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1942145 No.1942145 [Reply] [Original]

Nanothechnology can be used to reproduce an existing structure down to the atomic level. Therefore, once we have a functioning nanotechnology, money will be worthless, since perfect counterfeits can be made. Rare works of arts, such as the Mona Lisa, will also become worthless, since copies can be made indistinguishable from the original. What would the economic system of a post-nano world look like?

inb4 grey good

>> No.1942153
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>grey good

whoops, grey goo

>> No.1942156

I for one welcome our nano-socialist society.

>> No.1942157

I forgot post scarcity.

>> No.1942183

When a civilisation is that far advanced there would be no need for an economy.

But we are humans, we are greedy motherfuckers, we will not advance to that point because the rich want to keep getting richer.

>> No.1942187

Why not humans are pretty awesome.

>> No.1942197

>Keep everything the way it is wthout complicating things.
>Only the rich can get richer.

Why would they want to change it?
I'm not some conspiracy nut but;
We have the technology and resources to completely change the way we live, this counts every 3rd world country too.

But we won't because we're greedy + most of us are retarded monkeys that still think it's fine to steal, kill etc..

>> No.1942234
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>> No.1942242

We have come this far I think we can still grow up. We are still in our infancy as a species. I guess I feel bad just being defeatist, If you don't try at all it's worse than trying to stop something.

>> No.1942250

I feel the same way but we should at least try.

>> No.1942282

If we try it will be a horrible fail, and people will not be willing to try again.

More importantly.. we can't even try. I know I'm sounding like a tinfoil hat wearer but the guys with all the money are in charge, almost everyone has to try for it to go anywhere. But there are idiots all over the world who'll gladly make it a shithole by hating, looting, destroying....

We're too primitive to do anything.

>> No.1942291

We don't need everyone, I know it won't be pretty, but we shouldn't just count ourselves out. Humans are intelligent and creative. The only way forward is to continue our merger with technology. If we fail we were going to die anyways....

>> No.1942301

It depends greatly on the power requirements to run it, whether it can transmute one element into another element, and the construction and maintenance costs.

>> No.1942312

Thing is we can't even try.

The basic stuff we haveto do to advance is;
-No more economy, there should no longer be such a thing as money.
-Companies will haveto give out free stuff, to change the way everyone lives.
-People will haveto work for free for a ywar atleast to produce everything.
-Somehow we got to teach idiots about respect, not to do stupid shit.

Why would anyone even do this? It sounds insane to them.

We are greedy and we'll continue to be at a standstill for many years to come.

>> No.1942330

A world with no money?

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

>> No.1942332

That's assuming there won't be a few separate groups that continue working on this stuff.

>> No.1942342
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>> No.1942346

inb4 Neal Stephenson's "The Golden Age"

>> No.1942348

bills and coins will long be gone before we master nanotechnology...

>> No.1942359

And what will replace bills and coins?

>> No.1942373
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>> No.1943625

electronic transfers

>> No.1943627

Explain why we'll need money again?

>> No.1943634

Disregard that, forgot to read.

>> No.1943635
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It comes closer.

>> No.1943639

I think a cover plan as a hippy commune will work, to keep the government off our backs a little. Have any important structures subterranean, with hippy shacks on the surface as entrances.

>> No.1943644
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We don't need the government to know at all until we're completely finished.