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File: 86 KB, 1180x1474, nuclear-explosion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1909670 No.1909670 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1909684

So...time traveling nukes?

>> No.1909688


>> No.1909695


tl;dr = Sand niggers made nukes 12,000 years before America did.

>> No.1909700


>> No.1909701

fix that for you

>> No.1909708

aliens confirmed for racists

>> No.1909761
File: 17 KB, 418x499, nigga please pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this article is telling me that ancient peoples had sufficient expertise to be able to detect uranium, mine it, enrich it, and then construct a complicated, precision-built weapon requiring a score of other (relatively) advanced technologies? And not only do it once, but multiple times? And have the technology find its way to Europe and be used a couple times there, as well?

Pic related.

I'm more willing to pin this one on aliens than I am on ancient Indians building a nuke.

>> No.1909769

it's >implying

or asking..

I've reposted it on /x/ they would enjoy it more

>> No.1909787

vijay420 is a 18 year old man from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old man from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old man from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old man from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old man from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old fag from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old fag from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old fag from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old fag from UK
vijay420 is a 18 year old fag from UK

>> No.1909806

The Indians are always claiming they used to have a super advanced society and that the stories in their ancient myths are about a nuclear war.
Its bullshit nationalism, its like when once upon a time people were saying Native American ruins in the South of the USA were made by ancient Welsh settlers? Why, because the Native Americans are filthy savages who couldn't do it. Same again with the Pyramids of Egypt being built in 10,500 BC and stuff in South America and numerous other examples.

(these 'theories' unfortunately still exist although at least stripped of their racist heritage)

That Graham Menzie idiot ideas about the Chinese traveling all around the world before Europe have taken hold in China for the same reason.
(the fleet commanded by Zheng He did travel around the Indochina area, India and Sri Lanka, Middle East and down the coast of West Africa over the course of several voyages but it didn't go to America or New Zealand or Europe - there'd be records if several hundred Chinese ships some of which as large as an aircraft carrier suddenly showed up in the Thames as he claims)

>> No.1910036

dat brahmastra

>> No.1910042

Ever heard of tunguska?

>> No.1910047

haha the brahmastra is real i feel reborn ready to jack off

>> No.1910126

…a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendour…
a perpendicular explosion
with its billowing smoke clouds…
…the cloud of smoke
rising after its first explosion
formed into expanding round circles
like the opening of giant parasols…

Tsar Bomba much?

>> No.1910142

Uh, yeah. It's not like India has ever made nuclear tests, right? It's not like this was probably one of their tests sites, right?

>> No.1910181

If they have a radioactive sample, shouldn't they be able to measure its age by the content of isotopes of known half-lives. I mean yeah, it's titillating to speculate fantastical shit, but that article's fucking devoid of any scepticism even for something on the internet.

>> No.1910198

>Sources: random websites with parazoology, and an "off-mainstream" journal
What a crock of shite.