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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 223 KB, 1600x1200, hyperdrive_camdenlock_1600_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1929295 No.1929295 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, /x/ says there's aliens. Is there aliens?

>> No.1929299

the aliens is u and me

>> No.1929307

/sci/ says probably

but will they ever contact us? are they anywhere even remotely close to us?

probably not and no

>> No.1929309
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>> No.1929318

Most likely.

>> No.1929321

Yes, but they've never contacted us/come anywhere near close to earth.

>> No.1929329

Civilizations are spaced roughly ~20 light years apart.

>> No.1929338

what about the problem of mass and lightspeed, they must know that, so even if they would try and contact others, they probably use a technology we can't receive yet.

>> No.1929347

The is no proof of aliens, so no

>> No.1929358

There's dude trying to build a working alcubierre drive out of meta materials RIGHT NOW, so it might not be as hard to do as we think it is. The c speed limit only matters if you play by the universe's rules, and humans are all about telling the universe to go fuck off with its bullshit rules so that we can do whatever we want.

>> No.1929371
File: 53 KB, 468x328, neytiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aliens are real. Real SEXY that is.

>> No.1929390

>roughly ~20 light years apart

Where are their radio transmissions? Where is their TV? I want to fap to alien porn.

>> No.1929398

Shit's gone digital, bro.

>> No.1929409

Yeah! Like in Africa.

>> No.1929430

Africa doesn't actually exist, the illuminati made it up.

>> No.1929441

>british flag on a space ship

what universe is this ship supposed to be in? the one where britain has a real space program?

>> No.1929455


With such long distances, the radio signals may be there, but they probably just dissolve (what would be the correct term in this case?) into the ambient radiation and simply be unrecognizable.
This might be a good bet, why we're not receiving any radio signals.

Powerful laser pulses on the other hand could travel light years and still be recognizable.

>> No.1929462

yeah, they even quite recently DID in fact receive a laser based signal.

>> No.1929474

Yeah, I heard about that. Exciting stuff. Apparently it came from somewhere in the Tucana constellation. He's not allowed to specify which star the signal came from, but I have a hunch that it's Zeta Tucanae, which is the only star close enough (28 light years away) to conceivably have an interest in us.

>> No.1929482

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the only reason we haven't heard from anyone one yet is the fact that he haven't been flashing lasers everywhere to make ourselves visible.

>> No.1929484 [DELETED] 


They say it could only achieve 0.25c. Could make travelling within our own solar system as common and easy as civilian airlining, but interstellar travel would still be unfeasible.


Bytheway. Has there been something new happening with, as the article i linked only described a theoretical model had been develop so far.

Has there really already been an attempt to build such a device???

>> No.1929490


They say it could only achieve 0.25c. Could make travelling within our own solar system as common and easy as civilian airlining, but interstellar travel would still be unfeasible.


Bytheway. Has there been something new happening with the metamaterial warp drive? As the article i linked only described a theoretical model had been develop so far.

Has there really already been an attempt to build such a device???

>> No.1929499

We'll see who's fucking laughing when Britain takes over the moon and creates Space England.

>> No.1929504

Fuck, we need to get on this shit, I want to go to mars in a day.

>> No.1929520
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>Britain takes over the moon

>Space England

>> No.1929536

My one goal in life is to be the first guy to fuck an alien.

>> No.1929547

We did? Link to information, interested

>> No.1929559

Statistically, yes there are aliens.

>> No.1929563


>> No.1929576

I don't think many of you realize just how fucked we are if an alien civilization sees the shit we put on the internet.

>> No.1929582

Article was in January and "Before he can broadcast his findings to the world, Bhathal must put them through rigorous examination. First, he needs to make sure it wasn’t caused by a glitch or some random, weird space phenomenon. After that, he’ll will need his findings peer-reviewed. Both steps require finding the signal again, which has taken nearly a year already". So there was no follow up on this? Seems very foolish of the "scientific community" to overlook it just because the signal wasn't found again, it's possible that a signal from an intelligent alien source would not be a permament one...

>> No.1929586


If they're sentient beings and have male/females sexes, what makes you think they'd not involve in similiar activities?

>> No.1929598

I wonder if aliens can smoke weed...

