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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 427x300, image018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1928357 No.1928357 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Anomalies science likes to avoid discussing/evidence for prehistoric technological civilizations on earth/other mysteries.

>> No.1928358
File: 105 KB, 581x193, egypt-3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1928359


looks like a bird to me.

>> No.1928362

It's been aerodynamically proven to fly for a long time. And birds don't have cockpits or rudders.

>> No.1928365


wheres the propellers or jet engines, i see no wheels, no windows, no doors.

this is no plane.

>> No.1928366

haha, this thing will not fly.
looks like a fish to me btw.

>> No.1928368

>proven to fly
>no engine, nothing aerodynamic or capable of lift on it

Cool evidence, bro.

>> No.1928370

It reminds me of a fishie.

>> No.1928371

Who says it has to necessarily function like any plane we use today? Those things next to the rudder could be nuclear-powered engines for all you know. And the interior could just be entered through the cockpit.

>> No.1928374


>> No.1928375
File: 46 KB, 350x307, bbl_artefact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1928376

Yeah, i could be that, or it could just be a fish.
or a bird
or a cloud
or some bullshit someone dreampt up a thousand years ago while on drugs

Now you tell me, what is more likley?

>> No.1928377
File: 34 KB, 448x336, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1928378
File: 42 KB, 300x258, bbl_team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1928380

This is the equivalent of saying that since the ancient greeks started atomic theory, they must have been nuclear physicists.

>> No.1928382

Just because science gives you an explanation that doesn't sit with your preconceived notion, does not mean science is 'ignoring' it.

It's because you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1928389
File: 154 KB, 1024x642, dinowut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: no one posts anything else but keeps arguing about OPs picture.

>> No.1928391

>constructed models have aerodynamic features the artifact does not even hint at

I fucking love me some pseudoscience.

>> No.1928392
File: 38 KB, 324x189, bbl_plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on its functionality and other evidence such as the Nazca lines, the Inca's insistence that the Spaniards knew of some form of flight when they arrived, the similarity between the steppe pyramids of the Maya and those of early Egypt as well as the correlations between their arrangement in position to the same star constellations, >>1928358, the vast wealth of knowledge and tools they also had such as the Quipos, Mayan calendar, a numerical system more efficient than the one we use today as well highly advanced mathematical concepts like zero and the decimal system, it being a sculpture of a plane sounds far more likely than any excuse you can come up with to debunk it.

>> No.1928395
File: 29 KB, 295x239, bbl_flightl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, forgot obvious ones like their designs of rocket ships and control centers on the interior of temples.

>> No.1928400
File: 94 KB, 1227x960, 1258126779208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1928406
File: 144 KB, 1017x520, thisjustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1928408

as if its difficult to map something like the nazca lines out from the ground

>> No.1928409

Don't pop a blood vessel there pointing out the obvious.

>> No.1928419

I thought they found that in an Aztec temple?

>> No.1928421

I would like everyone in this thread to meet a man named Occam.

>> No.1928428

Occam's razor has never produced anything of value. In fact it is the very antithesis to science. I've grown tired of retarded children such as yourself trying to use it in every conceivable context when you don't have an argument. Frankly, you're not helping anyone, just being a nuisance.

>> No.1928430

>rigor is the antithesis to science

Cool story, bro.

Also the thing in OP's pic is a stylized casting of a bird, but it's upside-down. You're looking at its belly.

>> No.1928440

It's only rigor when its an inarguable topic, otherwise its just bias and a determent to evaluation and progress.

"No plurality should be assumed unless it can be proved (a) by reason, or (b) by experience, or (c) by some infallible authority."

Also, show me an upside down bird that looks anything like that.

>> No.1928443

>determent to evaluation and progress
Need Randroid backup, because this guy is a huge progressivist.

>> No.1928447

>inarguable logic

When asked for evidence we were presented with fabrications that differ substantially from the base model and flights of fancy completely devoid of proper rigor. Thanks for actually attempting to meet your burden of proof, but proof is also required to be correct. If you're willing to lie to us so readily it would be folly to to take you seriously.


You may have noticed out-of-whack anatomy on many of the culture's other works that you did not confuse for airplanes. This is no different.

