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1940371 No.1940371 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you paying for cryonics (freezing yourself) after you die? Don't you think it's worth a shot?

>> No.1940374

I'm Amish.

>> No.1940379

I'm Amish.

>> No.1940380

Only a stupid atheist would do that.

>> No.1940383

why bother? it wont mean you live any longer, just that you will be spending the time that you have in a different time period...so its sort of like time travelling, but i quite like it here, advanced enough so life is good and we dont live in poverty and ignorance, but not so far on that the world has turned to shit just yet...and hopefully i die before that happens.

>> No.1940385

I'm Irish

>> No.1940391

>it wont mean you live any longer

in a couple of thousand years humans will live for 100's of years.

>> No.1940412

Because I don't believe death is "bad".

>> No.1940417

No, that was a couple thousand years AGO not in the future. Read your Bible.

>> No.1940418
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perhaps. But you are still guessing. perhaps by then we will have combined with machines and have become immortal, or have found a way to reverse the aging affect and become immortal that way.
A frozen person will still only have 21st centuary genetics inside their own body when they arrive, so you personally will not live for 100's of years if that is even the case.

>> No.1940438

I heard something about this.
When you freeze yourself, your cells expand, and are destroyed.
You are better off saving some of your DNA, even though "you" are dead, your body can be recreated.

>> No.1940440

What incentive is there for people to unfreeze you?

>> No.1940455


>> No.1940464
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you are presuming your bible is correct. I have heard this tale before, humans lived for a very long time, until god decided to punish them for eating fruit, and cut short their lifespan.
i don't believe it.
It is just that evolutionarily we only need to live long enough to breed, after that, we have served our function as far as evolution goes, and can die, but humans have managed to significantly increase their lifespan by means of modern science.

>> No.1940550

genes arent responsible for overall human condition, medicine is.
and who says I dont plan on trying cryonics?

>> No.1940569

>who says I dont plan on trying cryonics?
i didn't
>genes arent responsible for overall human condition, medicine is.
your genes make you who you are, medicine can just be used to cure you if you get an illness.

>> No.1940701


>implying genes change significantly over the course of a few hundred years


>> No.1940738

> in a couple of thousand years
2 thousand years can be enough for some significant change due to natural selection, if selection pressures are high enough. if we have turned to eugenics by then, the change could happen at a much more accelerated rate.

>> No.1940954

The problems with cryogenics is that upon freezing water crystallizes and expands, destroying cell membranes. Not only that, alot of the time people are delivered to the cryogenics labs after several hours of being dead,very sensitive biochemical pathways have been disrupted as a result...DNA degrades very quickly after death....etc,etc.. Also, There no substance suitable for long term preservation.No one has developed a way to propery "thaw" a preserved human without severe damage. all the shit they pump into your dead corpse is toxic. ALSO, OP is a faggot

>> No.1941028
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>> No.1941048

i'm only hesitant because I have no idea what kind of world i would hypothetically be revived into, or even if i would be revived by humans as a free man. for all i know i would wake up to being studied by aliens or muslims or muslim aliens until i died again.

>> No.1941091

No. I'm not freezing myself.
Even if I could be revived after a couple hundred years, into what world would I be revived in?
And, I believe that when you die, you should stay dead. I don't think that the human race should be going around playing God and resurrecting the dead (inb4 lol gtfo my /sci/ moralfag)

>> No.1941115


And 100 years ago, before the age of defibrillation, most sufferers of cardiac arrest "stayed dead". At what point do you draw the line between treatment and resurrection? You see, we are already playing god with modern medicine. Every pill you take to prolong your life is a luxury that wasn't enjoyed by your ancestors, who might see you as "playing god". Cryogenics is simply an extension of modern medicine and disease prevention, not a way to "revive the dead" any more than a defibrillator is. Your naive understanding of the process is markedly religious and ignorant.

>> No.1941120
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it wouldnt be ressurecting the dead, the individual would have the same genetics as the individual who used to be alive that you took the DNA sample from, but they will have a completely different consciousness.
to prove this, the subject doesnt even need to be dead. i can clone you, you are still alive, the clone is genetically identical to you, but has different consciousness, so you still only live once...with your own consciousness.

>> No.1941145

>different consciousness
How can you present an argument like that? It's a hypothetical situation to start out with, pulling the clone example is completely irrelevant.

>> No.1941153


Why not? It would be for science, and understand how death 'works' and if it can be reversed.

