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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 454x300, barack-obama-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1899138 No.1899138 [Reply] [Original]

You are the President of the United States. Everyone including Congress supports everything that you want to pass and you have a blank check.

What do you do?

>> No.1899145

score some cocaine

>> No.1899146

trillions of dollars into 3 main things:

1. healthcare
2. schooling
3. renewable resources

BAM, America solved.

>> No.1899148
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>this thread
Should I?

>> No.1899152

1. Saving Nature
2. Destroying the Education System
3. Destroying Atheism in General

>> No.1899153

Two secretaries at the same time.

Show Clinton how we ball.

>> No.1899154

Trans-humanism, armada of spacehsips, we leave and go around the universe being fuck awesome.

>> No.1899155

Invest all of the economy in paying back debt to China and whoever else we owe a shit load.

Then destroy the empire.

At least we will go with dignity.

>> No.1899166

I would increase defense spending from the current 4% of GDP to 50% of GDP.

I would then draft the 59 million americans who are fit for service.

After 10 years of preparation and planning, I would declare total war on the islamic republic of iran and order my generals to invade it and kill every man of the Iranian revolutionary guard and destroy Irans entire government and military infrastructure.

>> No.1899173

Pass funding to outfit the military with Dragonscale body armor.

Declare this week as robot party week, then booooogie down.

Die in a plane crash in the Appalachians with a plane full of hookers and blow

>> No.1899178

1. renewable resources
2. military
3. education (compulsory education centered around learning science, maths, engineering, disipline and physical education for boys, how to be good mother for girls)

>> No.1899180

>black check

>> No.1899183

1. Ban organized religion and supernatural beliefs in general (violators will be executed in public)
2. Decrease defense spending by 90%
3. Invest saved money into science (prioritize prosthetics, medicine and space technology)

>> No.1899186

how can you invest in science when you've killed greater then half the scientists for you communistic regime

>> No.1899189

lift one finger and watch as over half of my supporters start hating me as fox new tell everyone about how my lifting my finger means that i hate America and then have everyone blame me for a disaster that i had nothing to do with, and then when i proceed to try and reason with anyone they refuse to so much as look at me without giving into all of their demands, and i cant do that without being blamed for being week...what was i doing again

>> No.1899191
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>Implying most scientists are religious

>> No.1899198

People can still believe in god if they want but they are not allowed to have ceremonies and brainwash other people. In a few decade religiosity should have drastically declined.

>> No.1899200

if i am a republican it will be mnsnbc that is saying how i am a retard for lifting my finger (sorry didn't mean to be one sided)

>> No.1899201

Nuke everything. Including America.

That'll make sure I go down in history and knock Hitler off his high throne.

>> No.1899218


>prioritize prosthetics

lol are you missing a limb anon?

>> No.1899231

Nah, I just want to replace my organic body with a superior artificial one.

>> No.1899235

Nothing, I dont wanna end up like kennedy.

>> No.1899275
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Disclose everything.

>> No.1899279

Clinton already did that. Turns out it's not aliens.

>> No.1899284

smoke and mirrors....

>> No.1899286

And midget Jews.

>> No.1899299

kill everyone shorter then me, I'm 1.9 meters
kill everyone that cannot beat me in a 100m race
kill everyone who has darker hair then me
then all the Irish
then myself
then we have a better world, no?

>> No.1899301
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raise the fucking taxes on the super rich, including capital gains taxes, financial transaction taxes (fucking unproductive high frequency traders must go extinct)

in other words, do the unthinkable, screw Wall Street

>> No.1899304

u need mental help, bro

>> No.1899313

you'd need an ironman suit to survive, if you do that.

>> No.1899318

do a nation wide census. Anyone with an IQ lower than say, 90, or anyone with any sort of disease or disorder that is passed genetically will be subject to sterilisation.

thatll do for starters

>> No.1899321

inb4 a nation of Asperger's

>> No.1899335

Decrease defense budget, increase tax on rich, invest in green technology, and remove any trace of god from government.

>> No.1899345

Finally, someone with sense.

>> No.1899349
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>spend hundreds of billions of dollars automating production and services, cut military spending and pull out of places we're not needed, invest heavily into a space elevator, asteroid mining, high-speed rail, and invest into AI/robotics and life extension treatments
>pledge to terraform Mars
>suddenly America can into awesome superpower

>> No.1899351

Step 1. Extend presidentual terms to life through a constitutional ammendment.
Step 2. Amend constitution to allow the president to amend the constitution at will
Step 3. Get some head from a hot intern in the oral office.
Step 4. Amend constitution to allow president to pick successor.
Step 5. Kill all the smart people.