>> No.1928463
File: 52 KB, 500x404, 1285124042494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no hesitation to embrace the truth even if it is radicaly differing with the common views on a subject
to get to the truth much data is needed or no great certainty can be had though many guesses can be formed in the effort of the developement of a theory
i would desire to know the geography of its place of origin
specificaly lakes and bodies of water
..my point?
look at the front of this 'plane' and see that it is highly probable that the dipection is of a flying fish(those are eyes)
take a moment to get to know the anatomy of these fish and the artwork styles of the people who produced this
have you even bothered to look at the creatures and items common to the geographic area in the given time of its origin?
any sea going people would have known of these fish in certain reigions
real science dosent avoid the data(while also true that lots of the /sci/ faithful are defectivly dependant of their textbooks to be gospel truth)

that said i am well aware of many many covert efforts to supress historical data originating from various sources i.e. vatican, smithsonian, national geographic, public television, nasa.. the list goes on and on and on
you seem to me to want to know of these efforts i am refering to but i bet.. that if your life depended on it.. you could not identify a single real one
such is the nature of supression of data
..who do you think saw to it this image was common while others are less so
there is a great effort to deface the truth on several subjects
nice effort but come back with something more corectly being supressed next time

>> No.1928478

Attempting to derail the thread with non sequitors now?

What fabrications? Just because you don't want to take the time to look up anything I said doesn't mean its false. It just means you're choosing to ignore points that don't support your preconceived belief.

>You may have noticed out-of-whack anatomy on many of the culture's other works that you did not confuse for airplanes. This is no different.

Such as what? If there was anything else resembling this plane thing in other cultures it would just support the theory. For being "out-of-whack," I find it astonishing that it happens to be aerodynamically stable and was found in a location with correlating features that would support flying vehicles at some distant point in the past. If this were a court of law, you would be losing the case because you're only argument is basically "IT WASN'T CAUGHT ON CAMERA, THEREFORE IT NEVER HAPPENED."

>> No.1928493
File: 232 KB, 1269x745, aquotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is new age idiocy in here.

>> No.1928514

All I see is insecurity and old world logic.

>> No.1928522

What's the problem with it, its interesting as fuck, like that kind of wheel of ancient greece that supposedly was used to calculate positions of planets. Those guys didnt have newton laws yet they could do stuff.

goddamn rationalists, whats the matter, too unscientific for you?

>> No.1928531

All I see, is a man denying the obvious.

>> No.1928535

Surely you jest!

>> No.1928545

If someone promotes bullshit I have no problem dismissing it. I am not an agnostic. I do not think that astrology, dowsing, personality typing, religion, 'alt medicine', feng shui or any type of faith deserves any recognition for anything apart from how utterly vacuous it is.

Science works, woo doesn't. If you have a point to make, write a paper and submit for peer review. If you have to defend an idea by flinging ad-hoc hypotheses, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.1928546
File: 20 KB, 170x170, Quimbaya beaked monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you don't want to take the time to look up anything I said

It's precisely because I did a bit of research that I came to the conclusion that you're a loon.

This link then took it to whole new levels: >>1928374

Absolutely no effort made to use the aerodynamic properties the source or any attempt at proper rigor. Following what these fellows have done you can make a glider that looks somewhat like a whale, so then obviously whales must be able to fly.

Here, have a rare beaked monkey. Went extinct 1000 years ago, don't you know. Must have been quite the spectacle when they existed.

>> No.1928550

I think i have sentiment for you.
Would you be ok for some intercourse, sir ?

>> No.1928559

way to miss the point

>> No.1928562

And the point is ?

>> No.1928564
File: 18 KB, 350x456, Quimbaya flying fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir are a disgrace to science with your chicanery and lack of ethic.

There are many varying examples of metal and stonework depicting the flying fish that live in the region around Quimbaya.

>> No.1928573
File: 29 KB, 640x480, flying_fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posed in your thread when you put the other picture first also
do you remember what i said about your egypt pic?
why have you reposted it? seriously..are you dense? can you translate the text yet?
do you even know what tomb it is from?(it is part of a text around a doorway in the tomb of an almost historicaly insignificant female)
i would say 'look it up for yourself' but it is clear at this point that task is currently beyond you
why dont you put some effort into fixing that condition before you pour your emotion into faulty conclusions like the two you are implying here;
that these two pictures reflect flight capacity at a time before currently known
there were cultures in the region where this gold object was found that were said to have used large kites with human observers onboard presumably for military purposes
in mountains with high sustained winds its not too hard to belive but this is not near the design they were said to have used and your second photo further confirms my suspicion that this is a fish with its pointed fins
have you even one image dipicting the scant evidence for that(the codex detailing accounts of kite use)?

>> No.1928590

Fuck. A sane person. I love this post.

