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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 581x403, Crystal-Skull-museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1920126 No.1920126 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things science cannot explain.

-Crystal skulls
-Accuracy of prophets such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, et al.
-The precise formation of the Pyramids and the location of the Great Pyramid in the exact center of all the land mass on earth.
-Puma Puncu, where there are granite blocks that would be immovable by any means today and are so finely shaped that applying pressure to an edge will cut you.
-The flying witch that has been caught on camera in Mexico
- Any form of human levitation in general
-The miracles at Lourdes
- Why nearly every culture around the world strongly preserved the story of a great flood
- The massive stone structures in the waters of Bimini and the Yonaguni Monument.
-The money pit in Nova Scotia, and the advanced hydrolics system found there with tubing radio-metrically dated from the past, present, and future.
-Iron Pillar of Delhi, made of a rust-proof alloy that science doesn't know how to replicate today.
-Human evolution (no transitional fossil record linking to Cro-Magnon man)and extinction of Neanderthals while less intelligent animals survived
-What the source of the Black Plague actually was.
-Ball lightning, and lightning's formation and behavior in general.
-Meterological falling phenomenon of great quantities of animals and miscellaneous objects, including successive cases like the Lluvia de Peces.
-The abilities of uneducated prodigies such as Ze Arigo.

>> No.1920131

The answer is in the question.

>> No.1920138

I know that's how science approaches everything nowadays, but in the future that won't stand as a valid argument.

>> No.1920139

OP: you forgot to add
-people who post silly threads on /sci/.

>> No.1920140


I wonder what this thread would have looked like had it been made in 1900?

It would consist of a bunch of shit that can be easily explained by science today.

GTFO /sci/ were you stupid bullshit troll threads

>> No.1920143

Look, if you're expecting some alien influence shit answer I've got news for you. If aliens and shit gave technology to humans why did they build with goddamn rocks and make pyramids and shit? Why not high grade steel and glass with skyscrapers?

If you have no answer for that, and you don't, then quit saying bullshit that science can't explain those things. Science CAN explain them you fucking homo, you just want the explanation to be something else out of this world so you ignore them.

>> No.1920145

You forgot one OP:


>> No.1920149

>the advanced hydrolics system found there with tubing radio-metrically dated from the past, present, and future.
>radio-metrically dated from the past, present, and future.
>dated from the future

I require information about radiometric dating techniques that allow to date objects from the future.

>> No.1920155

>Crystal skulls
Skulls made of crystal. Most produced very recently.
>Accuracy of prophets
If i throw a rock in a general direction it will probably move down at some point. That's a very accurate prediction, however, not very precise.
>All other
You've got to be fucking trolling me?

>> No.1920157

>no transitional fossil record
>extinction of Neanderthals while less intelligent animals survived

OP has no understanding of evolution at all.

>> No.1920160

I'll be sure to include that next time.

>> No.1920161


Fucking. This.

>> No.1920165

>>1920157 has no understanding of trolling at all.

>> No.1920169

What are you talking about? It DOES contain a bunch of shit that can be explained by science today.

>> No.1920180

According to science, we didn't evolve from Neanderthals. They're just an extinct branch of primitive apes that coincidentally evolved alongside Cro-Magnons and then disappeared mysteriously.

>> No.1920183
File: 21 KB, 400x231, naruto shadow clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand an scientific explanation for how Naruto can summon shadow clones.


>> No.1920189

rofl like the question in 1900 was how nazi germany created ufo's and who killed jfk?
thank god science explained that

>> No.1920195

hah but according to science crystal skulls are made of seamen

checkmate thieists

>> No.1920197


>> No.1920200

You forgot obvious ones like the astronomical intelligence of indigenous tribes in Africa and South America, i.e. Mayans/Incans and Dogon, that would have taken tens of thousands of years of monitoring to formulate just the basics of what they believed.

>> No.1920202

>disappeared mysteriously
>contact with humans

Tell me, what is the one creature that's extinctified more creatures than any other?

>> No.1920213

"Why do kids like the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch???"

>> No.1920217

All those mass extinctions as soon as humans inhabit a new part of the world are pure coincidence. You probably think humans caused the extinction of horses in the Americas within a century of humans showing up or of flightless birds in Australia or dodos...

>> No.1920219

That doesn't mean ancient man went around slaughtering other humanoids just for giggles.

