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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1928588 No.1928588 [Reply] [Original]

>Third year physics, astrophysics class.
>Professor talks about the early universe
>"The first 300,000 years of the universe were by far the most exciting, it was the golden age of the cosmos"
>"All matter was ionized, therefore there were no atoms"
>"There were no atoms so there was no chemistry"
>"There was no carbon, so there was no biology"
>"There was no iron, so there were no engineers, no great loss there"
>"And there was no gold, so no industrial engineers or economists."
>"Those were humble times in which physics reigned supreme. If you were to built a university, it would only have departments of physics, math and philosophy."
>"But we shouldn't really be concerned with the last two"

ITT: Glorious professor quotes thread.

>> No.1928600

Not a quote but a question from my econ lecturer which made me lol...

>Fall in population growth in Africa (through AIDS,
wars etc) will lead to a a higher standard of living of living for survivors in the long run. Explain why.

>> No.1928605

that doesn't sound glorious, that sounds like a physics fag sucking his own dick.

>> No.1928609


>PhD in Physics
>starting with 300.000 years of salary
>and fag op you want

>> No.1928616
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>> No.1928623

>Professor walks in with graded exams
>"What the hell is wrong with you all?"
>Professor drops exams on the table
>Professor leaves

the average was a 32%.

>> No.1928631

not mad, just disappointed.

>> No.1928638
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>Professor claims in class that the class average was in the teens. Wants us to come collect exams individually
>Walk into professor's office.
>Collect exam
>98% on exam
>"So at least I'm not a complete fuckup. I'm not going to go kill myself now. Cool."

>> No.1928641

Hahaha. Well, if I was a professor that would certainly suck, knowing that hardly anyone learned anything at all from the lectures. The question in my mind would be: is it because of bad teaching or general disinterest? Neither answer is preferable.

>> No.1928643
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> Turn on television
> "Awesome, Carl Sagan is on Discovery!"
> Sagan looks at the camera
> "There are in fact 100 billion galaxies, each of which contain something like a 100 billion stars. Think of how many stars, and planets, and kinds of life there may be in this vast and awesome universe."
> mfw every god damn time

>> No.1928649

It was a nice combination of expecting too much out of the students and trying to fit way too much into a 50 minute exam. This was undergrad linear algebra and most of us had just learned what eigenvalues/eigenvectors were, and problem one (of about seven, i think) dealt with stability of a 7-state linear control system, which almost none of us had ever seen. Granted it's a great application, but most of us were just completely confused on the subject.

>> No.1928741

>>"I fucking hate the mets"
Astronomy professor.

>> No.1928773

>"Straight outta Compton, crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube, from the gang called Niggers With Attitude. When I'm called off, I got a sawed-off"

>> No.1928776

>You want it one way
>You want it one way
>You want it one way
>But it's the other
Professor of Gangsterism

>> No.1928787

>"But we shouldn't really be concerned with the last two"
What? You should at least be concerned with Math.

>> No.1928797

Of course we should, it's a physicist's jokes.

>> No.1928803

>so next time you take viagra, remember its not the amazing sex that's screwing up your vision its the drug screwing your vision while giving you the time of your life. Then there's the problem of trying to get rid of the damn thing once you're done...

biochem proff

>> No.1928823

>Evolution is a slow process that can take hundred of generations of natural selection
>like a tortoise full of rigor mortis

>> No.1928839

he's not even a real doctor, i heard he dropped english

>> No.1928841

> english professor in high school
> "Brian is in the kitchen"
> that's all, thank you for your attention

>> No.1929258


>> No.1929273

>Some seminar on that semester's project

>Ten minutes into the seminar, a dozen of girls enter.
>Professor says: 'A good afternoon to you to, ladies.'
>Everyone looking around, checking if there really are girls entering their class.
>Professor goes on.
>Five minutes afterwards, the girls giggle and leave.
>Had to be in some psychology class.
>Everybody laughs and applauds.

