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File: 379 KB, 966x959, Harvard-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1895587 No.1895587 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I perform at an average C level in high school, yet I still wanted to attend Harvard. Could I re-take these classes to get a 3.5 GPA?

Or would I have to attend college and transfer over?

Or am I fucked?

>> No.1895597

im pretty sure you can retake but also pretty sure harvard will not take you in

>> No.1895593

Just throw money at them, Harvard is the bribe school

>> No.1895601

Do a lesser college

Do grades good, Learn people

Go Harvard

>> No.1895616

The only advantage to re-taking the classes is it would show Harvard that I'm determined.

But that my be romanticism, and they could just easily say "ha ha ha gtfo"

>> No.1895619

You are fucked, you can't retake enough classes and even a 3.5 is nowhere near guaranteed acceptance into Harvard

>> No.1895639

realistically, the probability of you attending harvard is practically zero. a 3.5 would not be enough to get you in, unfortunately. plus, your SAT scores would need to be outrageous (in general, but in your case especially).

i would imagine that transferring in is extremely difficult. (when i was a high school i vaaaguueeelly remember harvard scrapping transfer admissions altogether because they were so saturated with applicants. i could be wrong on this though.)

the good news is that it actually doesn't matter where you go to school for your undergrad. grad school is a possibility if you are truly an exceptional student. unlikely, but possible.

tl;dr version: no, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.1895656

Harvard for undergrad is the biggest possible waste of money there is in this country

>> No.1895662

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Well, I could probably get whatever GPA I need. But really something tells me that you need a lot more than just a high GPA to get in there

Regardless, after reading this -


it seems that I should have excelled in high school.

>> No.1895669

hmmmm noted.

>> No.1895681

College Confidential is home to 2 kinds of people

1. Overachieving white/jewish kids in the northeast
2. Overachieving Asian kids in California (who keep applying to my glorious University of Washington ffffuuuu)

They have extremely unrealistic standards of what the average student should be. Don't go to college confidential for anything outside of major-specific boards.

And fuck Harvard. Go to your state's public flagship and call it a day. You'll be in a shitload less debt and probably have better research opportunities anyway.

>> No.1895701
File: 728 KB, 2655x1752, mitgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck harvard, the chicks are pigs.

>> No.1895703

Hmmm yeah, you're right. Also thanks for the heads up on that web site. Didn't know it was full of douche bag yuppies.

Yeah, I'm probably just going to attend Oregon State University, which would be fine. It's just a year before I attend I figured I'd take a look at Harvard, and if there was any possibility of me joining I'd do whatever it took to join.

But really OSU is probably good enough, you know.

>> No.1895742

OSU is fine for science/engineering. Harvard actually...isn't, I mean you could go there for that, but it's more of a place to study social sciences and business and make some really good connections so you can get a yuppie job in Manhattan.

OSU's the place to go if you just want a job at Expedia or Boeing or something. Also a really hot girl I know is going there (and getting herself into absurd debt because she's out-of-state, lmao) so I'm guessing the social scene is chill there.

Isn't OSU also pretty easy to get into? Note that for engineering it honestly doesn't matter as long as it's ABET-accredited, which OSU is.

>> No.1895772

Yeah I heard the scene there is pretty nice.

And is it easy to get into? Hmm dunno...Maybe it's RELATIVELY easy to get into. I mean, I saw students who performed at a C level get in there, so I'd assume so. If not I could probably transfer credits or do something to get in there, I'm sure.

Also, are you the guy in Washington? Just out of curiosity...How is Whitworth? My cousin is going there

>> No.1895787

Yeah, I'm a chem sophomore at UW.

Whitworth's a hippie-ish liberal arts school out in eastern Washington that I've never been to, but everyone I know who goes there seems to like it. It's small and close-knit and is full of that art student archetype.

Don't rule out community college for your first couple years, it saves you a lot of money and you learn the same shit (the calculus you learn at MIT is no different from the calculus at Portland Community College).

Again this is all assuming you're going into science/engineering, where undergrad prestige doesn't really matter. What major are you interested in?

>> No.1895801

lol no there is no way you can get into harvard with a 3.5gpa, and there is equally no way you are going to transfer into there

just dont do what i did and get rejected from all of the top 10 schools and then get pissed at the system and instead of just going to state school for free decide to go to a slightly better private university and then end up sitting there racking up debt realizing you should have just gone to public school and that your career is going to be screwed up by all the debt you have to pay back before you can finally do what you want

>> No.1895811

>What major are you interested in?

lol. Science and engineering. And yeah, i'm actually attending PCC right now (doing my calculus homework at the moment as well)

Honestly this is my first year of college, and I haven't really bothered to look into any higher schools until today. I don't know if I could just transfer from here to there..Hmmm I bet I could. probably just a few minutes of Google could get me an answer anyway

Also I realize that I couldn't transfer from a community college to Harvard. I figured I'd go to some higher school than switch there, and the determination would look good on my end. But really that's probably just wishful thinking. More i think about it thought he more i realize OSU is my best bet.

>> No.1895816

also let me tell you that the system is indeed bullshit, i had a 4.9 weighted/4.0uw and a 2390 on the sat and i still got rejected by all the top 10 schools, dont waste your time and money applying to them, just try to maximize the value of your education, which without a huge scholarship means a non shitty state school

>> No.1895838
File: 21 KB, 320x312, large_superbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-state CCs often have agreements with in-state public schools that ensure all your credits will transfer neatly. At CCs you also get the benefit of smaller classes and instructors who do in fact speak english. It's a totally valid route if you know exactly what your plan is.

Don't get caught up in missing that whole "college experience" bullshit; you're going there to learn, not to live in a Seth Rogen movie for 4 years.

>> No.1895863

Alright man thanks a lot. I better finish this calc homework though. Take it easy.

>> No.1895889

lol, maybe if you are seriously enough of a nerd that being able to make new friends and drink or do drugs whenever you feel like it is less appealing than living with your parents for longer that's true, but come on man

and saying CCs are worthwhile for someone who can get accepted at a real college is simply not true, the instructional quality may be more personal but lowered expectations of the students mean that outside of basic memorization classes, you really aren't going to learn as well at all, and it depends on the state but in most states the financial difference is inconsequential, maybe a thousand a year, so unless you'd really rather live at home than at college you aren't doing yourself any good, unless you just dont make it into the state schools you're interested in