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1915767 No.1915767 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Universe perfect and flawless?

From a human perspective, at least?

>> No.1915779

Judging by the number of starving people in Africa... YES, yes the universe is perfect and flawless designed exactly for people from wealthy nations fond of schadenfreude.

WTF kind of question is that? Obviously we don't live in the best of all possible universes. You make your own happiness, read up on some Voltaire.

>> No.1915781

How does organisms starving/dying make the Universe imperfect? That's normal.

>> No.1915796


The universe is horrible and filled with error.

>> No.1915797

From a human perspective, would you starve in a perfect universe? The universe is the way it is, you can't really ask if it's perfect other than its laws allow humans.

>> No.1915795

Why should we care if niggers starve and die of aids(aka stupidity) in africa? Darwinism at work.

>> No.1915801

Not to mention black holes are just nature's way of saying "I dunno man".

>> No.1915802

black holes and the mere existance of quantum mechanics make the universe less "perfect".

Or well it sorta depends on what you define as perfect. I guess we should count ourselves lucky quantum mechanics works because if einstein had his way the universe would be incredibly boring.

>> No.1915840

From a human persepective, the universe is unimaginably shitty. Basically, the worst of all possible worlds. Resources are finite, entropy makes immortality impossible, it takes most of a lifetime to get to the nearest star system, and it's doomed to eventually come to an end.

>> No.1915848

Okay, how about from a non-human perspective? Is the Universe in and of itself flawless and perfect?

>> No.1915859

Can't answer that due to a lack of non-human opinions.

>> No.1915861

Also no, quantum mechanics and black holes literally do make the universe imperfect, and if Hawking is right, pretty terrible by possible universe standards.

>> No.1915863

This question is dildos. OP is dildos.

>> No.1915880
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>> No.1916013

It isn't perfect by any means but it sure is amazing.

>> No.1916026

I agree that the perfect universe should contain starving africans. It would be incomplete without them. Universe is perfect as far as I can tell. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck to live in it.

>> No.1916251

If there's only one example of something you'd have to consider that thing a perfect example of itself. Unless we find another universe that ours is somehow inferior to then, yes it's perfect.

>> No.1916526

Perfect = death. Life goes on because it is so fucked up.

>> No.1916619

The universe is perfect because God created it in his image, and God is perfect.

>> No.1916651

Cuz God said so.

>> No.1916648

if god is perfect, than why does he contradict himself in the bible?

>> No.1916655

This. If life was perfect there wouldn't be any point to it.

>> No.1916656

>The universe is horrible and filled with error.
yes. once the entropy is maximized, the universe will be perfect.

>> No.1916667

There is no maximum to entropy.

>> No.1916674

Well duh how can the universe be anything , but perfect, in fact we made up the concept of perfect so the question doesn't even make sense...

>> No.1916684


but there is heat death!

>> No.1916692


>> No.1916704
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its practically perfect in every way!

>> No.1916739

lol'd hard

>> No.1916770
File: 128 KB, 330x357, dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black holes
>universe's face when

>> No.1916777
File: 42 KB, 496x327, star-trek-bones-may-throw-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is death and disease wrapped in darkness and silence!

>> No.1916786
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>Is the Universe perfect and flawless?
>From a human perspective, at least?
well it permits me to exist, but that's hardly perfect

>> No.1917153

it is not perfect and flawless.

it is ferfect and plawless.

>> No.1917164

that's a stupid question. the universe is the only way it can be: what it is.

>> No.1917169

So that we can learn some fucking nuance.

>> No.1917234
File: 17 KB, 262x293, gay jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a flaw in the universe? A flaw usually means a mistake in design or implementation, right? If we live in a universe that wasn't a creation of some big santa god, it seems possible that the universe was not created by some masterplan for some specific purpose. It just is, and so cannot have a mistake in its non-existent design or non-occurring implementation.
Therefore, no flaws.
If the definition of "perfection" = without flaws, then yes, the universe is perfect and without flaw.

From a human perspective? Who cares? Human perspective doesn't have to fall in line with reality at all; it could be perfect to you and not to me, and that wouldn't have any effect on whether or not it actually is perfect.

>> No.1917265
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If you believe we do live in a universe created by some fairy-tale deity... well, then, whether or not it is perfect depends on whether or not the god(s) fucked up. That's actually going to vary, based on which religion you choose.

>> No.1917332

>Is the Universe perfect and flawless?

How can you possibly judge what perfection is?
What other universe can you use to compare?
Your question is a fallacy
>From a human perspective, at least?
... What other perspective could a human possibly bring. Like come on, I seriously can't fathom how so called intellectual people can uphold a conversation with such little meaning

>> No.1917340

This, also read some fucking Hume people, this entire thread is meaningless