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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1942131 No.1942131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/, i learned recently that i have access to a bunch of scientific articles, studies and resources since i'm in university. so i decided to share the wealth and ask you what you'd like. give me a subject for a few key words and i'll download, zip, and upload a bunch of studies for you guys. heres a bunch on synthetic cannabinoids that i got for someone else earlier. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WW3U2QUJ

>> No.1942144

>OP posts pic of supposed "recreation drugs"

>pic includes buprenorphine and methadone

>buprenorphine and methadone

>recreational drugs



>> No.1942148

SciFinder Scholar or its worthless.

>> No.1942154


I'm gonna do some recreational vitamin c this weekend!

>> No.1942163

thats part of the meta search

its a random 4chan image, you really expect quality? also, you ignored how it has vitamin C, ephedrine and nicotine, which are all pretty shitty for abuse

>> No.1942171
File: 37 KB, 720x480, paddlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>taking 4chan seriously

>> No.1942174



scifinder IS a metasearch...

scifinder scholar is a program that allows you to more effectively analyze large quantities of journal articles and search more efficiently (like entering in a chemical structure)

scifinder scholar web is relatively new, but the original program (Which stopped being updated in 2007) is the best the best the best...

especially for chemistry (I think physicists might have their own program equivalent)

>> No.1942181


vitamin C may be recreational or not... I dont care.

but bupes and methadone are not "recreational" because if you have to even consider taking them for such a purpose, then you are deep. way too deep for recreation.

>> No.1942186

theres more than one metasearch engine and they can find the same articles btw

>> No.1942191


youve never been on 420chan then. theres at least a thread of Suboxone or fentanyl ever second day on /opi/

>> No.1942215


Hey all, I'm grabbing some H tonight, but I just dosed 1mg bupe. If I wait say... 12 hours, how much do you think I'd need to breakthrough? To give you an idea of my tolerance, it usually takes me 3mg of bupe to get me noddin'. Thanks in advance!

i have a light tolerance to opi's as it takes around 30-40 mg of OC to get me where i need to be. I have decided to cut down my usage alot and also just got a hook up on 6 8mg subs.
before I go on let me say that in my opinion for occasional use, suboxone is very powerful and gives a really good buzz/nod. at least for me.