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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1933113 No.1933113 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, would it be possible to detonate nuclear explosions in between continental plates underwater to stimulate lava to pour out enough to create entirely new islands?

>> No.1933114


>> No.1933119

Entirely new islands for the technocracy, I presume.

We're a bunch of potential supervillains, aren't we? We just need someone to be in a horrible accident that leaves them with permanent deformities, and we'll have our leader.

Also, maybe it would be easier to steal western Tasmania.

>> No.1933127

I would prefer not to occupy Tasmania, yes.

>> No.1933134
File: 49 KB, 690x318, tectonic-plates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear weapon might not be able to do this to create a volcano, except if these are motherfuckin tsar bombs x1000, powerful enough to break the plates !!!1 (that could be dangerous, you know?)
So the answer may be yes.

Pic related.

>> No.1933673

We're not supervillains, they steal nukes and hold the world to ransom. Though we could definitely pull off anti-heroes

/sci/ being /sci/ we'd have to build our own ones, bicker about religion, then make somewhere to live. Surely between us all we have enough centrifuges to separate enough uranium for such a device? From then on, it's effectively plain sailing.

>> No.1933682

Oh yes lets take the easy way out, the technocracy is already in shambles due to your laziness.

>> No.1933694

This is why I love /sci/

Detonating underwater nukes is the easy way out.

>> No.1933709

If we start a country we do it right, taken the native and kicking them out and/or raping them while assimilating them to our ways. Not creating new land like fucking Lex Luthor from the last superman film goddammit.

>> No.1933722

i really cant see a nation only of people from /sci/ ever prospering

>> No.1933732
File: 54 KB, 361x365, bear awesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 gigaton nuke

>> No.1933737

/g/ will be welcome there too. We need programmers and weeaboos.

>> No.1933741

Please say that this entire technocracy isn't just a subtle ploy for /sci/ to rape the indigenous population of Tasmania...

>> No.1933746

implying they wont just build a ship to japan

>> No.1933753
File: 166 KB, 602x468, dowant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 gigaton nuke
>50 gigaton nuke
>50 gigaton nuke

>> No.1933759
File: 25 KB, 250x257, comparative_nuclear_fireball_sizes.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1933764


50 yottaton you faggots

>> No.1933770

Unfortunately it is just that, /sci/ons haet Tasmanians.

>> No.1933772

How are we possibly going to separate and enrich 50,000 tonnes of uranium?

Wouldn't it just be easier to find a nice under-ice lake in Antarctica and set up some up shop there? All the heat we need we could extract from the lake without any need for drilling. Much more homely than pissing about with uranium.

>> No.1933774

How about we just build an anti-matter bomb.

That would be easier than finding 50,000 tons of uranium.

>> No.1933775

You make it sound like a well known fact I should have been aware of.

>> No.1933781
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>Please say that this entire technocracy isn't just a subtle ploy for /sci/ to rape the indigenous population of Tasmania...

what else would we be here for kind sir?

Pic related.

>> No.1933787

ogod, ilold.

>> No.1933793

but... it's Einsteins' birth place!

>> No.1933796



also good luck with finding/manufacturing nukes

>> No.1933797

>Please say that this entire technocracy isn't just a subtle ploy for /sci/ to rape the indigenous population of Tasmania...
>implying previous colonists haven't done that already

>> No.1933798

They try to hide behind their unrealistic justifications for a utopia that will never be, but deep down inside they know it all a sad dream to conquer the reality they'll have to face eventually.

But in the end we all know they'll never succeed, Tasmania could never be taken over by the likes of them.