>Professor sighs, and says: 'Well, it was statistically unlikely. Still a shame, though.'

inb4 gay engineers

>> No.1929302

>dismissing philosophy

>> No.1929360

He only said that because philosophy doesn't require a special state of the universe to exist for it or for its subject matter to exist.
It's a joke man. Just a joke.

>> No.1929382
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>First year physics learning kinematics
>Girl asks a question in class: "Wait. If something goes up... it comes back down?"
>Professor: "What's your problem?"
>My face

>> No.1929387

It's normal in university to make jokes about students of other subjects, especially on those in the same department (such as physics, maths, chemistry, informatics and to some extent, philosophy). Friendly defamation is completely normal.
Anyone who doesn't know this has never been to university.

>> No.1929397

>"All matter was ionized, therefore there were no atoms"

What was ionized? Quarks?

>> No.1929400

"You come at the king, you best not miss" -Professor of rippin and runnin

>> No.1929403
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>First year math class for EE's
>Professor is constantly lamenting how he needs to dumb things down for us
>My face

>> No.1929406

>"Some people insist on giving head when buying pipe."

My fluid mechanics professor. Nobody laughed but me.

>> No.1929408

>implying science in same category as philosophy

>> No.1929414

He must have said/meant "ionized gas".

>> No.1929416
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>Sir you made a mistake in the top right blackboard
>That doesn't integrate into what you wrote down there
What the hell are you talking about
>Look at the top right board. Your equation is wrong.
No, it isn't
>No sir, anon is right look. It's wrong.
>Are you kidding? Why are you getting mad, you just made a mistake
>Class is fucking dead silent
>As the door closes behind me I burst out into laughter
>Hear the door click, the whole class bursts into laughter too

>> No.1929433

>"Now I would let you use the barometers to gauge the atmospheric pressure, but the ones we have nowadays are a pain to deal with because they have water instead of mercury. We've been using mercury just fine for hundreds of years, when all of a sudden they decide that you're too stupid to use it without poisoning yourself."

I swear, he spends 15+ minutes of class muttering to himself about how stupid people are.

>> No.1929438
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>second year physics
>one kid chronically late by at least 1/2 hour
>asks questions that were explained at beginning of lecture
>he goes to sleep for the rest of the lecture
>my face when every lecture

>> No.1929439

math is pretty much about philosophy.
just sayin

>> No.1929440

I don't know but I laughed.

>> No.1929444

Philosophy is a science you know.

>> No.1929450

Fitness and nutrition are technically sciences too.
That doesn't make them scientific.

>> No.1929454
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*deep breath*


>> No.1929458

In math there are truths, but in philosophy, there is no truth.

Philosophy is useless if your brain fucking works.

>> No.1929470


>Implying you don't need philosophy to arrive at and justify the empirical definition of truth.

>> No.1929477
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>> No.1929478


Awww poor baby wanting the respect of a scientist. What, did your little science PhD give you nothing but conjecture and unfalsyfiable myths?

Go back to wondering if donuts are real and leave science and the progression of technology to real scientists.

>> No.1929479

Pythagoras, Aristoteles, Platon and many more were philosophs and made math to what it is today.
just sayin

>> No.1929480



>> No.1929483

indeed :/

>> No.1929486


It's playdough you idiot

>> No.1929494
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No Play-Doh, stupid philosophy students

>> No.1929497

So what? Correlation is not causation.
I'm a student working at Five Guys. There are at least two other math-oriented college students working at my store.
Does that mean that burgers are a science?

And no, my argument is not a goddamn straw man. Because I'm not making an argument. I'm pointing out your LACK of an argument.

>> No.1929498


Professions and occupancies generally draw respect in proportion to their practical applications, rather than the amount of effort required to master them, or their actual value to knowledge and enlightenment, perceived or not. That's generally why technical scientific and engineering professions tend to be lauded, followed by say, social sciences, economics, and a billion other jobs. Philosophy, being entirely conceptual is an easy target for derision, despite being a core notion in the foundation for knowledge and truth.

