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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1936028 No.1936028 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, the dumbest things you've ever heard in class.

>"I don't think we've ever gone to space or the Moon. It's just too HIGH UP..."

>> No.1936044

Are acids radioactive? I mean they're donating protons

>> No.1936062

Are you sure by "we" he didn't mean the two of you?

>> No.1936070

"The moon is bigger than the sun, retard. Ever look up at the fucking sky? Fucking retard!"

>> No.1936079

One girl in the middle of lesson:

>"I witnessed a wonder! Praise the lord! I have been ill for one week, but now I'm cured!"
She had the flu.
And no, she wasn't joking, she's a die-hard christian. I couldn't stop laughing the entire day... I think she hates me now.

>> No.1936082

"Global warming is the theory that the earth's core is getting hotter and heating up our planet"

>> No.1936083

I actually enjoyed that.
I think I'll troll some friends with this phrase.

>> No.1936084

One of my classmates once insisted that there were 4 stars in the solar system.

>> No.1936087

Religion & Philosophy class, year 12.

"Feminists? Aren't they a kind of Lesbian?"

I collapsed into laughter, but my books didn't muffle the laugh quite like I hoped and the girl left the classroom crying.

>> No.1936279

what is so laughable about truth?

>> No.1936289
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>there's no way we could have ever been to the moon, i mean how could they get a car on the moon?

>mon visage

>> No.1936293

Why is iron hydroxide a base?

>> No.1936296

my teacher was from europe, I have all of you beat

>> No.1936298

"evolution theory claims the earth originates from the big bang"

not trolling, was in a presentation in the final year of what americans would call high school. For Philosophy. I literally laughed my ass off, when asked why I explained how it was horse shit. Entire group of people around me backed me (the 'smart' group) and we got her to fail the presentation

sweet justice

>> No.1936303

Have you never heard the phrase: It is funny because it is true?

>> No.1936306

lesbians still have sex

>> No.1936314

She wasn't wrong.

>> No.1936317

well played, /sci/entist

>> No.1937389

When talking about the Tsunamis in biology class back in highschool...
"So, there is a end to the ocean, right?"
Said it with a completely straight face.
He was a Haitian immigrant, but still...

>> No.1937401

That class must have shook him up.

>> No.1937437


>> No.1937440

"Humans need oxygen, also known as H2O to breath"

>> No.1937456

lol wow i hope someone didnt actually say that

>> No.1937460

i lol'd

>> No.1937461

"The anthropic principle is a sufficient explanation for the fine-tuned constants of nature."

>> No.1937464

Sadly a girl did, the whole class erupted in laughter and someone had to explain the mistake to her.

>> No.1937479
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in A.P environmental science:
teacher has us bring in snacks to illustrate biomass in a food chain (retarded day at end of the year after the test) the following is about peanut butter

>"is that the chunky kind because I cant eat that"
>"no its the creamy kind"
>I walk over and say "why can't you eat the chunky kind"
>"Im alergic to peanuts"
>I explained that the creamy peanut butter would be like putting a shotgun in her mouth
>doesn't understand but stops, saved her fucking life.

>her face when

>> No.1937481

"The Earth is not millions of years old, like this video states. Scientifically, it's probably around 12,000 years old." - Ecology Teacher in High School.

>> No.1937485

more like LIE school

I see what I did there.

>> No.1937489
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*Discussion on Intolerence in current day's world

Good things like Homophobia and Immigration Comes up.

Teacher then says "Another great example is the Obama Healthcare plan"

This being totally wrong, really nearly the opposite, I ask How?

"Because there are a lot of people who disagree with it"


>> No.1937491
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My knee has been slapped.

>> No.1937498

can't remember anything but this is one on my stupid moments.

>Gov class.
>teacher puts a tomato on a students desk and says catch up.
>I was like "Wha-a-a-at"
>The whole class looks at me like a retard.
>I said "wait how does a tomato mean catch up"
>"WTF does that mean a tomato doesn't = faster"
>Teacher "ketchup"

>> No.1937502

In high school history class a few years back, we were talking about the Holocaust. A girl makes the following comment:
"That was a really good way to lose weight"

>> No.1937521

Not in my class, but in high school my U.S. History teacher told us one time that a girl in another teacher's class didn't recognize a map of the globe.

EVERYONE in my class groaned, laughed, or facepalmed. Not exaggerating or bullshitting this.

>> No.1937522

"Einstein got poor grades in grade school because all the knowledge of the universe was floating around in his head"
"crazy isnt it? I wish I got poor grades in school so I might be a supper genius."

this was taken from an 11th grader and a 12th grader, both seemingly intelligent.
I died a little that day

>> No.1937542

"I believe in god"

>> No.1937545

epic win

>> No.1937549

"I'm an atheist"
"I am 100% certain there is no god"

>> No.1937561

butthurt fag believes in magical wizards

>> No.1937569
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Dude passs that shiiiiiit
see what i did there?

>> No.1937573

nope, just not a retard atheist

>> No.1937576

"Well... there MIGHT be a god."
"You can't disprove god!"

>> No.1937581

Are you 100% certain that invisible flying unicorns and spaghetti monsters don't exist either? Derp.

Fagnostics make the worst arguments ever.

>> No.1937597

why would I be? I am a faithless person, unlike silly atheists

>> No.1937699

Away from religion shit, one girl in my class said "i thought it was called All-timers" (for alzheimers).

And for the most part, it seems to me that most people are saying that girls blurt out the stupid comments.

>> No.1937706

in high school economics class, there was this dumb mexican girl who used to always talk down on the smart people. teacher was talking about gas prices.

her: "but like..the prices can't go like higher than $10 a gallon."
teacher: "it can't?"
her: "well..it shouldn't..."