>> No.1928596

In 1929 Schneider took part in a number of experiments conducted by notable investigator/debunker Harry Price at the National Laboratories for Psychical Research. Price conducted a series of experiments in which Schneider was connected to a series of pressure switches that would alert observers if his moved his hands, feet or limbs in any significant way. Schneider was also physically restrained during some of the experiments.[4] Price recorded that during his experiments various phenomena were observed; including the movement of objects placed around the room and the apparent manifestation of mysterious hands and weeners.[4][8] Price was unable to find any evidence of fakery during these sessions, and neither he nor others present we able to present a conventional explanation for what they had seen.[4][8]

just for the note, harry did debunk a rather large number of fake mediums and shit.

>> No.1928603
File: 16 KB, 400x311, abydos study.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first is a flying fish. We've already heard of these crackpots.

As for egyptian hieroglyphs, the famous image has been photomanipulated and cropped to accentuate features the perpetrator wants to stand out. The actual carving is in sandstone and had been re-carved several times before being abandoned, as was common for cartouches like it.

People have vivid imaginations and are prone to confirmation bias, the end result of which is the acceptance of falsehood. This is the antithesis of scientific progress. This is precisely why science removes these factors through rigorous methods. We step forward carefully, but never backward.

>> No.1928608

But the pyramids are landing pads for space ships!

>> No.1928622

nyet, nyet!

The space ships were clearly landing pads for the PYRAMIDS.

>> No.1928634

Landing pads were clearly spaceships for pyramids.

>> No.1928636

>just for the note, harry did debunk a rather large number of fake mediums and shit.
Wait a minute... Google ... http://www.randi.org/encyclopedia/Price,%20Harry.html
>Even during his lifetime, Price was exposed as a charlatan.

>> No.1928648

right... james randi... and just what the fuck has it to do with anything, harry price did debunk a lot of fake mediums, and he did - among others - experiments with rudi shneider, and could not see how could he be a fake. your argument is invalid.

>> No.1928650

There is a formula for the exact speed of light in the quraan. Look it up.

>> No.1928656

>harry price did debunk a lot of fake mediums

It's called building a rapport with your intended victims. School children griefing in video games know this stuff.

>> No.1928659


>> No.1928667

OMG!!11 its a conpirazy!

>> No.1928683

No need to get pissy I was just looking for a site that might give me good information on sceptics/debunkers. You claim Harry Price was a debunker so I went to one of the best debunking sources I know of to see if they would confirm your Harry Price story. It turned out that one of the best internet resources on debunking says Price was a charlatan. Therefore you are a sack of shit.

>> No.1928687

One con artist is not a conspiracy.

>> No.1928691

yes but the Greeks were white, so they had the intelligence to invent stuff

we are speaking about brown people here

>> No.1928702

>non sequitor
Go learn latin first mate.

>> No.1928710

i hope you dont really think like that, the ancient egyptians, arabs, indians and chinese weren't white.

>> No.1928717
File: 354 KB, 600x800, ANGRY PENIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proven to be perfectly aerodynamic even by todays standards


>> No.1928720
File: 182 KB, 463x456, vyapar_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you holy book is a perversion of knowledge;
even if it happens to hold truth that can 'hold water', it is pulled to the depths of depravity in light of the constrictions it seeks to place on persons not devoted unto itself

>> No.1928726

maybe you missed the little detail that was mentioned a few times earlier in this thead

>> No.1928734
File: 5 KB, 275x183, fishy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"He set out to prove the speculation"

Oh boy, here we go.

>creates a generic glider body modeled only superficially after the pendant
>gives it modern wing design not even hinted at by the pendant

Flying fish can jump pretty far out of water thanks to their fascinating body plan, but they can't actually fly.

I am disappointed in you, angry penis.

>> No.1928740
File: 20 KB, 291x600, Anubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right OP! Just like modern day christians like to avoid evidence of ancient dog people gods. I mean they made a statue of Anubis, so he clearly must have existed right?

>> No.1928761

they couldn't have imagined it.they must have seen it.

>> No.1928767

Us humans are programed to recognise things we know in stuff we see. That's why those things look like a plane, a various planes helicopter and more and a dinosaur.
We see something that is of similar look as something know and our brain tells us it actually is what we know.

I'm more interested in things like antykhitera mechanism.
that's some advance shit. I mean more advance than a retarded looking fish or a typo that looks like a helicopter.

>> No.1928792

I'm not programmed. I have free will

>> No.1928800


>That's why those things look like a plane, a various planes helicopter and more and a dinosaur.

My brain is full of fuck.

Your English is terrible.

>> No.1928815




>> No.1928873

if they were so fucking advanced why didn't they come round and stomp the shit out of our primitive culture like we eventually did to them?