>> No.1899356

you need to start with fusion energy, retard

>> No.1899366

Fusion isn't vital if you have WIND AND SOLAR EVERYWHERE
But yeah a few extra billion would be going to fusion research for sure.

>> No.1899371

- reduce defence budget 10x.
- general healthcare.
- free education for every citizen.
- fund a manhattan project for new energy sources.
- fund a nation-wide high speed rail infrastructure.
- fund high density local mass transit.
- when the above is finished, add 100% tax to gas.
- start initiative to unify NASA, Roskosmos, ESA, JAXA into one giant international space agency.
- when done, start developing a common heavy lift booster, then build an orbital space dock, then start manned exploration of solar system.

>> No.1899374

will never happen. shitty energy density and cost per kWh

>> No.1899378
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I have a blank check with automated mining, refining and casting systems. EVERYWHERE.
Oh, and geothermal and biomass.

>> No.1899383


Would vote for either of you two if I lived in the USA and if you were up as candidates. If the government suddenly pulled it's head out of it's ass then I might respect America. Seriously, what is with the defense budget? I can't believe it

>> No.1899396

Enjoy your WW3

>> No.1899399

it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of available resources.
you'd run out of materials to build your "renewable" energy.

>> No.1899405

* Cut ties with all MENA countries that do not directly affect our need for oil.
* End the war on drugs, work with Afghanistan in sustainable poppy production.
* Try to reopen diplomatic relations with Cuba.
* Increase immigration quotas.
* Push for more coal and nuclear power generation.
* Upgrade infrastructure for electricity, aim for total cell phone coverage and internet access.
* Increase funding for all hard sciences.
* Create plan for meritocratic payment of college tuition, regardless of income status: if you maintain over a 3.0, you ride for free. Everyone else has to pay.
* All funding comes from defense budget with absolutely no tax increases to pay for this budget
* implement a negative income tax scheme with flat rates until $100k/year, at which point income is taxed progressively higher rates. Expect flat tax rate to be approximately 30% base. Eliminate benefit-based welfare entirely.

To start.

>> No.1899448

I legalize marijuana for use to adults, legalize the growing of industrial help and kick start the hemp industry which will create more jobs to USA.

I also may nuke islamic countries off the world chart.

>> No.1899451

>post about it on /sci/
because that makes sense.

>> No.1899456

1.Destory the american education system and give to private companies and charter schools. Slso give vouchers so education is still free
2.Spend 20% of the national GDP on space exploration
3.Demonise anti-intellectualism
4.Colonize the moon and mars
5.Colonize the entire solar system
6.Change military priorities on protecting the homeland not invading others
7. Destroy the terrorists using espionage and infiltration

>> No.1899462

also this

>> No.1899473


>> No.1899478

> 1.Destory the american education system
> 3.Demonise anti-intellectualism
lol, are you ever embarrassed by what you type?

>> No.1899491

Venus Project

>> No.1899494

>give to private companies and charter schools

Don't know about him but you should be.

>> No.1899501


>> No.1899506

legalize marijuana

>> No.1899507

>2.Spend 20% of the national GDP on space exploration
>3.Demonise anti-intellectualism
>4.Colonize the moon and mars
>5.Colonize the entire solar system
>6.Change military priorities on protecting the homeland not invading others
>7. Destroy the terrorists using espionage and infiltration

>> No.1899510

> implying private education will result in improvements
> doesn't understand that education is a great example of an externality problem

>> No.1899523

That was not the focus of your argument.

You indicated that Scia's idea demonizes anti-intellectualism while causing anti-intellectualism.

This cannot be true due the his world still having an education system.
Whether or not privatized education would be better than the US system is a different debate.
At a minimum, any education system encourages intellectualism in some mode of thinking.

>> No.1899525 [DELETED] 

So as long as I have "an education system" my society cannot be intellectual?


>> No.1899527

So as long as I have "an education system" my society cannot be anti-intellectual?


>> No.1899533

Kick out the damn niggers

Let France have them, I hate France.

>> No.1899535

>in some mode of thinking.

How the fuck did I guess you would ignore that part?
GTFO out of /sci/

The point is, education systems cause people to learn, which encourages thinking of some kind.
This is on the whole better than non-thinking aka anti-intellectualism.
This is why our current education system developed from church education systems.

