how we COULD make Good and Evil.

>> No.1943402

But you said
>You have two eyes, two arms,
So we can't have two arms if two doesn't exist.

>> No.1943403

Universal = Universal
Cube = Cube
Being = Being

1 = 1

Learn to be wise or die evil.

>> No.1943408

Assuming humans aren't natural or any part of nature.

You rock. Dumb as fuck, but with conviction.

>> No.1943409

Existing only as opposites.
What's my two eyes going to do with nothing to see. Just refer to them as eyes. I admit, I used the concept of 'One' to get my point across.

>> No.1943413


The population will level off at 10 billion because we will no longer have enough resources. This is when countries like China will start invading other countries to try and support its own people.

>> No.1943417

God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.
I'll say it again.
God is a concept, by which we measure our pain. Yeah.

>> No.1943419

the absence of evidence

>> No.1943421

If humans were a part of nature we would be 0, not one, cause nature is Good (0). As you believe, and these faketheists believe, in 1, and that we are '1'. That's not part of nature, that's the opposite.

>> No.1943423

Science is a TOOL

Not a cosmovision

>> No.1943428

Cubic Evidence > Scientific One Evidence.

You deny you're made of opposites. I hold mirrors up,, what now?

>> No.1943429


Didnt you hear what I said? The western world has stabilised, and so has china and japan even.

Malthus was wrong. Our agriculture has and will continue to expand the carrying capacity of the earth until we hit a worldwide birth rate of 2.2 per mother.

>> No.1943432

But nature cannot make good, as good is a man-made concept. And as such inheritaly evil, right?

As such, the way you are describing what nature created is also evil.

Actually, the entire concept of your religion or whatever else you call it is made from ideas and expressions made BY MAN.

According to you, Cubic theory (or whatever it is called) is evil.

>> No.1943433

Surely you're a jew, Aether. Just ignore every argument and continue to spout out your own important speculation.

>> No.1943442

Right up until that 4 degree temperature anomaly we currently have at the North Pole becomes global, then Malthus will be throwing a somber little party in hell.

shouldn't take more than 50 years.

>> No.1943443
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>> No.1943445
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>> No.1943448

Oooh, visual aides... that means it true, right guys? Right?

Oh, schizos make visual aides too? Damn.

>> No.1943451
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The Principle of Opposites.
Nature only made Good. We made Evil by removing ourselves from nature. We're educated dumb, to believe we're egotistical, that we're above animals, when really we're animals, nothing more.

If you were sent to survive in the wild, you wouldn't cope, that's how dumb you are. You just have an Ego of ones to reinforce you're above nautre.

You sit in a house all day.
You go out and get drunk sometimes.
You may smoke cigs.
You chat to people.
You work.
You go to school, etc.
All unnatural.

>> No.1943454

Whilst a lion or other wild animals cope in nature, hunt, and are at one with the harmony of nature. They are IN HEAVEN, whilst you're in heaven, but you worship SATAN, who will eventually bring you HELL.

>> No.1943459

Good thing there is no heaven or hell then.


>> No.1943460


no because God forgives you if you repent.

>> No.1943465
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>> No.1943466

yes, all unnatural when you believe you're lead by instinct instead of free will

>> No.1943467
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You're quite right, you can go back to heaven, if you destroy society or remove yourself from it. Way to waste your life though right? The choice to be in heaven without a care in the world, to live in the beauty of nature, but you'd rather live in a house like an alien, and go to work, pay your bills etc.

>> No.1943469

lol life is already hell
and to accuse someone to worship satan because he tries to fill in his own life is pretty simple minded

>> No.1943472
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You're an animal, you'll never not be an animal. You may THINK you're not, but you'd be lying.

>> No.1943475

yes humans are animals, we've known this for 150+ years.

>> No.1943477

Yes, I see my soul in the mirror.
I can see the cause of influence on the world, because all I am is a body, right?

>> No.1943478
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>4. Worship does not mean Pray or Believe.
>To worship God, you would do by God. Worshipping can be done through living, or being, or perceiving, not simply praying like a cursed-fool.

Do you do by nature?
Or do you do by technology, money and knowledge? (yes, you do).

Then you don't worship God, you worship the opposite. What is that?

So you're a Satan worshipper. FACT.

