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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1898515 No.1898515 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be immoral to kill a clone?

>> No.1898518

depends on how the clone was made. and if you think its immoral to kill someone in the first place.

>> No.1898522

>depends on how the clone was made
I don't see why.

>> No.1898525

OP doesn't understand the nature of the individual.

It's just as much a crime as killing some random person off the street.

>> No.1898530

Okay, but what if they had the same memories and impulses as the person?

>> No.1898537

well you got to define clone. do you mean an exact matter for matter copy, or one that was grown from an egg. and are you talking about killing your own clone or killing someone elses clone?

>> No.1898540

That still wouldn't make it the same individual. Even if a clone was an exact and perfect copy of the original, the moment they don't share exactly the same sensory input they become different people. Similar, but quite distinct.

>> No.1898545

(I'm not OP)

In my opinion all the options you named are immoral.

>> No.1898547

Unless the clone was killed at the precise moment it was formed, it has already begun experience from a different perspective and is not the same individual. People are nothing more than the collection of memories and genetics that compose them.

If you killed the clone before independent experience, however, you have still killed a person, just a person identical to another person.

>> No.1898556

>Would it be immoral to kill a clone?
according to history its immoral to kill anything that will not be used as food.

>> No.1898562


Is it immoral for one of a pair of identical twins to kill another?

>> No.1898565

their isn't such thing as moral or immoral thus it can't be either.

>> No.1898566

Not very accurate brah. We kill animals for science (even chimps), for fun (hunting) and just for convenience (dumping a bunch of chemicals in a house to get rid of the cockroaches).

>> No.1898569


This. morality is an abstraction. No objective relevance.

>> No.1898570

Is it immoral to eat a clone?

>Berabing clit

>> No.1898571

the two are just words human have made. you can't go outside and pick up a moral.

>> No.1898573

No. This^. Yours sounded smarter than mine. :P

>> No.1898586
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>> No.1898596

cannibals dont think so...

>> No.1898597

Something doesn't have to objectively exist for it to be real. As human constructs, purpose and morality do not exist in nature, but that doesn't mean their creation by humans is meaningless, because we have decided they have meaning.

ITT: edgy teenage pseudo-nihilists.

>> No.1898600

To be fair, you can't argue with the fact that there is no objective morality and thus no absolute answer to OP's question.

That said, I think you'll find that the consensus is that killing is immoral.

>> No.1898605
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>> No.1898609

Is morality decided by a vote now?

>> No.1898617

According to the law it is.

>> No.1898621

>That said, I think you'll find that the consensus is that killing is immoral.
explain that to the lion king

>> No.1898624

Nope, can't argue that.
Just responding to all the idiots saying "hey man morality isn't real, man".

>> No.1898625

>Something doesn't have to objectively exist for it to be real.
Tell me something that objectively does not exist that is real.
TG - Someone who likes to use ITT to get his opinion out.

>> No.1898626

One cannot be arrested for being immoral. On is arrested for breaking the law... unless you live in Iran.

>> No.1898630

So how do you define morality?

>> No.1898633

The only logical thinkers here

>> No.1898634

i lol'd

>> No.1898635

Abstract concepts, which only exist in the mind, yet are real for all intents and purposes.

Sure, you could argue that abstract concepts have a concrete existence as matter interacting with matter in someones brain, but that's not what's meant.

>> No.1898639

Actually you can get arrested for immoral conduct in a scientific context. We have ethics committees for that.

>> No.1898640

logicality is just an opinion. when you have the life of two men at your hands and can only save one, who dies?

>> No.1898642


Can you point to a moral please? How about post pix? Or failing that, a mathematical model?

>> No.1898647

>Can you point to a happiness please? How about post pix? Or failing that, a mathematical model?

>> No.1898650

Abstract concepts. Really? Those aren't real either, I'm sorry. And they exist in your mind, which has no physical form.

>> No.1898651

Can you prove you're real, and not just a figment of my subconscious?

See, I can cop out too.

>> No.1898655

We as humans learn to kill for survival or sacrifice for the better of the master race.
Ergo KILL and not murder.