>> No.1929630

probably not, but I bet they can drink

>> No.1929640

open invitation to all aliens:

come abduct me and we can smoke some weed and get drunk.

>> No.1929641


>> No.1929670
File: 1.24 MB, 1354x4500, fuckingspaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ARE there aliens.
*IS there an alien.

I'd say the probability is in favour of extraterrestrial life, but there is no way of knowing for sure until we make contact, or are contacted,

THAT IS, who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares.

Spaghetti is unrelated, yet delicious.

>> No.1929745
File: 7 KB, 277x182, alf - aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of couse there is aliands. Did you see the histerical documentary?

>> No.1929781

I think the better question is. Is alien life basically similar, or will it always be totally crazy different? If our cellular chemical base is pretty much the only way to get life to work, aliens will be common, recognizable, and probably even understandable. If life just fucking works however it feels like, we will probably miss most of the life we encounter.

I'd be really interested to see if life divides itself into plants and animals on other planets.

>> No.1929811
File: 329 KB, 998x1174, Eosapian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1929818

Lol, the art designer for that special was a huge lovecraft fan. That's a flying polyp if I ever saw one.

>> No.1929839

The likelyhood of extraterrestrial life is pretty high. The likelyhood of intelligent extraterrestrial life advanced enough to send or receive a signal from Earth is relatively low. One theory on why aliens have not contacted us yet is because we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the universe, or at least in the Milky Way galaxy and everything else ranges from primordial (single-celled organisms) to prehistoric (cavemen).

>> No.1929865

Isn't that an Eosapian, and aren't they 30ft tall and 25 feet long.
Not to mention they have torpedo eggs that float a while after they eject from there parent!
Wayne Barlowe

>> No.1929871

What was the title of this movie/novel/whatever? I remember it from long ago, but not the title.

>> No.1929875

Yes there are
And they've come here numerous times

>> No.1929882
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>> No.1929904
File: 81 KB, 640x480, leaving-earth-1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even the lack of communication that invalidates most arguments for the existence of aliens.

Even using known technology like nuclear pulse propulsion you could send a probe to every stellar system in the galaxy in less than one million years, as long as the probes could make 100 copies in 100 years each time they visited a new stellar system.
Since it is highly unlikely that two intelligent species evolved on different planets within on million years of each other, the aliens should already be an interstellar species. We know nuclear pulse propulsion works so interstellar travel is possible. They should have consumed the planetary mass of the Solar System. And any probe in any of the neighboring stellar systems that detected our radio transmissions should have already crashed into us. Any intelligent species is an immense threat to all others because it can consume all the readily available mass in all the stellar systems of the galaxy using self replicating machinery, and construct dyson swarms with them. We should see stars dimmed by the swarms, we should be dead, our system should have been invaded and disassembled long ago.

So without using some soft scifi copout that leaves 3 hypotheses regarding the state of intelligent life in the universe.
1. We are alone, there are no other communicative technological races. It could be that we are the first or they are all dead.
2. Others never developed technology. Essentially that would make them luddites. Which means they will be good for target practice.
3. They aren't communicative and don't make rock'n weapons of slaughter on a galactic scale like we want to. So they are sissies and they will die by our hand. Even if they are a billion times as technologically advanced as we are, by the time that we meet them we will have disassembled several stellar systems and will outnumber them a trillion to one, effectively outnumbering them a thousand to one.

>> No.1929926

I think the reason why they don't attack us is because they don't need to
They can probably create any element or compound and harness energy in ways we can't imagine.
To them we're probably like animals in a safari

>> No.1929973
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>That is utter foolishness. If they are really that stupid then they deserve to die.

In a universe were superluminal travel cannot exist, any species that creates even the most primitive for of relativistic vehicle and self replicating machinery is an immediate and lethal threat to all other forms of life.

Because of the rate at which intelligent life can spread, you pretty much have to attack without provocation and with even knowing if there is anyone to attack. As previously stated probes with a maximum practical travel velocity of .1 C could visit every stellar system in the galaxy in as little as 250,000 years.

And if you programmed these probes to seek out life bearing exoplanets and crash into them an top speed, which for nuclear pulse propulsion is .15C if you burn all the fuel and don't plan on decelerating, you could purge all the life bearing planets in the galaxy and keep yourself safe from aliens forever.