WHAT KIND of education system you have determines it's effectiveness for encouraging a certain type of thinking but ALL education systems encourage thinking and learning.

Can you hold even a single argument together?

>> No.1899537

back to /b/ with you

>> No.1899543

Yeah thats not an argument

troll harder faggot

>> No.1899546
File: 159 KB, 600x450, HatersGonnaHateCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you have a blank check

1) use check to buy minecraft
2) play minecraft all day
3) ????
4) profit

>> No.1899547

You realize that would just increase religious fervor, there's nothing that strengthens religion more than persecution and having decreased your military budget by 90% enjoy not being in power for long.

>> No.1899550

-increase NASA's budget
-Tax the shit out of the rich
-Make Tarrifs for any Asian country for the exception of Japan and South Korea over 9000% (FUCK THOSE FUCKERS) and yes, including India
-Invest in alternative fuel research, cancer research, nanotechnology, fusion and other things of interest
-legalize drugs (yes all of them, fuck it)
-raise minimum wage to $10 an hour and let the federal reserve adjust it according to inflation so it can remain a living wage
-stop investing in alternative fuel bullshit and -encourage nuclear power
-withdraw from Afghanistan(Al Qaeda can attack if they want, I don't give a shit)
-Letting GMC sink because they decided to undermine the United States of America by building production lines in China
-Letting private banks sink and replace them with one government run bank
-Disclose all information that's been affecting the American public
-Giving economic incentives to bureaucracies and setting deadlines so they'll run more efficiently
-Replacing our healthcare system with a real universal healthcare
-Getting rid of oil companies altogether and force someone to come up with an alternative
god I could go on forever...

>> No.1899551


>The point is, education systems cause people to learn, which encourages thinking of some kind.
The current one does not at all encourage thinking
>his is on the whole better than non-thinking aka anti-intellectualism.
Not being educated does not make you hate intellectuals

>WHAT KIND of education system you have determines it's effectiveness for encouraging a certain type of thinking but ALL education systems encourage thinking and learning.
leaning yes thinking no

if you look at the stats charter schools do much better of tests then normals schools

one of the big problems is that is so fucking hard to fire a shitty teacher

>> No.1899562

Education: increase teacher pay by a fuckton to attract better people and have enough staff to be more efficient, have unlimited funds for up-keeping all schools, money for technologies like black boards/ textbooks that assist learning. With so many resources available at schools, more people have access to information, learning, knowledge and skills, which I think is personally the best thing for a society.

Research Grants: Try to reduce the amount of petty competition in the scientific community by greatly increasing the amount of money given out for research projects. Increases basic knowledge, leads to business applications, leads to new technologies, creates jobs.

Modernization of developing and 3rd worlds: As more people throughout the world gain access to higher standers of living, the birthrate decreases, the education level increases and the growing economy helps the whole worth have more growth.

Continue to help peaceful relations with all countries and try to reduce the military's budget as much as possible

Use other tactics all presidents have used to reduce impractical programs to lower the budget as much as possible, while still doing the above 4 things.

>> No.1899573

For starters.

Scrap the senate
Switch to parliamentary system
Scrap the electoral college
Switch to proportional representation voting

>> No.1899581

I can. Such arguments in the past have detailed why a private educational system will be even worse than our current public one. This is why the original implication was that private education is synonymous with anti-intellectualism.

Privately funded education will always be underprovided. The benefits of education accrue to all of society, but the costs are borne by relatively few individuals.

>> No.1899583

Uh dude, our current system is already a representative democracy
I don't know if you knew this, but you can actually make your congressmen take action about an issue if you get enough signatures

>> No.1899586

> implying the average /sci/ homework fag understands accomplishing anything other than "give me the answer" and "give me what I want"

>> No.1899592

Proportional representation voting. Not first past the post.
The current system leads to two party cancer hegemony.

>> No.1899600

Also if more people aged between 18-25 voted for their congressmen we could easily lower the drinking age to 18 and make pot legal
Right now congress doesn't care about our age group because they know they don't depend on our votes

>> No.1899601

Implement Artificial selection. Raise education system budget. Raise alternative energies (focusing on fusion/space based solar power) budget.
In case something goes wrong, nuke Earth.

>> No.1899606

Invest massively in an education system that traces talents at a young age and provide an adapted education to everyone. Massively fund science and research.

Ban personal cars fueled by petroleum; Invest massively into an efficient public transportation system.