Haters gonna hate. Don't let that get you down. :3

>> No.1929505


>> No.1929510


King Henry the 8th killed 5 of his 6 wives, allied with france, declared war of france, then allied with france, then declared war on france (and did the same with everyone else). He bankrupt a previously wealthy England. He killed just about everyone who got in his way, he was bi-polar so even his best friends got the axe...literally.

Oh and he also unwittingly gave free religion to his people because he wanted to change a law to allow him to marry whoever he pleases.

Just saying.

>> No.1929538

Professions are valued for their theoretical output, not their practical output.
It just so happens that no one in philosophy has produced anything worthwhile in decades.

>> No.1929543


Not even socially

>> No.1929549

Nice to see another asspained professor preaching from his pulpit.

>> No.1929571
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>Philosophy done nothing recently

Get out of here, highschooler.

>> No.1929578

Truly, who could forget these household names.

>> No.1929589

Important philosopher
>Everyone else

I don't even hate philosophers, I just hate philosophy majors.

>> No.1929600

Philosophy won't tell you how to split the atom, travel to Mars or produce the next revolutionary economic plan. It simply provides you a framework. A part of the foundation you would need to build upon so that you might find solutions, theoretical or practical. Logic, epistemology, social and political philosophy. We've gotten more then plenty of output from these subsets.

Not a philosophy major, though I certainly enjoyed a few classes.

>> No.1929604
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>> No.1929605

>philosophers who produced work in the 50's to 70's or earlier, several having died decades ago
Really now?

>> No.1929610

Philosophy is for weak minded and weak willed men and women.

Anyone who looks to the works of other men to find meaning clearly lack any real trace of intelligence.

>> No.1929612


Americans can't

>> No.1929614

>Philosophy won't tell you how to split the atom, travel to Mars or produce the next revolutionary economic plan. It simply provides you a framework. A part of the foundation you would need to build upon so that you might find solutions, theoretical or practical. Logic, epistemology, social and political philosophy. We've gotten more then plenty of output from these subsets.
The problem with philosophy is that it's a fair number of people trying to take credit for things they didn't come up with by attempting to flush them out more explicitly and not succeeding. It's using logic without any significant amount of information or interpretation to come up with simple answers that don't work very well or don't work at all. Most philosophical problems could be better handled by mathematics or have no reason to exist other than butthurt moralists.

>> No.1929615

>everyone else irrelevant
>Michel Foucault

Fuck you, you ignorant swine.

He's much more a sociologist than a philosopher, though.

>> No.1929621


Stop applying 17th century philosophy to modern theory. Analytical Philosophy in the last 50 years pretty much shits on everything you said.

>> No.1929624

Sharing and adapting ideas and thoughts, pretty vital for progress.

Now, looking at other men to find meaning, and adapting their thoughts without critical thinking, that would be weak-willed and idiotic.

>> No.1929627

Professorfag here...
He was obviously trying to provoke you into thinking. You managed to remember 8 lines of his standup routine, which means that he had an amazing impact compared to most professors (including me).
This guy sounds depressed.
He's a poet and he doesn't know it.
He loves you for laughing.
Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.1929634

"Once the rocket goes up, who cares where it comes down? That's not my department," says Werner von Braun.

>> No.1929637

I don't think you quite get what I mean. Look at math. That's fucking analysis.

>> No.1929652

Hardware design class. Imagine a female Yugoslavian accent for this.
1) "Zey put on ze rubber for protection..." *makes handjob-like motions* *dead silence* "Ze rubber on ze vires... it eez an eensulator." *everyone suddenly understands*
2) "You must connect ze vires through a logic gate or a mooltiplexer or somezing. If you connect ze vires like zees YOU VILL BURN!"
3) "Ze chips are not ze kind for eating."