>> No.1937748

Oh god its the worse when theyre wrong, but theyre calling YOU the retard.

Happened once to me when i said the sun is also a star like all the others in the sky

He called me a retard because the sun is bigger and everyone else called me a retard.

Also a few nights ago, another guy i know was convinced the stars and moon were wizzing across the sky..... it was the clouds moving.

>> No.1937770

History class
girl (of course)
"Why do all these old maps look the same when the continents are moving apart?"
teacher and I laughed our asses off

>> No.1937794

"How are we even going to use this in life?" Makes me rage every time.

>> No.1937832


>> No.1937835

because he likes her but she thinks he is a fat dork

>> No.1937840

thought it was that

>> No.1937855

once met someone like that.... it was basic fucking algebra D:

>> No.1937856
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"If we can't do anything with radioactive waste, then why not send it to space?"
I learned over the year the guy is actually kinda cool just poorly with incidents like space shuttles exploding in the atmosphere.

>> No.1937858
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>where's canada?

>> No.1937859

Poorly educated

>> No.1937861


Jesus, where do you live? I live in North Florida, just a stone's throw from Georgia, and everyone I know around here knows the basics of the basics.

>> No.1937867

Have azn friend.
Girl asks him whether hes Japanese or Chinese.

>> No.1937870

A. People in Nigeria are called Nigerians.

B. That's RACIST!!!

A. Then how are they called?

B. African-Americans.

true story btw.

>> No.1937871


>> No.1937873
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>In world history
>Learning about Spartans and Greeks and shit
>Teacher says Spartans were some of the most powerful land warriors in history
>But that they kinda sucked at naval combat.
So a girl says, "Why would they fight over belly buttons?"

>Teacher makes contorted face, says naval means water military forces.
>girl goes, "oooohhhhhhh" and continues to draw hearts and shit on her paper
>Teacher then says how Spartan naval fleets were easily bested by Athenians, who wouldn't stand a chance against Spartans if they were to fight on the ground.
So the same girl pipes up again, "If they were so good at land battles, why didn't they just take their islands with them whenever they went to go fight the bad guys?"


>> No.1937876


>> No.1937879

>apsie with no sense of humor
oh u

>> No.1937880

I'm in U.S. History class and we're in a debate over the Cuban missile crisis. We are up for a more peaceful way of deal with the crisis and the stupid one is up for tactical airstrike(auto assigned groups)

And just as her group tries to prove their point in how good their option is, she opens her mouth and says, "What if diplomacy doesn't work? Are you ready to start a war with the U.S."
"So Kathrine, your about to start a war within your own territory?"
"NO! I'm talking about us fighting the U.S."

I stopped there... stupid bitch..

>> No.1937882

My biology teacher - "Fish can breathe because water contains oxygen, in H2O the O is oxygen", still can't convince him that it is just dissolved oxygen...

>> No.1937883

oh come one thats not SO bad. They all rook same!

>> No.1937886

Chinese have no second eyelid.

>> No.1937888
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>Athenians wouldn't stand a chance against Spartans if they were to fight on the ground.

>> No.1937889

Wow good thing he isnt a science teacher.

>> No.1937890

In my college anthropology class, were grouped into small little clusters so its easier for the teachers to pass out shit (theres like 200 students in this auditorium class, and like 6 teachers)

this girl in my little group says, "evolution is based off of facts, but, like, its not a fact". I gave her a look of frustrated rage that was boiling so hard she actually looked kinda scared when she looked at me.

This girl is the dumbest thing too. That was at the beginning of the year. When we were talking about NAGPRA, she's like, "Natives are all related, so like, they should all get everyones remains!" and "I dont see why theyre arguing over this spirits and stuff, theyre all christians anyways"

We just started going over the whole Man: A Course of Study controversy in the 70s, and shes like, "It made America and God and Jesus look bad! Its good that it was cancelled!"

I swear to whatever power that holds reality together this girl is the dumbest bag of shit.

She doesnt even fucking try. For tests and shit, we have to hand out questions for each person to review, and then we share our reviews so everyone gets all the info, and her reviews are always grammatically butchered, horrendous spelling errors, run-on sentences and nonsensical bullcrap.

Although i think its just this girl. everyone else in the class seems relatively intelligent.

>> No.1937897

>implying that ever happened

>> No.1937901

yup, i am. her name was gina. her myspace page is full of references to her love of heavily muscled boy toys in raggedy jeans

>> No.1937906

u jelly coz u cant fuck her?

>> No.1937907

LOL yea alright

dude, this girl had some looks, but if you knew anything about what she does at parties, you would avoid her like the plague

>> No.1937918
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>but if you knew anything about what she does at parties
go on...

>> No.1937924

lets just say that instead of a hallway, she has a wide open opera house...full of termites and rats.

>> No.1937929

why don't you help her clean the place up. perhaps you can get some singers to perform there and help your community.

>> No.1937934
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gee what a good idea

>> No.1937950

africa is so much bigger then America, why don't they just invade us, thats one example hate going to class sometimes and dealing with retards saying dumb shit all the time or asking 2 many questions

>> No.1937953

you shoulda used quotation marks DUMBASS
she done anal?

>> No.1937956

I doubt he knows. He is just calling her a whore because he got turned down when he finally mustered up enough courage to ask her out.

>> No.1937959


are you that retarded, that you dont understand what im saying with out thme

>> No.1937974


It's more difficult. That's why we have rules of language, so we can more easily understand each other.

>> No.1937975

naw bro. i would never consider asking this bitch for anything. not sure why you dudes are so hung up on it though

>> No.1937978

>teacher: "So, there are natural light sources and artificial light sources. What do you think the sun is, Simon?"
>"Um.. artificial."
Simon was a die hard gangster.
Simon is now unemployed.

