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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 73 KB, 798x573, trollsci1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1907953 No.1907953 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, my friend and I are in an argument. We found this picture in a troll physics thread on /b/. We've been arguing for about 15 minutes now so we decided to just go to /sci/ because you guys are smart. He thinks that this would work if you were to have multiple windmills on the back, and I think that it wouldn't work because windmills don't put out 100% of the energy passed through it. Which one of us is right, /sci/?

>> No.1907956

hopeful bumping

>> No.1907958

>>wouldn't work because windmills don't put out 100% of the energy passed through it.

>> No.1907959

Also, wind resistance made by windmills would almost negate the power gained by them.

>> No.1907961

energy would be lost in many ways. Physical friction in the drivetrain, aerodynamic drag of the vehicle and electrical resistance to be general.

If you had a strong headwind it might work but the extra weight and drag of the windmill would likely obfuscate any advantage.

>> No.1907963

Also, your friend is an idiot because adding more fans would just add air drag.

>> No.1907964

also your friend needs to go back to grade school :P

>> No.1907967

blades turned the wrong way, would look like some sort of faggy parachute either way

>> No.1907970 [DELETED] 

Also, you're friend should an hero

>> No.1907972

also your friend should an hero

>> No.1907973
File: 56 KB, 640x488, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you /sci/, and now my friend is saying that it would work if they used the new design of windmill that gained more energy because it was multiple smaller fans on a chord that moves with the wind to reduce drag while gaining energy. He says he referenced Popular Science.

>> No.1907976

your friend has already established his diminished intelligence, take nothing he says as fact or theory.

>> No.1907977
File: 52 KB, 881x665, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907985
File: 71 KB, 350x583, drag-queen-wig-in-blonde-black-or-light-brown-with-butterfly-detail-2451-p..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell him to reference this

>> No.1907987

Hahahaha, thank you!


>> No.1907989

Conservation of energy is provably a direct consequence of fundamental laws of classical physics. If any assembly breaks conservation of energy, some specific part must. Which part of his design does not obey classical physics?

>> No.1907992

>>that moves with the wind to reduce drag while gaining energy

1. it reduces drag, not gets rid of it altogether, so it would still fail.

2. unless the wind is blowing at it it would not "gain" energy, only re-gain the energy that it lost in powering the forward momentum.

>> No.1907994


>> No.1907997

He says that if it's regained energy then it won't lose any either.

>> No.1908004


>> No.1908016

are we being cleverly trolled? I like to think no one of reasonable age could be this dumb.

>> No.1908021

All the energy can't be re-gained. There will always be mechanical friction in the moving parts and that friction turns some of that energy into heat instead of forward momentum.

>> No.1908028

No he's actually really smart. It's just 3 in the morning and he's tired I guess.

>> No.1908031


>> No.1908040

So we are being trolled?

>> No.1908042

best one

>> No.1908043

haha I'm serious, like.. Being asked to join the Oklahoma Institute of Math and Science.

>> No.1908044


>> No.1908046

No, it was an actual argument

>> No.1908078

He's not smart if he acting this dumb. Being sleepy isnt like being drunk or high. Being tired means you show what you really are. And that means he's either an arrogant asshole who can't be wrong. Or he's dumb as bricks.

>> No.1908107

he is a little high

>> No.1908149

you are a bad troll you know that?