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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1916457 No.1916457 [Reply] [Original]

HEY /SCI/ I have a theory regarding underachievers and overachievers.

Ever wonder why occasionally you meet smart kids that never do their homework and some dumb kids that are getting A's in every class? Why some dumb kids are more willing to do their work in school while the smart kids shamelessly slack off while they're doing bad in all their classes?

Well, I went into the shower with this in mind (shower = almost guaranteed revelation) and here is what I got.

It's in their fucking genes.

If you're a dumbass, then chances are, your ancestors were dumbasses. Not just 100 years back, I say about 1000-2000 years of ancestry. Back then, all the dumbasses and smartasses were separated entirely on their intelligence via social classes and what not. While the smartasses were able to live their luxurious lazy life off of their exceptional intelligence, the dumbasses were doomed to a life of manual labor. So dumbasses = Obedient workers trying to get by. Smartasses = People smart enough to make a living off of their intelligence instead of working in fields all day.

See the correlation here?

Our modern education system is based off of rewarding hard working, obedient kids instead of searching for talented kids with raw intelligence. Meaning we are setting up dumber kids for success while stepping on smarter kids in the process.

>> No.1916616

cool story bro

>> No.1916622

No, you're actually just really fucking lazy and not passionate at all about your work. Just because youre lazy and your work ethic is shit does not mean you are intelligent.

>> No.1916628

Here's the problem: Nerds don't get pussy now, and they certainly didn't get pussy then.

>> No.1916640

fuck you op

>> No.1916644

ITT: OP is nearing the end of his grading period in high school and is butthurt because he's getting low grades for not doing his homework.

At least respect our intelligence, OP.

>> No.1916653
File: 13 KB, 510x327, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried a little when I heard this
Also, wtf my captcha's a leaf.

>> No.1917055
File: 76 KB, 429x387, eugenics-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your right the education system IS based off of rewarding hard working children.

but that don't mean shit as long as you've got the right (read "your" ) ancestors

Hear that boy's fire up the eugenics engine