>> No.1941164


p.s. you have no business in /sci/, gtfo

>> No.1941172
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lol gtfo my sci, moralfag

>> No.1941181


And technically, you stop living when your brain dies. Not when your heart says 'fuck this shit' and stops, so defibrillation would still be a treatment to a lethal sitution.

>> No.1941183

I have not invested into cryonics because there is no need. Fuck yeah Manhattan Beach Project.

However in the extremely unlikely event that it's 2035 and there is still no anti-aging research progress, I'm signing up with Alcor.

>> No.1941185


My advice to you is never go swimming... if you drown and require CPR, that may constitute a resurrection using your retarded logic, and then you'd have to kill yourself anyway for defying god. What a dipshit.

>> No.1941192

Well it's too late we are already god. We have been playing god since before we were a species....

>> No.1941195


>> No.1941196

well you said "i dont think we should be resurecting the dead" or something like that, presumably you mean by using DNA from a dead person to recreate their whole body. so i showed that if we do it with you still alive, the consciousness's are seperate, you cant control both people, even though they are the same, just like identical twins can behave differently.

>> No.1941216
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> natural selection
> in artificial man-made environments

>> No.1941214


You are making the false assumption that your brain "dies" before and during cryostasis. This is not the case. The structure of the brain is mostly, or in a lot of cases completely preserved for long term cryogenic storage. "Death" necessitates information-theoretical death (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information-theoretic_death)) and the subsequent destruction of the brain. The aim of cryogenic preservation is rather antithetical to your misconception of death.

>> No.1941211


>> No.1941219

>pay $$$ to freeze self after death
>die, get revived and cured
>forehead stamped with bar code, brain scanned and job assigned
>genetic engineering has caused average intelligence to skyrocket, making you a moron
>forced to work shitty job for your eternal life
>go home from work, open the door
>get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.1941236
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it is still natural selection even if we shape the world around us to some extent and it is 'man made'
rabbits live in burrows, they dig them themselves, they are 'rabbit made' but it is still natural selection that acts on them

>> No.1941257


I was referring to the defibrillation thing. I wasn't aplying it at cryogenics.

Now, we are persons, persons think, talk and have ideals. If someone doesn't have that things, it's not a person. In that case, you're 'dead' or another living being that it's not a person.

And btw, I don't have of conception of 'death'. But I wanted to express it.

>> No.1941269

I'm not freezing myself.
I believe it's a legit scientific process, and technology will eventually advance that far in the future, but here's my concern with the whole process:
Why would they revive me?
If global population trends continue the way they are, overcrowding is going to be ridiculous (moreso than it is now).
Why would they want to add another person (and all the other people still frozen) to the exploding global population?

>> No.1941279


Because of the lulz.

>> No.1942627

Hey, OP, here's a scientific answer, assuming that's why you posted on /sci/ and not to get lectured on religion (weird, huh?): When you are cryogenically frozen, every one of your cells suffers massive damage. The people selling cryogenics as a surface say that someday, the defrosters will be able to repair the damage in the defrostees. That's a lot like saying I expect to be able to convert my scrambled eggs back into a chicken. It sounds unlikely enough that I would just as soon leave my money to my decedents.

>> No.1942652

No.I will accept death.I don't want to live forever.

>> No.1942669

lactase persistence

>> No.1942679

If you have a cardiac arrest, using a defibrillator wouldn't do anything. It's used when the heart is in a fibrillation state (aka panic mode) to "reboot" it by stopping it completely. You only see them to ressurect people that had cardiac arrest on bad hospital tv show and movies.

>> No.1942697

What's with all these folks interested in "trying to live forever" or "escape" death? What a bunch of pussies that something as natural as dying someday, is met with great fear and anxiety. Why? Just because Jesus or Superman was able to resurrect himself, people think that death is unnecessary or something? Like they are too good to die? Geez, if people are that chicken shit to die, they can do what other chicken shit people do and pop out a kid, you can even name them after yourself, if you're that egotisical and a pussy. Or you can do something useful and donate your dead body to the Harvard medical school, or be an organ donor; shit there's people out there who would kill for your fat encrusted hearts any day, even if it were to crap out on them by the evitable heartattack they'll have to suffer through by your stable diet of fritos and mountain dew.

Get over yourself OP and anyone else bitching about "why don't we research death-defying, age-defying science cause im too scary and sad with my life to just have it end, I mean I haven't even gotten a nobel yet, I wanna be able to live long enough to achieve that at the very least." Die like a fucking man, Die with dignity