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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1886189 No.1886189 [Reply] [Original]

So I was thinking (using my brain,lol) and realized who we are is our brains! but then i thought, if thats true, what about cells? cells have little brains of their own called nucleauses

since everything we do comes from our brains (big brains not nucleauses) if we understand our brains we cud figure out how people do what they do. like hitler, we could figure out what made him evil.

but then, what about those cells?? they have brains to, so they probably think they are people to.

Psyclogy is stupid, because it tries to figure out brains from just the brain, when what we need is a special new science that combines brain study and cell study.

but then probaby not it wud be bad if someone like hitler were able to figure out how everybody works

>> No.1886205
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The nucleus only performs functions like disposing of waste and distributing water around the cell etc. The nucleus can not perform tasks such as our Brains

>> No.1886209

>>1886189 we need is a special new science that combines brain study and cell study.


>> No.1886216

nice try 1/10

>> No.1886226

but does that figure out how people work? like why they do what they do

whoa, i just thot of something. wat if we are cells inside like a really big person?like, we think were people, but were just feeding a giant person

>> No.1886229

I nearly fucking pissed myself.

>> No.1886247
File: 3 KB, 127x107, WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No.. just no

>> No.1886264

is that a no to my question or a no to my idea??
becuz if its no to my idea how do you know? cells probably dont think they are cells either

we could be in like the cell matrix

>> No.1886331

does any1 know this?

>> No.1886376
File: 41 KB, 400x585, 1276385050897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a poor troll or a retard.

Most likely retard.

0 / 10

>> No.1886393

Shit man. You just blew my nucleause.

>> No.1886684

I think what the OP was trying to say touches on a theory that complex life (like a dog or a human, more specifically the immune system of said creatures) evolved piece by piece over time and not just BAM insta-immuno response, via the incorporation of bacteria and/or virus's that at one point lived and evolved independently to say humans that have now become an integral component to today's modern immune system (i.e white blood cells)...

We already know there is a part of the brain that literally creates how we perceive ourselves (gives us that single first-person feel and not a group third person feel, like with peeps who have this part of the brain damaged etc), just think for a second that maybe in order to make this collective of organisms (ie. the human body/immuno-response) function properly this collective would need to think/function as one...where was I going with this? Something about Communism....I don't know....

Anyways now im bored from typing this shit thanks alot /sci for making me loose my high...damn gotta get high as fuck and fast!