That was by far my favourite class.

>> No.1929658

OP's quote is very reductionist. But I like it. I'm a music major, but I really do consider physics to be the study of the most fundamental parts of nature.

>> No.1929665

Why all the philosophy hate in /sci/?

I thought you guys liked philosophy?

I spent 3 years pulling a degree in philosophy and now I'm working on a degree in Engineering.

Philosophy is not a science, it does not use the scientific method and generally is not empirical. Though you can use empirical methods to arrive at philosophical ideas, also non-empirical methods. Though the ideas can generally be arrived at without an empirical method.

Anyway sciencefags, demarcation problems and verification principles.

Until you stop screaming at each other, you're going to need philosophy.

>> No.1929680

Philosophy is the study of logic and reason.

>> No.1929682


I basically have to lol when they call themself "science" and when they go on like "herp derp, without philosophy you can never now what truth is, herp derp"

>> No.1929683

Philosophy is mental masturbation. Sure, it's good to get the retard sperms out of the tract once in a while, but if it's all you do, then you're pretty much a failure.

>> No.1929684
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i second this

did philosophy at a-level. well ethics and philosophy. knowing about principles and shit helps. especially AJ Ayer, fucking genius

>> No.1929685

Sad to say, but you must not be very acquainted with the classics.

>> No.1929691

>Professor walks into class
>Shows us slide of the distributions of class grades on the exam
>average mark was 42%
"This is the what we were expecting"
>Begins lecture

>> No.1929696

>implying science isn't mental masturbation

>> No.1929703
File: 1.45 MB, 470x600, MindBlown+post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be 16 and an ignorant little shit
> In Theory of Knowledge class for IB
> Teacher starts explaining about the allegory of the cave
> Good shit
> By the end of class, everybody's mind was blown

God I love high school.

pic related, it's everyone after class

>> No.1929714

Biology professor:
>Yes, evolution did happen. The evidence is overwhelming.

Needless to say, the university fired this godless bastard.

>> No.1929718

You know that the word "scientist" is very recent and was thought up during a meeting by the Royal Society... and that before that they considered themselves philosophers?

This duality of philosophy vs. science is recent and retarded. Reading Kant has definitely helped me with my grasp of logic and reason... which means better papers and better discourse.

But no, derp herp I guess

>> No.1929730

IB is fucking shit

enjoy wasting two years of your life for a degree that is worthless
ToK is particularly shitty

>> No.1929734


Popper, Ayer, Carnap, Putnam, Hempel, Kitcher and most 20th century philosophers of science are quite important for future of the sciences.

Then you have ethical and political philosophers like John Rawls, who is also quite the badass.

I still don't understand the hate /sci/, philosophy undergrads may sometimes be self righteous pricks, many aspiring to be lawyers or going on about systems of understanding they don't comprehend to sound smart or get pussy.

But most really just enjoy learning for the sake of learning, as most /sci/ folks do. There's no means end to the learning sometimes, just as there is no means end for a lot of the science that's done.

Later practical applications can be found for it.

Anyway to the philosophy folks that claim philosophy is a science.

Fuck you.

>> No.1929735


Kant, you say! If you'd be so kind and help me right here:

I'd be very thankful.

>> No.1929746

Tell that to my school who replaced their A-Level exams and certification with IB.

But for seriousness sake, what's so bad about IB?

>> No.1929747

No one hates philosophy. A lot of people fear it, but it's not something an intelligent, well-rounded person would despise. Spending good money, however, to acquire a degree in philosophy is wasteful. I say this as a math/economics graduate with a shelf full of important philosophical texts that I mull over in my spare time.

>> No.1929754

>in second year physics class at college
>dumb as fuck girl raises her hand
>''why do people still study the big bang when its clear that there must be a creator''
>everyone facepalms
>the professor giggles a little then calmly asks:
>''why are you in this class?''
>she flushes bright red and remains silent for the rest of class

Bitch quit the class 2 weeks later, I heard she joined an experimental arts class

>> No.1929764

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

>> No.1929774


Flip side of the coin here.