>> No.1937980

wow dude learn to sentence structure.
Are you that retarded you cant use them?

>> No.1937985

Dumbest thing I ever heard was outside of class but I figure I'll contribute anyway

>A: You did this for reasons X and Y
>B: But that's not the case
>A: Case? What are you, some kind of lawyer?
>C: Exactly!

>> No.1938024

a girl : >I hope my birthday will never be on friday 13th.
me : >what's your date of birth ?
the girl : >may 6th

>> No.1938038


assburhgerhs fag detected

Life must be hard for you

>> No.1938042

"I'm late or class because I forgot my bible"

>> No.1938045

>Whenever you learn a new word, a new braincell gets created in your brain, and the better you memorize it, the stronger and bigger it becomes.

Philosophy class "theory of learning" at university held by a Ph.D.

>> No.1938046

But it is. Are you retarded?

>> No.1938051

"Australia and Mexico are owned by us, right?"
This was from a dumb broad I was in a class with in high school.

>> No.1938052



>> No.1938059
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I was 5-6 years old. My family was over at my cousins house or something. Somehow the topic of astronomy came up, and I mentioned that some stars are bigger than our sun. My uncle (twice removed thank god) tells me "a sun is a sun and a star is a star"

I just looked at him like he was retarded...

First time in my life I realized adults could be idiots too.


>> No.1938060

How is that stupid?

Expensive? Sure.
Overreaction, especially when Earth has a lot of good storage options? Yes.

But, not an option to ignore.

>> No.1938064

My AP US History teacher: "There are no happy liberals. They're always finding some problem to get worked up about."

>> No.1938119

>"There are no happy liberals. They're always finding some problem to get worked up about."
Your AP History teacher: confirmed for IRL troll.

>> No.1938169

Kid had a keychain on his backpack that said "How do you keep an idiot busy for hours? Turn over for the answer." The other side says the same thing.
Girl sees it and proceeds to flip it 10 times or so before saying "I don't get it"


>> No.1938175
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>> No.1938180
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>> No.1938233

My cousin facepalmed herself with the following statement.

"I think euthanasia is wrong because its racist to give youths in Japan and China better things than the euthinafrica"

I literally shot tea from my nose when I heard that.

>> No.1938265

It's always the retard who calls others retarded.
I've been "proved wrong" a few times. It was always like "No, look at The Someguy's Effect" or "Durr, as if X didn't happen". Usually slightly insulting, but it's because I deserved it.
When I'm right and the faggot on the other side is totally, absolutely wrong, it will usually be "YOU FUCKING RETARD, TIME IS 4TH DIMENSION" (this is usually what I hear in discussions about geometry with 4+ SPATIAL dimensions).
I'm guilty of this... I did it once, but now I learned my lesson. Never again.
Even captcha is laughing at me - "think areloney"...

>> No.1938336
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From people who heard that I like astronomy:
>So, you like astrology?

>> No.1938344

Anybody who uses "like" in the middle of a sentence is, like, not as smart as they think.

>> No.1938349

Like, duh, I only use it at the beginning and ending of every sentence pretending to be all smart like.

>> No.1938362


>> No.1938376

I use it specifically to look like this. I mean, like "So she was, like 'Derp'".
As far as I recall, this is called, like, stylization. Or some shit.

>> No.1938381

Don't need to think about my answer.

"So when was Hitler alive then? Was it around the late 90s? Or was it later?"

I shit you not.

>> No.1938384

"Can we make a nuclear bomb? Just a small one ofcourse"

>> No.1938393 [DELETED] 

Someone I know, who doesn't have an interest in science, but continuously asks me questions about quantum mechanics and particle physics, just because he is 'curious', asked me things like this:
>What exactly is a quark?
>Why wouldn't this work? (links me a magnet troll physics picture)
>I thought hadron was the name of the guy who paid for the circle thing
>Why can't anything move faster than light?
>Is light a wave or a quark?(i'm not joking)
I saved the best for last
>Him: Schroedinger's cat is a load of bullshit, there is no un-certainty, the cat WILL die, the INSTANT you start the machine (not joking)
>Me: Don't bother unless you actually know what you are talking about.
>Him: Oh, you are angry because I am right and you are wrong? Fuck you and your useless theories, quantum mechanics and particle physics hasn't contributed anything to society and it never will.
>Me: I will personally make sure you never get a quantum computer when my colleagues perfect the theories.
>Him: I don't give a flying fuck about dead cats, my computer will always be powered by electricity and run on binary, so you can take your quantum mechanics and shove it up your arse.
*he rage quits*

>> No.1938398
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1. "Religion is right because it is written over a long time period."

2. "Religion is right because the majority of people on earth believe in something religious."

3. "Dinosaurs never existed; the bones are just put there to test our faith."

>> No.1938402


on number one: the bible is right because *

>> No.1938409

girl in my university studding chem engineering:
"I think there are good reasons why some people can't sleep."

she meant people with insomnia and that they can't sleep because they did something wrong and now can't fall asleep because of it

>> No.1938426

Friend TA grading papers finds:
>"force of enersha"
I kid you not, the physics broomball team named themselves that because it was so hilarious.

>> No.1938432

"Break dance is from Korea , don't you guys know anything?"

>> No.1938433


Are her eyes just freakishly high up on her face or what? It's just creepy how little actual head she has above them.

>> No.1938444

some girl on God:

"I beleive in the messages of religion.."

"I think there's something out there..... I just don't what know it is"

dumb bitch

>> No.1938465
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ITT butthurt atheists bitching about religion

>> No.1938485

>And for the most part, it seems to me that most people are saying that girls blurt out the stupid comments.

that's because females don't have a goddam filter on their retard mouths.

