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1892962 No.1892962 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if you get drunk every night? Does it make ur brain stupider?

>> No.1892968

The fact that you get drunk and ask later means that you're stupid

>> No.1892977

Yes, but it's just your supercharged mind trying desperately to stop thinking so much. No worries.


>> No.1892986

I'm wasted right now, einstein.

>> No.1893014

i've been pass out drunk over a thousand times now and i'm still getting smarter. as long as you don't get alcohol poisoning or whatever you are safe.

>> No.1893019


>> No.1893050


>> No.1893056


>> No.1893065


>> No.1893071

Getting drunk makes you smarter. It kills off all the weak slow brain cells, so there's nothing to hold back the strong fast ones any more.

>> No.1893077

Hahaha oh fuck I'm posting this next time I'm on /new/

>> No.1893089
File: 15 KB, 300x451, freedom-of-expression-go-to-hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If getting drunk makes you stupid, then why are Muslims so stupid?

>> No.1893102
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Sand in the foreskin makes masturbation painful.

>> No.1893106

>Implying there's only one way to get stupid.
>Ignores Golden age of Islam.

High School is that way --------->

>> No.1893114

Evoloution : 1
Christianity: 0
>>Ignores Golden age of Islam.
but that was so very long ago

>> No.1893118

Repealing the prohibition act must have been the best ting for society.

>> No.1893162

>Implying Golden Age of Islam wasn't built on the work of pre-Islamic civilizations until Islam finally destroyed all their work

>> No.1893175

>Implying Golden Age of Islam wasn't built on the work of pre-Islamic civilizations until the Mongols finally destroyed all their work

fixd. We'd be just as fucked as them if Ogedei didn't die. Because he did, the hordes had to leave Europe to go back to Mongolia to be present for the new Kahns ascension. If that bastard didn't have a heart attack, they would have spread across Europe with nothing to resist them but tiny feudal kindoms.

>> No.1893200

The mongol cavalry hordes wouldn't have survived the geography of Europe.

>> No.1893431


you're a retard, europe is a fucking easy place to live and do business. hence why it is the area of the world that has made the greatest contributions to humanity. the mongols wiped out 2 (strong) nations in 2 days. europe would have been fucked within a few months at the most, possibly with the exception of the british isles since mongols cannot water.

>> No.1893438

Interesting, that works in reverse for me.

I used to drink as a child, but ever since I gave it up I've become pretty smart.

>> No.1893443

hangovers kill time.. lots of time.. plus getting drunk itself takes up what at least 4 hours? Kind of hard to do productive work when you're wasted..

>> No.1893448

possible explanations?

>> No.1893458

intelligent > nobody likes you > isolation > so ronery > alcohol abuse

>> No.1893581

REALLY smart people don't make it obvious to other people that they're intelligent, therefore this argument is invalid.
From that follows IQ != Intelligence.

>> No.1893595

>REALLY smart people don't make it obvious to other people that they're intelligent
>[citation needed]

>> No.1893603


Smart people are context sensitive. Thus, they won't stand out when it's bad for them. And they have no problem talking with people on "lower levels" than them.

>> No.1893605

Probably, but turning up to an exam after drinking a bottle of peppermint essence is a sign of extreme stupidity. Don't do it.

>> No.1893613

Then I'm afraid to say smart =/= intelligent.

Intelligence is simply the ability to solve problems.

>> No.1893625

You know what's great about sociologists? They can pull as much shit out of their asses as they want, as long as it doesn't sound too stupid.

>> No.1893646


ahh the old time management case against alcohol/drugs.

quite a peculiar argument to use in places such as 4chan where everyone involved is just wasting time

>> No.1893694


> Then I'm afraid that smart =/= intelligence
> sociologists

You niggers, intelligence is the ability to use your mental abilities to archive whatever you would want in whatever environment that's forced upon you. Shit is context sensitive. You don't think that not being able to relate to others or being a social fucktard, for most people, would be a problem? What you're saying doesn't contradict what I'm saying.

Take psychology 101 or something.

>> No.1893698

I get drunk most nights a week and it's leading me to a PhD.

I think it leads normal people to alcoholism.