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1939589 No.1939589 [Reply] [Original]

The nurse positions the patient on his or her side, with knees flexed and back toward the nurse. A waterproof pad is placed under the patient's buttocks, and a bedpan to hold any removed stool is kept nearby. Occasionally, a patient will request to stand in the bathroom near the toilet during this procedure, but that is not advisable due to possible adverse reactions and the fact that this can be an exhausting process. The nurse then puts on rubber gloves and applies lubricant to the index finger that will be inserted to break up the impaction. Explanation of what is to be done, and reassurance that if the procedure is causing discomfort it will be stopped immediately, should be given before beginning.

>> No.1939644

As gently as possible, the nurse inserts a gloved, lubricated index finger and massages around the edges of the impaction, gradually working the gloved finger into the mass to break it up. The broken-up pieces of stool are dislodged by carefully working them downward toward the end of the rectum. During this procedure, the patient should be checked regularly to assure that there are no untoward effects such as weakness, diaphoresis or clamminess, or changes in pulse rate.

>> No.1939668

Megacolon—A massively swollen colon, usually associated with severe and chronic constipation that can exist as a congenital condition or develop later in life.

>> No.1939680

I suggested that I lubricate her back passage and I went to the local pharmacy and bought a large tube of KY Jelly. She had tried again when I was out but had still passed nothing. She stripped off and lay on the bed and I coated my index finger with KY Jelly and very gently inserted it into her rectum. I could feel this huge fat knobbly lump. I removed my finger and used it to insert more KY asking her to hold it in and let it melt and coat the turd. We went into the toilet and I continued to rub her tummy. After about 10 minutes she said that she could feel things moving and with a gasp as it must have hurt she bore down and a fat lump the size of a tennis ball dropped into the pan with a loud KUPLOONK! This was followed by three similar rocks with then what I can only describe a brick of solid poo slowly emerged and slid into the pan with a thud. She hadn't finished as she then passed a long fat but smooth sausage on top of the huge load she had already dropped .

>> No.1939693

i laid on my back, knees in my hands, my butthole fully exposed. the doctor shoved a suppository into me. he used his long middle finger to push it deep into my rectum. he left. after an hour of waiting for all means of relief to work, the doctor retured and i was just as constipated as before. he instructed me to lie with my knees under me and my arms at my sides so my face was flat on the table. with a herd of young doctors watching behind him, he inserted a syringe filled with lubricant about a centimeter into my anus and pushed it all in. he lubricated all five of his fingers, much to my horror. he inserted a finger. then his middle and index. "i can feel the feces. its much too large for you to be pushing out. what i am now going to do is called a manual disimpaction. im going to manually remove the feces from your rectum. if i dont have success, your only alternative will have to be immediate surgery. are you ready?" i only gulped in response. "will you..um...be using any instruments in the procedure?" i was terrified. "yes, there may be a few instruments inserted to assist in the removal of the impaction." i pleaded with him to please not, please. he just began the procedure with the audience of college-aged kids watching. i was completely exposed. he inserted three lubricated fingers. then a fourth. he probed deep inside me. i was in hell.

>> No.1939696
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>> No.1939698

he said to me "we are going to need to dilate your anus, ok?" i only groaned in return. a nurse gloved up and inserted her index then middle finger of her right hand into my rectum. she then did the same thing with her left. she pulled in two separate directions so my anus opened wide. the nurse said "now i need you to tell me when you are feeling any discomfort, because we dont want to dilate you too far." yeah, like i wasnt feeling discomfort. i moaned in pain. "ok, weve stretched him far enough." the doctor inserted a long metal probe about 10 cm. it was cold and i was in complete and total misery. the nurse continued to hold me open while the doctor worked. the nurse withdrew her fingers when the doctor inserted four fingers. my butt hole was in agony. "now, i want you to push. push as hard as you can." i pushed. "see, youre expelling my fingers. you can push them out. this feces is just too large." um, thanks dr. obvious. this was horrible. he pushed his entire hand into my rectum. this was when i started to become dizzy. this wasn't happening. i passed out and woke up to the nurse looking me in the face and the doctor wrist-deep in me. he had take hold of the feces and used some kind of device to stimulate my sphincter. he again instructed me to push hard. soon the huge poop was hanging half out of my body. it was wider than a zuccini. almost six or seven inches wide. the young observers were in awe. i was in extreme discomfort. he pulled the huge feces out. my ordeal was mostly over. needless to say, ive been regular ever since. so everyone, STOP complaining about having the doctor stick one measly finger up your butt. i had an entire hand and a whole slew of spectators.

>> No.1939704
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>> No.1939718

Ok, I get the point of it now I think.

>> No.1939719

>we are going to need to dilate your anus, ok

>> No.1939727
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>> No.1939729

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.1939758
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>> No.1941090

derp, please provide pics of the last time a doctor saw your bum or genitals. What? It wasn't filmed?!?!

>> No.1941125

Maybe you should talk to your doctor about what he does with those tapes (Files, these days).

>> No.1941916
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>> No.1943514

b l horga nor slab

>> No.1943535


>> No.1943559

goood.... .. GOD!!!