Gradually ban coal and natural gas plants; invest in wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, nuclear fast-neutron reactors and fusion.

Ban corruption, punishing it by violent public executions.

Nationalise corporations so they serve public interest instead of enriching the wealthy.

Sterilize people whose IQs are lower than 90 and the religious/irrationnal people, and prevent any contact between these people and children. Brain-wash them and use them in the military or as cheap-labor in work camps if they give any resistance.

Invade Canada, South America and Africa; They won't give any resistance since this regime rules so much. Access to huge resources.

Conqueer the rest of the world. Easy shit.
Collonize the Moon then Mars.
Who would vote for me?

>> No.1899616

>Who would vote for me?
Not me
You sound like a massive dick

>> No.1899623


i wouldnt vote for you, and youd be remembered as a tyrant as bad as hitler, but everyone will agree you got shit done.

>> No.1899628

George Bush got a lot of shit done too
It doesn't mean he did anything good!

>> No.1899629
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>Who would vote for me?

Anyone with a misplaced double letter fetish.

>> No.1899653

you guys are all stupid. none of your plans would work because you are all basement dwellers dreaming about enforcing your own vision on other people.

>> No.1899657

Same could be said of all humans.

>> No.1899659

True yet i have been studying towards my goal since college. I will wipe the planet off of the human population. Success probability? Close to zero, but not entirely zero. Just know that somebody is giving his all out there to kill all living things.

>> No.1899660


there should be a basement dwellers political party or something.

>> No.1899684
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>> No.1899745

Sounds like a basement dweller to me.

>Success probability? Close to zero, but not entirely zero.
Just anhero already.
Statistics show that witnessing or being related to a person who suicides increases the likelihood that you will suicide. You could thereby destroy the human race by causing a chain-suicide that propagates throughout the entire world.

>> No.1899824
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amputeefag detected

>> No.1899901

Abolish electoral college, electoral districts, etc. Use a Condorcet voting system. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method))

Implement everything from Econ 101. Abolish all price floors (including minimum wage), price ceilings, subsidies (especially corn), tariffs (especially sugar), quotas. Intervene only in market failures (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_failure).).

Abolish all victimless crimes. Legalize drugs, prostitution, buying alcohol on sunday, etc.

Abolish immigration restrictions, naturalization tests. Control only for crime and disease (again, Econ 101).

>> No.1899918

Not a huge fan of Condorcet voting but otherwise you have my vote.

>> No.1899942
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>Abolish immigration restrictions

>> No.1899944

do you know a better voting scheme?
I want a scheme that handles any number of candidates and keeps votes active (not throws them away whenever a voter's first choices expire). It should elect a candidate if they'd beat every other candidate in pair-wise elections.

>> No.1899948

Invade (not destroy) all that is not european, russia china and japan. Hire locals (with trustworthy hierachy) to maintain order. Change main language in the territories to french. Negociate annexion of E.U. and Japan (difficult, but i still have some nuclear weapon). Assassinate all the officials of Russia and China, minus the leaders. Then the leaders. Invade.
Now president (for life) of the world. Change doctrine to communism. Still use locals to maintain order. Use one soldier for ten citizen.
Invest in research, then education, then the rest.
After twenty years, cyborgisation tech is finished.
Make the humanity immortal and connected.
Limit military to very small number, as crime is predictable now.
Commencing colonization of solar system (minimum terraformation required as cyborg)
Et Caetera.

>> No.1899972

Well clearly Condorcet satisfies those criteria. Personally I am a fan of approval voting for single-winner elections.

>> No.1900024

>Get the hell out of afghanistan and Iraq
>Scale back defense budget
>Keep nukes though
>Scale back humanitarian aid
>Invest in energy infrastructure; cut deal with Canadians for uranium
>Legalize marijuana to counterbalance slowing of economy
>Focus on paying off debt to China

>> No.1900049

you science faggots should know that the fucking president of the united states has very little power. In fact, he can do two things: Act in emergency situations and approve the budget.

>> No.1900075

Rip up the Constitution, declare self Eternal Dictator of the Universe. Then, proceed to do good things.

>> No.1900077

He has enormous political power.

>> No.1900184

>Everyone including Congress supports everything that you want to pass and you have a blank check.
lrn2read faggot

1) Reform No Child Left Behind.
2) Raise funding to education system.
3) Fuck that TEACH grant, make grant for Math, Science, and Engineering students (including Med and even Social Science). Advocate teaching with the degree.
4) Raise or lower taxes depending on the economy.
5) Keep a watch on those banks even when times are good.
6) Give businesses a set of rules dependent on their power and influence.
7) Cap campaign spending, get rid of attack ads, hold debates, no funding from private companies.