>> No.1938488

But what if negative?

>> No.1938509
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What do you think? Archive the stupidity of mankind?

>> No.1938532
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>never landed on moon, facts prove it
>go and search WMD
I don't even.

>> No.1938543

>There is no gravity on space you idiot
grumpy math teacher on HS

>> No.1938546

That woman has said things I didn't know could even be said without being completely and utterly ridiculed. Richard: "The evidence is in every museum."
Wendy: "Well if there was any it would be in museums."
Richard *facepalm*

>> No.1938558

"How big are germs, are they like the size of flys"
I would of laughed harder if she was a bitch but she was just dumb

>> No.1938568

A friend of mine that was Jehovah's Witness:
Him: It's not true because is not in the bible.
Me: And if they put it in there?
Him: Then it's true.

Never talked abaout religion with him again,

>> No.1938584

I've got a good one... just heard recently.

>"So who has a guess as to the population of the whole of Africa?"
>*Girls gets called on*... "Just take a guess, miss."
>Uhmmmm I don't know? Like 200 Billion?
>"I'm sorry did you say Billion or MILLION?"
>Class laughs

at least she wasn't volunteering to answer

>> No.1938587


she is right ... the md nivedm and sun are of same size in the sky ... so are equally HIGH UP ... has any fucktard heard someone landing on the sun ?

>> No.1938597


>> No.1938641

>My biology teacher - ... still can't convince him
>good thing he isnt a science teacher.
All kinds of reading comprehension going on here

>> No.1938673

" 'cause it's just wrong, anyway it's not on the test so you don't need to know." -PHD in Astrophysics to a student asking a simple question on measuring average orbital distance.

>> No.1938677

> "Cellphone frequencies must be bad, that's why my ear get WARM when on the phone"

That just after the prof. stated that the frequency is very unlikely to interact with any molecular bond in our body.

>> No.1938697
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IMO some general knowledge is useless as you can just google it if you ever need it.

Written with history class in mind.
General outline of history: interesting and usefull.
Detail of history: useless for most.

Also, some kid trying to impress his femfriend "Rain is wet because it consists of... HO2!"

>> No.1938726

Lots of proof starting to come out saying cell phone use isn't the best thing for you. I'm sure in 30 years people will look back and think "why the fuck would people do that?"

>Never owned one and never will.

>> No.1938727
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>MFW i know that's Shashi kapoor

>> No.1938733
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>> No.1938740
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kouvtav chearkes

>> No.1938749

Girl asks:
"So where are you from"
I respond:
A bit north of the Amazons:
"Uh? <span class="math">what[/spoiler] is that?"
This was in college too....ffuuuu.

>> No.1938785

dumbnut, physics and chemistry aren't going to change drastically in 30 years.

>> No.1938802

sitting at the beach one night, talking with friends

girl: "...did you know scientists now think that Earth may be a part of the Milky Way? And that the Milky Way is actually a 'galaxy' which is made up of hundreds of stars?"
me: "uh...yes. I did know that. We know our solar system is in the Milky Way."
girl: looking at me like im stupid "what? but, how? the Milky Way is above us, how can we be a part of it?"

>night goes on, i attempt to explain to this girl that all stars are NOT the same distance from Earth, that there is more than one galaxy, that we are IN SPACE and various other shit I thought was common knowledge.

>> No.1938814

oh! i just remembered another one from that same group of friends.

boy: "we dont really need to breath oxygen. as long as we're breathing out Carbon dioxide, our bodies dont really care what we breathe in.

...i need new friends.

>> No.1938815
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I can't tell which was worse.

"If the earth was in space, we'd all die because there's no air."


"Kant was right about everything."

>> No.1938819

Cell phones operate at almost the exact same frequency as wireless internet. You have wireless internet signals propagating all around you all the time.

>> No.1938820

I walked into a classroom and this stuff was written on the board from the previous class:

>Al Jazeera
>Al Roker

>> No.1938821

"H2O2 is bubbly water"
-my 9th grade science teacher at a christian school

>> No.1938823
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>> No.1938827

"It can't be true that stars have a finite amount of fuel to burn... That means the Sun would have stopped by now."

>> No.1938828

Not in class, but when I was about 9 I got into a heated argument with my best friends mom that got me thrown out of his house. The issue?

She was adamant that the sun was the biggest and hottest star in the universe "by far". It was about this time that I lost all faith in adults.

>> No.1938843

>confusing "proof" with "unscientific conspiracy bullshit"
cool story, bro

>> No.1938854

i like kant....

>> No.1938863

kant did really well. i mad

>> No.1938886

What (s)he talking about Kepler's Third Law? Depending on how on the difficulty of the class, it could've been an incomplete version of the equations (i.e. P^2 = a^3 measured in years and AU respectively).

>> No.1938946


that's true for some cold water fish but e.g. carps can live in decorative ponds and extract oxygen directly from the water molecules

>> No.1938957

English class this year -
"Leonardo da Vinci, wasn't he in titanic?"

>> No.1939013
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bumping a nice thread

>> No.1939027

In elementary school(7th grade), but still:
Debating whaling
Girl: "Can't we just give the whales painkillers before shooting them?"
I laugh until it hurts
Girl starts crying

>> No.1939043

"evolution has been happening for several lightyears..."

>> No.1939051

Kant has died over 200 years ago, it's only natural that (by now) a few things he said turned out to be wrong.

But I still stand he is, by and large, right.

>> No.1939055

"The Sun is located in the middle of the Milky Way"
-My elementary school teacher

She refused to believe me even after I showed her a passage from our textbook that proved her wrong.

>> No.1939057

Look at the sky, don't you se the galactic core?