>> No.1920220

Probably Neanderthals. The bastards had it coming. Neanderthals were stronger and smarter than our species. Morons who think we killed them off are morons.

>> No.1920223

care to elaborate

>> No.1920243

it doesn't matter if they killed neanderthals for fun, or if the neanderthals were smarter

We breed faster, and our women are sexier. That alone is enough to make us murdermachines.

>> No.1920254

Look at the genetic diseases our species have accumulated in 200k years. Neanderthals were pushing a million years. Genetic diseases overcame them, man. It's the most probable explanation.

>> No.1920260
File: 243 KB, 1080x981, 1263671427069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you aren't this retarded.

>> No.1920264

>pushing 1million years
>did not have spaceships and genetic engineering by that point
>smarter than us

Your argument has fallen apart, good sir

>> No.1920296

Homo Sapiens is fast, adaptable, with a mind more complex then any current science can comprehend.
If nowadays you look arounnd and see morons, and you think, how could people back then do extraordinary things. Well It's called Natural Selection. Today all defective, stupid, inbred, moronic human survive due to medical help, and government help. Back then only the strongest, brightest, and more important, most adaptable would survive. Things could be accomplished!
Solution: Eugenics
Also humans carry many diseases and survive. Other humans in newly entered regions may die like the Aztecs from smallpox. Other animals may die also.

>> No.1920312

Its a well-known fact that Neanderthals weren't smarter than us. But just because he made an error doesn't debunk anything else he said. They were still highly intelligent humanoid creatures who had larger craniums and brain capacities than we do. Then Cro-Magnon man suddenly shows up out of nowhere and they vanish from the evolutionary chain? Something is fishy here, whether scientists want to acknowledge it or not.

>> No.1920329

the something fishy is an evolutionary murder case.


>> No.1920334

The size of the brains doesn't indicate how smatrt you are.
No science behind your argument
Besides there is something called density. The number of neurons per cubic unit

>> No.1920370

I think its funny that /x/ is more popular than /sci/

>> No.1920376

Funny in the same way it's funny that the 2012 section at Barnes and Nobel is larger than the science section. Not the kind of funny you laugh at, just the odd funny.

>> No.1920384

People like to over-complicate things because they cannot handle seeing the world logically, so they look to conspiracy theories and religion.

>> No.1920385

Neanderthals had stronger bones than we do, a more efficient muscular system, and didn't have poorly designed joints like we do (ankles). If anything they would have killed Cro-Magnons or abandoned them to natural selection at the first signs of a deformed creature with recessive traits being born, if they had exhibited any sense of animalistic prejudice.

And I'm assuming that your theory proposes that after early INEXPERIENCED man managed to commit mass genocide on this physically superior and potentially vicious species, that they managed to gather and destroy every fossilized remain between them to insure they would never be linked to them, right?

>> No.1920388

In every primate species the size of the brain divided by body mass indicates intelligence. Neanderthals were smarter than we are. There is no contesting this point. They had larger frontal cortexes.

>> No.1920391

Given that we interbred with Neanderthals it's probable that early human tools were shared with theirs.

>>1920254Look at the genetic diseases our species have accumulated in 200k years. Neanderthals were pushing a million years. Genetic diseases overcame them, man. It's the most probable explanation.

GENETIC DISEASES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! A species isn't concrete, fuck you and fuck your essentialism. If a strain of life develops genetic diseases and dies after X number of years then all life on earth would be dead because we all evolved from a single organism.

>> No.1920395

There's also the point that the first time cro-magnons tried to get into europe they were kicked the fuck out by the Neanderthals. It was only tens of thousands of years later, after Neanderthals were already weakening that they were able to get in.

>> No.1920401

I wonder how things could have turned out differently...

>> No.1920402

you sure?

>> No.1920403

It does work that way. Some species are prone to developing genetic diseases. Those species all tend to go extinct. Species that have been around for many millions of years obviously do not have that propensity. All human species have that propensity, which is why we're the only one left, and our genetic diseases are multiplying.

>> No.1920427

Because many times they bear the answers science does not. And because nobody is going to wait around for an enterprise that is at times as, if not even more, arrogant (you should read up on what Darwin was really like) than extremist religion.

I bet you still believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, and that he wasn't just a person who was framed when the entire country wanted justice.

