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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1888267 No.1888267 [Reply] [Original]

why this wont work? I want a explanation that is normal, not some shitty theory

>> No.1888269

This is how wind turbines already work.

>> No.1888268

because troll science

>> No.1888270

it does, fuckstick. the trollface is ironic. How do you think maglev trains and fusion works?

>> No.1888273

so this shit works? wont the magnets have the same force?

>> No.1888288
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Why is there actual science on my /sci/?

>> No.1888290

the trik is to have the other manget have stronger strength

>> No.1888300

Or just have one of the wings made out of half metal and half wood, so it won't be attracted as strongly

>> No.1888301

Force has to be greater on one end for the other end to be moved.
Magnets in a closed system pulling on themselves won't move anything.

>> No.1888303
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It wont work because the forces are internal. For something to move it must have an external force acting upon it.

>> No.1888306

0/10. poor attempt at trolling

>> No.1888793
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> mfw

>> No.1888809

Whenever someone posts an "invention" with magnets, just mentally replace the magnets with springs.

>> No.1888816
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>> No.1889358
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>> No.1889387

lol you should realize that about 15% of the "troll science" actually work IRL

>> No.1889402

haha lol'd there

>> No.1889416

this won't work because you can't attach propellers to a trollface

>> No.1889444
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Back to the drawing board

>> No.1889450

Okay, I'll bite.

You want an explanation why it won't work? Justify to my why it would move counter-clockwise and not clockwise. Yes, magnets are pulling the arms in front of them back, but the magnets themselves are also being pulled forward towards the metal.

>> No.1889497
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Just imagine trying to lift yourself. The analogy would debunk most of the trollphysics.

>> No.1889506

Direction of the magnets. I mean, srsly, everybody knows that!

>> No.1889544
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>> No.1889548
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>> No.1889555

what the fuck

>> No.1889669
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>> No.1889678



>> No.1889715

Why not, instead of bothering us, set the experiment up yourself.

>> No.1889781
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this one work.

>> No.1889809
File: 112 KB, 1114x591, First Law of Magnets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1889833

The magnet creates a magnetic field, which magnetizes metal near by. So thats why they attract, but the magnet is pulling on the blade, and the blade is pulling on the magnet. So, which way is it? Will the blade pull the magnet towards it causing it to spin clockwise, or will the magnet pull the blade towards it causing it to spin counterclockwise? The answer is both, they both pull on each other and cancel out, it doesnt spin!

Or, in a nut shell, newtons third law.

Hows that for a non troll answer?

>> No.1889845


why why why why why would you bother???

>> No.1889870


cause he asked nicely and im not a jerk like most people on 4chan, asking a stupid question nicely is not a troll, answering a stupid question with even a more stupid response is a troll

>> No.1890042

Stating you are not troll doesn't make it so. 1 For attempt though

>> No.1890155

i dont think it was a stupid question.. could be some young kid, which, if thats the case, shows that hes thinking.. many kids wouldnt even think of this, yet alone, know the answer!

>> No.1890173

net force is 0

>> No.1890214

That's what experimentation is for. Way to continue to crush the scientific spirit.

>> No.1890488

It doesn't work because you are ignorant towards Newton III which states that F_ij = - F_ji