>> No.1928889

These aliens were so advanced, their airplanes had gills for breathing underwater.

>> No.1928892
File: 199 KB, 1170x912, IcaStone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love how no one has had anything to say about this pic from india
anyone who has done truely through investigation will find plausable cause to belive there is something amiss with our current publicly adhered to historical timeline
i.e. a small number of species(maybe as many as 6) were throughly documented by the means available at the time and someone(vatican perhaps? considering the timing of when the removal began) has decided to remove these from public view
there are even cultural legends in europe that discribe people traveling to where these creatures were
i was told one such story as a child in germany; epic tale of events near the rhine and rhone at near the time these images were made
the hero traveled far away, past volcanic land, and frozen land across great water and to a place where these 'dragons' were
upon killing one he had burned it and bathed in the glasslike river that flowed from its corpse
i had forgotten all about it till the day i saw a turtle cooked in a pot until its shell produced a glasslike liquid that suddenly brought the story back to my mind
it's easy to dismiss these 20 thousand(previously more than 50,000; over 30,000 have been 'lost' by musems over the last 60 years in the effort to get testing done on them) or so artifacts out of hand with no thought directed at the matter
..much easier than thinking about it for a minute and to realize there may be something to it

>> No.1928895


>> No.1928899

Look, scientists will always Occam's razor you because most scientists refuse to believe in anything supernatural. ANY explanation is better than the supernatural so you'll lose any argument before you begin.

>> No.1928910

Piri Reis Map.

>> No.1928911

I just leave this here.


Scroll down past the first bit until you get to ancient Indian technology

>> No.1928916


You do realise that legend was probably talking about a volcano?

>> No.1928919
File: 11 KB, 280x280, 41AZSR0PXPL._AA280_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it possible that they found large fossil of a dimetrodon, and thought it to be the bones of a creature that was still around?

>> No.1928921

what is there to say about that pic?

>> No.1928930

isn't it possible that they had FUCKING IMAGINATION?

>> No.1928933

Those who adopt a scientific approach try to not speculate too much without repeatable evidence. Otherwise you can come up with some really retarded ideas and just think they are true.

>> No.1928942

you kids are dumb

>show old random carvings of monsters

>holy shit they knew all about/walked with the dinosaurs

>show old trinket that vaguely resembles a plane, or a bird, or a fish

>holy shit they knew how to build modern fixed-wing aircraft and used it to draw lines in the sand!

i expect this kind of dumbassery from /b/ or /x/ but not /sci/

cmon guys, lets use our brains here.

>> No.1928952


I believe one's imagination is limited by one's life experiences. So the carving could've been done of a creature that was originally based on a dimetrodon fossil or the concept of a big fish with arms and legs.

>> No.1928953

There is actually a kite like object described in a south American legend/story/myth that I read about many years ago. Using the description someone built a fully functional kite. I would rather believe the Nazca lines were built with that in mind, people have built kites large enough to carry people and it's a far better explanation than lol aliens or some shit.

>> No.1929028
File: 13 KB, 250x188, sg1danieljackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know 'bout the pyramids being landing pads for alien spaceships.

>> No.1929070
File: 207 KB, 1036x924, antikythera_wikipedia_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antikythera device
>no results
>everybody proceeds to argue about stupid flying fishes
Why do people think we were unable to build awesome shit? Egyptians had pyramids, Greeks had a temple with automated doors, why the fuck do you need to attribute those to gods/aliens etc.?

>> No.1929076

Don't forget the printing press, discovered several times before Gutenberg.

>> No.1929079

I didn't know about that. What's the name of that greek inventor who made automated doors/slot machine for fortue telling/water dispenser?

>> No.1929201

>I believe one's imagination is limited by one's life experiences.

>> No.1929205

c'mon explein that, science!

>> No.1929485

there were many; back then science was mainly used to deceive the ignorant into beliving religion to cause them to pay taxes willingly
well if they cant handle a fucking simple flying fish i dont see it worth the trouble to introduce the complexities of the presence of this type of device
could have indeed.. what marvelous conjecture.. truly inspiring...
you are defective
you have grouped two things of entirely differing natures together
if we hold as lax a standard as we procede to exerminate undesirables you will surley find yourself amoung them
your generalization is generaly general
what is also possible is that you are too attached to the potential of one possibility to arrive at a rational opinion that can truly be said to be the result of through investigation
>>1928921 of this picture i will say; do your own investigation
be through and honest with yourself
don't claim to know one way or the other
look at as many of the remaining 20,000 artifacts as you can
be aware that there has been a funded effort to destroy actual artifacts and a funded effort to cause local artist to create a growing number of replicas
be aware that(to the extent of my ability to verify, at least) no effort to have testing done with full disclosure as to what was being tested has had any result other than the missapropriation of the item to be tested for almost 60 years now
if this it accurate then this is truly anomalous and deserving of a real explanation
look at the many celebrities who attempted to draw this out before the public
i would say if it is being supressed and erased dont be a fool and look at the shadow of a lie and still belive the lie