>> No.1920433

-Anyone could make "predictions"
-Lots of slaves...Exact centre of land mass on earth? lolno..
-Again slaves...cut you? lol no again
-{citation needed} No they don't
-Less can't explain, more not sure.
-It's a sink hole, no hydraulics
-It's made of iron, it doesn't rust because of a protective oxide layer
->implying there aren't transitional fossils
-Ball lightning is odd, but regular lightning is pretty well understood.

>> No.1920442

I don't know much about Neanderthals.

Did they even build societies, ect? If the person in this thread who says they were more intelligent is correct, surely theirs would have been more advanced than ours is, especially figuring that they were around for a greater amount of time.

>> No.1920450

Go the fuck back to /x/ seriously. And I bet you this shit NEVER gets posted there! FUck.

>> No.1920466

I think it is funny how society gets angry at science and people who enjoy it for no other reason than trying to explain things.

They let their delusions run their lives and because of the way science works, it threatens them so they become angry at it.

>> No.1920472

1º)We are talking about size of brains in homo sp not homidae
2º)You still doesn't provide proof that the brain cavity of Neanderthals are bigger then Homo Sapiens from that time
3º)You don't have the knowledge to say that Neanderthals'brains were as dense as Homo sapiens, it's only speculation, not science
4º)Considering 3º you can say their frontal cortex was bigger, besides there is many other factor to consider inteligence
5º)It's believed(also no unquestianable scientifical proof) that Neanderthals couldn't even develop a speech

You're not talking about science. Only speculations. There is no proof to what you're saying.

>> No.1920477

Neanderthal society differed from cro-magnon society. They lived in smaller family tribes. Our species was oriented on larger communal gatherings. The two species were socially different in that way. Some theorize that difference gave us a trade advantage, and allowed technological innovation and wealth to spread faster in our species. Their species presumably taught ours tool making, fire making, and tent making, since those things were in practice before our species came about. Neanderthals were clearly different in their thinking, not just from their different social behavior, but the way they organized their tents... or rather didn't. Neanderthals were essentially the "messy-desk" types, and cro-magnons were the anal "everything goes neatly in its place" types.

>> No.1920490

Scientifical proof of that?

>> No.1920492
File: 7 KB, 244x251, 1266015075575s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sinkhole in the middle of an island with organized level structures, nevermind all the other stuff you're wrong about.

>> No.1920494

That's not true. There's plenty of science to back it up. Cranial cavities have been studied in detail. Neanderthals had on average significantly larger frontal lobes. From the examples of ALL studied primates, this should correlate to greater intelligence. Neanderthals without question had speech. It was, however higher pitched, and did not share all our possible phonemes. Neanderthals also had much larger and more useful eaustatian tubes, and nasal cavities which may have played a part in their hearing. It would therefore have been difficult for our two species to learn one another's spoken languages.

>> No.1920500

I don't have reference for you, but do a google scholar search on neanderthals and you'll find a plethora of interesting papers.

>> No.1920507

LOL LOL LOL, Most of those stuff have been explained, or are illogical claims. You just trollin.

>> No.1920515

I would really love to know what's at the bottom of the money pit. I'm guessing it was dug when ocean levels were much lower, so the flooding problem didn't exist at the time. I don't think whoever made it made trap canals to the ocean -- that's ludicrous. Getting to the bottom with ocean levels where they are will take some effort. If I had the money, I'd do it, though. Not that I think the arc of the covenant or something absurd like that is down there. But something must be.

>> No.1920534

If you can't provide proof
Let's say a Neanderthal brain preserved by some bizarre coincidence, all you're saying is speculation. Cranial cavity, size of the brain, all that doesn't mean shit if you don't have a real brain to study end see it's density, etc. By your "logic" Dolphins would be smarter then humans, but there is no scientifical proof! Just jibber jabber, pseudo-science, moronic narrow minded stupidity.

>> No.1920543

Could be nothing if it turns out to be a natural feature.

>> No.1920554

Hundreds of thousand years after and they can see vestiges of a Neanderthal encampment? With tents?

>> No.1920567

>>1920477Neanderthals were essentially the "messy-desk" types, and cro-magnons were the anal "everything goes neatly in its place" types.

That does seem like a reoccurring theme in history...