I spent money getting a degree in philosophy then studied for my series 3 exam after getting out of the university (since I was busing tables and living quite the shit life).

Now I program for companies at the CBOT and make my money in futures.

I didn't need to go to school to learn how to program, or to do general market predictions. Though I did spend my university days working for the computer department of my university. Being hands on always helps.

>> No.1929775


lol, I think I would just have continued with the class and never ever spoken to that girl if I was the prof

>> No.1929777

>implying the Allegory of the Cave is mindblowing compared to other philosophical works

And now for my story:
>in first year physics class
>course utilizes clickers (remote controls) to submit answers for in-class quizzes, pop questions, etc.
>I consistently get highest marks on clicker questions
>my face when eventually everyone else in the course hears about this and tries to give me their clickers to submit answers

>> No.1929779
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>> No.1929787

Oops, I guess I forgot my quote.
>"Why do you all have so much difficulty with these clicker questions? You're in university, it's four letters, A B C D."
>"I don't get paid enough for this."

>> No.1929837

Not really sure that's any different from what I said. You basically admit your degree was not a factor in your career, and that's in line with the conventional wisdom that most people don't work in fields related to their majors. So why did you study philosophy? Would it have been impossible for you to acquire the same philosophical insights you currently possess outside of the classroom? I'm not assuming you had an interest in your current career path in college, but you did have an interest in computers. Why not comp sci? Just seems like a lot of philosophy majors tend to cover for themselves by citing the "critical thinking" skills they gained from their major classes, when they could have likely honed those very skills through a minor program or casual study.

>> No.1929869

Somebody mad.

>> No.1929906


I felt like I needed a structured course for my learning, I'm too flaky in many situations to want to finish something like all of Descartes Meditations without falling asleep, or getting distracted by the news, 4chan, drunk roommates or women. Being judged on my abilities to comprehend something like that allowed my to hone my thoughts on a subject matter that is for all intents and purposes very dated.

It's like trying to learn Japanese while in Alabama. Sure you can do it, but it's difficult and very counterproductive in an environment like that.

I'd rather spend the money and live in a place that affords the comforts of learning something like philosophy. The university is really the only place that can.

I can learn CS outside of the university, businesses promote it constantly. They always push to teach their employees. The WSJ comes out daily, there's nothing like that for good philosophy. Sure you can talk philosophy with people, but not things like Ayer, or Popper. Most people have a street value education in philosophy, talking about the Allegory, or bringing up Jesus with every other sentence. It's nice to be able to get lost in an ivory tower to study something esoteric.

Sorry that that the answer is long winded, but that's the reason.

>> No.1929909

This. Boring ass professor quote in OP

>> No.1929910

>Young Calc prof just got back from Iraq first year back teaching
>Writing equation on the board
>Drops chalk
>Hits head on podium when picking it up
>Stands up with a bleeding forehead
>In little girl voice "I gotsted a booboo"
>Continues teaching.

>> No.1929930


>Being judged on my abilities to comprehend something like that allowed my to hone my thoughts on a subject matter that is for all intents and purposes very dated.

Sorry had a phone call, it should read like this:

Being judged on my abilities to comprehend a subject matter that is for all intents and purposes very dated, allowed for a flourishing of sorts mentally.

>> No.1929938

wow you sound like a fag trying to impress /sci/ with your high marks

what was the point of your lame fucking story anyways?

>> No.1929941

Think they were laughing AT you bro.

>> No.1929945

> implying science doesn't produce actual useful things

>> No.1929949

Why take mathematics when you can just go to the library and pick it up by yourself? Why take any formal classes?

The majority of people I have met that have gone through the post-secondary school assembly line are not critical thinkers. University does not teach people to develop and exercise critical thought for the most part.