>> No.1898659

As I understand it, ethics pertain to the expectations of the community for someone of a given position. A mayor is given power and is lawfully obligated to act ethical, i.e. to not exploit said power. If he gives a highway contract to his brother's business just because of his brother, that is unethical. That doesn't mean it is immoral.

>> No.1898660

There isn't such thing as happiness either. It's just a name we give a feeling in our body that our MIND makes us think were having.

>> No.1898661
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>> No.1898666

Maybe I am? But now we can agree that moral isn't real. Thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.1898668

Why has this not been done

>> No.1898669
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>this thread

>> No.1898671

lmao. well if your going to pull the DMT card on me then....you win. hahahah.

>> No.1898672

Everyone who is dissing abstractions and models, everything you perceive is nothing but data points. You use those data points to form a model of the world around you. The keyboard you are typing on is no more real than sqrt{-1).

>> No.1898680

one sided person with absolute no understanding for development.
i bet you label your pens

>> No.1898683

This thread started off with "Would it be immoral to kill a clone?" and is now at, "Everyone who is dissing abstractions and models, everything you perceive is nothing but data points. You use those data points to form a model of the world around you. The keyboard you are typing on is no more real than sqrt{-1).".

>> No.1898684

but the comic is true. this thread as gotten to the point where nothing is real.

>> No.1898687

That's because nothing is real, lets just end it at that.

>> No.1898690

just wait a sec.
I have a glorious idea that I have been wanting to implement for awhile now... In a corner of some public room... put a sticker about waist high on a wall that says... "Nihilist Seating".

>> No.1898695

All Opinions are REAL!

>> No.1898700
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What do I have to do to make my opinions imaginary?

>> No.1898701

that's what i said...

>> No.1898703

Nihilist may refer to. a person who believes human existence has no objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.

>> No.1898704


>> No.1898706
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I don't think you got the joke.

>> No.1898708

How do you justify your belief in naturalism and materialism, then?

Can you PROVE that the universe consists of nothing but matter? Can you PROVE that the universe obeys rules? No, you can't. Those are abstractions, beliefs, the irrational basis of all reason.

All reasoning has an aspect of irrationality. That's the nature of existance. All deductive reasoning is based upon inductive assumptions. All philosophies make some fundamental assumption that cannot be proven.

You can say there is no abstract, but by saying that, you're assuming an abstract.

It's funny how people accuse me of the nihilist by using a priori arguments that dismiss anything that cannot be conclusively proven.

>> No.1898709


No...that's what SHE said!

>> No.1898714
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I dont know which anon i am talking to anymore

>> No.1898715


Really. So If I hit you with a moral, and then a keyboard, which will hurt more?

>> No.1898718

Cool story, brah.

>> No.1898723

i thought i did. if i didnt then explain it to me please lol

>> No.1898727

>Can you PROVE that the universe consists of nothing but matter?
>implying physical or material refers only to matter
Stop getting ALL information from Wikipedia. It's nice once in awhile, but BS at other times. For philosophy stuff there are plenty of university websites with online encyclopedias of relevant terms.

But back to materialsm. It is generally the idea that the same physical interactions that cause an apple to drop to the ground dictate EVERYTHING. It contrasts the idea that human conciousness is somehow above or at least on par with the how fundamental the laws dictating the apple falling.

>> No.1898728


>implying that persistent and solid objects are abstractions.

Look, we may use an abstraction (like mathematics) to manipulate reality. But that doesn't make Mathematics "real". It's a tool for understanding the world, nothing more.

You're assuming we're all Rationalists in the traditional sense. Don't. Science is just the best tool we have to understand the natural world, but it's NOT my religion.

>> No.1898729

How do you define hit?

>> No.1898732
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>This Thread
This thread is now about Remote Control Cars

>> No.1898735

how do you define "define"?

>> No.1898737


Answer the question. You know exactly what I mean. Draw from your experience of being hit in the head.

One is a solid object with measurable properties. The other is a semantic spook.

Philosophy student eh? Enjoy your word games about nothing.