>> No.1920587

It's obviously man-made and the hydrolics are intentional, otherwise they wouldn't have dug it so deep (what would be the point if the looters knew the location and just had to keep digging) or picked the specific location which is linked to underwater canals. It's not like they haven't sent robots and taken pictures inside.

>> No.1920594

the crystal skull is fucked up

unless it isnt really crystal?

>> No.1920604

There isn't any evidence of hydraulics...It just gets massively exaggerated by treasure hunters.

>> No.1920609

It's crystal, but not by any means ancient.

>> No.1920612


>> No.1920613

>The flying witch that has been caught on camera in Mexico

It was a fucking WASP.

>> No.1920619

>Implying science is a body of knowledge, rather than a way of thinking about the world.

The list of things science can explain would be a heck of a lot bigger. I'm sure everything you mentioned has a perfectly reasonable explenation. You seem to be implying that the lack of an explenation as of now implies that no explenation exists.

>> No.1920631

Could you niggaz stop trollin' with non-science in /sci/

>> No.1920895


>> No.1920907

>implying science is a way of thinking about the world, and not a methodology for modeling natural processes.

>> No.1920910


>> No.1921035

>implying a method for modeling natural processes isn't a way of thinking about the world, a thing made entirely of natural processes

>> No.1921431

Read a book called: how to think about weird things.

Just because we cannot explain it doesn't mean its supernatural. A great catholic theologist once said (granted, this is paraphrased but if you find the direct quote, it is the same EXACT message) we call things a miracle when we don't understand the natural laws that explain them. Saying something is supernatural is just a cop-out for scientific ignorance.

>> No.1921460

>everyone mocks OP and calls him a retard
>nobody can explain any of the shit OP mentioned
Real scientists ITT.

>> No.1921513

that is because we don't need to


>> No.1921568

>all you say is wrong
>i don't need to explain why lol it just is
More like underageargument.

>> No.1921602

I discovered science was fail when nobody discovered spinning bullets on ice until just a few weeks ago. Science should have told us about stuff like that eons ago.

>> No.1921737

I remember reading that the pillar in india was debunked.

Not as old as they claim and completely exaggerated its rust-proof qualities etc

Also, bigger brain cavity =/= greater intellect, that was a primitive belief stemming from early scientists. Even in humans today we can see that bigger brain cavities dont translate to greater IQ's

>> No.1921841

if we can't figure it out...


Well, then I suppose Galileo should have said, fuck it, this is god's magic?

OP is a christfag, he deserves to die for contributing his idiocy to humanity.

>> No.1921910

Most of OP's list has some sort of direct religious connection or explanation involving religion in one form or another. Therefore the burden of proof is immediately on the scientific community to say "No, you're just making it up, and THIS is how it was done."

If it can't do that, then it should leave with its tail between its legs rather than keep barking and making a fool of itself like you are.

>> No.1921938

wow. why u hating? First off, look at history. People have been saying things are miracles because they were ignorant of the natural laws and principles. Just because we are more advanced in our knowledge of the world we will look like dumb-asses when compared to the future scientists. lrn2think faggot

>> No.1921941


Fine, I am God, disprove me, is your perception of God wrong in the end? I could be God, judging by your reasoning.

Again, if we succumbed to the idea that witchcraft governed the universe because it was "too difficult" to find out the origins and such, then where would we be?

Isn't it also possible that there is just not enough concrete evidence, and that there never will be?

>> No.1921942

That which we do not understand exists because an all knowing, omnipotent deity allows it to exist. Amirite?

>> No.1921943

LRNTOREAD and not just google.


>> No.1921958

Sharpshooter Fallacy
>Crystal Skulls
Stephen Speilburg
>The precise formation of the Pyramids
We know how the pyramids were formed based on...
>the location of the Great Pyramid in the exact center of all the land mass on earth
What is this I dont even

>> No.1921969

White Anglo Saxon Protestant?

>> No.1922000

The reason people aren't bothering to thoroughly dispute all the points the OP has made is because the OP has made far too many points. It would take far too long to assemble all the information to refute every point, so nobody will. Thus, the OP will say that all his points are valid as nobody is refuting them all, even through everyone is fully aware that all points can be refuted.