I can't think of anything else at the moment.

>> No.1900260

- switch to the metric system
- reduce military funding
- increase funding into science

eh, I'm no politician so I don't really know what I'd do. I'd be a puppet president with somone telling me what's what.

>> No.1902011
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1. fap
2. fap
3. bored of fapping, call intern in oval office

>> No.1902027

rofl'd hard

>> No.1902029
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take education out of the hands of the state governments as they've done a fine job of doing nothing.

Remove most of the laws that ban practices that don't infringe on people's rights (i.e. gay people getting married shouldn't bother you; neither should someone smoking pot [unless they go out in public in which case they start infringing on others rights and it should be treated like public intoxication]).

Fund research, not wars.

>> No.1902042

1. Martial law
2. Close borders
3. Control the media.
4. Fap on live television.

Life goals here to be a tyrant of insane degrees.

>> No.1902051

Add cum on a priest face and I'll support you.

>> No.1902060

1. Increase taxes on the top 5% to 50-60% and bring back the 90% marginal rate.
2. Decrease taxes on anyone making less than 50k/yr
3. End all wars
4. Universal health care
5. Improve education(less expensive universities or more available federal aid)

>> No.1902067


Metric system in America would be nice.

>> No.1902075

Yes please.

>> No.1902078

legalize LSD

u mad,weedfags?

>> No.1902079

1. Mission to Mars
2. A search for rare earth metal deposits in space
3. Duke Nukem Forever

>> No.1902084

Taxes on the top 5% are already well above 50%-60% if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.1902097
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1. no more reproduction until population declines significantly. in the meantime
2. expropriate all corporations and private industry. use money for-
3.1..abortions/gay marriage for all
3.2. kill the stock market with fire
4. jobs that are geared toward our own internal infrastructure
5. put workers in charge of factories/production

after all this is done relieve power to a panel of citizens that is constantly rotated so everyone gets a say.


>> No.1902100


Nope, Bush Wealthcare is still in effect.

>> No.1902108

1) Change Constitution to permanently give me and my chosen successors final say on policy
2) Mandatory RISUG for all males not currently approved to provide genetic material for offspring
3) Taxes for all religious institutions
4) Institute limited democracy so that people feel like they have a say in government (sort of like Iran) but in order to be a voter a citizen must pass a test to demonstrate superior knowledge of math, science, history, and logical reasoning.
5) End all foreign aid
6) Change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan to "slaughter all men and adult women, sell young girls to highest bidder"
7) Repopulate Iraq and Afghanistan with American and Indian workers
8) VX gas Mecca

>> No.1902154


you two are fools, even before bush they were nothing like 60%. Unless you are considering total amount of taxes paid to the government, in which case I still don't think it is 60%.

>> No.1902170

1. Cut military to an 8th.
2. No bailouts.
3. End drug war.
4. Legalize prostitution and victimless "crimes."
5. Revitalize NASA
6. Roll back some corporate laws
7. Seal Boarder with Mexico
8. Form Alliance with Canada, South Korea, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan
9. Congratulate self with a orgy with 1000 girls and me.

>> No.1902172

1. Pot smoking is now mandatory.
2. Assets of the richest 1% are seized, redistributed to the bottom 20%.

>> No.1902178

I'd get 300 million or more lions and shove a remote control bomb up each lion's butt. Then I'd allocate a lion to every person living on US soil to do with as they please.

>> No.1902191



>> No.1902211

>2. Assets of the richest 1% are seized, redistributed to the bottom 20%.
>3. buy stock in Philip Morris and Jack Daniels

>> No.1902214


Fuck capitalism.

>> No.1902247


We already can't afford what we're doing now. I would do the following:

Increase spending everywhere

Get rid of the Fed

Go on a gold standard or make an amendment allowing for competing currencies

Let the free market in vest in Scientific projects.
Pumping money into something like space exploration might get the money in the wrong hands. Government is a huge wasteful bureaucracy. Tycho Brahe for example was a greedy man and wasted much of Sweden's money, albeit he paved the way for people like Kepler to find discoveries, he still wasted their money. Private organizations will put more pressure on scientists so they actually DO THEIR JOB!