>> No.1943480

nice pretending you're on to something. except you got no clue to what a human being is, sadly.

>> No.1943481


You are 0.
You weigh 0.
You are 0 foot tall.
You goto work at 0 o'clock.
You have a shower, the temperature is either 0 or 0.
You don't have arms, or legs, they're words. You're just.... 0, you = 0.

I am 0.
You are 0.


>> No.1943484

I have to concur. It has an interesting epistemology but is essentially anti-societal and thus antisocial. The height of real nihilism.

>> No.1943487

Then what are my thoughts?

>> No.1943489

Nah, I'm 12.

>> No.1943493
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>> No.1943494

Probably thinks he's the first to realise math is just a human concept.
And by repeating stuff constantly makes it more right.

>> No.1943495


Fuck you, we are 5

>> No.1943496
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Your thoughts are 1's, they're evil, they can change, I'm here to fix you. I spend 14+ hours a day, on here, fixing people. These people suppressing are the 'usuals', they never contest the points made, they just tag it as delusional or 'scitzo' cause they know it to be true, and it harms science as it brings religion/theism back to life, which they tried to kill, for human evolution; because they hate the world so much, they want to live in space.

>> No.1943498
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And don't underestimate me. I will fix you.

>> No.1943500

>I spend 14+ hours a day
But 14 is 1 and 4, which is evil.
So you are doing evil by being here.

>> No.1943502

Thanks, I just wanted that clarified. You think free thoughts are evil.

Yeah, I am pretty much done here.

>> No.1943506

No, I'm actualy a schizo and I recognize you clearly. I don't want to suppress you, let the world burn if people can't see it your way.

You're right, you don't need anyone to confirm it, argument is all the confirmation you need. Paranoid elitist piece of monkey meat.

>> No.1943507

Satan was just a role given to an angel by God.
It's a retarded christian idea to believe if there's a God there must be a devil.

>> No.1943511

how are you gonna "fix" people if you avoid arguing?
saying stuff is a lie without comprehending why isn't that impressive.

>> No.1943519

God is real.
He exists as a force
More like chance.
God told me that all religions got the story wrong and they are arguing for no reason.
Just live by the morals inset in what it means to be human.
I am a prophet for this century.
Prove me wrong religious folk.
I am a prophet for god has enlightened me,
There is no miracle thats needed of me to perform.
He told me this.
But you will believe that I am wrong because you think your version of god is right and that there are no more prophets that exist.
But what I say is true.
The books are false, swayed by culture, tradition, and pinnings for power.
The source for them all was that force of God.
I am a prophet, heed my words, and stop performing unnecessary tasks and being good out of fear of punishment, rather than doing them because you know that its the right thing to do.

>> No.1943521

Because Aether is stuck in the system, he cannot help people. He probably works, buys food, use public transport like we all do. He is no different.

Its hard to find a solution when youre a part of the problem

>> No.1943525

(S)he is more likely on permanent disability... for... um... some reason that isn't at all obvious.

>> No.1943529

Still waiting for my fix. Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.1943537
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>everyone I am special and know the answer because god chose me specifically instead of all of you
>I am the chosen one and wiser than you even though I sit on my computer all day
>but remember, be humble guys!
Thanks for arguing against yourself!

>> No.1943549

Because if the Abrahamic Trinity exists, it is 100% Self contradicting, Evil, and full of lies. And it would be a fallacy to steal your "soul" so "God" can have more power. If he does exist, he lies about his power and is only a "demigod" or "lower god" of some sorts.

Definitely not an All loving all creating god of peace and mercy.

True mercy, in the sense of eternity - would be "God" being merciful - and showing you HOW you where wrong and bad and evil - instead of just throwing you into a fiery pit for the rest of eternity.

>> No.1943588

You argue for a god because everything seems so right, I argue against one because to me it seems like all statistical odd.
It make more sense to me that given an infinite amount of time, life had to form, it does not make sense that a dude(all powerful he be) cares about a arbitrary sets of ever changing guides, morals and ongoings that relate to me getting into his special place.

>> No.1943731

bump for clueless idiots

>> No.1945211

The point was, can you prove me wrong?
Pretty much cant.
This is the same story that religions use around the world with Islam and Christianity at the forefront of it.