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1882520 No.1882520 [Reply] [Original]

>A new "Earth-like" planet! OMG it's going to be just like Earth! Let's all draw it that way!

No. This shit-hole is Tidally Locked. That means that its sun only shines on the same half of the planet all the time. This means no air currents, which are a byproduct of changing temperatures. No air currents also means no precipitation, even if there are fluids on the surface. Hell there probably isn't even an atmosphere.

This is one barren ass rock guys.

>> No.1882522

>implying you're a planetary physicist

>> No.1882525

Terraform that shit

...When we actually get off this rock

>> No.1882526
File: 23 KB, 288x362, cosby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Planet is 1.5X the mass of Earth
>Probably no atmosphere
>My face

>> No.1882534

My bad. 1.5X the diameter. More like 3 or 4 times the mass.

>> No.1882543

>No air currents also means no precipitation, even if there are fluids on the surface. Hell there probably isn't even an atmosphere.

It does mean air currents. Really fucking strong ones.

>> No.1882545

> That means that its sun only shines on the same half of the planet all the time. This means no air currents, which are a byproduct of changing temperatures.

Actually the tidal locking would mean high-speed winds between the illuminated and the dark side, due to large temperature differences.
The atmosphere can not be ruled out yet.

>> No.1882546

Explain this.

>> No.1882556

It actually depends on its dynamical history, location of the snow line, availability of gas due to transport by external bodies (example: late heavy bombardment), outgassing, etc.

>> No.1882558

>No air currents also means no precipitation

Lol no.

Surface heating -> convection -> if there is water vapor, condensation and precipitation

>> No.1882561


Because hot and cold air don't just leave each other alone. There will be extreme pressure differences where the temperature changes.

>> No.1882568


there will be a shit ton of activity at the light/dark interface.

>> No.1882572
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>> No.1882582

Got it. Wasn't thinking about that.

So how would this be different from Earth, besides the obvious hot sunny side and cold dark side.

>> No.1882596

It's difficult to know it. The internal heat released due to radioactive decay has influence on presence of a liquid metallic core (and hence a strong enough magnetic field), tectonic activity, etc.

The thickness and composition of the atmosphere influences physical and chemical erosion, climate, etc.
Oceans, clouds and ice caps regulate albedo, energy transport and a shit-ton of other stuff.

We need spectroscopic data on that shit.

>> No.1882600

Doesn't the existance of two poles with large temperature differences create somesort of planetary convection wind? Huge masses of air going from one pole to another and vice versa? That would be freaky.

>> No.1882607

my immediate suspicion is that you'd have very severe weather patterns (at least, intense winds/surface activity) at the horizon. obviously everything outside of that narrow band would be completely uninhabitable.

physically, i'm thinking you'd have a massive ring vortex stretching all the way around the planet at the horizon.

but i'm just a 4th year grad student in aerodynamics...

>> No.1882615

> around the planet at the terminator.
ftfy :)

>> No.1882621
File: 114 KB, 946x710, 286252main_kepler-milkyway-fov_946-710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, the real shit is going to be the Earth-mass planets in the habitable zones of F,G,K main sequence, solar metallicity stars that Kepler will show in a year or three.

>> No.1882625

or this week, even

>> No.1882626 [DELETED] 

actually the terminator of the planet is at Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882633

get out of here stalker.

>> No.1882634 [DELETED] 

leave my Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой alone

>> No.1882641


Currently the pass off the planets is just fine since their diameters are much larger than earth's. Just need to find one that doesn't have other anomalies.

>> No.1882644

well actually cuando comemos queso entre mis nalgas estamos tan contento como un gato gordo

>> No.1882646
File: 40 KB, 500x625, 5876L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm right here guys.

>> No.1882648 [DELETED] 

exactly ur Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882649

> cuando comemos queso entre mis nalgas estamos tan contento como un gato gordo


>> No.1882653

Just think, we'll be all excited about going there, then the economy will crash and we'll revert to barbarism.

And then China will into space because they can keep a lockdown on their shit.

>> No.1882665

The Earth economy or the new planet's economy?

>> No.1882670

Get out of here Stalker!

>> No.1882669

Earth's economy.

>all ready to go there
>but then the economy crashes

>haven't left yet
>no economy there to crash

lrn2 read.

>> No.1882673 [DELETED] 

actually i think Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882678 [DELETED] 

yeah fucking sersiouls dude Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882674

>And then China will into space
lrn2 type

>> No.1882683



>> No.1882687

Get out of here Stalker!

>> No.1882694

>China will into space

Reference to the old "Poland cannot into space" meme.

lrn2 4chan.

>> No.1882696

by the time we can get to that planet, we'll figure out how to make giant rockets we can strap to the planet and make it rotate....

>> No.1882699 [DELETED] 

Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882698

Hot air will flow up toward the dark region and cold air would flow underneath toward the hot region. Intense wind.

I wonder if a locked planet could inhabited in the rim close to the dark, where the perpetual sun would be balanced by the cold winds.

>> No.1882702

Imagine the possibilities for wind power along the rim there.

You'll need really durable materials, but constant, powerful winds = reliable power output.

>> No.1882703


China can't do shit if they don't have people making things for them to copy.

>> No.1882707
File: 295 KB, 479x357, ggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hot air even exists there
>implying Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882708


Why are you spamming a random lyric from Angels faggot???

>> No.1882709

>half the planet constantly sunlit.
>it's going to be hot as fuck there all the time.

>> No.1882716


I think anon's emphasis was on the word "air".


If it's more massive than Earth, I don't see how it wouldn't.

>> No.1882730
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you are.

enjoy your derp!

>> No.1882745

Wind power was seriously the first thing that came to your mind?

>> No.1882748
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>> No.1882752
File: 27 KB, 449x586, 1285475158394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha no

U Derp?

>> No.1882755

20 light years away is right in our interstellar backyard. If even a slightly habitable world is that close then the galaxy is likely a very interesting place.

>> No.1882759

>implying every fucking planet has to have the same shit living conditions as earth to be called "living".
>implying there's not a race of aliens who think our circling "alive planet" is rock of shit for having changing temperatures and air.

>> No.1882761

Try not to be trolled so easily. It is turning this board into shit... or at least more so.

>> No.1882764

>implying a world is evenly remotely habitable if it doesn't have air
Is that seriously what you are saying? There must be a miscommunication.

>> No.1882765

ok mom

>> No.1882767

Yah, lots of shit is possible, but where are you going to start looking with a whole goddam universe? You're going to start with things that look like life as you understand it. If something else peculiar shows up that might be life then great, but you have to start at some kind of defined set of parameters that you're going to look for,.

>> No.1882768


>implying the chink land is telling the exact truth of their economic state, and so called progress we all know to be bullshit since communist never tell other countries the truth.

>> No.1882777

From my knowledge base, you are sounding pretty ignorant of the topic. China IS going through an economically prosperous period and there are many reasons why it was and is expected regardless of what the Chinese government says. And that is assuming unbiased observers aren't allowed into the country when a great many are.

>> No.1882783

Actually I'm the same guy metatrolling you.

I'm done now.

>> No.1882790

>implying implications that imply you clearly have a poorly formed position

Congratulations!!! You have mastered the art of Straw-Man