/sci/ you're all communist bastards, LEARN2FREEDOM

>> No.1902248

1. Metric system
2. yyyy-mm-dd
3. 24hr time
4. Abolish daylight savings time
5. Abolish the electoral college
6. Proportional representation for the House of Reps and IRV for President and Senate elections
7. End war in Iraq/Afghanistan, close all our global military bases, abolish NATO and cut the military budget from $700 billion a year to $150 billion a year
8. National single-payer (medicare for all) health insurance system
9. Repeal DADT, DOMA, pass EDNA, and legalize same-sex marriage/adoption just to piss off the conservatives
10. National renewable electricity standard: 25% by 2020, 50% by 2035, and 100% by 2050

>> No.1902258

Disclose the truth about extra-terrestrials.

>> No.1902262

>>1902247Increase spending everywhere
>>1902247/sci/ you're all communist bastards, LEARN2FREEDOM


>> No.1902285


Oh man I must be tired. I meant DECREASE spending everywhere.

>> No.1902293
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Reveal the reality of flying saucers.

>> No.1902302

NASA needs more money

Universal Health care; 25 year plan. this will create massive unemployment, so some sort of massive retraining program will be necessary.

Less prison time for offenders, particularly non violent ones. All offenders should be allowed the chance to take part in training programs.

Ideally this will create a huge amount of unemployment in the prison industry, again a massive retraining program will be needed.

Huge infrastructure projects, but they need to create long term high tech jobs. So Things like NASA, huge nuclear and solar investment.

University Education is too expensive, its the very best in the world for the top 5%, but for the rest of America it is expensive and shit. Reduce the amount of garbage degrees which are allowed to be given out. Start providing public support for shorter, more specific training programs with both loans and subsidized education.

Destroy the teachers union. (waiting for S-Man)

>> No.1902303


1. Make myself Eternal ruler of the earth.
2. 2 chicks at the same time.
3. REGULATION up in this bitch.
4. TAX rich.
5. Full Ground war. Full military support. Crush Afghanistan.
6. Take over Canada.
7. Canada is a state Free health care for all.
8. Alliance with mexico.
9. Great Empire of North America.
10. Steam roll South america.
11. Ask Brazil to join. if not nuke.
12. Great American Empire.
13. 2 Chicks at the same time.

>> No.1902343


I just spent all the money the world has ever known. Given that everything must be done over a long(30-40year) time frame, with small tax increases over that time period. But keep it to a maximum for 50% for even the richest.

With American individualism, and entrepreneurial nature we would do wonderfully if we had the equality and support networks some of the more socialist countries have.

>> No.1902358

how do you 2 chicks at the same time if you only have one?

>> No.1902500

follow-up: simplify the tax code
Replace all existing taxes with a single tax: a Mirrlees optimal income tax (http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Mirrlees.html)), or a negative income tax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_income_tax).). If the latter, then supply all income transfer through negative income tax instead of income transfer programs (eg, welfare) and abolish them.

>> No.1902517
File: 26 KB, 396x349, fc49420_this thread is bad and you should feel bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck this whole goddamned thread

>> No.1902519

Ban religion, at least in public. Don't give a shit what people do in their homes.

>> No.1902535

1. Abolish electoral college
2. Only the people who are employed and make payments on property are allowed to vote
3. Vastly reform the education system
4. Abolish the Patriot Act
5. Move drinking age to 18
6. Legalize pot and tax it
7. Focus on building rails and high-speed trains and vast emphasis on infrastructure, creating jobs for many
8. Outlaw federal banking and make all banking private
9. Become isolationist

>> No.1902567
File: 204 KB, 1066x872, 1255479618172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Repeal ACTA, Copyright act of 1978, remove ability to PATENT software code (copyright still ok)
2. Create farming infrastructure large enough to feed everyone in the world (there is plenty of enough space in mid-west for this). Nothing fancy, just basic healthy levels.
3. subsidize adoption of local solar / wind power to decentralize the power grid, along with building nuclear power plants.
4. Abolish mandatory schooling, as well as public school system. Create tax incentives / subsidies for school related expenses. Get rid of that ridiculous textbook price gauging bullshit.
5. Abolish social security.
6. Create interstate high speed railway system
7. Appoint 4 more supreme justices.
8. Repeal federal cigarette tax
9. Establish sustainable moon outpost by 2020

>> No.1902581
File: 98 KB, 758x760, death-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commence operation death star


