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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1901431 No.1901431 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/, I'm not a huge Star Trek nerd, but I do have a limited understanding of it all. Now I liked the remake, but I have one quick question for those who know this kind of stuff, but in the remake, Nero says he made armed a huge mining vessel. Seems legit, but where the fuck did he get weapons powerful enough to easily whipe out a human fleet and a Klingon armada? I know he's from the future, but 75 years doesn't seem like enough to EASILY destroy 50 ships. Can someone tell me how the fuck his ship was so powerful?

>> No.1901438
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bad writing

>> No.1901447

sheer size and the ability to rocketspam might have something to do with it. Oh yeah, the Romulans had a big fucking blob of red matter which they could take chunks of and throw at their enemies... or entire planets.

>> No.1901449

i think you're getting /sci/ mixed with the science fiction board that doesn't exist.

>> No.1901454

The time diffence isn't so huge, since Nero was still in spocks lifetime. I blame bad writing, I mean, they traveled through a Black Hole, that there alone tells me the writing team had no idea what the fuck they were doing.

>> No.1901455

Also, life exptancy of Vulcan ~ 250 years (Google)

the difference in time between nero's and when he Fucks up kirk's dad is greater than 75 years. Could be 200+, the movie does not specify (i think?)

>> No.1901459
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>He thinks they actually talk about real science on /sci/

>> No.1901477

In the movie spock told kirk that "in 75 years, a star will explode..." and he tells him the whole story. so its only 75 years.

Nero ships was massive, but it was still only a mining ship, its weapons either instanly tore through a ships sheilds, or on the Enterprise (Which is the fucking Flagship of the Federation by the way) could on take one hit before its sheilds were completely gone

>> No.1901497

Its possible he's lying about being a mining vessel.

>> No.1901524

Nero outfitted his ship with Borg tech that he stole from a Romulan facility that was studying the stuff. It's in the fluff.

>> No.1901568

Consider where we were technology-wise 75 years ago.

A modern missile frigate could easily destroy 50 WWII ships before they even got within cannon range.

>> No.1901601

Pretty sure Nero raided a Tal'Shiar facility that was working on advanced experimental weapons.

>> No.1901819


These. After Romulus was destroyed in the future, he went a bit loco, and ended up meeting up with the Tal Shiar (Romulan secret agency), which outfitted the Narada with Borg technology.

In the comics set before the movie, the Narada looks a lot more...harmless, like a mining ship.

They also use the excuse of the USS Kelvin scanning the Narada and its technology as the reason for the shinier tech than TV Kirk had.