>> No.1898739

first i gotta say this
>implying that your implying implying about implying imply implied that i imply about implying.


>Look, we may use an abstraction (like mathematics) to manipulate reality. But that doesn't make Mathematics "real". It's a tool for understanding the world, nothing more.


>> No.1898740
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>> No.1898741

I was referencing the common (or what I thought was common) idea of what one who doesn't believe in anything should do; i.e. crawl into a corner, lay in the fetal position, and die.

>> No.1898742

Didn't imply anything of the kind, but if it makes you feel better by all means consider to skirt around the argument.

Btw, what you described is naturalism, not materialism.

You're on /sci/. You're arguing that because morality has no objective existence, it's not real. All I was pointing out is the supreme hypocrisy in such a statement, considering everything originates in the mind at some level.

>> No.1898744

Now I'm going to hit you with some photons.


Seriously, stop acting like a 17-year old who just discovered philosophy.

>> No.1898746

My point is, your definition of hit makes it logically impossible for one to hit another with a moral. If I'm not mistaken, that is a strawman.

And remember, those pain signals are just datapoints. /:)

>> No.1898748

I feel when photons hit me...

>> No.1898749

>implying there are any solipsists here, instead of a circlejerk of materialists and a couple philosophy majors using solipsism to point out the contradictions in the /sci/fags arguments.

>> No.1898752


Why not embrace absolute freedom? Enjoy attempting to take over the world or screwing lots of women?

Why does Nihilism imply depression to most people? Are you so addicted to needing to have stuff to "believe" in? To justify your own desires and so on?

Animals don't need any of that crap. Think dogs worry about the implications of Godels Theorem at night? I'm just an animal with a symbolic logic engine for extra world modeling. So are you. Get over it already.

>> No.1898753

1) You are confusing me with someone else. I've been using a trip this entire thread.

2) You were implying what I said you were implying whether you knew it or not because it was damn near explicit. You asked for another poster to " PROVE that the universe consists of nothing but matter" as if to say if it doesn't then materialism is invalidated, when the standard model in physics already states not everything is matter.

3) On another note, I don't like how you use the word "prove".

>> No.1898754


Really? So photon's can't be used to burn through solid objects now?

Dig deeper.

>> No.1898755

Oh, well you thought wrong, that's not common. Actually that's quite odd. You might want to go get psycho-analyzed

>> No.1898756

What is the mind?

>> No.1898758


>implying anything other than strict materialism is a valid perspective.

>> No.1898762

>when the standard model in physics already states not everything is matter.


>> No.1898764

Ask Alan Watts.

>> No.1898765


What does "what" mean?

>> No.1898767

the mind is where your conscience constructs your preceptions of the universe

>> No.1898768
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I already blame my mother for everything.

pic semi-unrelated, it was the only pic in my folder with the word "freud" in it.

>> No.1898769

Matter as a loose term for a logical substance; quantifiable.

The rest, fair enough. It's 4 am here and I have insomnia, so my arguments probably aren't the best.

>> No.1898773
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Convince me why I should. I'm open enough.

>> No.1898775

A moral is entirely subjective, and cannot exist without subjectivity. Because of this, it is impossible to tell "what is moral" as it depends on the person answering, and no one person's moral is more right than another's.

Though something doesn't [philosophically] "exist" until it is realized, they are still around to be realized. A moral simply ceases to be.

>> No.1898776

>implying you aren't still being hypocritical and illogical

>> No.1898778

Ah. Well I was just jesting. Are you a philosophy major?

>> No.1898782


>implying that A isn't A.

>> No.1898783

Because Alan Watts is the fucking shit! To bad hes dead though. RIP

>> No.1898787

>implying that your implying implying about implying imply implied that i imply about implying that im a complete faggot because i argue in the form of implying

>> No.1898791

>implying if A then B proves A

>> No.1898792

what (hwut, hwät, wut, wät)


1. the nature, class, name, purpose, etc. of a thing: what is that object?what is your address?
1. an explanation or repetition of something previously said: you told them what?
2. such an explanation or repetition: used elliptically: “Sh. Quiet!”“What?”
a quantity, sum, etc.: what will it cost? the value, importance, or effect of something: what is life without music?
2. that which or those which: to know what one wants anything that: do what you will the exact person or thing that: he's not what he was five years ago that or who: a nonstandard usage: the man what gave it to me
4. Chiefly Brit., Informal used to end a sentence with a general or rhetorical interrogative force: it's rather late, what? used to introduce a parenthetical element in a sentence: she has, what is rare, true tolerance used elliptically to mean “what it is,” “what to do,” etc.: I'll tell you what!

