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File: 116 KB, 500x497, designer-babies-genetic-engineering-2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1939730 No.1939730 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think in the future there will be bionic eyes that begin to surpass human vision, humans becoming intimately merged with machines and genetically engineered "designer babies" for the rich or is all that just science fiction?

>> No.1939737

What's the purpose of a human body?

>> No.1939742

Yes, then those people will be the majority "race" and then there will be a people that reject those advancements and embrace art, cultural religion, and nature. However both people are much more intelligent than we are today because the educational technology will be cheap and universal. I'm thinking all this starts around 2050 then those people that reject all that stuff become terrorists or something. Also asteroid terrorism where people control asteroids to crash into large cities or satellites/space stations.

>> No.1939744

>Babies- Probably not for a 50+ Years
>Bionic Eyes- 30 Years
>Human/Machine Intimacy- We're already very close with machines, look at our day to day life.
Biomechanical human augmentations will begin to become commercially avaliable in the coming decade, climaxing in these augments surpassing their biological counterparts somewhere between 2030 and 2050. This will most likely result in a heavy rift between humans and post humans, but this will subside in time.
Tl;dr 2050 is going to be like Deus Ex 3.

>> No.1939743

That all better be true. Otherwise, FUCK.

>> No.1939747

because they can also people would spend money on it.

>> No.1939748

I read "The Quiet War" too.

>> No.1939750

There's books like that? Is it good? Any others you know of?

>> No.1939755

This, also that one group is going to blame the majority and their technology for ruining the environment and shit.

>> No.1939759

The resolution of the human eye depends on Rayleighs criterion for circular apertures, the refractive index of the cornea, the distance between the cornea and the retina and the distance between the rods/cones.

It depends largely the inverse of the size of the pupil, but there's a diffraction limit too.

tl;dr probably for all of that

>> No.1939760

Is it going to blacks/Africans because they reject the white/brown people's definition of beauty or will we all be mixed up by then?

>> No.1939765

"The Quiet War" I think it is by Paul McAutley. It is a good book if you like science. It explains the future with very precise scientific detail.

>> No.1939772

The eyes thing, no. Eyes are pretty complex and surgery on them seems more likely to make you blind than make your see better. Now, changing the eye genome so the proteins perform better, thats a different story.

Designer babies? How about, no more genetic defects. This shouldn't be a service offered to the rich, like, if a baby is born with a hole in its heart and needs surgery, that baby is starting of costing more money than a healthy baby. They are both likely to have the same heath troubles and expenses due to old age or to die before making enough money to pay for everything. Sounds like making sure babies aren't born with holes in their heart would save a lot of wasting money on investments that don't return.

>> No.1939771

Could happen, but I think we'll all be super peaceful by then(2200-2500) because we'll be much more of a global society.

>> No.1939780

kinda off-topic, but has anyone here seen the film "Technocalyps"? Is any of that stuff about the Singularity coming in 2070 really true?

>> No.1939781

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.1939783
File: 218 KB, 1024x846, 126.1006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we should outlaw Transhumanism. Do you really want THIS as your future?

>> No.1939789

Exactly, I'm all for the achievement of humans but some of this just seems unethical. Think of all the experimentation.

>> No.1939792
File: 1.33 MB, 3500x2428, 038a57da4148209c6c9b75f18bfd2f16e8a09503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean, "Do you want THIS?"

>> No.1939793


lol, you seriously think transhumanists are a bunch of nutjobs that are somehow going to AUTOMAGICALLY turn everyone into a parahuman hybrid?


>we should outlaw Transhumanism

You are everything that is wrong with the world, take your tea party fanboying ass somewhere else.

Okay I just went full retard with that but still, you are an idiot who thinks humans should remain baseline forever.

>> No.1939795
File: 34 KB, 590x350, 12012628327321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i want this.

>> No.1939797

>humans should remain baseline forever.

I'm not a religious nutjob, and I don't think we're baseline forever because we're always evolving.

>> No.1939803

Pros of transhumanism over the years: be part cyborgs, slowly live longer and longer, in a thousand of years we'll be able to live 100's of years, better organs, more attractive, stronger, fast, etc etc.

Cons: Creating a race of super people, "playing god",

>> No.1939808

>Evolution takes thousands of years, and is based on a need to adapt.
Aight bud, have fun waiting on that...
I'll just be around to see it happen in my superior cyborg body.

>> No.1939822

Enjoy your mutants and radicals that reject your insane world. Also you tranhumanists will ruined the planet that's why you're terraforming Mars and Venus. You fucks.

>> No.1939832


I'm not impressed. Neural connections are hard as shit when there are so many and the cells are microscopic.

>> No.1939836
File: 31 KB, 180x710, 180px-MarsTransitionV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that Earth was Terraformed by the distant ancestors of dinosaurs millions of years ago.

>> No.1939839


>Cons: Creating a race of super people, "playing god",

Remind me again how this is a con?

>> No.1939842


Evolution of NEW traits and speciation takes eons and strong selective pressure.
However, selection of desirable existing traits is happening all the time. Not to mention constant minor tweaks that we get along the way. We evolved the ability to digest cow milk and alcohol out of necessity, we are constantly selecting for natural immunity to certain diseases. A human from 100,000 years ago would be susceptible to many diseases that as a modern human you consider harmless since you have a natural built up immunity through generations. Our ability and childhood instinct to pick up language is strongly tied to our evolutionary history.

>> No.1939846

Not a religious person but I think it would create the climate that would view human life to be less valuable.

>> No.1939849


You act like there's anything wrong with playing god.

>> No.1939859


It isn't valuable.

>> No.1939863


I'd imagine that further in the future, people will still understand the importance of intelligent life.

The interest in preserving and protecting humanity will not die out, it will only become less of an issue as humans become less vulnerable to the world around them. Those who are still vulnerable will still be protected. Those who are too young to get modifications or those who simply decide not to have them, for example, would be taken into consideration.

>> No.1939861

If that possible then that means we can also give humans wings. Flying humans, nigga.

>> No.1939867

Well that's subjective,

>> No.1939910

Have you guys learned nothing from Frankenstein? I think we'll allow stuff that helps people already born, technology such as robotic eyes, organs, shit like that but we'll have heavy restrictions on stuff that tampers with DNA or anything biological. It's such a slippery slope.

>> No.1939927 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 320x319, cyborg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your Borg, you ethical bastards.

>> No.1939931
File: 24 KB, 320x319, cyborg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your Borg, you unethical bastards.

>> No.1939936

enjoy your inefficient, mortal sack of flesh. Luddite.

>> No.1939941

Super Amish?

>> No.1939949


It is even more unethical not to persecute the best for
the race... stay and waddle in your pigsty of a planet.

>> No.1939952

Brave New World.

>> No.1940079


Thank you sir, I believe I shall.