>> No.1939058

I agree with him actually
We should send our radioactive waste into space

>> No.1939064

Guy behing me talking about how obama isn't a citizen and how he is the anti-christ.
Day we are assigned to do debate papers I tell him he should do that.
Girl overhears me telling him that he should do his paper on how he isn't a citizen
That's so racist to say he's not a citizen just because of his religion.
Mfw I never said I agreed
Mfw I never said ANYTHING about his religion
Mfw I don't have any faces saved

>> No.1939073

I GOT THREE FAILS AT THE SAME TIME. I was showing someone this:
<span class="math">1 = \sqrt{1} = \sqrt{(-1)(-1)} = i^2 = -1[/spoiler]
Then, of course:
>Hah, but you can't have the square root of a negative number.
And someone else:
>But the √1 isn't 1... it's plus or minus 1!!!
And another one:
>But the square root of isn't 1... it's like 0.3 or so!

>> No.1939078

girl: "dont you know that all the ice on the north pole is already melted! They have satellite images of it!"

teacher: "where did you hear that?"

girl: "I read it on a Japanese website"

>> No.1939086

Fuck, I can't find where it's wrong.

>> No.1939087

>But the √1 isn't 1... it's plus or minus 1!!!
This is correct, isn't it?

Also, \sqrt(-1)(-1) =|= i². \sqrt(-1)*\sqrt(-1) would be i²

>> No.1939089

Talk to some higher ups and get his ass fired! If you don't, he will spawn thousands of idiots!

>> No.1939093


>> No.1939104

Our school had a canned food drive where we competed with other schools by weighing the cans. A guys says "We should freeze the
cans before we weigh them so they weigh more."

I almost cried.

>> No.1939110

HAHAHA, you're worse than him. Okay, look:
√1 = +1 only. But the square roots of 1 are +1 and -1. The symbol √ means the principal (positive) square root. Just think about it. In the quadratic formula, for example, why would you have <span class="math">\pm\sqrt{...}[/spoiler]. If what you said was true, the plus/minus would be redundant!

Also, √(ab) = √a√b That's what I did in the i^2 step.

>> No.1939117

No you are the worst. Ok, so if that was redundent, than what would you put there??? Yeah, thats right

Square root of a postive value will yield the positive and negative of its square roots

>> No.1939122

I teach a physical science course for high school freshman. I had an exam question that asked: "What is the purpose of a wedge." The answer: "To help making getting the up or into something." The worst part is I had to read this like three times becuase I thought I was missing something. Then I realized that she was just stupid.

>> No.1939125

You would put only a + there, you dumbfuck. But because √ only refers to the positive root, you need a plus/minus.

>> No.1939128
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6th grade, cafeteria line, evolution comes up:

Some especially dumb looking and dumb sounding classmate says "I didn't evolve from no monkey"! I try and come to grips with what he was saying (it was only 6th grade and I didn't know much about creationism). I try and explain to him why the biological theory of evolution is valid when some fat hall monitor lady comes up and agrees with the dumb dude, saying "monkeys don't brush their teeth, but people do, we aren't related to them".


>> No.1939129
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<span class="math">1 = \sqrt{1} = -1[/spoiler]

Problem, /sci/?

>> No.1939130

That's some fun shit right there.

>> No.1939182

bumping because thread died

>> No.1939187
File: 9 KB, 350x401, oh for fucks sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian School 8th grade life science class teacher:

>Oil can be formed in a few thousand years if there's enough pressure and heat.

>Oil takes millions of years to form because heat and pressure can't do it in a few thousand years, also the oil had to come from pre-historic creatures i.e dinosaurs.

> She dismissed my argument entirely and said god put oil in the earth.

I fucking hated christian private school. Only stayed there a semester before going back to public school.

>> No.1939200

I feel your pain. Got switched to one in 7th grade and stayed in until I graduated. If not for the football team, I would have GED'd it or dropped the fuck out.

>> No.1939201

"Light is pure energy"

>> No.1939216

It is you fucker.

>> No.1939219

Me: ...and I found out that sodium hydroxide is corrosive too.

>> No.1939224

Me: Maybe it might work if you extrapolated it into the 4th dimension.

Him (an actually really smart guy (skipped a grade of high school) who understood that we are talking about spatial dimensions):
>You mean the 5th dimension because time is the 4th dimension.
his face: ^_^

My face: -.-

>> No.1939226

It is. Of course, you might be raging about the use of the word "pure," in which case I would agree with you. Otherwise, GTFO my /sci/.

>> No.1939235

fuckin lol

>> No.1939238

"If someone jumps off the eiffel tower they won't bounce"

>> No.1939246

context plox?

>> No.1939249

well, I guess it isn't wrong?

>> No.1939253

>"steel is not an element"

>> No.1939255


In physics class. Argument between me and a girl, she said a body wouldn't bounce, I said it would. Physics teacher agreed with me.

>> No.1939258


It's not.

>> No.1939279

>>Dumb girl says something unintelligent.
>> Her friends get upset with you and beat you up.

>> No.1939280

Is that your final answer?

>> No.1939284


>> No.1939289

>"The moon landing was not faked."

>> No.1939292

I took a debate class in high school, the teacher's first exercise required each student to give a 5 minute talk on a given subject without using: goes, um, like, or uh.
Goes and like were acceptable only in proper context.
You'd be amazed how many people could not do it.

>> No.1939302

I understand the rest but how do you use "goes" out of context, I never herd anyone use it before

>> No.1939305

>so if like a bit of acid rain comes out of a coal plant and lands in a forest, will it like, catch fire?

>> No.1939309

In 8th grade, I got a physics test back from my teacher

In one of the answers I had used variables to prove that Energy=Power*Time or some similar shit

She told me to use numerical examples instead of variables

>> No.1939351

This is true though. It's fusion, not combustion.