>> No.1903002

1) Abolish war on drugs, but ensure that acts committed under the influence of drugs have a greater penalty then the same act sober. Also must be 21 to buy and sell, it's cool if your parents buy it for you.
2) Legalize prostitution and gambling. Must be 18 and 21 respectively in order to "invest" in said "services".
3) Abolish the requirement for a permit to own and carry a weapon concealed. Every woman is given a free handgun.
4) Revoke tax exempt status of religions that do not publicly disclose their dogma (e.g. $cientology needs to tell everyone why there is a volcano on dianetics).
5) Lower the age of connect to 13. Sill 18 to be in a porn or work as a prostitute.
6) Eliminate "Marriage", everybody gets a "Civil Union", no mater if its a hetero or homo couple. Also, polygamy is legal too. Furries can yiff in Hell though.
7) Reduce government involvement in the scholastic system to simply an oversight board that lays down guide lines and standards that must be met. All schools or school districts will be privatized.
8) Outlaw all the useless collage degrees, you know the ones.
9) End subsidizing of recycling, "green" energy, agriculture, banks, General Motors and all other industries that would go bankrupt and out of business without tax money propping them up.

>> No.1903008

10) Mandate law enforcement deport all confirmed illegal immigrants IF AND ONLY IF they are lawfully arrested and convicted of crime, no matter how minor.
11) Convert the House of Representatives to the House of the People. Representatives in the People's House are nominated by political activist groups, such as parties, unions and lobbies. One representative has voting power equal to the number of people they represent (i.e. 1000 people, 1000 votes). Representatives my serve as long as they are elected by their group.
12) Groups represented in the House of the People may hold elections at their own digression, but no more frequently then once every four months. Citizens may re-register with a different group at any time, but no more frequently then once every four months.
13) Convert the Senate into the House of the Land. Each state will supply 2 representatives, one given 50 votes the other given votes based upon relative population.
14) Bills shall follow this process to become a law: must be passed by the House of the People representing at least 94% of America with a 3/5ths majority. Must pass the House of the Land representing at least 94% of America with a 3/5ths majority. Must pass the House of the People a second time with the same criteria. The second vote in the People's House can not occur until at least five months after the first vote was passed.
15) Abolish state governments and boundaries. Redistrict America into smaller more manageable states. Create new regional governments more closely tied in with the federal system. For example, governors would also serve as a representative in the House of the Land.

>> No.1903010

16) The vice president shall be nominated and voted on separately from the president.
17) Presidents may only serve one six year term. Initiatives will be placed on the ballet every two years, asking voters if they wish to remove the president from office. Normal presidential succession will follow.
18) The president shall be granted a line item veto, requiring an 8/9ths approval from both houses to override.
19) Supreme court justices can enact a vote of no confidence, expelling one member of the supreme court only by unanimous connect of all remaining justices. The vote of no confidence can not be enacted if there is a vacant seat on the bench.
20) No state shall have the power to place stricter requirements or otherwise supersede the federal authority regarding items 1 through 6.
21) Ban any and all future drafts or conscription of any soldiers even in war time.
22) The vote will be granted to all American residence over the age of 21 who have met one of the following requirements:
a) Served in the armed forces for a minimum of 4 years and is discharged in good standing. Active military is not granted franchise.
b) Owns property with a total worth of a minimum the equivalent of 29 troy ounces of .9999 pure gold. Property need not be exclusive ownership, but only the owners share shall be counted towards the total.
c) Pass a citizen aptitude test with a score of 97% or higher. (Note: test should be structures so that the would be a less then 2% pass rate).
23) Basically restructure the armed forces to resemble Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers.

That's all I can think of for now.

>> No.1903019

1. Get a sex change.
2. Make many racist and homophobic comments in my inaugural address.
3. Veto everything.
4. Watch EVERYONE have an aneurysm.

>> No.1903033

I agree with most of what you said. Good man.

You seem to be a little too libertarian for my tastes though. I like publicly funded, required education.