Memorize, regurgitate, get a high grade, forget.

>> No.1929961

Shitsux. I prefer to remember and get a shitgrade than viceversa, but that doesn't get you ahead. so stupid.

>> No.1929971
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Was a statistics exam
>Professor walks in
>"Now, you all know, there was a possible maximum of 100 points, from which 25 could be achieved by multiple choice tests"
>"Now,a s you may know, just by randomly crossing an answer, you could achieve a certain number of points, even by having no idea whatsoever about the subject"
>"This, as we learned the last month, should be easily calculable"
>"I'm not going to ask you to do that know, but judging from your exams, this is going to be horribly wrong"
>"But, there have been a whole 11 people in this class, who managed to get less than 4 points, even though they answered every single question, which is highly unlikely to happen by guessing alone"
>"This, with the tool of simple mathematics leads me to conclude, that with a certainty of 95%, at least some of those people knew the correct answer, and deliberately crossed the wrong one"

>> No.1929977

sad but true :(

it is the reason why most ppl on /sci/ bicker about why their major is better, jobs, etc.... no longer idealism or love for knowledge, just a means to an end

"higher learning" my ass

>> No.1929985

Some of the philosophical texts I read sounded pretty shit and were talking about hypothetical problems and how they would hypothetically solve them.
On the other hand there are also very good texts from the big philosophers that actually say sensible things.

And philosophy and science were born from the same root, they just branched out differently later.

>> No.1929996

Epistemology class

>Walk in wearing a Bruce Lee shirt.
>Class is mostly empty 3 people in class
>Professor sees me, asks if I know where Bruce Lee went to school and what he majored in.
>Tell him I do
>Professor says "I went to school with Bruce Lee."
>Next half an hour is Bruce Lee anecdotes

>> No.1930021

very cool if true

>> No.1930065


He talked about how he would just sit in on some classes and talk with the philosophy undergrads, of which he was not one of them.

>> No.1930076

You have obviously never tried to learn difficult mathematics from a text alone.

>> No.1930080




>> No.1930085

I have (I'm not >>1929949), quite a lot of it in fact. What's so problematic about it?

>> No.1930095

First year calculus doesn't count.

>> No.1930101
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>> No.1930104

Any calculus doesn't count actually. Calculus is piss easy compared to graduate level math.

>> No.1930109

My point still stands.

>> No.1930129

Depends. What math have you learned purely from a text?

>> No.1930132

You've clearly only took math classes designed for engineering students. These classes are computation based and not real math classes.

>> No.1930151

Mostly lots of logic and related foundations (set theory, proof systems, model theory, recursion theory) in quite a lot of detail; also some category theory, computation theory and models, and yes, some analysis.

>> No.1930152

Oh you.

>> No.1930165

OP I'd like to send your professor to the Golden ages

>> No.1930171

"I feel that we are all philosophers, and that those who describe themselves as a ‘philosopher’ simply do not have a day job to go to".

>> No.1930176

Starting a lesson on geologic time, Geology prof goes:
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day. Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town. Waiting for someone or something to show you the way."

I think only 3 other people in my lecture got it.

>> No.1930179

Did you miss the part about my claim that no classes were involved?

>> No.1930183

I don't get it either. Except maybe that he's calling you guys stupid.

>> No.1930194

in this case, you right hand really is your best friend....

>> No.1930199
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>> No.1930211

Pink Floyd - Time

Note - Long as fuck intro, just skip to 2:30

>> No.1930239

I find it easier to learn from text rather than lecture.

>> No.1930261

Keyword: Difficult. IE, more proof than words explaining them.

>> No.1930275

I believe you meant "e.g."

>> No.1930278

yeah i know what you meant, and i said i work better from text. some people are like that, relax.

>> No.1930297

No. ie is correct.

>> No.1930324

this baby's an automorphism!

he refers to groups as babies

i wish i loved math as much as he does