Origin: ME hwat < OE hwæt, neut. of hwa, who < IE interrogative base *kwo-, *kwe- > where, who, L qui, who what, Lith kàs, what, who

the true or basic quality of something: to uncover the what and why of their relationship


1. which or which kind of: used interrogatively or relatively in asking for or specifying the nature, identity, etc. of a person or thing: what man told you that? he knows what role she played
2. as much, or as many, as: take what time (or men) you need
3. how great, surprising, magnificent, disappointing, etc.: in exclamations: what a man! what nonsense!


1. in what respect? to what degree? how?: what does it matter?
2. how greatly, surprisingly, etc.: in exclamations: what tragic news!
3. Obsolete why?

Brit., Dialectal so far as; as much as: we warned them what we could

used to express surprise, anger, confusion, etc.: what! no dinner?

>> No.1898794


>im a complete faggot because i argue in the form of implying

Got that right.

>> No.1898801

>Matter as a loose term for a logical substance; quantifiable.
Well stop using it that way. The definition of matter is primary school science class stuff. Using it that way will only hurt your argument. But anyways, I understand what you meant to say now.

Goodnight. I need to go to bed too. I skipped two classes today studying for an Advanced Calculus test and I can't miss anymore tomorrow. Damn time release adderall keeping me up. :(

P.S. - As a physics major I take it personally when people misdefine physical terms. Maybe I was being too hard on you.

>> No.1898803

lol im not even in this arguement anymore. the last post i made was "their isn't such thing as moral or immoral thus it can't be either." then the shitstorm hit and people started arguing in the form of implying. never have seen such faggot tree.

>> No.1898815
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>Because Alan Watts is the fucking shit!
Your enthusiasm entices me, it entices me. But that isn't enough for me to look at his Wikipedia article this late at night, and I'll likely forget about it tomorrow.

>> No.1898816
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In case this 404's look forward to reading the comments, toasted in sci/math you're welcome <.>

>> No.1898817

holy shit! did you no that if your browsing in firefox and click on a baby blue box behind someones black text while holding control it puts a blue border around it like it is selecting it! totally irrelevant but i just found that out.

>> No.1898819

I don't think he actually read your post.

>> No.1898822

i predict epic lulz will be had

>> No.1898823

I just found out that PAM dissolves glue residue and that camera phones can see the flashes of infrared light from TV remotes.

>> No.1898824


Ummm what B? We exist in a world of physical objects. Regardless of their structure, they are persistent, measurable and observable by more than one individual. We call these things Matter.

Matter is Not an Abstraction.

Matter is Matter.

A is A. (Damn it, I sound like Ayn Rand).

An Abstraction is a mental construct. A neural flickering to help build our model of the world. Just because we use abstractions to understand the world doesn't make them "real" the way Matter is.

The Map is NOT the Territory. The Menu is NOT the Meal.

>> No.1898827

>this question has been DELETED

>> No.1898828

oh i wasn't implying that he did, i didn't think he read it anyways, i just wanted to comment on the fact, totally irrelevant to his knowledge but now he knows.

>> No.1898830

>and that camera phones can see the flashes of infrared light from TV remotes.

wtf?! are you serious?!

>> No.1898832

>Matter is Not an Abstraction.
Yes it is. It's just a concept in a theory. And keep in mind I'm not some chickenshit philosophy major. I'm a physics major. Physics is my life.

>> No.1898833

TRY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1898834

in your name fizx what does the !d75etXAowg stand for. i've never understood it. but can't ask in /b/ or ill be a newfag, tho i've been here since 05, i just don't care about what goes on, on this site.