>> No.1939386


So I goes to Shelly, I goes "You shut your whore mouth, when men are talking".

>> No.1939408

>Subject: Wireshark Topic: Chap 04 Discussions
Author: John ------- II Date: October 4, 2010 4:17 PM
I just did the wireshark assignment . I really feel like a hacker now. being able to view other people web history info Just so i can feel better what are some good things about having a software like this???

>Subject: Re:Wireshark Topic: Chap 04 Discussions
Author: Tyler ------- Date: October 4, 2010 7:00 PM
I think it just shows what YOU're currently sending/recieving.

>Subject: Re:Wireshark Topic: Chap 04 Discussions
Author: John ------- II Date: October 5, 2010 10:09 AM
yes.and it tell you about others on your network too

This is a 300 level network class.

>> No.1939422
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This happened yesterday.

>Friend: What is that?
>Professor: It's a distance meter.
>Friend: But what does it measure?

>Prof. face when

>> No.1939430

It goes like this, Whooosh!

Instead of little Johnny goes to the bathroom when he needs to piss.

>> No.1939433

"We haven't gone back to the Moon in 40 years."

>implying they ever went to the Moon.

>> No.1939443
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They'll learn about Ethernet broadcast and promiscuous mode on NICs by the time they get halfway through their first-

>This is a 300 level network class.

>my face

>> No.1939449

>We share a common ancestor we apes
I can't believe people still believe in the fairy tale of evolution.

>> No.1939452
File: 171 KB, 448x480, 1283235848652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't even try it, faggot.

>> No.1939467

>"I didn't evolve from no monkey"!

The proper answer is "You sure didn't."

>> No.1939504

Mine too man, mine too.
I'm sailing through this class, just a sophomore here and at best I skim the chapters and do the assignments with just what I've picked up along the way in life.

Shit makes me sad for the Computer Science field. At this rate we will never be considered a real science.
What I signed up for:
Computer Science
What I though I'd get:
Cutting edge technology, serious math, study the formalization of process and problem solving.
What I got:
This is computer, it does math.
This is a network it's how computers talk.


>> No.1939514

People actually say that? Hahahahaha, I thought that was just an Italian-American stereotype.

>> No.1939523

>Relativity has got to do with time and space. It's like (Christopher Reeves') Superman, where Superman flies backwards around the earth really fast, crossing over the time zones the other way, and goes back in time to save Lois Lane.

-Earth Science class, freshman year HS, from the teacher.

>> No.1939531

Computer Science means a lot of things. Schools are still very schizophrenic about the curriculum because they're trying to satisfy and established degree for a field that is growing exponentially. People don't see computer science as a real science because for the most part, it isn't. There are more technicians and engineers in computer science than scientists.

>> No.1939533

"God is a man"

>> No.1939541


Very very very true.

>> No.1939544


Being microwaves, they can cause localized heating of tissues at the distance (right by the ear) and power (a bit under 1 watt) of typical cell phone use.

There's no danger of ionizing radiation at these wavelengths, but the long-term effects of thermal stress from habitual cell phone use is not yet well understood. The results of studies thus far are not looking too promising safety-wise.

>> No.1939559

Indeed, I'm just lost in the part where I wanted the science and got the engineering.

Using computers to solve problems if kid stuff. Writing programs is challenging to a degree based on the complexity of the problem.
The science of it, however, is what I am interested in. Finding new ways to organize knowledge and solve problems, still looking forward to that. Perhaps at the grad school level.
Anyway, if my sophomore ass is face-palming at the junior level courses then I think I'm in the wrong school. I'm learning stuff here, the math classes are pretty decent but most of the interesting compsci stuff I learn on my own.

>> No.1939585 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 100x100, tn_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debating in speech class on gay marriage
>Topic shifts to Bible and history of Church
>I explain that people thought the earth as 6,000 until Copernicus and Galileo came along
>Speech teacher disagrees, says Copernicus and Galileo thought that the earth was 6,000 years old.


>> No.1939591

>Debating in speech class on gay marriage
>Topic shifts to Bible and history of Church
>I explain that people thought the earth revolved around the sun until Copernicus and Galileo came along
>Speech teacher disagrees, says Copernicus and Galileo were geocentrists.


>> No.1939625


Way to change your story, fag.

>> No.1939626

that's like when I was 6 and thought that fish used the oxygen of the water's molecules to breathe

>> No.1939651

so knowledge is a brain tumor?

>> No.1939665

>>Biology teacher says "Well, evolutionists believe in the big bang, which was an explosion that created things such as bacteria."

She was dead serious.

>> No.1939671

>this was taken from an 11th grader and a 12th grader, both seemingly intelligent.
they could be rather intelligent allright

it's just that average-people propaganda that caught them

>> No.1939675

and that's why christians should never be allowed to teach

>> No.1939683

well... at least she had some reasoning

>> No.1939688

Oh hai
I'm underage b&, but whatever.
>In World Geography class
>Bored as fuck, already know the entire curriculum
>Teacher brings up something about Lithuania
>"Carly, can you point to Lithuania on that map back there?"
>"Where's that? Africa"
Also, Biology class
>Dozing off, already know the curriculum
>Some dipshit nigger we've got in the class remarks after the teacher says something about amino acids
>Keep in mind this is Honors class at my school
>"Amino acids? Like rats?"
>teacher's face when
>"Oh no wait! It says ah-mie-no. That's a big word!"
I shit you not.
My teacher almost killed himself
I hate my country

>> No.1939697

>I explained that the creamy peanut butter would be like putting a shotgun in her mouth
you mean like awesome?

why did ou have to whiteknight about it?

many lulz could be spared from that

>> No.1939708

> Everything I know about Albert Einstein I learned from that Yahoo Serious movie.