>> No.1903101

1) Health care: universal health care while private insurers can cover supplementary insurance; more highly regulated pharmaceuticals to keep prices reasonable and metal shards out of children's tylenol
2) Education: mandatory school uniforms; earlier math and science education, longer school years, and abolition of teachers' unions while compensating the good ones better; new laws to protect teachers/schools from lawsuits while still being free to fire shitty teachers; force parents to attend parenting classes if their kids make bad grades. Also free public college education (maybe small tuition fees for state universities)
3) Infrastructure: widespread urban planning, selling land at expensive prices and/or tax incentives to encourage the building of tall apartment complexes rather than suburban wastelands. high-speed rail networks between financial centers. Investments in alternative fuel sources (especially solar) and funding NASA's proposal to build a solar-farming lunar colony. Also effective mass transit systems in cities.
4) sentence the entire Bush administration to death by hanging on TV; do the same with all the private military contractors and oil businessmen involved in the Iraq War. And the bankers responsible for the financial crisis. And the typical real estate and auto salesmen, just for shits and giggles. Then outlaw the death penalty.
5) Amnesty for illegal immigrants. They're already here and it'd be cheaper to grant them citizenship and pay taxes, than spend money fruitlessly trying to weed them out.
6) legalize marijuana
7) Public internet wires. Let private ISPs compete over open lines like they do in the rest of the world.

>> No.1903143

>see thread
>insane amounts of liberalist ideas
fuck this, i want to be a scientist not a hippy, im done with /sci/

>> No.1903198

8) Strict public campaign financing. Not a cent of private financing. Congressmen need all their financial transactions and communications monitored, and any that get suspiciously wealthy should be put on trial.
9) Lower the age of consent to 16 and drinking age to 18
10) legalize gay marriage. outlaw mormonism
11) Evolution in every school. No exceptions (looking at you, kansasfags)
12) Restructure welfare to pay out higher checks to those who are working, or can otherwise prove they're actively seeking work. Diminishing checks over time. There really wouldn't be a need for so much welfare spending if we had universal health care, college education, and extensive mass transit.
13) Also hang everyone working for Fox News on TV (along with Rupert Murdoch). THEN outlaw the death penalty. I'll let people like Limbaugh slide just because they're generally more batshit insane than deceptively evil.
14) Assassinate all the North Korean government officials and get it over with.
15) Probably do the same thing with the Pakistani government. Better to let India take over them again than let the two countries start a Cold War 2.0 over which religion is less stupid than the other.
16) Tax increases on the rich and close all the massive corporate tax loopholes.
17) (once an effective transportation infrastructure is in place) place taxes on oil while giving tax incentives to electric cars and the accessories that go with them.
18) Stricter gun laws. Preferably outlaw handguns (responsible for 85% of firearm-related crime; go figure) and require people to register in advance for rifles and shotguns. Guns with fingerprint scanners and a federal database to store them would be cool too.
19) invest in renovating run-down urban areas in addition to increased law enforcement.

that's about all i can think of for now

>> No.1903288

With the exception of a very few of you...

ITT: 15 year olds

>> No.1903370

How about compulsory education for K-9 with an optional 3 years of high school. It seems to work out well for the Japanese. Also, I would not be against a system of publicly funded vouchers for schooling. I'm mainly against the government running the school systems without any responsibility. The way they function now, they are a money pit.

>> No.1903381

Sure. Let me put it like this though: Ayn Rand is an idiot, and if you belief in her basic message, I think you're a hopeless naive fool.

If not, then you hopefully recognize that sometimes the solution to some problems is the state. Completely unregulated market economies are not always the answer due to monopolies, externalities, and so on.

>> No.1903407

While I wouldn't call her an idiot, I'd call excessive. I'd hate to use this as an example, but Bio Shock makes a good case for what happens when objectivism is taken to it's extreme. Being for limited government does not mean being for no government, that's called anarchy. When it boils down to it, government has two functions that it and only it can perform: protect its citizens from an outside government's tyranny and to keep its own citizens from defrauding, burgling, raping, enslaving and murdering one another. Everything beyond that is extra. That is not to say that a government couldn't or shouldn't take on more responsibility, but that additional roles given to the government should neither be unrestricted nor permanent.

>> No.1903409

<span class="math">18-1=17[/spoiler]

>> No.1903478

1)End the war on drugs, make each and every recreational substance controlled, but with hard drugs like amphetamines/heroin/cocaine you need to have a certain 'license' to buy them. There's also a limit how much you can buy it each month. Give teens objective education about each drug,how it acts in the brain, its withdrawal symptoms if there are such and what to do if someone ODs.
2)Re-organize school system to resemble that of South Korea's/Finland's. Education is free for legal citizens of the US.
3)Fund NASA to develop equipment for Mars landing and terraform. Encourage ESA to start building a permanent moon base.
4)Prostitution and gambling are now legal for people 18 or older.
5)Encourage states to start using metric system.
6)Cut military budget.
7)Invest in nuclear power.
8)Give bonuses to people who grow industrial hemp on their land.