>> No.1898838

yeah most camera CCDs can pick up a bit of the IR band that boreders red visible light

>> No.1898839

I think it would be immoral to kill a clone because you are terminating a living thing, regardless of it's origins, for no valid purpose.

Of course, if it's done something to warrant death, then go ahead.

>> No.1898841


Then you've lost the game. I'd hoped you were some philosophy major who just discovered Kant or something.

Oh dear. Do you think that objects are made of numbers as well?

Again, the Map is NOT the Territory. You've lived inside your head a little long haven't you?

>> No.1898843

Really dude....everyone stopped arguing, and you just have to jump back in like a faggot. Leave it alone.

As Alan Watts said, "Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know. ". So believe what you want, do what you want, live your own life. Believe we were all made by you if you want who cares.

>> No.1898846

That is my actual trip code. Tripcodes work by typing in a name, then the number symbol "#", followed by any series of characters. The characters before the "#" will be seen by everyone who reads your post, it will be your name, while everything to the right will be encrypted so that no one but yourself will know what it is. That is so no one can imitate you.

>> No.1898849

thats awesome!

>> No.1898850


Give it up man, he's a solipist.

>> No.1898852

no it has not. copy and paste dude, dont click because greasemonkey is a monkey


>> No.1898855

>claims to have been on 4chan longer than a week
>doesn't know what a tripcode is
Oh come one, you don't have to lie on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.1898859


>> No.1898865

No thats the truth.....what do I care, you don't believe me hahah Jesus, like I need to impress people on this board. If anything it makes me look more like a loser then anything because I've been on this site this long. I didnt even post once until 09....maybe 08. I would just come here for the funny ass shit in /b/. and i dont no what a trip code is because im not a computer geek.

>> No.1898866


Yeah your right, that was faggot of me. Solipsists just irritate me though.

>> No.1898869

and now rape is my name. i dont want a trip code. makes me look like a nerd.

>> No.1898873

If it is a 4chan raep than it is acceptable!
also stop trien so hard

>> No.1898874

It's all good. I didn't mean to use the word faggot, I was just irritated by the fact the arguing started again, I forgot this is what this image board is for. Would you like to make up with gay sex?

>> No.1898878

I didn't try that hard. Actually I just typed a few words, but thanks for looking out for my well being. Gives me a warm feeling inside.

>> No.1898879

We'll this has been an eye-opening (mind opening also, so no one argues that my eyes aren't real) chat. Thank for the different view on all kinds of subjects.

>> No.1898882

Fuck dude, I'm just not getting through to you. All you and I can "know" is what we percieve, and our perceptions aren't that there are desks in front of us or that there are air currents passing over our skin, it's baser than that. All we have to work with are the impulses that get to our minds. Describing where those impulses came from is by definition a model, or an abstraction.

You seem to think I believe everything is invalid, but I think it is the other way around. I think you are drawing an arbitrary distinction between what you think is "real" and what is "a construct".

This all kind of ties in with the misconception that science creates facts. Science is the method of using observations (those nerve impulse data points) to create theoretical models (the idea of air currents to describe the cool sensation on your skin) that can make predictions.

>> No.1898885
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>Would it be immoral to kill a clone?
It would only be moral if the clones were spherical and in a vacuum

>> No.1898888

huh, I've been watching this thread thinking I didn't agree with you and then you go and say exactly what i was thinking...

>> No.1898890

Maybe I cut that down too much. Someone tell me if they think it needs some filling in.

>> No.1898892

If there's one thing you can learn from that comic, it's that scientific anwers to many philosophical questions are trivial and cognitively unfulfilling at best.

>> No.1898895

Was it my definiton of science that reeled you in? People who have a decent understanding of what science is are too few and far between.

>> No.1898896

but that is true of most philosophical answers to philosophical questions.

>> No.1898898

more or less. maybe I was just misunderstanding your posts, its pretty late lol

>> No.1898901
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Anons asking questions by anons that anons answer for other anons, then anons follow up on anons replies that are not anon related but anon still answers to the anon before the last anon.... Oh My i just got a brain hemorrhage !