If you programmed those same probes to accelerate toward any repeating, terminating radio signal and crash into the source body you could all target intelligent species. For that matter you could have them detonate there bomb stockpile before impact to scatter relativistic shrapnel cones at space habitats.

And that doesn't even account for the danger of other species colonizing everything and taking all your resources. Basically your only real option to keep yourself safe is to attack with berserker probes first and hope than you can get everybody before they launch their own. So you need at least a million year lead on your galactic war to ensure your own survival.

The very power and abilities that make intelligent life so enduring make it dangerous to all other life. So even differences between species aren't needed to justify xenocide. Strike first, without warning, without mercy, without remorse.

>> No.1929982

Heard this on /tg/ once. Paranoid trolls.

>> No.1929987

Thank you!

>> No.1929998
File: 24 KB, 400x320, turnsoutitsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if there was some majic ftl travel then it's even worse.

It would take only 888 years for the 2010 population of 6.8 billion to increase to the point where there is 1 human being for each square meter of ice free land on the planet. After 2679 years at the 2010 rate of growth, the mass of the human population would equal the mass of Earth, and after about 10000 years, the mass of the human population would be bigger than the estimated mass of the observable universe. Remember that every time you read a work of science fiction that mentions a ancient race that has had faster than light travel for more than ten thousand years. If we ever figure out superluminal travel(unlikely) the universe is doomed. Zerg rush, zerg rush, zerg rush!

Now of course you can't disassemble stars, or for that matter high mass objects like gas giants. But the earth sized planets or at least large portions of their lithospheres can be consumed. So any species that begins ruthlessly expanding could Zerg Rush all the pacifist space hippies into oblivion.

>> No.1930002

cool story bros but my point still stands
If you have enough resources and no reason to kill something you probably will not go out of your way to do so.
We could probably make any animal go extinct, yet when one species is endangered people take action to protect them. Even if they're not useful.
As far as I can tell aliens are having fun observing us and if they were to interact with us it would mess up their fun.
Also faster than light travel is possible via quantum entanglement or wormholes.
Either way we still haven't found everything there is to know about physics, so making assumptions based on our current knowledge and technology would be arrogant.

>> No.1930006

no solid proof aliens that is true

but when the 12 mile cable snaps and hydrogen starts to cling to it some crazy shit starts to happen


skip to 9:12 to see it

i believe its worth the watch

>> No.1930023

Planning for a physical possibility based on known physics instead of a Sagan-like dream of peaceful co-existence=paranoia.

Basically if anybody tries the self replicating colonization/relativistic kill vehicle trick they win.
It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole galaxy, let's be that bad apple. Or we can die in anonymity, you make the call.

>> No.1930145

idk but if there are they dont have the UK flag on their ship...

>> No.1930149

You just made me think of Gregory Benford's Galactic Centre series.
Sex, death, fighting, xenobiology. First 2 or 3 books are pretty fuckwin. Doesn't end as well as I would have anticipated though.

>> No.1930156

Population growth is logistic, bro.

>> No.1930162


Yeah but who's to say that a even more advance species is watching. Don't think they would appreciate some lesser lifeforms wiping out other lesser lifeforms. Or even one about on the same tier as they are.

>> No.1930174

>Aleins observing our interbutts
>oh look. they have their own version of '4chan'
>supremely oldfags and don't find our unevolved shit funny at all
>nicethreadjustkiddingyoufail.jpg from aleins

>> No.1930202
File: 304 KB, 600x849, space armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also whose to say these advanced beings exist. Also if they don't have ftl then what the fuck are they gonna do about it.

>Even if they are a billion times as technologically advanced as we are, by the time that we meet them we will have disassembled several stellar systems and will outnumber them a trillion to one

If faster than light travel is possible, then humanity can discover it and consume enough to be unstoppable before the first probe even finds another intelligent species to attack.

Was using the population growth rate compounded yearly for a rough estimate.

Option 1: lets act on the chance we win and become almost invincible as a species at least in this galaxy, rather than die to an rvk.

Option 2: let's take the least likely assumption based on the fear of extinct and possibly get killed by another primative race that actually had balls even with the magic alien protectors watching over us.

Space imperialism for the win gentlemen.