>> No.1939736

that's moar likely than you think

>> No.1939741


Where's the evidence, fag?

>> No.1939763

Some blonde chick in algebra class back in high school.
"How do you spell weird?"

>> No.1939768

"The devil put fossils in the ground to trick us."


>> No.1939778

warming something up doesn't mean that it interacts with molecular bonds

not even fucking eggs have their molecular bonds affected by frying

>> No.1939785
File: 32 KB, 422x500, My face when 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In ap gov class senior year, we discuss the morality of underage abortions.

> "I mean, if girls can get birth control when they're not 18, I don't see why they can't get an abortion too. They're basically the same thing."

>My face, my teacher's face, and essentially half of the classroom's face when

>> No.1939791

> in french
> translating from english
> orange juice
> or-ange jewwwice?

>> No.1939798



>> No.1939800

tl;dr: never got laid

>> No.1939802



When a site that actually LIKES gadgets like cell phones carries the story...

>> No.1939804

How many days a year does it rain on the sun?
Not fucking kidding you.

>> No.1939815

holy loly

>> No.1939821

yeah it's the "many people do it so it can't be bad" reasoning used in the case of cigarettes

>> No.1939829


You don't have to break chemical bonds to denature a protein and fuck up its operation.

>> No.1939831

but... you were right... weren't you? : \

>> No.1939834

yes I know about tertiary structure and hydrogen bonds

where exactly do we disagree?

>> No.1939843

Your science teacher and a chemist walk into a bar...

>> No.1939851


>> No.1939862
File: 73 KB, 428x510, 1267413275851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I fucken rofl picturing that?

>> No.1939865

do you have evidence to the contrary?

>> No.1939875
File: 26 KB, 219x265, 1264527985186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling? Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.1939879

It makes no fuckin' sense. If trying to describe time, it doesn't make sense. If trying to describe distance, there's no default reference frame, so it doesn't make sense.

>> No.1939883

please someone explain why is that wrong?

>> No.1939885

what are you some kind of rare earth theorist?

>> No.1939891

>The whole debate on cellphone use.
You mean yet another thing we use or could come in contact with daily could cause cancer?!? NO WAI!

Still going to use a fucking phone, still going to use it on speaker since I don't like walking around with it held to my head.

>> No.1939896

Do you know what a lightyear is?

>> No.1939904

>Still going to use a fucking phone, still going to use it on speaker since I don't like walking around with it held to my head.

I can respect that, but you have to admit it's fundamentally different to darn liberul alarmist they be spredin communist propaganda becuz they hatin my freedum of using sellphone.

>> No.1939912

Boy, there's a good sized lot of faggots in this thread!

>> No.1939921

unit of measuring astronomically big distances, duh?

you claim that throughout that bigass universe our planet is the only place where evolution occured?

sure we don't have solid evidence for life existing in other plants but claiming life only exists here or that evolution only occurs to earth-based life is an extraordinary claim in its own right.

>> No.1939922

365 days times the speed of light

>> No.1939926

Non-existence is the default. The burden of proof is in finding evidence of extraterrestrial life in the first place.

>> No.1939930
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>> No.1939933

What? Look, "evolution has been happening for several lightyears" is silly because it implies that a lightyear is a measure of time. It's a fairly common error.

>> No.1939938

>Non-existence is the default.
Yeah... we have many earth like planets in our proximityto test the validity of that. Life just magically popped out here because God.

>> No.1939950
File: 29 KB, 300x300, The_Big_Lebowski___Jeff_Bridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is silly because it implies that a lightyear is a measure of time
well that's like... your assumption man....

I put some good faith and thought that >>1939043 was just a quote with a simple grammatical error instead of saying something something really stupid. Extraordinary claims you see...

>> No.1939954


I agree that it seems very unlikely that we are unique in that regard, but we cannot assume that without evidence. That would be both illogical and unscientific.

Also I am non-religious. You can take your presumption and shove it directly up your ass, sir.

>> No.1939963

>we cannot assume that without evidence. That would be both illogical and unscientific

yeah since only strictly positivistic conclusions backed up with solid evidence are likely to be true

stop hiding behind the anthropic principle you faggot

>> No.1939983


Actually it's ((365 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds) * 299,792,458 m/s) metres

>> No.1940051
File: 1.71 MB, 440x238, 1287781440199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to eat at a pizza buffet with a friend of mine
>couple of christian teens with pamphlets and shit stop us in the parking lot
>try to convince us that their imaginary friend is real
>I explain to them the concept of evolution in as quick a way as I know how so that I may get pizza faster
>I ask one of the girls to explain to me how it's possible, if there is no evolution, to breed different species of dogs, seeing how they should surely be familiar with all kinds of different dogs (and like all girls they probably love those genetic fuck ups, Pugs)
>"That's microevolution, not macroevolution, living things still don't change that drastically over time in a natural environment".
>ha ha alright well I'm going to go eat pizza

I still haven't figured out exactly what the hell she was trying to imply but I did eat a lot of bbq chicken pizza.

>> No.1940055

Sex ed in high school, genius girl blurts out a great one liner.

"Can you get pregnant from a blowjob?"

>> No.1940085

60+yo teacher listening to a students ramblings while somehow looking at the ceiling (just his way), student suddenly stops:
>Are you even listening to me?!

Same student other month:
>And as you can see, my list is sorted chronologically from A to Z.

>> No.1940093

Guy who has phd in molecular physics tries to teach our physics class that the cathode is a positive electrode in a CRT. Told him he was wrong and laughed at me.