>> No.1898904

I'm about to masturbate to CP, what do you fools think about that! Is it moral to masturbate to CP?

>> No.1898905

I hate philosophy. Ironic that I find myself in these threads so often.

Really, what I hate is the definition of philosophy. It's supposed to be all encompassing, with I think is idiotic. The philosophy of science should just be called the study of science. Some ass holes one day just decided to label "The study of [blank]" philosophy and here we are. It's so braod its useless. Worse, the many useless tangents "philosophers" pursue is thought to be valid just because philosophy as a whole is thought to have value (and its kind of hard not to convince people something has value when you define it as EVERYTHING).

And I hate philosophers.


>> No.1898906

child porn is a secular definition, not a moral one. its would be immoral only if you are breaking a law by doing it

>> No.1898907

Sometimes yes, but philosophy people usually have more knowledge of the implications of their questions which can help in answering them. Good scientists are not supposed to look at non-empirical implications since it's outside of their field. The tragedy occurs when their methodology gets applied to all facets of human existence.

>> No.1898914

alright. then its immoral as we speak ;)

>> No.1898919

i think thats the view many people would take, yes.

>> No.1898927 [DELETED] 
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>I'm about to masturbate to CP, what do you fools think about that! Is it moral to masturbate to CP?

As Oprah once said on a show related to what you just said.
"Thinking about it is completely different than acting it out" So with that said i hope you are the fantasy type and not the one that hurts children.
>Fantasy Is totally acceptable in my view.
ps: if you are the fantasy type dont kill yourself.

>> No.1898928

I haven't argued this particular position that often. I might not be great at it. I also think it might be a little too easy for my posts to construed as the rantings of some angsty self-declared-nihilist teenager.

Personally, if I were reading someone else arguing what I was arguing I would probably react the same way as you or some of the other posters. The ironic thing is that my conclusions evolved out of my how important I see empiricism as. Like I said in my other post, science makes observations and creates models. Those models are damned important, but people hear the word model and they think it's less than valid, the same goes for the word theory.

tl;dr - I find it ironic that my quasi-nihilism is a product of my die-hard empiricism.

>> No.1898930

One of us is very confused. Secular doesn't mean not pertaining to morality.

>> No.1898931

As Oprah once said on a show related to what you just said.
"Over 9000 penises".

Sorrry, I couldn't resit. lol

>> No.1898937

sorry, what I was getting at is that often morals are derived from religous concepts (ten commandments and all that), where as secular is more arbitary. im playing pretty loose with these definitions however... I guess what im saying is that there is nothing morally wrong with having child porn, in the same sense that there is nothing morally wrong with going 90 miles an hour down the highway. as opposed to laws against murder or theft, which are morally wrong.

>> No.1898939

>So with that said i hope you are the fantasy type and not the one that hurts children.
Never in my life would I, welll since your a psychologyfag, could you tell me why I beat it to them in the first place? I think it all started with anime...then hentai....then loli....then 4chan....then cp. lol that's my theory

>> No.1898940 [DELETED] 

it was an episode with doc phil that i thought you would understand because of her history and doc phills familly history.
but thats ok if you want to lol.
i will not judge your sense of humour .
always look on the bright side of life (whistles)

>> No.1898942


>> No.1898972 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x358, shame_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could you tell me why I beat it to them in the first place?
you excelled beyond reasonable doubt. meaning and lets stay on topic. that you forced your self to like something you resented in the first pace.
when we get angry with the world we tend to go against any moral logic because we dont ... i should i say Want to move on with the 'robots'.
my advice to you is find in your self what can make you a likable person... i know it sux thinking that way . but its better than complete isolation.
you should look into necrophilia than google more of the 'phila' terms and you will find that you are not alone.
sorry for late reply but i was on the phone..

>> No.1899031

this is the messiest thread i have seen on /sci/

>> No.1899035


>> No.1899058

I did because i created it lol

>> No.1899104

Lol you thought this was over…bump.

>> No.1899428

what about being a clone makes murder controversial?
because they don't have 'souls'?