>> No.1922004

-Crystal skulls
>Carve quartz crystal very carefully
-Accuracy of prophets such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, et al.
>Works published after most 'predicted' events had passed, also vague as fuck
-The precise formation of the Pyramids and the location of the Great Pyramid in the exact center of all the land mass on earth.
>Not actually true
-Puma Puncu, where there are granite blocks that would be immovable by any means today and are so finely shaped that applying pressure to an edge will cut you.
>Carefully done with a lot of labor.
-The flying witch that has been caught on camera in Mexico
>Trashbag in the wind
- Any form of human levitation in general
>Shit doesn't happen
-The miracles at Lourdes
>law of large numbers, rare shit happens.
- Why nearly every culture around the world strongly preserved the story of a great flood
>Shit floods
- The massive stone structures in the waters of Bimini and the Yonaguni Monument.
>Humans built them a long time ago with simple tools.
-The money pit in Nova Scotia, and the advanced hydrolics system found there with tubing radio-metrically dated from the past, present, and future.
-Human evolution (no transitional fossil record linking to Cro-Magnon man)and extinction of Neanderthals while less intelligent animals survived
>Cro-Magnon has features indistinguishable from a person with downs syndrome.
-Iron Pillar of Delhi, made of a rust-proof alloy that science doesn't know how to replicate today.
>Melt down alloy, use spectroscopy to find makeup.
-Ball lightning, and lightning's formation and behavior in general.
>Magnetic fields, they work.
-Meterological falling phenomenon of great quantities of animals and miscellaneous objects, including successive cases like the Lluvia de Peces.
-The abilities of uneducated prodigies such as Ze Arigo.
>High Functioning Autism

>> No.1922009


>> No.1922047


>> No.1922067
File: 121 KB, 650x475, angel-stop-hitting-yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't done anything inexplicable to make me believe you're God for even a moment. You're just someone trying to make a fallacious point to support your equally flawed argument.

>Isn't it also possible that there is just not enough concrete evidence, and that there never will be?

Never. This is against the very fundamentals of both science and religion. The only way there would never be enough evidence if the answer was beyond our comprehension, be it due to a metaphysical or scientific anomaly of unimaginable proportion. As far as we can perceive, these ARE mysteries that have some explanation. But science's fundamental opposition against anything paranormal/metaphysical automatically means it only views things from one angle. Ergo, even the answer was beyond the realm of science, obviously we wouldn't learn about it from a scientific perspective which is why these mysteries allude us. Since its inception "rational" science has vehemently separated itself from any matters involving God/religion. Today is no different. The sooner you realize that science is just as biased as religion can be, the sooner you'll gain an open-mind.

"At present man is in a state of great spiritual darkness—the darkness which precedes dawn. He has carried his skepticism to the point where it is forcing him to conclusions he know intuitively are wrong. At the same time he has carried his investigation of natural phenomena to the point where it is disproving all it seemed to prove in the beginning. Free will is finding that all roads lead finally to the same destination; Science, theology, and philosophy, having no desire to join forces, are approaching a point of merger. Skepticism faces destruction by its own hand."

- Christian prophet Edgar Cayce

>> No.1922078

>ITT: people debate theoretical competition between extinct species based on fossil evidence from millions of year ago.

>> No.1922081


>centre of land mass
Sure if all of asia is made of breeze blocks.
>centre of mass
Still no.

>> No.1922103

Waters levels have changed since the pyramids were constructed. At one point they were the center.

>> No.1922121

>Since its inception "rational" science has vehemently separated itself from any matters involving God/religion. Today is no different. The sooner you realize that science is just as biased as religion can be, the sooner you'll gain an open-mind.
Science is only biased toward reality. Enjoy your storybooks and delusion. I'll be out working with information that is useful, and true.

>> No.1922122

Sure is made up facts in here.

>> No.1922129
File: 350 KB, 461x424, 1270343206290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acuracy of prophets...
I stopped there

>> No.1922140
File: 69 KB, 667x858, facepalm02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science doesn't yet explain a couple events therefore science doesn't explain anything

>OP's logic...

>> No.1922164


Shut the fuck up about the Neanderthals. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd also know that non-African human beings have Neanderthal DNA. They didn't disappear, they were integrated and died off rather quickly because we were smarter, and probably more violent than them.

(one) Source:

As for the rest of the claims, every single one of them has either already been explained or is a crock of shit that belongs on /x/

>> No.1922307

Oujia boards.

The bane of science.

>> No.1922329

me too

im from /k/ and look ing at every single board

this ruined it i will never return to /sci/
except on raids or other trolling events