>> No.1929507

you do realize how clear it is to me that this is your first time to consider this material?
dig some.. take a closer look at the data.
there are a lot of images available
it is a curious thing that the only people pushing them as far as i can see are a few godfag biblethumpers
if an ignorant fool brings you gold is it not still gold?
dont overlook this just because it is tainted by being handled by religious idiots
look at these people
something may even be amiss here as well
why is disemination of this only in their care?
these are real artifacts. im my opinion it may well be that something here is not right.
it is almost an assuance that fewer thinking people will look at this with the photos all bearing the website www.bible.ca on them
and then, if you try to go to that site there are issues preventing simple access.(perhaps just poor design)
too many things out of place here.
i have heard it said that in the cia no one belives in coincidence.
perhaps we should also be somewhat guarded in offering our trust here as well.
investigate, be through.
yes, an icelandic one most probably
you site the alredy sited; was left unstated as it is obvious
you aware loaded roman trading barge was excavated in lower amazon dated aprox 1000 a.d.?
thank you
i will be keeping the link
no, much older. modern history begins with the magna carta. the event i describe was an account from a few centuries before even that.
the last time someone pulled a razor on me i damaged him and, to a lesser extent, his friend who he was attempting to assist;
it might have been occam's to begin with but at the end it was mine.
thanks much, i think this is the name. i would never have remembered the it

>> No.1929518

You're thinking of Heron. He also invented the steam engine, but only saw a use for it as a children's toy.

>> No.1929786

what really funny though;
despite op's sad choice of examples there are plenty of real examples of his stated point
im not going to bother to list them (the few dozens i can site)
most people who dont already know from doing the work of looking for themselves only choke with laughter untill they are lead to the evidence anyway..
they deserve the rewards of indifferance and laziness.. to live in the bliss of ignorance and to be a detriment to their own heritage
that is, until they get in the way of discovery; then they deserve to be crushed under the feet of of the informed

>> No.1929992 [DELETED] 

For someone claiming to be open-minded and believing in in such advanced ancient artifacts, you sure seem to bear a strong ignorance against the idea of them having any religious association despite them found mainly in those contexts.

Calling other people fools for finding evidence to support their beliefs only makes you look like a fool for believing you're the only person with a rational mind. Condescension is the last refuge of the weak-minded. Remember that next time you go on another one of your poorly punctuated and spelled, middle of the seesaw, superiority rants.

There were already of large group of people just like you, who believed in this stuff and thought religious artifacts were remnants of their lost technological society. They were called Nazis.

>> No.1929999

For someone claiming to be open-minded and believing in in such advanced ancient artifacts, you sure seem to bear a strong ignorance against the idea of them having any religious association despite them found mainly in those contexts.

Calling other people fools for finding evidence to support their beliefs only makes you look like a fool for believing you're the only person with a rational mind. Condescension is the last refuge of the weak-minded. Remember that next time you go on another one of your poorly punctuated and spelled, middle of the seesaw, superiority rants.

There were already of large group of people just like you, who believed in this stuff and thought religious artifacts were remnants of their lost technological society. They were called Nazis

>> No.1930051

a golden herring

>> No.1930056

Replica of a bug?

>> No.1930057

I bet in a million years, alien archaeologists will dig up toy spaceships. Star Trek, Star Wars, shit like that. And they might think we had a robust interplanetary society.

They'd be wrong of course, for the same reason OP is wrong.

>> No.1930135

Didn't they find aquifers under the Nazca lines, OP, you idiot?

>> No.1930201

Just browsing through the suggested article. Brought up Atlantis.


Even Plato said it was a fictional tale, warning man as to his futility against nature.

Men fighting dinosaurs? Perhaps more likely to be stories used to explain strange skeletons dug up whilst farming or quarrying.

I love these arguments one side claims "science cannot begin to fathom anything supernatural, so they reject it on principal."; the other "Why must you create arguments contary to science, when we offer you simple plausible explanations backed by evidence?". Perhaps there isn't enough evidence, perhaps there is more going on. Who care you will forever be at loggerheads with each other.