Next lesson he apologized :D

>> No.1940101

These are technical terms in Creation Science.
Microevolution - things creationists do not argue with
Macroevolution - things creationists do not believe

>> No.1940107

depends... can you autocunnilingus?

CAPTCHA: mounom people xD

>> No.1940113

stop talking about creationism as if it had any relation to science

>> No.1940119

Not a mathematician, but is the reason this is wrong that the range of the square root function is restricted to the natural numbers? Or is that statement true or what?

>> No.1940128

Humor is not allowed here?

>> No.1940147

"Marx wasnt communist you idiot, gosh... some people"

I am still to figure out how i didnt jump over the table and killed him.

>> No.1940149



>> No.1940150

in a board devoted to aspenger's and other forms of autism?

do you have to ask?

>> No.1940157

>"The moon landings were not filmed in a studio."

God! That man was a raging USA shipper. The whol school made fun of him.

>> No.1940161

If you think the anthropic principle is the basis of such a position, you have a misunderstanding of at least one of these things.

>> No.1940166

Teacher said that the earths gravity is caused by its rotation

>> No.1940167


>the whol school

I read this out loud and I laughed my ass off.

>> No.1940173



>> No.1940198
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>> No.1940208

had a guy in my calc class ask why numbers multiplied whined up up in the numerator

>> No.1940211
File: 103 KB, 400x400, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your faith-based assumption of extraterrestrial life doesn't hide behind the anthropic principle


>positivistic conclusions

>> No.1940217

Not exactly in class, but I once saw an astrologer try to explain retrograde motion of the planets as being due to a sinusoidal component of the Earth's orbit. Complete with wacky diagram.

>> No.1940218

>> "evolution is based off of facts, but, like, its not a fact".

I'm an Evolutionary Biology grad student. She's absolutely correct. We haven't proved evolution as anything beyond a probable theory yet.

>> No.1940221


Are you implying positivistic isn't a word?

>> No.1940226

We haven't proved "natural selection"
Evolution IS proven
Hell even the common flu evolves with time

>> No.1940231


Well... ehm, the proofs are almost so conclusive now we might as well just call it a fact, wouldn't you say?

>> No.1940242

>probable theory

You're not quite up to speed on this whole scientific method thing, are you?


More like someone ran to a thesaurus to distract from a flawed argument.

>> No.1940253
File: 76 KB, 600x750, 1287825819576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he was not trolling
>Implying one can say "I'm an Evolutionary Biology grad student. She's absolutely correct. We haven't proved evolution as anything beyond a probable theory yet." with a straight face

>> No.1940255

Clearly you are a liar, or you would be aware that evolution due to selective pressures is an observed phenomenon. It's a fact that can be clearly seen by anyone with any time to experiment and perform observation. It's not up for debate THAT it happens. The theory of evolution more entails the how and why, because there is no question that it happens.

The current theory of how and why evolution occurs may be incorrect, but that's why we're always looking for more data.

>> No.1940258

I swear to god this happened. I don't remember what we were talking about, but it wasn't a religion class, it was Black studies, at an HBCU.

"I trust in God, because God is one letter off from 'good', and devil is one off from "evil."

The response from me that got me kicked out of class for disruption?

"Oh, that's cool, because I don't use Hellmann's mayonaise because it's got 'Hell' in it's name, and I also bike without a helmet because it's one lettter off from 'hell'."

>> No.1940260


Motherfucker, proofs are for math not science. Science is empirical.

>> No.1940261

>More like someone ran to a thesaurus to distract from a flawed argument.
>implying samefag to cover his fail

>> No.1940269

Are you frustrated?

>> No.1940290


Wasn't samefag, I simply pointed out your fail.

Also, you're an idiot.

>> No.1940297

>lololol I trol u

>> No.1940303

I see you aren't happy about having your piss-poor trolling shut down.

>> No.1940308

no u

>> No.1940313


>> No.1940341
File: 72 KB, 622x735, csags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we do find life, extraterrestrial or otherwise, there's only one way to deal with it.

Also you jerks saying bad things about girls obviously haven't had sex or you'd have trained yourselves to kiss their ass like your detractors have done.

Everyone knows goddess-sisters never say stupid things like boys always do. It's biological or something.

>> No.1940351
File: 4 KB, 127x125, Hero of DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about BP oil spill
>girl asks if anything got mutated or radiated from oil

>> No.1940372

>coworkers believe that using oil-eating bacteria to remove the spill is the cleanest method because it's natural and won't release CO2

>> No.1940389
File: 206 KB, 768x576, 1287790216469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I keep correcting my girlfriend in all the stupid blabbery that comes out of her mouth like "vegetarianism is a healthier lifestyle" or "a feminist government would be equal to everyone"

>> No.1940428


hope you're trolling...

>> No.1940449

What is the dominant religion in India?
Girl in class: uhhhhhhhh
Locate India on a map.

>> No.1940490



>> No.1940566

ITT: Lots of made up stories.

>> No.1940592

Can't say anything about anyone else but I'm >>1940051 and as sure as I type this sentence that shit happened. It took place outside of a Ci-Ci's pizza in Gastonia, North Carolina, sometime last summer, just prior to my 21st birthday. I would have taken a picture, but that shit was just too stupid to waste space on my phone.

>> No.1940606

Had a kid in my senior physics class tell me they should put windmills on the moon because since there is no air resistance we could just get them rotating and then have them produce electricity for ever. I couldn't even bring myself to facepalm.

>> No.1940728
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bumping for more buffonery

>> No.1941239
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>> No.1941799

A girl that I was really attracted to was talking with me. We got onto the subject of WW2 somehow, and she said it's a good thing Hitler won.

I was confused, so I asked her to tell me how he won.
She thought Hitler was on the Allied side.