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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 200x201, perpetual_motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1915379 No.1915379 [Reply] [Original]

anyone got some good legit perpetual motion pix

>> No.1915394

>perpetual motion
Pick one
Also, troll bait

>> No.1915399

well what I meant behind that was not a complete troll physics thread...I understand perpetual motion is impossible making there being no legit one.......bare with me dude

>> No.1915408

Don't call me dude, bro, I'm not your dude.

>> No.1915414

don't call me bro, pal....I am not your bro

>> No.1915423

Don't call me pal, faggot, I'm not your pal.

>> No.1915434

Don't call me faggot, chief, I am not yours let alone any type of faggot.

>> No.1915438

Don't call me Chief, Gunny, I'm not your chief

>> No.1915446

Don't call me gunny, christian, I am not your gunny.....actually you know I don't mind that.

>> No.1915450


>> No.1915452

psh look at this guy

>> No.1915460
File: 285 KB, 373x401, 168z85y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915462

YES thank you

>> No.1915466

>OP's post →
>this thread ←

>> No.1915474
File: 38 KB, 373x453, 3601fig01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915477
File: 43 KB, 181x209, 3601fig012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915481
File: 16 KB, 225x222, moto perpetuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915486
File: 6 KB, 232x348, perpmach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


found everything searching for "moto perpetuo" on brazilian google images

>> No.1915489
File: 5 KB, 153x158, maquinaperpetuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915494
File: 14 KB, 226x226, motoperpetuo101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915522

Comeon, these things need more magnets and if you can see that you need to go back to science school

>> No.1915526

The "float belt" is the most believable.

>> No.1915999

anyone have some water flow perpetual motion devices

>> No.1916140
File: 129 KB, 1360x823, Perpetual Motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1916187

haha thanks man I needed that

>> No.1916199
File: 21 KB, 406x499, fuckgravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this'd get used one day!

>> No.1916421
File: 430 KB, 3000x1600, 1286328806070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1916456

>posted 20 minutes ago
I see what you did there.

>> No.1916468

why do magnetic perpetual motion machines fail?

>> No.1916485

It doesn't make sense to you because you don't understand magnets. At the least, you must understand that magnets are just another form of potential energy. Any technique of bending the magnetic field doesn't affect that fact - it just increases the rate of change in field strength. You still lose as much energy departing a magnet as you gain approaching it.

>> No.1916495

so it energy in = energy out basically.....and to actually hook a motor up to it and try to harvest the work it takes more energy to actually keep it going.....conservation of energy right?

>> No.1916517
File: 16 KB, 320x240, Drinking-Bird-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard of this fella?

>> No.1916519
File: 444 KB, 756x491, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 :) sry had a flood

>> No.1916531

When I say "A magnet is another form of potential energy" you should think of the intuitive potential energy. Try a ramp. If I set up a wheel with a steel ball pulled by a series of magnets, I can't expect it to continuously turn. It would be like rolling a ball across a series of ramps. Any attempt to close the loop of ramps must conserve energy, so the ball will succumb to friction. With no losses it would travel around the track forever, but there is no energy to 'harvest,' just the potential energy you gave the ball by placing it on the ramp. It's the same with the magnet.


That's a 'Simple Magnetic Over-unity Toy,' with over-unity being the new word for perpetual motion (Efficiency > 1). With what I've told you, what can you say about the potential energy of the steel ball at the beginning and end of the ramp? Break it into gravitational and magnetic potential energy.

>> No.1916534

Open system, not perpetual.
NP man. Do you have the labels for that picture?

>> No.1916544

no sorry dont, picked them up a few weeks ago and didnt think to ask.

>> No.1916550

why is it an open system and why does it matter?
can't answer can you

>> No.1916593

do these actually work?

>> No.1916600


>> No.1916602

the energy should be the same at the beginning and end

>> No.1916617

(vader noooooooo)
It is an open system because the water on the red felt evaporates. It matters because an open system forbids the claim of perpetual motion.
Yep! And if you hook up a generator to take energy from your moving ball, the ball will eventually stop.

>> No.1916623

thanks man, you're helping me....my thermo teach is korean and I cannot understand a damn word that comes out of his mouth

>> No.1916639

it never runs out though if you put it in a container where the condensation runs back into the glass
end of thread

>> No.1916763

Fend for yourself, man - self-teaching is the only way to guarantee what teacher will be in every class. Will you have a shitty or a good teacher every time you look at something? Self-teaching is a skill you should learn.

In such a case it must import energy. Try it - how much water evaporates in a closed container with condensation occurring inside it?

>> No.1916787

thats why I am on here asking questions

>> No.1916847

And if we decided to troll you?

It's good practice when you're starting to reason out why a given perpetual motion scheme won't work.

>> No.1916884

Well I am not a complete dumbass so I do my own research when someone spews shit on the internet. Honestly I believe have the shit people tend to say is trolling, is just their excuse for saying something stupid. I know there is a comic that is floating around 4chan about that. I am going to go to the gym I will check the thread when I get home. Thanks for your help

>> No.1916887

If you can't use primary sources, you're vulnerable to people deciding what you should know. Fellow /sci/fag, I'm your teacher and I don't think you should learn about paradigm shifts because then you'll ask annoying questions about assumptions inherent in current science, and pester me about the few experiments that call into question the details of our understanding of the world. That'll make my life easier, and your life simpler. All is well, eh?

>> No.1917250


>> No.1918881

lolz i hate u guys