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1917776 No.1917776 [Reply] [Original]

All these questions are from a biological (not societal) perspective.

Why do people clap/shout to show appreciation?

Why do we shake hands to greet each other?

Why, for example, at wrestling events when the wrestlers come out everybody near the barricades try to touch the wrestlers?

>> No.1917788

Really? These are your questions? You're not much of a thinker are you?

>> No.1917787

I honestly have no idea. It probably is more related to societal means to greet others with handshakes and clap. As for the shouting, that probably has much more primitive roots.

>> No.1917790
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Because people are fucking stupid and follow random traditions that are utterly meaningless, save for the fact that it's what everyone else does so we have to in order to advance in life.

>> No.1917801

We used to shake wrists to check each other for hidden knives, but it moved to the palm for some reason. We didn't always clap, either. German students knock on their desks when people do well. All this crap is social.

>> No.1917806

It makes lots of noise.

It comes from an old tradition of making sure the person you're meeting isn't armed.

Because people learn to touch with their hands because they are the most sensitive part of their body except their mouth.

>> No.1917824

Yep. If it's so simple, explain it thoroughly.

It had to have had a beginning, though. What I want to know is how it all began. I guess we can look at what apes do to greet/show appreciation of one another.

>> No.1917848

So you never laugh, smile, wave, shout or high five someone?

>> No.1917870

Some guy thought it was a good idea.

Hands are our best way to deal with the world in a tactile manner. You see the person, hear the person, touch the person, maybe smell them, probably not taste though. It's just another way of getting an idea of a person.

>> No.1917876

I only laaugh

>> No.1917878

We clap to make noise and show our enthusiasm with it so the receiver can get his feedback.
It partially cultural and partially wired.
If you notice,the cheering is part of any culture of any time,they just do it in different ways.

Shaking hands is mostly cultural(handshake itself),but as most "old habits" it has a good evolutionary root like cheering.
A person unconsciously wants to have a solid assurance that the person he is talking/etc is "real". It derives from Touching,which is the most universal way for a person to realize something is True to existence.

Touching the wrestlers or any kind of performers ,is mainly a subconscious way to an "ordinary" person to "take" a bit of the public "praise" that performer gets,and that if you touch him you will be "connected" to the whole event more than others

I could write pages upon pages for each one,with details and origins and connections and reason etc.
These are just very simple and general explanations i gave.

And yes i am a huge evolutionary/psychology/sociology enthusiast.

>> No.1917898

I don't know about this one, the source they cite for "Its purpose is to convey trust, balance, and equality" is from men.style.com... while that is basically its purpose, the citation seems silly. This just gives the history; I wonder if they did it before 5BC

What's also interesting about the handshake is the fact that it goes up and down. Why up and down?

I think we need to dig deep in our simian history.

>> No.1917915

>We clap to make noise and show our enthusiasm with it so the receiver can get his feedback.
Yes I get that, but I wonder why it is that the noise that clapping makes gives us that feeling. I wonder how it started.

>Touching the wrestlers or any kind of performers ,is ...
Makes sense

>> No.1917928

I had a full comment all typed up and then I aparrantly mistyped the verification code. Fuck that.

I said mostly what
said. So, fuck it.

>> No.1917938

Ha, I hadn't noticed that.

The up-and-down could have something to do with establishing a person's grip. It's a bit easier to do that if your hands are moving up and down rather than just trying to cut each other's circulation.

I think the handshake itself is a very human thing. It's only roots are in that we use hands to feel the world around us.

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.1917954

Just press your back button; your text should be saved in the text field and you get a different captcha.

>> No.1917965

>Still thinks everything is explainable in terms of genetic competition.
Haha oh wow

>> No.1917974

Well, I feel retarded.

>> No.1917985
File: 42 KB, 600x436, what_twaddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these questions are from a biological (not societal) perspective.
>All questions are related to social behaviors.

>> No.1917991


Explain how human social structure and products of this structure are not founded upon our biological nature and cannot be explained in such a way. You could explain an ant colony's activity in biological terminology, why not human activity?

>> No.1917994

All societal things still trace their origins biologically

>> No.1918024

Physics>Chemistry>Biology>Function Of a life form *n >society

>> No.1918037
File: 13 KB, 235x333, 1249445897122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't fucking tell me you actually click return anytime 4chan fucks up and you get an error

>> No.1918043

You're asking for "Why does 2+2=4, without using math?". Try again.

>> No.1918057


you can break 2+2 = 4 into logical components that don't require math though.

>> No.1918062

>separate 2+2=4 into its logical components
Are you dense? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.1918066

Let me give a better view on this:
Everything in a life form is biologically wired.

Biological functions>:
1) > SocialFormation1>Culture1
2) > SocialFormation2>Culture2

This is how cultures are made.
When social formations(which are based strictly on environmental factors) a culture is made.
To be more correct every mutation/evolution/change are due to different environments.

Note that environment has a very board meaning here.

>> No.1918067


are you?

>> No.1918070

Wow m8,i realized that the first time i got an error.
Can't believe you were living so long by rewriting posts

>> No.1918071

Are you trying to suggest society, culture, human interpersonal communication, moral norms, etc., are entirely independent of genetics? Lolno. See evolution by natural selection.

>> No.1918092

Am stating the exact opposite.
Everything is genetics,in turn genetics change due to environmental reasons

>> No.1918095

Oh. Ok.

>> No.1918451

I don't always shake hands. Sometimes i brofist, or fistpalm, or high five. Greetings in general need some sort of signal to comunicate the other person he or she is welcomed. Same goes for clapping, to encourage something.

As for the need to touch wrestlers, it is a need to feel close to someone important, as if this someone could protect you or benefit you somehow.

>> No.1919523


>> No.1919535

monkeys do all these things