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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1916521 No.1916521 [Reply] [Original]

I just had this crazy dream I was being tutored by this guy in calculus (I'm in calculus right now) and he was totally tring to teach me some calculus that I already knew and I was like dude I already know that we need to work on this stuff up here in this later chapter and then he was freaking out like he was on drugs or something and said that the session was over and then he just ended the session and he was on the ground all high and then I was in this club on the dance floor and this girl needed a ride home and I was all "OK wwhat kind of car do yopu have" and it was a sweet car so I took her keys but then boom a buddy of mine busts through the crowd and barfs all over the place and I'm like "OH John has drunken too much of the alcohols' and then I looked up at our table and saw Chris and Vegeta throwing up in to a giant trough next to the table that was apparently just for people to throw up in and it was gross.

>> No.1917102

it's may not be very /sci/
but it's still the best thing on this board.
well done

>> No.1917119
File: 21 KB, 522x399, 2eqfdsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face upon reading your post